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Rational R1000/400

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⟦3489d39a9⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 21504 (0x5400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Dynamic_Value_Saved, seg_0474d9


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Unbounded_String, Generic_List, Text_Io;

package body Dynamic_Value_Saved is

    package Value_String is new Unbounded_String (1);

    type Value (What : Kinds := Unknown) is
            case What is
                when Integer_Number =>
                    I : Integer;
                when String_Of_Characters =>
                    S : Value_String.Variable_String;
                when Vocabulary_Word =>
                    W : Value_String.Variable_String;
                when Boolean_Number =>
                    B : Boolean;  
                when Set_Of_Words =>
                    --a faire
                when others =>
            end case;
        end record;

    procedure Dispose (Obj : in out Object) is
        Obj := null;    -- le ramasse miette fait eventuellement le reste
    end Dispose;

    function Are_Equal (Obj1, Obj2 : in Object) return Boolean is  
        Kind1, Kind2 : Kinds;
        Kind1 := Get_Kind (Obj1);
        Kind2 := Get_Kind (Obj2);
        if (Kind1 = Kind2) then  
            case Kind1 is
                when Integer_Number =>
                    return (Obj1.all.I = Obj2.all.I);
                when String_Of_Characters =>
                    return (Value_String.Image (Obj1.all.S) =
                            Value_String.Image (Obj2.all.S));
                when Vocabulary_Word =>
                    return (Value_String.Image (Obj1.all.W) =
                            Value_String.Image (Obj2.all.W));
                when Boolean_Number =>
                    return (Obj1.all.B = Obj2.all.B);
                when others =>
                    return True;  
            end case;
            return False;
        end if;
    end Are_Equal;

    function Get_Kind (Obj : in Object) return Kinds is
        if (Obj = null) then
            return Unknown;
            return Obj.all.What;
        end if;
    end Get_Kind;

    function Get_Value (Obj : in Object) return Integer is
        if (Get_Kind (Obj) = Integer_Number) then
            return Obj.all.I;
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
    end Get_Value;

    procedure Set_Value (Obj : in out Object; Val : Integer) is
        if (Obj = null) then
            Obj := new Value'(What => Integer_Number, I => Val);
            Obj.all := (What => Integer_Number, I => Val);
        end if;
    end Set_Value;

    function Get_Value (Obj : in Object) return String is
        if (Get_Kind (Obj) = String_Of_Characters) then
            return Value_String.Image (Obj.all.S);
            if (Get_Kind (Obj) = Vocabulary_Word) then
                return Value_String.Image (Obj.all.W);
                raise Type_Clash;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Get_Value;

    procedure Set_Value (Obj : in out Object;
                         Val : String;
                         Is_A_Vocabulary_Word : Type_Value := String_Value) is
        if (Is_A_Vocabulary_Word = Voca_Value) then  
            if (Obj = null) then
                Obj := new Value'(What => Vocabulary_Word,
                                  W => Value_String.Value (Val));
                Obj.all := (What => Vocabulary_Word,
                            W => Value_String.Value (Val));
            end if;
            if (Obj = null) then
                Obj := new Value'(What => String_Of_Characters,
                                  S => Value_String.Value (Val));
                Obj.all := (What => String_Of_Characters,
                            S => Value_String.Value (Val));
            end if;
        end if;
    end Set_Value;

    function Get_Value (Obj : in Object) return Boolean is
        if (Get_Kind (Obj) = Boolean_Number) then
            return Obj.all.B;
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
    end Get_Value;

    procedure Set_Value (Obj : in out Object; Val : in Boolean) is
        if (Obj = null) then
            Obj := new Value'(What => Boolean_Number, B => Val);
            Obj.all := (What => Boolean_Number, B => Val);
        end if;
    end Set_Value;

    procedure Deep_Copy (Source : in Object; Target : in out Object) is
        I : Integer;
        B : Boolean;  
        S : Value_String.Variable_String;  
        W : Value_String.Variable_String;
        case Get_Kind (Source) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                I := Get_Value (Source);
                Set_Value (Target, I);
            when Boolean_Number =>
                B := Get_Value (Source);
                Set_Value (Target, B);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                S := Value_String.Value (Get_Value (Source));
                Set_Value (Target, Value_String.Image (S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                W := Value_String.Value (Get_Value (Source));
                Set_Value (Target, Value_String.Image (W), Voca_Value);
            when others =>
        end case;
    end Deep_Copy;

    procedure Light_Copy (Source : in Object; Target : in out Object) is
        Target := Source;
    end Light_Copy;

    procedure Print (Obj : in Object) is
        case Get_Kind (Obj) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Text_Io.Put (Integer'Image (Obj.all.I));
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Text_Io.Put (Value_String.Image (Obj.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Text_Io.Put (Value_String.Image (Obj.all.W));
            when Boolean_Number =>
                Text_Io.Put (Boolean'Image (Obj.all.B));
            when Set_Of_Words =>
                --a completer
            when others =>
        end case;
    end Print;

    -- procedure d'evaluation des objets

    -- *** operations valables sur plusieurs types selon le sens commun  ***

    procedure Are_Equal (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I = Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) =
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) =
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));
            when Boolean_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.B = Right.all.B);
            when others =>  
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Are_Equal;

    procedure Is_Less (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I < Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) <
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) <
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Is_Less;

    procedure Is_Less_Equal (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I <= Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) <=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) <=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Is_Less_Equal;

    procedure Is_More (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I > Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) >
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) >
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));

            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Is_More;

    procedure Is_More_Equal (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I >= Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) >=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) >=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Is_More_Equal;

    procedure Is_Different (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I /= Right.all.I);
            when String_Of_Characters =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.S) /=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.S));
            when Vocabulary_Word =>
                Set_Value (Result, Value_String.Image (Left.all.W) /=
                                      Value_String.Image (Right.all.W));
            when Boolean_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.B /= Right.all.B);
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Is_Different;

    -- *** les entiers ***

    procedure Change_Sign (Obj : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Obj) /= Integer_Number) then
            raise Type_Clash;
            Set_Value (Result, -Obj.all.I);
        end if;
    end Change_Sign;

    procedure Add (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>               Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I + Right.all.I);
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Add;

    procedure Substract (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I - Right.all.I);
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Substract;

    procedure Multiply (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I * Right.all.I);
            when others =>
                raise Type_Clash;
        end case;
    end Multiply;

    procedure Divide (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        case Get_Kind (Left) is
            when Integer_Number =>
                if (Right.all.I = 0) then
                    raise Division_By_Zero;
                end if;
                Set_Value (Result, Left.all.I / Right.all.I);
            when others =>
        end case;
    end Divide;

    --  *** les booleens ***

    procedure Logical_And (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Boolean_Number) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        Set_Value (Result, Left.all.B and Right.all.B);
    end Logical_And;

    procedure Logical_Or (Left, Right : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Get_Kind (Right)) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        if (Get_Kind (Left) /= Boolean_Number) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        Set_Value (Result, Left.all.B or Right.all.B);
    end Logical_Or;

    procedure Logical_Not (Obj : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
        if (Get_Kind (Obj) /= Boolean_Number) then
            raise Type_Clash;
        end if;
        Set_Value (Result, not (Obj.all.B));
    end Logical_Not;

    -- *** les ensembles ***

    procedure In_Set (Set : in Object; Result : in out Object) is
    end In_Set;

    procedure Append_To_Set (Element : in Object; Set : in out Object) is  
    end Append_To_Set;

    procedure Delete_From_Set (Element : in Object; Set : in out Object) is
    end Delete_From_Set;

end Dynamic_Value_Saved;

E3 Meta Data

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