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Length: 30720 (0x7800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbp_Rm_Quark, seg_004f85
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Display3; use Xlbt_Display3; with Xlbt_Rm3; use Xlbt_Rm3; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbit_Library3; use Xlbit_Library3; with Xlbmt_Network_Types; use Xlbmt_Network_Types; package body Xlbp_Rm_Quark is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Resource Manager - Quarks - Named constant strings -- -- Xlbp_Rm_Quark - Manager of application/window/object resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, -- Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, or Rational -- not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of -- the software without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Digital, MIT, and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this -- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, -- in no event shall Digital, MIT, or Rational be liable for any special, -- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from -- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence -- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or -- performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ***************************************************************************** -- * Date - /Name/ Comment -- * -- * 23-OCT-90 - /DRK/ Changed X_Rm_String_To_Quark to enforce restrictions -- * - on characters allowed in component names. -- * 24-OCT-90 - /DRK/ Changed X_Rm_String_To_Quark_List to accept '*' as -- * - as a component separator, and to allow empty component -- * - names. -- * 7-NOV-90 - /GEB/ Implement the new multitasking protection scheme for -- * - library state. -- * 21-JAN-91 - /GEB/ Add X_Rm_Quark_To_String_Pointer and add the -- * - X_Rm_String_Pointer_To_Quark routines for Xt. -- ***************************************************************************** type X_Character_Vector is array (X_Character) of Boolean; --/ if Pack then --// pragma Pack (X_Character_Vector); --/ end if; Component_Name_Character : constant X_Character_Vector := X_Character_Vector'('a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' => True, '0' .. '9' | '-' | '_' => True, others => False); --\x0c function X_Rm_String_To_Quark (Str : X_String; Validate : Boolean := True) return X_Rm_Quark is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies the string value being converted to a Quark. -- The string need not be null terminated. -- Validate - Specifies whether or not the String must be a valid -- Component Name as defined by the Resource Manager. -- -- Returns the Quark value that has or which will now correspond to the -- contents of the specified string. Raises Constraint_Error if the string -- is null. If Validate is True, Constraint_Error will be raised if any -- characters except 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-', or '_' are -- present in the Str. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quark : X_Rm_Quark; Success : Boolean; Map : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map; begin ----Validate the string if it is supposed to be a component name. if Validate then for Index in Str'Range loop if not Component_Name_Character (Str (Index)) then raise Constraint_Error; end if; end loop; end if; ----Look for the string in the map. Return any quark found. X_Lib.Seize_Quark_Map (Map); begin X_Rm_Quark_Map.Find (Map, Str, Quark, Success); if Success then X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return Quark; end if; ----Generate a new quark value for this string and enter it in the map. X_Lib.Get_Next_Quark (Quark); X_Rm_Quark_Map.Insert (Map, Str, Quark); X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return Quark; exception when others => X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); raise; end; end X_Rm_String_To_Quark; --\x0c procedure X_Rm_String_To_Quark (Str : X_String; Ptr : out X_String_Pointer; Quark : out X_Rm_Quark; Validate : Boolean := True) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies the string value being converted to a Quark. -- The string need not be null terminated. -- Ptr - Receives the string pointer stored in the quark map for Str -- Quark - Receives the Quark value representing Str -- Validate - Specifies whether or not the Str must be a valid -- Component Name as defined by the Resource Manager. -- -- Returns the Quark value that has or which will now correspond to the -- contents of the specified string. If Validate is True, Constraint_Error -- will be raised if any characters other than 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', -- '-', or '_' are present in the Str. Note: The Ptr value belongs to the Xlib -- and it must not be freed by the application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qrk : X_Rm_Quark := None_X_Rm_Quark; P : X_String_Pointer; Success : Boolean; Map : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map; begin ----Validate the string if it is supposed to be a component name. if Validate then for Index in Str'Range loop if not Component_Name_Character (Str (Index)) then raise Constraint_Error; end if; end loop; end if; ----Look for the string in the map. Return any quark found. X_Lib.Seize_Quark_Map (Map); begin X_Rm_Quark_Map.Find (Map, Str, P, Qrk, Success); if Success then X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); Ptr := P; Quark := Qrk; return; end if; ----Generate a new quark value for this string and enter it in the map. X_Lib.Get_Next_Quark (Qrk); P := new X_String'(Str); Ptr := P; X_Rm_Quark_Map.Insert_Ptr (Map, P, Qrk); X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return; exception when others => X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); raise; end; end X_Rm_String_To_Quark; --\x0c procedure X_Rm_String_Pointer_To_Quark (Str : in out X_String_Pointer; Quark : out X_Rm_Quark; Validate : Boolean := True) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies the string value being converted to a Quark. -- The string need not be null terminated. -- Quark - Receives the quark value corresponding to the string. -- Validate - Specifies whether or not the String must be a valid -- Component Name as defined by the Resource Manager. -- -- Returns the Quark value that has or which will now correspond to the -- contents of the specified string. If an some existing Quark has the same -- string value then that quark, and that string pointer, will be returned. If -- no existing Quark has the same string value then a new Quark is created and -- returned, and the X_String_Pointer Str argument becomes the property of -- the Xlib and must not be free by the appliation. If Validate is True then -- Constraint_Error will be raised if any characters other than 'a'..'z', -- 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '-', or '_' are present in the Str. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Qrk : X_Rm_Quark := None_X_Rm_Quark; Success : Boolean; Map : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map; begin ----Validate the string if it is supposed to be a component name. if Validate then for Index in Str'Range loop if not Component_Name_Character (Str (Index)) then raise Constraint_Error; end if; end loop; end if; ----Look for the string in the map. Return any quark found. X_Lib.Seize_Quark_Map (Map); begin X_Rm_Quark_Map.Find_Ptr (Map, Str, Qrk, Success); if Success then X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); Quark := Qrk; return; end if; ----Generate a new quark value for this string and enter it in the map. X_Lib.Get_Next_Quark (Qrk); Quark := Qrk; X_Rm_Quark_Map.Insert_Ptr (Map, Str, Qrk); X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return; exception when others => X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); raise; end; end X_Rm_String_Pointer_To_Quark; --\x0c function X_Rm_Quark_To_String (Quark : X_Rm_Quark) return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Quark - Specifies the quark whose string value is queried. -- -- Returns the string corresponding to the Quark. Returns "" for Quark values -- obtained from X_Rm_Unique_Quarks. Raises Constraint_Error if an -- uninitialized Quark value is passed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iter : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Iter; Map :X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map; begin ----Check for uninitialized quarks. if Quark.Id = 0 then raise Constraint_Error; end if; ----Look up the unique quark value in the map. X_Lib.Seize_Quark_Map (Map); begin X_Rm_Quark_Map.Initialize (Map, Iter, Quark); ----No entry means a "unique" quark. if X_Rm_Quark_Map.Done (Iter) then X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return "Unique#" & To_X_String (S_Long'Image (Quark.Id)); end if; -----Anything else gets the key string back. declare Str : constant X_String := X_Rm_Quark_Map.Key (Iter); begin X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return Str; end; exception when others => X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); raise; end; end X_Rm_Quark_To_String; --\x0c function X_Rm_Quark_To_String_Pointer (Quark : X_Rm_Quark) return X_String_Pointer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Quark - Specifies the quark whose string value is queried. -- -- Returns the string corresponding to the Quark. Returns "" for Quark values -- obtained from X_Rm_Unique_Quarks. Raises Constraint_Error if an -- uninitialized Quark value is passed. Note: This string belongs to the Xlib -- and it must not be freed by the application. Quarks generated by -- X_Rm_Unique_Quark were not created with a string value and return -- None_X_String_Pointer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iter : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Iter; Map : X_Rm_Quark_Map.Map; begin ----Check for uninitialized quarks. if Quark.Id = 0 then raise Constraint_Error; end if; ----Look up the unique quark value in the map. X_Lib.Seize_Quark_Map (Map); begin X_Rm_Quark_Map.Initialize (Map, Iter, Quark); ----No entry means a "unique" quark. if X_Rm_Quark_Map.Done (Iter) then X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return None_X_String_Pointer; end if; -----Anything else gets the key string back. declare Str_Ptr : constant X_String_Pointer := X_Rm_Quark_Map.Key_Ptr (Iter); begin X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); return Str_Ptr; end; exception when others => X_Lib.Release_Quark_Map (Map); raise; end; end X_Rm_Quark_To_String_Pointer; --\x0c function X_Rm_Unique_Quark return X_Rm_Quark is Quark : X_Rm_Quark; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Returns a unique quark that does not correspond to any particular string -- value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin X_Lib.Get_Next_Quark (Quark); return Quark; end X_Rm_Unique_Quark; --\x0c procedure X_Rm_String_To_Quark_List (Str : X_String; List : out Quark_Array_Type) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies a series of names separated by '.' or '*'. -- The string need not be null terminated. If an Ascii.Nul is -- found then it is considered to be the "end" of the string. -- List - Receives a list of Quarks; terminated by a None_Quark. The -- list must be long enough. -- -- Called with a string of the form "name1.name2*name3.name4" where the number -- of names in the string must be at least one less than List'Length. -- -- For each name in the list the corresponding Quark value is placed into -- the Quarks list in the same order as the names appear in the Name string. -- In Quarks, the quark corresponding to the last name will be followed by a -- None_Quark entry. (That is why List'Length > number of names.) -- -- Will raise Constraint_Error if the Quarks list is too small or if the -- list is not a valid Resource_Name as defined by the resource manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One_Name : S_Natural; List_Last : S_Natural := List'First; I : S_Long; begin ----Loop over the entire contents of the string looking for separators. -- For each name found we create/lookup a quark value. -- We stop looping when we hit end-of-string or an Ascii.Nul. One_Name := Str'First; I := Str'First - 1; loop I := I + 1; exit when I > Str'Last or else Str (I) = Nul; ----See if we've found the next separator. if Str (I) = '.' or else Str (I) = '*' then if I /= Str'First then List (List_Last) := String_To_Quark (Str (One_Name .. I - 1), Validate => False); List_Last := List_Last + 1; end if; One_Name := I + 1; end if; end loop; ----We fell out of the loop. Grab the final name the string contained. List (List_Last) := String_To_Quark (Str (One_Name .. I - 1), Validate => False); List_Last := List_Last + 1; List (List_Last) := None_Quark; end X_Rm_String_To_Quark_List; --\x0c procedure X_Rm_String_To_Binding_Quark_List (Str : X_String; Bindings : out X_Rm_Binding_Array; Quarks : out Quark_Array_Type) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Str - Specifies a series of names separated by '.' or '*'. -- The string need not be null terminated. If an Ascii.Nul is -- found then it is considered to be the "end" of the string. -- Bindings- Receives a list of binding values indicating '.' and '*' -- separators for the Quarks list. -- List - Receives a list of Quarks; terminated by a None_Quark. The -- list must be long enough. -- -- Called with a string of the form "name1.name2*name3.name4" where the number -- of names in the string must be at least one less than Min( List'Length, -- Bindings'Length+1 ). The legal separators between the names are Ascii.'.' -- and Ascii.'*'. Anything that isn't Ascii.'.', Ascii.'*', or Ascii.Nul is -- taken to be part of a name. -- -- For each name in the list the corresponding Quark value is placed into -- the Quarks list in the same order as the names appear in the Name string. -- In Quarks, the quark corresponding to the last name will be followed by a -- None_Quark entry. (That is why List'Length > number of names.) -- -- For each entry in the Quarks list there is a Bindings entry. The Binding -- entry indicates that the name was preceded by a '.' (Bind_Tightly), by -- a '*' (Bind_Loosely), or is the first name in the string (Bind_Tightly). -- -- Will raise Constraint_Error if the Quarks or Bindings list is too -- small or if the list is not a valid Resource_Name as defined by the -- resource manager. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Binding : X_Rm_Binding; Bindings_Last : S_Natural := Bindings'First; Quarks_Last : S_Natural := Quarks'First; One_Name : S_Natural; I : S_Long; begin ----Loop over the entire contents of the string looking for dots. For each -- non-empty name found between dots we create/lookup a quark value. -- We stop looping when we hit end-of-string or an Ascii.Nul. Binding := X_Rm_Bind_Tightly; One_Name := Str'First; I := Str'First - 1; loop I := I + 1; exit when I > Str'Last or else Str (I) = Nul; ----See if we just found the separating '.' or '*' between names. if Str (I) = '.' or else Str (I) = '*' then if I /= Str'First then -- Found a complete name Bindings (Bindings_Last) := Binding; Bindings_Last := Bindings_Last + 1; Quarks (Quarks_Last) := String_To_Quark (Str (One_Name .. I - 1), Validate => False); Quarks_Last := Quarks_Last + 1; end if; One_Name := I + 1; if Str (I) = '*' then Binding := X_Rm_Bind_Loosely; else Binding := X_Rm_Bind_Tightly; end if; end if; end loop; ----We fell out of the loop. Grab the final name the string contained. Bindings (Bindings_Last) := Binding; Quarks (Quarks_Last) := String_To_Quark (Str (One_Name .. I - 1), Validate => False); Quarks_Last := Quarks_Last + 1; Quarks (Quarks_Last) := None_Quark; end X_Rm_String_To_Binding_Quark_List; --\x0c end Xlbp_Rm_Quark;
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