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Length: 55296 (0xd800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Dbtext, package body Debugger, seg_01136d, seg_011572
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Context; with Instance; with Tuple_Collection; with Text_Io; package body Debugger is Any : Natural := Natural'Last; Textmode : Boolean := True; -- TRUE if 100 % text mode, FALSE if 100 % graphic Graffortext : Boolean := False; -- TRUE if we are passing for N step in graphic mode First_Menu : Boolean := False; -- TRUE when 1st context entered has try to start menu Was_Called : Boolean := False; -- TRUE when someone has explicitly call the debugger type Option_Array is array (Item_Debugged) of Boolean; Debugger_Options : Option_Array; Counter : Natural := 0; Last_Context : Context.Reference := 1; Last_Number : Context.Rule_Id := 1; Current_Context : Context.Reference := 1; Last_Context_Entered : Context.Reference := 0; Bell : constant Character := Character'Val (7); Aaah : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('A'); Space : constant Natural := Character'Pos (' '); Zero : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('0'); package Int_Io is new Text_Io.Integer_Io (Integer); First_Item : constant Item_Debugged := Context_Entered; Last_Item : constant Item_Debugged := Action_Fact; Graphic_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 1; Continue_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 2; Run_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 3; Break_Point_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 4; Run_All_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 5; List_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 6; Exit_Option : Natural := Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) + 7; subtype Command_Name is String (1 .. 22); Cmd_Name : array (Item_Debugged) of Command_Name := ("ENTREE EN CONTEXTE ", "STRATEGIE UTILISEE ", "DEBUT ENS. DE CONFLIT ", "FIN ENS. DE CONFLIT ", "CONDITIONS EVALUEES ", "REGLES CHOISIES ", "ACTIONS CHOISIES ", "INSTANCES DES REGLES ", "INSTANCE DES ACTIONS ", others => " "); Step_To_Jump : Natural := 1; Step_Counter : Natural := 0; type Bp_Info is record Bp_Rule_Number : Context.Rule_Id := 0; Bp_Context_Number : Context.Reference := 0; Bp_Times_Number : Natural := 0; Bp_Counter : Natural := 0; Bp_Used : Boolean := False; end record; Bp_List : array (Context.Reference) of Bp_Info; Bp_Count : Natural := 0; Bp_Options : Option_Array; Bp_Saved : Boolean := False; package Dbtext is procedure Send_Context_Entered (With_Number : Context.Reference); procedure Send_Strategy_Used (With_Name : Context.Strategy); procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Started; procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Finished; procedure Send_Condition_Evalued (In_Context : Context.Reference; With_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuple_Collection.Object); procedure Send_Choosed_Rule (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Send_Choosed_Action (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Send_New_Step; procedure Send_Failed; procedure Reset_Debug; procedure Refresh_Debug; end Dbtext; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Menu_List is A_Context : Context.Reference; Touche : Character; Integer_Value : Integer; begin Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("------------------------"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("LISTE ET ETAT DES REGLES"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("------------------------"); Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put ("Donnez le numero du contexte desire 1 .." & Integer'Image (Context.Max_Context) & " > "); Int_Io.Get (Integer_Value); Text_Io.Put (" Le nom de ce contexte est : "); if Integer_Value <= 0 or Integer_Value > Context.Max_Context then Text_Io.Put_Line ("CONTEXT_ILLEGAL"); else A_Context := Context.Reference (Integer_Value); Text_Io.Put_Line (Context.Image (A_Context)); if Context.Image (A_Context) /= "CONTEXT_INCONNU" then Text_Io.Put_Line (" Les regles sont :"); Text_Io.Put_Line (" -----------------"); for I in 1 .. Context.Max_Rule loop if I < 10 then Text_Io.Put (" " & Integer'Image (I) & " "); else Text_Io.Put (" " & Integer'Image (I) & " "); end if; if Context.Is_Masked (In_Context => A_Context, The_Rule => Context.Rule_Id (I)) then Text_Io.Put (" (M) "); else Text_Io.Put (" (-) "); end if; Text_Io.Put_Line (" : " & Context.Get (In_Context => A_Context, The_Rule => Context.Rule_Id (I))); end loop; end if; end if; Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put ("Pressez <S> et <RETURN> pour revenir au MENU du DEBUGGER > "); Text_Io.Get (Touche); end Menu_List; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Menu_Break is use Context; Integer_Value : Integer; A_Point : Integer; begin loop Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("-----------------------"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("MENU DES POINTS D'ARRET"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("-----------------------"); Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line (" Repondre 0,0,xxx pour desarmer un point d'arret"); Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("===========================================================+"); Text_Io.Put_Line (" Numero Numero Numero Compteur Maxi Etat "); Text_Io.Put_Line (" Point Regle Contexte Passage Passage Point"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("===========================================================+"); Text_Io.New_Line; for I in 1 .. Context.Reference'Last loop Text_Io.Put (" " & Context.Reference'Image (I)); Text_Io.Put (" " & Context.Rule_Id'Image (Bp_List (I).Bp_Rule_Number)); Text_Io.Put (" " & Context.Reference'Image (Bp_List (I).Bp_Context_Number)); Text_Io.Put (" " & Integer'Image (Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter)); Text_Io.Put (" " & Integer'Image (Bp_List (I).Bp_Times_Number)); if Bp_List (I).Bp_Used then Text_Io.Put_Line (" ON"); else Text_Io.Put_Line (" OFF"); end if; end loop; Text_Io.Put (" Numero du point d'arret (1 .." & Integer'Image (Context.Max_Context) & ") ou (0 pour sortir) >"); Int_Io.Get (A_Point); if A_Point >= 1 and A_Point <= Context.Max_Context then Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put (" Indiquer les caracteristiques du POINT d'ARRET No "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Integer'Image (A_Point)); Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put (" Numero de la regle a attendre (0) ou (1- 30) ==>"); Int_Io.Get (Integer_Value); Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Rule_Number := Context.Rule_Id (Integer_Value); Text_Io.Put (" Numero du contexte concerne (0) ou (1-" & Integer'Image (Context.Max_Context) & ") ==>"); Int_Io.Get (Integer_Value); Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Context_Number := Context.Reference (Integer_Value); Text_Io.Put (" Nombre de passage avant arret (0 ou +) ==>"); Int_Io.Get (Integer_Value); Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Times_Number := Integer_Value; Text_Io.New_Line; Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Counter := 0; if Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Rule_Number = Context.Null_Rule and Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Context_Number = Context.Null_Reference then Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Used := False; Bp_Count := Bp_Count - 1; else Bp_List (A_Point).Bp_Used := True; Bp_Count := Bp_Count + 1; end if; else if A_Point = 0 then exit; end if; end if; end loop; end Menu_Break; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Main_Menu is Letter : Natural; Choice : Character; Program_End : exception; procedure Turntograf is begin Text_Io.Put (" Combien de pas (1..32000) >"); Int_Io.Get (Step_To_Jump); Textmode := False; Graffortext := True; if Bp_Saved = False then Bp_Options := Debugger_Options; Debugger_Options := (others => True); end if; end Turntograf; procedure Jump_N_Step is begin Text_Io.Put (" Combien de pas (1..32000) >"); if Bp_Saved = False then Bp_Options := Debugger_Options; Bp_Saved := True; Debugger_Options := (others => False); Debugger_Options (Choosed_Rule) := True; end if; Int_Io.Get (Step_To_Jump); end Jump_N_Step; begin loop Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("********************************************************************************"); Text_Io.Put (" MENU DEBUGGER COMPTE-TOUR MOTEUR : "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Integer'Image (Counter)); Text_Io.Put_Line ("********************************************************************************"); Text_Io.New_Line; for I in First_Item .. Last_Item loop Text_Io.Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Item_Debugged'Pos (I)) & " : " & Cmd_Name (I)); if Debugger_Options (I) then Text_Io.Put (" oui "); else Text_Io.Put (" non "); end if; if (Item_Debugged'Pos (I) mod 2) = 1 then Text_Io.New_Line; end if; Letter := Item_Debugged'Pos (I); end loop; Text_Io.New_Line; -- Text_Io.Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Graphic_Option) & " : " & -- "pour CONTINUER de X pas en GRAPHIQUE"); Text_Io.Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Continue_Option) & " : " & "pour CONTINUER de 1 pas "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Character'Val (Aaah + Run_Option) & " : " & "pour CONTINUER de X pas"); Text_Io.Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Break_Point_Option) & " : " & "pour le menu des POINTS D'ARRET "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Character'Val (Aaah + Run_All_Option) & " : " & ("pour TOUT lancer")); Text_Io.Put (Character'Val (Aaah + List_Option) & " : " & "pour la liste d'ETAT des REGLES "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Character'Val (Aaah + Exit_Option) & " : " & "pour TOUT ARRETER"); Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put (" Votre choix S.V.P. > "); Text_Io.Get (Choice); if Choice >= 'a' and Choice <= 'z' then Letter := Character'Pos (Choice) - Aaah - Space; elsif Choice >= 'A' and Choice <= 'Z' then Letter := Character'Pos (Choice) - Aaah; else Letter := 999; end if; if Letter >= Item_Debugged'Pos (First_Item) and Letter <= Item_Debugged'Pos (Last_Item) then Debugger_Options (Item_Debugged'Val (Letter)) := not Debugger_Options (Item_Debugged'Val (Letter)); else if Letter = Exit_Option then raise Program_End; elsif Letter = Graphic_Option then Turntograf; exit; elsif Letter = Continue_Option then Step_To_Jump := 1; exit; elsif Letter = Run_Option then Jump_N_Step; exit; elsif Letter = Break_Point_Option then Menu_Break; elsif Letter = List_Option then Menu_List; elsif Letter = Run_All_Option then Step_To_Jump := Any; exit; else Text_Io.Put (Bell); end if; end if; end loop; Text_Io.New_Line; exception when Program_End => Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("********************************************************************************"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("*** FIN DU DEBUGGER ***"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("********************************************************************************"); raise Program_End; end Main_Menu; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Break_Points_Update (Number : Context.Rule_Id) is begin if Bp_Count /= 0 then for I in 1 .. Context.Reference'Last loop if Bp_List (I).Bp_Context_Number = Last_Context_Entered and Bp_List (I).Bp_Rule_Number = Number then Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter := Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter + 1; end if; end loop; end if; end Break_Points_Update; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Break_Points_Arrived return Boolean is begin if Bp_Count = 0 then return False; else for I in 1 .. Context.Reference'Last loop if Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter >= Bp_List (I).Bp_Times_Number and Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter /= 0 and Bp_List (I).Bp_Used then Bp_List (I).Bp_Counter := 0; Text_Io.Put (Bell); Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# *******************************"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# *** POINT D'ARRET RENCONTRE ***"); Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# *******************************"); return True; end if; end loop; return False; end if; end Break_Points_Arrived; --============================================================================ package body Dbtext is procedure Display_Ref (The_Reference : Instance.Reference) is begin Text_Io.Put (Instance.Isa (The_Reference)); Text_Io.Put (". "); Text_Io.Put (Instance.Image (The_Reference)); Text_Io.Put (" / "); end Display_Ref; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Display_For_All_Tuple is new Tuple.For_All (Display_Ref); procedure Display_Tuple (For_Tuple : Tuple.Object) is begin Text_Io.Put ("D# Instance : "); Display_For_All_Tuple (For_Tuple); Text_Io.New_Line; end Display_Tuple; procedure Display_For_All_Tuple_Collection is new Tuple_Collection.For_All (Display_Ref); procedure Display_Tuple_Collection (For_Tuple_Collection : Tuple_Collection.Object) is begin Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Instances de tuples : "); Text_Io.Put (" "); Display_For_All_Tuple_Collection (For_Tuple_Collection); Text_Io.New_Line; end Display_Tuple_Collection; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Context_Entered (With_Number : Context.Reference) is begin -- if With_Number /= Last_Context_Entered then Last_Context_Entered := With_Number; if Debugger_Options (Context_Entered) then Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put ("D# Nouveau contexte No "); Text_Io.Put (Context.Reference'Image (With_Number)); Text_Io.Put (" : "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Context.Image (With_Number)); end if; -- end if; if not First_Menu then if Was_Called then Main_Menu; end if; First_Menu := True; end if; end Send_Context_Entered; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Strategy_Used (With_Name : Context.Strategy) is begin if Debugger_Options (Strategy_Used) then Text_Io.Put ("D# Strategie utilisee : "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Context.Strategy'Image (With_Name)); end if; end Send_Strategy_Used; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Started is begin if Debugger_Options (Conflict_Set_Started) then Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Construction de l'ensemble de conflit ... "); end if; end Send_Conflict_Set_Started; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Finished is begin if Debugger_Options (Conflict_Set_Finished) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Ensemble de conflit termine."); Text_Io.New_Line; end if; end Send_Conflict_Set_Finished; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Condition_Evalued (In_Context : Context.Reference; With_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuple_Collection.Object) is begin if Debugger_Options (Condition_Evalued) then Text_Io.Put ("D# Evaluation regle No "); Text_Io.Put (Context.Rule_Id'Image (With_Rule)); if Result then Text_Io.Put (" => VRAI : "); else Text_Io.Put (" => FAUX : "); end if; Text_Io.Put_Line (Context.Get (In_Context, With_Rule)); end if; if Debugger_Options (Rule_Facts) and Tuple_Collection.Is_Not_Null (Facts) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Faits impliques :"); Display_Tuple_Collection (Facts); end if; end Send_Condition_Evalued; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Choosed_Rule (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin Break_Points_Update (The_Rule); if Debugger_Options (Choosed_Rule) and Step_To_Jump = 1 then Text_Io.Put ("D# Regle choisie : No "); Text_Io.Put (Context.Rule_Id'Image (The_Rule)); Text_Io.New_Line; end if; if Debugger_Options (Rule_Facts) and not Tuple.Is_Null (The_Fact) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Faits impliques :"); Display_Tuple (The_Fact); end if; if Break_Points_Arrived then if Bp_Saved then Debugger_Options := Bp_Options; Bp_Saved := False; end if; Main_Menu; Step_Counter := 0; end if; end Send_Choosed_Rule; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Choosed_Action (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin if Debugger_Options (Choosed_Action) then Text_Io.New_Line; Text_Io.Put ("D# Action executee : No "); Text_Io.Put (Context.Rule_Id'Image (The_Rule)); Text_Io.Put (" = "); Text_Io.Put_Line (Context.Get (In_Context, The_Rule)); end if; if Debugger_Options (Action_Fact) and not Tuple.Is_Null (The_Fact) then Text_Io.Put_Line ("D# Fait concerne :"); Display_Tuple (The_Fact); end if; end Send_Choosed_Action; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_New_Step is begin if Counter >= Natural'Last then Counter := 0; end if; Counter := Counter + 1; if Debugger_Options (New_Step) and Step_To_Jump = 1 then Text_Io.Put ("D# Compte-tour moteur : "); Text_Io.Put (Integer'Image (Counter)); Text_Io.New_Line; end if; Step_Counter := Step_Counter + 1; if Step_Counter = Step_To_Jump then if Bp_Saved then Debugger_Options := Bp_Options; Bp_Saved := False; end if; Main_Menu; Step_Counter := 0; end if; end Send_New_Step; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Send_Failed is begin if Debugger_Options (Failed) or Step_To_Jump /= 1 then Text_Io.Put ("D# Plus de regle valide. "); Text_Io.New_Line; end if; end Send_Failed; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Reset_Debug is begin Set_Debug_Off (Completly); Counter := 0; Step_To_Jump := 1; Step_Counter := 0; Last_Context_Entered := Context.Null_Reference; for I in Context.Reference loop Bp_List (I).Bp_Used := False; end loop; Bp_Count := 0; Bp_Saved := False; end Reset_Debug; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Refresh_Debug is begin null; end Refresh_Debug; end Dbtext; --============================================================================ procedure Send_Context_Entered (With_Number : Context.Reference) is begin Dbtext.Send_Context_Entered (With_Number); end Send_Context_Entered; procedure Send_Strategy_Used (With_Name : Context.Strategy) is begin Dbtext.Send_Strategy_Used (With_Name); end Send_Strategy_Used; procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Started is begin Dbtext.Send_Conflict_Set_Started; end Send_Conflict_Set_Started; procedure Send_Conflict_Set_Finished is begin Dbtext.Send_Conflict_Set_Finished; end Send_Conflict_Set_Finished; procedure Send_Condition_Evalued (In_Context : Context.Reference; With_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuple_Collection.Object) is begin Dbtext.Send_Condition_Evalued (In_Context, With_Rule, Result, Facts); end Send_Condition_Evalued; procedure Send_Choosed_Rule (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin Dbtext.Send_Choosed_Rule (In_Context, The_Rule, The_Fact); end Send_Choosed_Rule; procedure Send_Choosed_Action (In_Context : Context.Reference; The_Rule : Context.Rule_Id; The_Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin Dbtext.Send_Choosed_Action (In_Context, The_Rule, The_Fact); end Send_Choosed_Action; procedure Send_New_Step is begin Dbtext.Send_New_Step; end Send_New_Step; procedure Send_Failed is begin Dbtext.Send_Failed; end Send_Failed; procedure Refresh_Debug is begin Dbtext.Refresh_Debug; end Refresh_Debug; function Is_Debugged (What : Item_Debugged) return Boolean is begin return Debugger_Options (What); end Is_Debugged; procedure Set_Debug_On (Item : Item_Debugged) is begin if Item = Completly then for I in Item_Debugged loop Debugger_Options (I) := True; end loop; else Debugger_Options (Item) := True; end if; end Set_Debug_On; procedure Set_Debug_On (Item : Item_Set) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Set_Debug_On (Item (I)); end loop; end Set_Debug_On; procedure Set_Debug_Off (Item : Item_Debugged) is begin if Item = Completly then for I in Item_Debugged loop Debugger_Options (I) := False; end loop; else Debugger_Options (Item) := False; end if; end Set_Debug_Off; procedure Set_Debug_Off (Item : Item_Set) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Set_Debug_Off (Item (I)); end loop; end Set_Debug_Off; procedure Reset_Debug (Mode : Debugging_Mode) is begin Graffortext := False; Was_Called := True; if Mode = Text then Textmode := True; First_Menu := False; Dbtext.Reset_Debug; else Textmode := False; First_Menu := True; end if; end Reset_Debug; begin Reset_Debug (Text); Was_Called := False; end Debugger;
nblk1=35 nid=2 hdr6=4c [0x00] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=012 [0x01] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=020 [0x02] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=2c rec3=06a [0x03] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=01e [0x04] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=038 [0x05] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=06a [0x06] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=046 [0x07] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=01c [0x08] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=02e [0x09] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=040 [0x0a] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=32 rec3=010 [0x0b] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=2f rec3=008 [0x0c] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=2a rec3=08c [0x0d] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=2e rec3=02a [0x0e] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=000 [0x0f] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=02a [0x10] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=01a [0x11] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=23 rec3=038 [0x12] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=2b rec3=004 [0x13] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=00c [0x14] rec0=0a rec1=00 rec2=31 rec3=010 [0x15] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=004 [0x16] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=042 [0x17] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=058 [0x18] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=29 rec3=008 [0x19] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=28 rec3=006 [0x1a] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=33 rec3=08a [0x1b] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=032 [0x1c] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=24 rec3=02e [0x1d] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=00a [0x1e] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=006 [0x1f] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=098 [0x20] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=01e [0x21] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=26 rec3=022 [0x22] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=032 [0x23] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=01c [0x24] rec0=26 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=020 [0x25] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=000 [0x26] rec0=2b rec1=00 rec2=31 rec3=01a [0x27] rec0=24 rec1=00 rec2=26 rec3=016 [0x28] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=000 [0x29] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=000 [0x2a] rec0=26 rec1=00 rec2=26 rec3=006 [0x2b] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=35 rec3=000 [0x2c] rec0=07 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=000 [0x2d] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=00a [0x2e] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=2b rec3=062 [0x2f] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=2e rec3=014 [0x30] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=2a rec3=04e [0x31] rec0=07 rec1=00 rec2=27 rec3=000 [0x32] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000 [0x33] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000 [0x34] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=00 rec3=000 tail 0x2170d265a823740e15240 0x42a00088462063c03 Free Block Chain: 0x2: 0000 00 2d 00 05 80 02 69 66 02 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 ┆ - if ┆ 0x2d: 0000 00 34 00 29 80 16 20 69 66 20 41 5f 43 6f 6e 74 ┆ 4 ) if A_Cont┆ 0x34: 0000 00 18 00 10 80 0d 72 65 20 53 65 6e 64 5f 43 6f ┆ re Send_Co┆ 0x18: 0000 00 1b 01 02 80 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ┆ ! ┆ 0x1b: 0000 00 21 03 fc 80 15 63 74 20 3a 20 54 75 70 6c 65 ┆ ! ct : Tuple┆ 0x21: 0000 00 35 00 3a 00 37 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ┆ 5 : 7 ┆ 0x35: 0000 00 30 01 86 80 18 20 20 20 20 20 69 66 20 4d 6f ┆ 0 if Mo┆ 0x30: 0000 00 22 00 a5 80 12 2d 2d 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ┆ " -- ┆ 0x22: 0000 00 14 00 10 80 0d 20 20 20 20 20 57 69 74 68 5f ┆ With_┆ 0x14: 0000 00 27 03 fc 80 39 20 20 69 66 20 53 74 61 74 65 ┆ ' 9 if State┆ 0x27: 0000 00 0a 00 06 80 03 20 20 20 03 70 72 6f 63 65 64 ┆ proced┆ 0xa: 0000 00 09 03 fc 80 01 3b 01 00 00 00 00 34 20 20 20 ┆ ; 4 ┆ 0x9: 0000 00 25 00 05 00 02 20 20 02 20 20 20 20 20 69 66 ┆ % if┆ 0x25: 0000 00 1d 00 05 80 02 20 20 02 6e 04 00 07 20 20 20 ┆ n ┆ 0x1d: 0000 00 00 00 05 80 02 72 6e 02 20 20 20 20 20 20 09 ┆ rn ┆