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Length: 33792 (0x8400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Xlbp_Display, seg_004f56
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Image; use Xlbt_Image; with Xlbt_Rm; use Xlbt_Rm; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbt_Visual; use Xlbt_Visual; with Xlbt_Window; use Xlbt_Window; with Xlbmt_Network_Types; use Xlbmt_Network_Types; package Xlbp_Display is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Display - Open, Close, Query -- -- Xlbp_Display - Create, Destroy, Query information about a display connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c procedure X_Open_Display (Name : X_String; Display : out X_Display; Error : in out X_Error_String); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name - Specifies the Hostname:Display_Number.Screen_Number to open. -- Display - Receives None_X_Display or a new X_Display structure -- representing the newly opened connection. -- Error - Receives text indicating the reason for connection failure -- when Display = None_X_Display upon return. -- -- Open a connection to the X11 server running some some networked machine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Close_Display (Display : in out X_Display); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display connection to be closed. -- -- Close a connection that was previously opened via X_Open_Display. Frees up -- all X server resources associated with this connection. This function -- discards any buffered but unsent output requests. -- -- Unlike Unix, on an R1000 it is important that any connection opened with -- a call to X_Open_Display be subsequently closed with X_Close_Display. -- If this is not done then the connection will remain open and unusable -- until the next system reboot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_No_Op (Display : X_Display); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use -- -- Sends a No-Operation protocol request to the X server, thereby exercising -- the connection. It does not flush the output buffer so the request does not -- actually get sent until some later action flushes it out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_All_Planes return X_Plane_Mask; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Returns an X_Plane_Mask which has all bits set on; suitable for use in a -- plane argument to a procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Bitmap_Bit_Order (Display : X_Display) return X_Byte_Bit_Order; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the bitmap bit order for the display. Within each bitmap unit, the -- leftmost bit in the bitmap, as displayed on the screen, is either the least -- or the most significant bit in the unit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Bitmap_Pad (Display : X_Display) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the scanline pad for the display. Each scanline must be padded to -- a length which is a multiple of this value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Bitmap_Unit (Display : X_Display) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the size of a bitmap's scanline unit in bits. The scanline is -- calculated in multiples of this value. It is always less than the bitmap -- scanline pad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Connection_Number (Display : X_Display) return X_Network_Connection; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the connection for the specified display. Use with extreme -- caution. The value is very operating system dependent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Root_Window (Display : X_Display) return X_Window; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the root window for the default screen of this display. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Screen (Display : X_Display) return X_Screen_Number; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the number of the default screen for this display. This is the -- screen number that should be used by applications that will use only a -- single screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Screen_Of_Display (Display : X_Display) return X_Screen; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the default screen for this display. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Name (Display : X_String) return X_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies a string that may contain a display name. -- -- If the parameter is "" then the Environment is queried to determine the -- name of the default display to be used. If the parameter is not "" then -- it is simply returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_String (Display : X_Display) return X_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns a string that can be used to duplicate the connection represented -- by the X_Display structure. The contents of this string may or may not -- be identical to the string passed to X_Open_Display when the X_Display was -- originally created. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Image_Byte_Order (Display : X_Display) return X_Byte_Bit_Order; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the required byte order within images for each scanline unit in -- X_Y_Format (bitmap) or for each pixel value in Z_Format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Last_Known_Request_Processed (Display : X_Display) return S_Long; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the full serial number of the last request known by Xlib to -- have been processed by the X server. This number is automatically set by -- Xlib when replies, events, and errors are received. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_List_Pixmap_Formats (Display : X_Display) return X_Pixmap_Format_Values_List; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns an array of X_Pixmap_Format_Values that describe the types of Z -- format images that are supported by the specified display. -- -- Free the list after use with the Free_X_Pixmap_Format_Values_List routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Max_Request_Size (Display : X_Display) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the size of the maximum single request that can be sent to the -- X server being used for this connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Next_Request (Display : X_Display) return S_Long; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the full serial number that is to be used for the next request. -- Serial numbers are maintained separately for each display connection. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Protocol_Revision (Display : X_Display) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the minor protocol revision number of the X server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Protocol_Version (Display : X_Display) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the major version number (11) of the X protocol associated with the -- connected display. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Q_Length (Display : X_Display) return S_Long; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the length of the event queue for the connected display. Note that -- there may be more events that have not been read into the queue yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Resource_Database (Display : X_Display) return X_Rm_Database; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the RM database associated with the display. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Resource_Manager_String (Display : X_Display) return X_String_Pointer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the RESOURCE_MANAGER property associated with the the root -- window of screen 0 of the display's server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure X_Set_Resource_Database (Display : X_Display; Database : X_Rm_Database); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Database - Specifies the new database value to use. --- Called to change the database associated with a display. The old database is -- NOT deallocated; this is what you want if you have merged something with -- the old database and are now setting the database to be that merged version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Screen_Count (Display : X_Display) return X_Screen_Number; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns the number of available screens on this display. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Server_Vendor (Display : X_Display) return X_String; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns a string that provides some identification of the owner of the X -- server implementation. (Note: Unlike in the C world, this string is not -- Ascii.Nul terminated.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Vendor_Release (Display : X_Display) return S_Long; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- -- Returns a number related to a vendor's release of the X server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen N of Display functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Black_Pixel (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the "black" X_Pixel value for this screen of this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Colormap (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Colormap; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the default X_Colormap for allocation on the specified screen. Most -- routine color allocations should be made out of this color map. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Depth (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the depth (number of planes) of the default root window for the -- specified screen. Other depths may also be supported on this screen. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Gc (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Gc; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the default X_Gc (graphics context) for the root window of the -- specified screen. This X_Gc is created for the convenience of simple -- applications and contains the default X_Gc components with the foreground -- and background pixel values initialized to the black and white pixels, -- respectively, for the screen. You can modify its contents freely because -- it is not used in any Xlib function. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Visual (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Visual; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the default X_Visual (visual type) for the specified screen of this -- display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Cells (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the number of entries in the default color map for the specified -- screen of this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Height (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the height, in pixels, of the specified screen on this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Height_Mm (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the height, in millimeters, of the specified screen on this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Planes (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the depth of the root window of the specified screen for this -- display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Width (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the width, in pixels, of the specified screen of this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Width_Mm (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the width, in millimeters, of the specified screen of this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_List_Depths (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return U_Char_List; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns a list of the supported depths for this screen. Free the list after -- use with the Free_U_Char_List routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Root_Window (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Window; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the root window for this screen on this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Screen_Of_Display (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Screen; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the X_Screen structure associated with the specified screen of this -- display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_White_Pixel (Display : X_Display; Screen : X_Screen_Number) return X_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display - Specifies the display to use. -- Screen - Specifies the number of the screen connected to the display. -- -- Returns the "white" X_Pixel value for this screen of this display. -- Will raise Constraint_Error if there is no such screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen oriented functions (toolkit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Black_Pixel_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the "black" X_Pixel value for this screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Cells_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the number of colormap cells in the default colormap of the -- specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Colormap_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Colormap; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the default color map of the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Depth_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the default depth of the root window on the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Gc_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Gc; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the default X_Gc (graphics context) of the specified screen, -- which has the same depth as the root window of the screen. The X_Gc -- must never be freed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Default_Visual_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Visual; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the default X_Visual (visual type) of the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Display_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Display; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the display associated with the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Does_Backing_Store (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Backing_Store_Hint; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns a value indicated whether the screen supports backing stores. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Does_Save_Unders (Screen : X_Screen) return Boolean; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns a boolean indication of whether or not the screen supports -- save-unders. True means it does.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function X_Event_Mask_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Event_Mask; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the initial root event mask for the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Height_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the height of the screen in pixels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Height_Mm_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the height of the screen in millimeters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Max_Cmaps_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the maximum number of installed colormaps supported by the -- specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Min_Cmaps_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the minimum number of installed colormaps supported by the -- specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Planes_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Char; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the number of planes in the root window of the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Root_Window_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Window; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the root window of the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Screen_Number_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Screen_Number; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the screen number of the specified screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_White_Pixel_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return X_Pixel; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the "black" X_Pixel value for this screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Width_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the width of the specified screen in pixels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Width_Mm_Of_Screen (Screen : X_Screen) return U_Short; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Screen - Specifies the screen to use. -- -- Returns the width of the specified screen in millimeters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function X_Visual_Id_From_Visual (Visual : X_Visual) return X_Visual_Id; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Visual - Specifies the visual to use -- -- Called to obtain the X resource ID that corresponds to a Visual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c end Xlbp_Display;
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