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Length: 27648 (0x6c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Puz_Main, seg_005396
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Puz_Puzzle; use Puz_Puzzle; with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Atom_Defs; use Xlbt_Atom_Defs; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Color; use Xlbt_Color; with Xlbt_Event; use Xlbt_Event; with Xlbt_Event2; use Xlbt_Event2; with Xlbt_Font; use Xlbt_Font; with Xlbt_Hint; use Xlbt_Hint; with Xlbt_Gc; use Xlbt_Gc; with Xlbt_Geometry; use Xlbt_Geometry; with Xlbt_Graphics; use Xlbt_Graphics; with Xlbt_Key; use Xlbt_Key; with Xlbt_Pointer; use Xlbt_Pointer; with Xlbt_Rm; use Xlbt_Rm; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbt_Visual; use Xlbt_Visual; with Xlbt_Window; use Xlbt_Window; with Xlbp_Bitmap; use Xlbp_Bitmap; with Xlbp_Color; use Xlbp_Color; with Xlbp_Cursor; use Xlbp_Cursor; with Xlbp_Display; use Xlbp_Display; with Xlbp_Event; use Xlbp_Event; with Xlbp_Font; se Xlbp_Font; with Xlbp_Gc; use Xlbp_Gc; with Xlbp_Geometry; use Xlbp_Geometry; with Xlbp_Graphics; use Xlbp_Graphics; with Xlbp_Hint; use Xlbp_Hint; with Xlbp_Rm; use Xlbp_Rm; with Xlbp_Sync; use Xlbp_Sync; with Xlbp_Text; use Xlbp_Text; with Xlbp_Window; use Xlbp_Window; with Xlbp_Window_Information; use Xlbp_Window_Information; with Xlbp_Window_Property; use Xlbp_Window_Property; package body Puz_Main is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Originally: main.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Puzzle - (C) Copyright 1987, 1988 Don Bennett. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Server_Bug : constant Boolean := True; Geb_Server_Bug : constant Boolean := True; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Puzzle -- -- Don Bennett, HP Labs -- -- this is the interface code for the puzzle program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- #include "ac.cursor" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ac_Width : constant := 16; Ac_Height : constant := 16; Ac_X_Hot : constant := 8; Ac_Y_Hot : constant := 8; Ac_Bits : constant U_Char_Array := (16#00#, 16#00#, 16#80#, 16#01#, 16#C0#, 16#03#, 16#E0#, 16#07#, 16#80#, 16#01#, 16#88#, 16#11#, 16#8C#, 16#31#, 16#FE#, 16#7F#, 16#FE#, 16#7F#, 16#8C#, 16#31#, 16#88#, 16#11#, 16#80#, 16#01#, 16#E0#, 16#07#, 16#C0#, 16#03#, 16#80#, 16#01#, 16#00#, 16#00#); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- #include "ac_mask" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ac_Mask_Width : constant := 16; Ac_Mask_Height : constant := 16; Ac_Mask_Bits : constant U_Char_Array := (16#C0#, 16#03#, 16#C0#, 16#03#, 16#E0#, 16#07#, 16#F0#, 16#0F#, 16#E8#, 16#17#, 16#DC#, 16#3B#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#FF#, 16#DC#, 16#3B#, 16#E8#, 16#17#, 16#F0#, 16#0F#, 16#E0#, 16#07#, 16#C0#, 16#03#, 16#C0#, 16#03#); Terminate_Program : exception; Puzzle_Border_Width : constant := 2; Title_Window_Height : constant := 25; C_Boundary_Height : constant := 3; C_Box_Width : constant := 10; C_Box_Height : constant := 10; Min_Tile_Height : constant := 32; Min_Tile_Width : constant := 32; Max_Steps : constant := 1000; Default_Speed : constant := 2; First_Call : Boolean := True; type Title_Method is (Title_Tiles, Title_Text, Title_Animated); Box_Width : S_Long := C_Box_Width; Box_Height : S_Long := C_Box_Height; Tile_Height : S_Long; Tile_Width : S_Long; Text_X_Start : S_Long; Title_Win_Height : S_Long; Boundary_Height : S_Long; Tile_Win_Height : S_Long; Fg_Pixel : X_Pixel; Bg_Pixel : X_Pixel; type Window_Geom is record Root : X_Window; X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; Width : S_Long; Height : S_Long; Border_Width : S_Long; Depth : S_Long; end record; Puzzle_Win_Info : Window_Geom; Puzzle_Root : X_Window; Title_Window : X_Window := None_X_Window; Tile_Window : X_Window; Scramble_Window : X_Window; Solve_Window : X_Window; Title_Font_Name : constant X_String := "fixed-screen-r-13"; Tile_Font_Name : constant X_String := "fixed-screen-b-13"; Title_Font_Info : X_Font_Struct; Tile_Font_Info : X_Font_Struct; Puzzle_On_Top : Boolean := True; Use_Display : Boolean := False; type S_Short_Array is array (S_Natural range <>) of S_Short; Tiles_Per_Second : S_Natural; Move_Steps : S_Natural; Vert_Step_Size : U_Short_Array (0 .. Max_Steps - 1); Hori_Step_Size : U_Short_Array (0 .. Max_Steps - 1); Old_Height : S_Long := S_Long (U_Short'Last); Old_Width : S_Long := S_Long (U_Short'Last); function Indx (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define indx(x,y) (((y)*Puzzle_Width) + (x)) begin return Y * Puzzle_Width + X; end Indx; function Is_Digit (X : Character) return Boolean is -- #define isdigit(x) ((x)>= '0' && (x) <= '9') begin return X in '0' .. '9'; end Is_Digit; function Ulx (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define ulx(x,y) ((x)*Tile_Width) begin return X * Tile_Width; end Ulx; function Llx (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define llx(x,y) ((x)*Tile_Width) begin return X * Tile_Width; end Llx; function Urx (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define urx(x,y) (((x)+1)*Tile_Width - 1) begin return (X + 1) * Tile_Width - 1; end Urx; function Lrx (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define lrx(x,y) (((x)+1)*Tile_Width - 1) begin return (X + 1) * Tile_Width - 1; end Lrx; function Uly (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define uly(x,y) ((y)*Tile_Height) begin return Y * Tile_Height; end Uly; function Ury (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define ury(x,y) ((y)*Tile_Height) begin return Y * Tile_Height; end Ury; function Lly (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define lly(x,y) (((y)+1)*Tile_Height - 1) begin return (Y + 1) * Tile_Height - 1; end Lly; function Lry (X, Y : S_Long) return S_Long is -- #define lry(x,y) (((y)+1)*Tile_Height - 1) begin return (Y + 1) * Tile_Height - 1; end Lry; function Max (A, B : S_Long) return S_Long is begin if A > B then return A; else return B; end if; end Max; function Min (A, B : S_Long) return S_Long is begin if A < B then return A; else return B; end if; end Min; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PuzzlePending - XPending entry point for the other module. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Puzzle_Pending return S_Natural is begin return X_Pending (Dpy); end Puzzle_Pending; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SetupDisplay - eastablish the connection to the X server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Setup_Display (Server : X_String) is Error : X_Error_String; Env : constant X_String := X_Display_Name (Server); begin X_Open_Display (Env, Dpy, Error); if "=" (Dpy, None_X_Display) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("Unable to open display: " & To_String (Server) & ": " & To_String (Err (Error))); raise Program_Error; end if; Screen := X_Default_Screen (Dpy); end Setup_Display; --\x0c procedure X_Query_Window (Window : X_Window; Frame : in out Window_Geom) is Succ : X_Status; begin X_Get_Geometry (Dpy, Window.Drawable, Frame.Root, S_Short (Frame.X), S_Short (Frame.Y), U_Short (Frame.Width), U_Short (Frame.Height), U_Short (Frame.Border_Width), U_Char (Frame.Depth), Succ); end X_Query_Window; --\x0c procedure Rect_Set (W : X_Window; X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; Width : S_Long; Height : S_Long; Pixel : X_Pixel) is begin X_Set_Foreground (Dpy, Rect_Gc, Pixel); X_Fill_Rectangle (Dpy, W.Drawable, Rect_Gc, S_Short (X), S_Short (Y), U_Short (Width), U_Short (Height)); end Rect_Set; --\x0c procedure Move_Area (W : X_Window; Src_X : S_Long; Src_Y : S_Long; Dst_X : S_Long; Dst_Y : S_Long; Width : S_Long; Height : S_Long) is begin X_Copy_Area (Dpy, W.Drawable, W.Drawable, Gc, S_Short (Src_X), S_Short (Src_Y), U_Short (Width), U_Short (Height), S_Short (Dst_X), S_Short (Dst_Y)); end Move_Area; --\x0c ----RepaintTitle - puts the program title in the title bar procedure Repaint_Title (Method : Title_Method) is separate; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- RepaintBar - Repaint the bar between the title window and -- the tile window; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Repaint_Bar is Pixel : X_Pixel; begin X_Fill_Rectangle (Dpy, Puzzle_Root.Drawable, Gc, 0, S_Short (Title_Win_Height), U_Short (Puzzle_Win_Info.Width), U_Short (Boundary_Height)); end Repaint_Bar; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- RepaintTiles - draw the numbers in the tiles to match the -- locations array; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Repaint_Number_Tiles; procedure Repaint_Tiles is begin Repaint_Number_Tiles; end Repaint_Tiles; --\x0c procedure Repaint_Number_Tiles is separate; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Setup - Perform initial window creation, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Setup (Display : X_String; Geometry : X_String) is separate; --\x0c function Sizechanged return Boolean is begin X_Query_Window (Puzzle_Root, Puzzle_Win_Info); if Puzzle_Win_Info.Width = Old_Width and then Puzzle_Win_Info.Height = Old_Height then return False; else return True; end if; end Sizechanged; --\x0c procedure Calculate_Speed; procedure Calculate_Stepsize; procedure Reset is separate; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sets the global variable Move_Steps based on speed -- specified on the command line; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Calculate_Speed is separate; --\x0c procedure Calculate_Stepsize is Remain : S_Long; Sum : S_Long; Error : S_Long; begin Sum := Tile_Height / Move_Steps; Remain := Tile_Height rem Move_Steps; for I in 0 .. Move_Steps - 1 loop Vert_Step_Size (I) := U_Short (Sum); if Remain > 0 then Vert_Step_Size (I) := Vert_Step_Size (I) + 1; Remain := Remain - 1; end if; end loop; Sum := Tile_Width / Move_Steps; Remain := Tile_Width rem Move_Steps; for I in 0 .. Move_Steps - 1 loop Hori_Step_Size (I) := U_Short (Sum); if Remain > 0 then Hori_Step_Size (I) := Hori_Step_Size (I) + 1; Remain := Remain - 1; end if; end loop; end Calculate_Stepsize; --\x0c procedure Reset_Logging; procedure Save_Logging_State; procedure Slide_Pieces (Event : X_Event) is X : S_Long; Y : S_Long; begin X := S_Long (Event.Button.X) / Tile_Width; Y := S_Long (Event.Button.Y) / Tile_Height; if X = Space_X or else Y = Space_Y then Move_Space_To (Indx (X, Y)); end if; Flush_Logging; end Slide_Pieces; --\x0c procedure Process_Visibility (Event : X_Event) is begin if "=" (Event.Visibility.State, Visibility_Unobscured) then Puzzle_On_Top := True; else Puzzle_On_Top := False; Abort_Solving; end if; end Process_Visibility; --\x0c procedure Process_Expose (Event : in out X_Event) is separate; --\x0c procedure Process_Button (Event : X_Event) is W : X_Window; begin W := Event.Window; if "=" (W, Tile_Window) then if Solving_Status then Abort_Solving; else Slide_Pieces (Event); end if; elsif "=" (W, Scramble_Window) then Abort_Solving; Scramble; Repaint_Tiles; elsif "=" (W, Solve_Window) then Solve; elsif "=" (W, Title_Window) and then "=" (Event.Button.Button, Button_2) then raise Terminate_Program; end if; end Process_Button; --\x0c procedure Get_Next_Event (Event : in out X_Event); procedure Process_Event (Event : in out X_Event); procedure Process_Input is Event : X_Event; begin loop Get_Next_Event (Event); Process_Event (Event); end loop; end Process_Input; --\x0c procedure Process_Events is Event : X_Event; begin while X_Pending (Dpy) /= 0 loop Get_Next_Event (Event); Process_Event (Event); end loop; end Process_Events; --\x0c procedure Get_Next_Event (Event : in out X_Event) is Succ : X_Status; begin X_Check_Mask_Event (Dpy, (Visibility_Change_Mask => True, others => False), Event, Succ); if Succ = Failed then X_Check_Mask_Event (Dpy, (Exposure_Mask => True, others => False), Event, Succ); if Succ = Failed then X_Next_Event (Dpy, Event); end if; end if; end Get_Next_Event; --\x0c procedure Process_Event (Event : in out X_Event) is begin case Event.Kind is when Button_Press => if not Puzzle_On_Top then X_Raise_Window (Dpy, Puzzle_Root); X_Put_Back_Event (Dpy, Event); else Process_Button (Event); end if; when Expose => Process_Expose (Event); when Visibility_Notify => Process_Visibility (Event); when others => null; end case; end Process_Event; --\x0c procedure Figure_Puzzle_Size (Size : String) is separate; --\x0c procedure Main (Display : X_String := ""; Geometry : X_String := ""; Size : String := ""; Speed : Natural := 0; New_Colormap : Boolean := False) is separate; --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Output Routines - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Display_Log_Move_Space (First_X, First_Y, Last_X, Last_Y : S_Long; Dir : Direction); procedure Reset_Logging is begin null; end Reset_Logging; procedure Flush_Logging is begin null; end Flush_Logging; procedure Save_Logging_State is begin null; end Save_Logging_State; procedure Log_Move_Space (First_X, First_Y, Last_X, Last_Y : S_Long; Dir : Direction) is begin Display_Log_Move_Space (First_X, First_Y, Last_X, Last_Y, Dir); end Log_Move_Space; -- #ifdef UNDEFINED -- /** this stuff really isn't worth it; **/ -- -- static int prevDir := -1; -- static int prevFirstX, prevFirstY, prevLastX, prevLastY; -- -- resetLogging() -- { -- prevDir := -1; -- } -- -- flushLogging() -- { -- if (prevDir !:= -1) -- displayLogMoveSpace(prevFirstX,prevFirstY,prevLastX,prevLastY,prevDir); -- prevDir := -1; -- } -- -- saveLoggingState(fx,fy,lx,ly,dir) -- int fx,fy,lx,ly,dir; -- { -- prevDir := dir; -- prevFirstX := fx; -- prevFirstY := fy; -- prevLastX := lx; -- prevLastY := ly; -- } -- -- LogMoveSpace(first_x,first_y,last_x,last_y,dir) -- int first_x,first_y,last_x,last_y,dir; -- { -- if (prevDir = -1) -- /** we don't already have something to move **/ -- saveLoggingState(first_x,first_y,last_x,last_y,dir); -- else if (prevDir = dir) { -- /** we're going in the same direction **/ -- prevLastX := last_x; -- prevLastY := last_y; -- } -- else { -- flushLogging(); -- saveLoggingState(first_x,first_y,last_x,last_y,dir); -- } -- } -- #endif /* UNDEFINED */ procedure Display_Log_Move_Space (First_X, First_Y, Last_X, Last_Y : S_Long; Dir : Direction) is separate; end Puz_Main;
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