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Rational R1000/400

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⟦353db0c60⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 35840 (0x8c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Table_Formatter, seg_0046d0


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Document;
with Mapping;
with Errors;
with Table_Sort_Generic;
package body Table_Formatter is

    package Ad         renames Abstract_Document;
    package Ad_Specify renames Abstract_Document.Specify;

    Intercolumn_Spacing : constant := 2;
    subtype Column_Index is Natural range 1 .. Number_Of_Columns;

    type Width_List is array (Column_Index) of Natural;

    type A_String    is access String;
    type An_Item (Subitem_Length : Natural; Explain_Length : Natural);
    type Access_Item is access An_Item;
    type An_Item (Subitem_Length : Natural; Explain_Length : Natural) is
            Subitem     : String (1 .. Subitem_Length);
            Explanation : String (1 .. Explain_Length);
            Links       : Ada_Program.Element_List;
            Objects     : Object.Iterator;
            Next        : Access_Item;
        end record;

    type Item_List is array (Column_Index) of Access_Item;

    type Line;
    type Access_Line       is access Line;
    type Access_Line_Array is array (Integer range <>) of Access_Line;

    Current_Line : Access_Line;

    type Line is
            Values : Item_List;
            Width  : Width_List  := (others => 0);
            Next   : Access_Line := Current_Line;
        end record;

    Current_Column : Column_Index := Column_Index'Last;
    In_Subitem     : Boolean      := False;
    Max_Width      : Width_List   := (others => 0);
    Headers        : array (Column_Index) of A_String;
    Header_Column  : Natural      := 0;
    Column_Format  : array (Column_Index) of Adjust;
    Integer_Valued : array (Column_Index) of Boolean;

    function Justification (A : Adjust) return Abstract_Document.Position is
        case A is
            when Left =>
                return Abstract_Document.Left;
            when Right =>
                return Abstract_Document.Right;
            when Centered =>
                return Abstract_Document.Center;
        end case;
    end Justification;

    function Max (Left, Right : Integer) return Integer is
        if Left > Right then
            return Left;
            return Right;
        end if;
    end Max;

    procedure Insert (S               : String;  
                      Explanation     : String           := "";
                      Element_Linkage : Ada.Element_List := Ada.Nil_List;
                      Object_Linkage  : Object.Iterator  := Object.Nil) is
        -- Put the String into the current row/column, appending it if
        -- there is already something there.

        Cell         : Access_Item renames Current_Line.Values (Current_Column);
        Width        : Natural     renames Current_Line.Width (Current_Column);
        Max          : Natural     renames Max_Width (Current_Column);
        Slid         : constant String (1 .. S'Length)           := S;
        Explain_Text : constant String (1 .. Explanation'Length) := Explanation;

        Li : Long_Integer;
        if Integer_Valued (Current_Column) then
            Li := Long_Integer'Value (S);
        end if;

        if Cell = null then
            Width := S'Length;
            Width := Width + Subitem_Separator'Length + S'Length;
        end if;

        if Width > Max then
            Max := Width;
        end if;

        Cell := new An_Item'(Slid'Length, Explain_Text'Length,
                             Slid, Explain_Text, Element_Linkage,
                             Object_Linkage, Cell);
    end Insert;

    procedure Item (S : String;
                    Linkage : Ada.Element := Ada.Nil_Element;
                    Linkage_List : Ada.Element_List := Ada.Nil_List;
                    Object_Linkage : Object.Handle := Object.Nil;
                    Object_Linkage_List : Object.Iterator := Object.Create;
                    Explanation : String := "") is

        The_Object : Object.Handle    := Object_Linkage;
        Objects    : Object.Iterator  := Object_Linkage_List;
        Elements   : Ada.Element_List := Linkage_List;

        Dup : Boolean;

        -- Begin a new cell, put S there, and mark the cell closed by
        -- setting In_Subitem to be false.
        if Current_Column = Column_Index'Last then
            Current_Line   := new Line;
            Current_Column := Column_Index'First;
            Current_Column := Current_Column + 1;
        end if;

        if not Object.Is_Nil (The_Object) then
            Object.Add (Objects, The_Object, Dup);
        end if;

        if not Ada.Is_Nil (Linkage) then
            Ada.Append (Linkage, Elements);
        end if;

        Insert (S, Explanation, Elements, Objects);
        In_Subitem := False;
    end Item;

    procedure Header (S          : String;
                      Format     : Adjust  := Left;
                      Is_Integer : Boolean := False) is

        -- Set Header and Column Format
        Header_Column := Header_Column + 1;
        Column_Format (Header_Column) := Format;  
        Integer_Valued (Header_Column) := Is_Integer;
        Headers (Header_Column) := new String'(S);
        Max_Width (Header_Column) := S'Length;
    end Header;

    procedure Subitem (S : String) is
        -- If the current cell is open, add S to it.  Otherwise start a new
        -- cell, but leave it open.
        if In_Subitem then
            Insert (S => S);
            Item (S => S);
        end if;

        In_Subitem := True;
    end Subitem;

    procedure Last_Subitem is
        -- If the current cell is open, close it.  If the current cell is
        -- closed, we have an item that consists of zero subitems.  Give it
        -- a visible representation.
        if In_Subitem then
            In_Subitem := False;
            Item ("(none)");
        end if;
    end Last_Subitem;

    function Image (P : Access_Item) return String is
        -- P must be non-null
        if P.Next = null then
            return P.Subitem;
        end if;

        return Image (P.Next) & Subitem_Separator & P.Subitem;
        -- Recall that subitem lists are stored in reverse order
    end Image;

    function Buffer_Length return Positive is
        -- There may be reason for 1 or 2 additional spaces; 32 is overkill.
        Result : Positive := 32 + Intercolumn_Spacing * Number_Of_Columns;
        for I in Max_Width'Range loop
            Result := Result + Max_Width (I);
        end loop;
        return Result;
    end Buffer_Length;

    procedure Display (On_File : Io.File_Type) is
        -- Dump the data structure we have been building by traversing it
        -- recursively.  Note that all of the lists are stored in reverse
        -- order so that they were easy to build.

        Buffer    : String (1 .. Buffer_Length);
        Last_Char : Natural := 0;

        -- Document : Ad.Handle;

        Status : Errors.Condition;

        procedure Put (S : String) is
            First_Char : constant Natural := Last_Char + 1;
            Last_Char := Last_Char + S'Length;
            Buffer (First_Char .. Last_Char) := S;
        end Put;

        procedure New_Line is
            Io.Put_Line (On_File, Buffer (1 .. Last_Char));
            Last_Char := 0;
        end New_Line;

        procedure Replicate (C : Character; N : Natural) is
            -- Output N copies of C
            First_Char : constant Natural := Last_Char + 1;
            Last_Char := Last_Char + N;
            -- We assume small values of N
            for I in First_Char .. Last_Char loop
                Buffer (I) := C;
            end loop;
        end Replicate;

        procedure Display (P : Access_Item) is       begin
            if P /= null then
                Put (Image (P));
            end if;
        end Display;

        procedure Display_Headers is
            Excess : Width_List;
            for J in Column_Index loop
                Excess (J) := Max (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J)) -
                                 Headers (J).all'Length;
            end loop;

            Replicate (' ', Excess (1) / 2);

            for J in Column_Index loop
                Put (Headers (J).all);

                if J /= Column_Index'Last then
                    Replicate (' ', (Excess (J) + 1) / 2 + Excess (J + 1) / 2 +
                end if;

            end loop;

        end Display_Headers;

        procedure Display_Adjusted (L : Line) is
            Inner_Excess, Outer_Excess : Natural;
            for J in Column_Index loop
                Inner_Excess := Max_Width (J) - L.Width (J);
                Outer_Excess :=
                   Max (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J)) - Max_Width (J);

                case Column_Format (J) is
                    when Left =>
                        Replicate (' ', Outer_Excess / 2);
                        Display (L.Values (J));
                        if J /= Column_Index'Last then
                            Replicate (' ',
                                       (Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 + Inner_Excess +
                        end if;

                    when Right =>
                        Replicate (' ', Outer_Excess / 2 + Inner_Excess);
                        Display (L.Values (J));
                        if J /= Column_Index'Last then
                            Replicate (' ', (Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 +
                        end if;

                    when Centered =>
                        Replicate (' ', (Inner_Excess + Outer_Excess) / 2);
                        Display (L.Values (J));
                        if J /= Column_Index'Last then
                            Replicate (' ',
                                       (Inner_Excess + Outer_Excess + 1) / 2 +
                        end if;
                end case;
            end loop;

        end Display_Adjusted;

        procedure Display (L : Access_Line) is
            if L = null then
                -- Center the header

                -- A separator line
                for J in Column_Index loop
                    Replicate ('=', Max
                                       (Headers (J).all'Length, Max_Width (J)));
                    if J /= Column_Index'Last then
                        Replicate (' ', Intercolumn_Spacing);
                    end if;
                end loop;
                -- Display the head of the table
                Display (L.Next);

                -- Display the final line
                Display_Adjusted (L.all);
            end if;
        end Display;
        Display (Current_Line);
    end Display;

    function Gen_Linkage (From        : Access_Item;
                          In_Document : Abstract_Document.Handle)
                         return Ad.Linkage_Info is

        Local_List : Ada.Element_List := From.Links;

        Object_Reference  : Document.Element      := Document.Nil_Element;
        Object_References : Document.Element_List := Document.Nil_List;
        Status            : Errors.Condition;

        Object.Reset (From.Objects);

        while not Object.Done (From.Objects) loop
            Document.Resolve (Object_Reference, Object.Value (From.Objects),
                              Status => Status);
            Document.Add (Object_Reference, Object_References);

            Object.Next (From.Objects);
        end loop;

        Document.Reset (Object_References);
        return Ad_Specify.Gen_Linkage
                   Explain    => From.Explanation,
                   Definition =>
                      Mapping.Create (From.Links, Object_References));

    end Gen_Linkage;

    procedure Display (In_Document : in out Abstract_Document.Handle;
                       Table_Title :        String) is
        -- Dump the data structure we have been building by traversing it
        -- recursively.  Note that all of the lists are stored in reverse
        -- order so that they were easy to build.

        Status : Errors.Condition;

        procedure Display (P : Access_Item) is
            if P /= null then
                Ad_Specify.Table_Entry (In_Document, Image (P),
                                        Gen_Linkage (P, In_Document));
            end if;
        end Display;

        procedure Display_Headers is
            for J in Column_Index loop
                   (In_Document, (Headers (J).all),
                    Justification (Column_Format (J)));
            end loop;
        end Display_Headers;

        procedure Display (L : Access_Line) is
            if L = null then
                -- Display the head of the table
                Display (L.Next);

                for J in Column_Index loop
                    Display (L.Values (J));
                end loop;
            end if;
        end Display;
        if Current_Line /= null then
            -- create and initialize table.
            Ad_Specify.Start_Table (In_Document, Table_Title, "");

            Display (Current_Line);
            Ad_Specify.End_Table (In_Document);
        end if;
    end Display;

    function Normalize return Natural is
        -- Traverse the current structure looking for cells that consist
        -- of more than one subitem, and concatentate the subitems into
        -- a single item.

        -- Return the number of rows in the table.

        Result : Natural     := 0;
        Line   : Access_Line := Current_Line;
        P      : Access_Item;
        while Line /= null loop
            for J in Line.Values'Range loop
                P := Line.Values (J);

                if P = null then
                    Line.Values (J) := new An_Item'(0, 0, "", "",
                                                    Object.Create, null);
                elsif P.Next /= null then
                    Line.Values (J) := new
                                          An_Item'(Line.Width (J), 0, Image (P),
                                                   "", Ada_Program.Nil_List,
                                                   Object.Create, null);
                end if;
            end loop;

            Line   := Line.Next;
            Result := Result + 1;
        end loop;

        return Result;
    end Normalize;

    procedure Fill (Table : out Access_Line_Array) is
        -- Transfers the linked list pointed to by Current_Line into
        -- the sequential table.

        P : Access_Line;
        P := Current_Line;
        for J in reverse Table'Range loop
            Table (J) := P;
            P         := P.Next;
        end loop;
    end Fill;

    procedure Empty (Table : Access_Line_Array) is
        -- rebuilds the Current_Line link list from the sequential table,
        -- preserving the convention that lists are stored backwards.
        if Table'Length = 0 then
            Current_Line := null;
        end if;

        Table (Table'First).Next := null;

        for J in Table'First + 1 .. Table'Last loop
            Table (J).Next := Table (J - 1);
        end loop;

        Current_Line := Table (Table'Last);
    end Empty;

    function Abs_Field (On_Field : Integer) return Integer is
        if On_Field > 0 then
            return On_Field;
        elsif On_Field < 0 then
            return -On_Field;
            return 1;
        end if;
    end Abs_Field;

    procedure Sort (On_Field : Integer := 1) is
        Table      : Access_Line_Array (1 .. Normalize);
        Dont_Care  : Integer  := 0;
        Real_Field : Positive := Abs_Field (On_Field);

        function "<" (Left, Right : Access_Line) return Boolean is
            if Real_Field = On_Field then
                if Integer_Valued (On_Field) then
                    return Long_Integer'Value (Left.Values (On_Field).Subitem) <
                                 (Right.Values (On_Field).Subitem);
                    return Left.Values (On_Field).Subitem <
                              Right.Values (On_Field).Subitem;
                end if;
                if Integer_Valued (On_Field) then
                    return Long_Integer'Value
                              (Left.Values (Real_Field).Subitem) >
                              (Right.Values (Real_Field).Subitem);
                    return Left.Values (Real_Field).Subitem >
                              Right.Values (Real_Field).Subitem;
                end if;
            end if;
        end "<";

        procedure Table_Sort is
           new Table_Sort_Generic (Element       => Access_Line,
                                   Index         => Integer,
                                   Element_Array => Access_Line_Array);
        Fill (Table);
        Table_Sort (Table);
        Empty (Table);
    end Sort;

    procedure Sort (On_Fields : Field_List) is
        Table       : Access_Line_Array (1 .. Normalize);
        Dont_Care   : Integer := 0;
        Real_Fields : Field_List (On_Fields'Range);

        function "<" (Left, Right : Access_Line) return Boolean is
            for J in Real_Fields'Range loop
                    Field       : Integer := Real_Fields (J);
                    Increasing  : Boolean := Field = On_Fields (J);
                    Left_Value  : String renames Left.Values (Field).Subitem;
                    Right_Value : String renames Right.Values (Field).Subitem;

                    Left_Integer  : Long_Integer;
                    Right_Integer : Long_Integer;

                    if Integer_Valued (Field) then
                        Left_Integer  := Long_Integer'Value (Left_Value);
                        Right_Integer := Long_Integer'Value (Right_Value);

                        if Increasing then
                            if Left_Integer < Right_Integer then
                                return True;
                            end if;

                            if Left_Integer > Right_Integer then
                                return False;
                            end if;
                            if Left_Integer > Right_Integer then
                                return True;
                            end if;

                            if Left_Integer < Right_Integer then
                                return False;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                        if Increasing then
                            if Left_Value < Right_Value then
                                return True;
                            end if;

                            if Left_Value > Right_Value then
                                return False;
                            end if;
                            if Left_Value > Right_Value then
                                return True;
                            end if;

                            if Left_Value < Right_Value then
                                return False;
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    end if;
            end loop;

            return False;
        end "<";

        procedure Table_Sort is
           new Table_Sort_Generic (Element       => Access_Line,
                                   Index         => Integer,
                                   Element_Array => Access_Line_Array);
        for I in On_Fields'Range loop
            Real_Fields (I) := Abs_Field (On_Fields (I));
        end loop;
        Fill (Table);
        Table_Sort (Table);
        Empty (Table);
    end Sort;


    -- Default to empty left justified headers.
    for J in Column_Index loop
        Column_Format (J) := Left;
        Headers (J)       := new String'("");
    end loop;

end Table_Formatter;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x0c] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=05c
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        [0x10] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=028
        [0x11] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=038
        [0x12] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=022
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        [0x16] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=016
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        [0x1a] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=00e
        [0x1b] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=036
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        [0x20] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=06a
        [0x21] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=001
    tail 0x217002a24815c6719afd3 0x42a00088462061e03