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Length: 20480 (0x5000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Build_Server_Package_Body, seg_020bd7, separate Rpc_Io
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
separate (Rpc_Io) procedure Build_Server_Package_Body (From_Db : Analysis.Database; Named_With_Root : String; In_File : Io.File_Type) is function "=" (Left, Right : Declarations.Subprogram_Parameter_Kinds) return Boolean renames Declarations."="; Subprogram_Iter : Analysis.Subprogram_Iterator; Exception_Iter : Analysis.Exception_Iterator; Parameter_Iter : Analysis.Parameter_Iterator; Ref_Package_Iter : Analysis.Reference_Iterator; Id_Iter : Analysis.Id_Iterator; Return_Type, Param_Type : Ada.Element; Defs : constant String := Rpc_Names.Rpc_Defs_Package (Named_With_Root); procedure Put (Line : String; Line_Feeds : Natural := 0) is begin Io.Put (In_File, Line); if Line_Feeds > 0 then Io.New_Line (File => In_File, Spacing => Io.Positive_Count (Line_Feeds)); end if; end Put; use Rpc_Conventions; begin Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => "Rpc")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => "Rpc_Server")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => "Transport_Stream")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => "Transport_Interchange")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => Rpc_Names.Interchange_Package (Named_With_Root))); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => "Interchange")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Name => Named_With_Root)); -- Add with clauses to units referenced by the package: -- This may add redundant clauses Analysis.Init (From_Db, Ref_Package_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Ref_Package_Iter) loop Put (Ada_Io.Make_With_Clause (Analysis.Reference (Ref_Package_Iter))); Analysis.Next (Ref_Package_Iter); end loop; Put (Ada_Io.Make_Package (Name => Rpc_Names.Remote_Server_Package (Named_With_Root), Kind => Ada_Io.Body_Part), 1); -- The Process_Call procedure is used by the server to collect all -- input data, make the actual call, the return all output data Put (Ada_Io.Make_Procedure (Name => "Process_Call", Kind => Ada_Io.Body_Part, Parameters_Image => "Stream : Transport_Stream.Stream_Id; " & Ascii.Lf & "Id : Rpc.Transaction_Id; " & Ascii.Lf & "Version : Rpc.Version_Number; " & Ascii.Lf & "Proc : Rpc.Procedure_Number")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Begin); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Case_Header (Expression => "Proc")); Analysis.Init (From_Db => From_Db, Iter => Subprogram_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Subprogram_Iter) loop Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => Defs & ".Procedure_Number." & Analysis.Unique_Name (Subprogram_Iter))); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Declare); -- Create a local declaration for all paramters to the subprogram Parameter_Iter := Analysis.Parameters (Subprogram_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Parameter_Iter) loop Param_Type := Analysis.Formals_Type_Decl (Parameter_Iter); case Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) is when Decls.In_Parameter | Decls.Default_In_Parameter | Decls.In_Out_Parameter | Decls.Out_Parameter => Id_Iter := Analysis.Names (Parameter_Iter); if not Is_Constrained (Param_Type) then while not Analysis.Done (Id_Iter) loop -- if unconstrained make a constant decl -- with a call to the functional get Put (Ada_Io.Make_Constant_Declaration (Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Type_Mark => Analysis.Reference (Analysis.Formals_Type_Decl (Parameter_Iter)), Initial_Value => Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Param_Type), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Param_Type, Kind => Get))); Analysis.Next (Id_Iter); end loop; else while not Analysis.Done (Id_Iter) loop -- Put the local decl Put (Ada_Io.Make_Variable_Declaration (Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Type_Mark => Analysis.Reference (Analysis.Formals_Type_Decl (Parameter_Iter)))); -- if the subprogram has an in or in out parameter -- of type duration, then another local is required if Is_Duration (Param_Type) and then (Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) = Decls.Default_In_Parameter or else Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) = Decls.In_Out_Parameter or else Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) = Decls.In_Parameter) then Put (Ada_Io.Make_Variable_Declaration (Name => Rpc_Names.Interchange_Type_Decl (Analysis.Name (Id_Iter)), Type_Mark => "Interchange.Duration")); end if; Analysis.Next (Id_Iter); end loop; end if; when others => null; end case; Analysis.Next (Parameter_Iter); end loop; case Analysis.Kind (Subprogram_Iter) is when Analysis.A_Procedure => null; when Analysis.A_Function => Return_Type := Analysis.Return_Type_Decl (Subprogram_Iter); -- if the return type is constrained, then add another local -- declaration if Is_Constrained (Return_Type) then Put (Ada_Io.Make_Variable_Declaration (Name => Return_Name (Return_Type), Type_Mark => Analysis.Reference (Return_Type))); end if; end case; Put (Ada_Io.Make_Begin); Parameter_Iter := Analysis.Parameters (Subprogram_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Parameter_Iter) loop Param_Type := Analysis.Formals_Type_Decl (Parameter_Iter); case Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) is when Decls.In_Parameter | Decls.Default_In_Parameter | Decls.In_Out_Parameter => -- Issues a procedure call to get all constrained -- types if Is_Constrained (Param_Type) then Id_Iter := Analysis.Names (Parameter_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Id_Iter) loop if Is_Duration (Param_Type) then -- Get the value into the local -- Intechange.Duration Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => Rpc_Names.Interchange_Type_Decl (Analysis.Name (Id_Iter)), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Param_Type), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Param_Type, Kind => Get), 1); -- assign the converted value into the real duration -- object: Put (Ada_Io.Make_Assignment (Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Expression => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Param_Type) & "(" & Rpc_Names.Interchange_Type_Decl (Analysis.Name (Id_Iter)) & ")")); else Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Param_Type), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Param_Type, Kind => Get), 1); end if; Analysis.Next (Id_Iter); end loop; end if; when others => null; end case; Analysis.Next (Parameter_Iter); end loop; Parameter_Iter := Analysis.Parameters (Subprogram_Iter); case Analysis.Kind (Subprogram_Iter) is when Analysis.A_Procedure => -- Issue the call to the subprogram Put (Subprograms.Make_Procedure (Analysis.Reference (Subprogram_Iter), Ada_Io.Call, Parameter_Iter), 1); when Analysis.A_Function => if Is_Constrained (Return_Type) then -- if constrained make the assignment directly -- to the return type Put (Ada_Io.Make_Assignment (Name => Return_Name (Return_Type), Expression => Subprograms.Make_Function (Analysis.Reference (Subprogram_Iter), Ada_Io.Call, Parameter_Iter, Return_Name (Return_Type)))); else -- otherwise make a local constant declaration Put (Ada_Io.Make_Declare); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Constant_Declaration (Name => Return_Name (Return_Type), Type_Mark => Analysis.Reference (Return_Type), Initial_Value => Subprograms.Make_Function (Analysis.Reference (Subprogram_Iter), Ada_Io.Call, Parameter_Iter, Analysis.Name (Return_Type)))); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Begin); end if; end case; Put ("Rpc_Server.Begin_Response (Stream, Id);", 1); -- Issue a put for all output parameters case Analysis.Kind (Subprogram_Iter) is when Analysis.A_Procedure => Parameter_Iter := Analysis.Parameters (Subprogram_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Parameter_Iter) loop Param_Type := Analysis.Formals_Type_Decl (Parameter_Iter); case Analysis.Mode (Parameter_Iter) is when Decls.Out_Parameter | Decls.In_Out_Parameter => Id_Iter := Analysis.Names (Parameter_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Id_Iter) loop Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => Analysis.Name (Id_Iter), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Param_Type), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Param_Type, Kind => Put), 1); Analysis.Next (Id_Iter); end loop; when others => null; end case; Analysis.Next (Parameter_Iter); end loop; when Analysis.A_Function => -- put the return value for a function Put (Make_Interchange_Call (Data_Name => Return_Name (Return_Type), Data_Conversion => Predefined_Interchange_Conversion (Return_Type), Root_Name => Named_With_Root, Data_Type => Return_Type, Kind => Put), 1); if not Is_Constrained (Return_Type) then Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); end if; end case; Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); Analysis.Next (Subprogram_Iter); end loop; -- raise error for undefined procedures Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "others")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Raise ("Rpc.No_Such_Procedure")); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End_Case); -- handle all predefined and user defined exceptions Put (Ada_Io.Make_Exception_Handler); -- predefined exceptions Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "Constraint_Error")); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number.Constraint_Error);", 2); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "Numeric_Error")); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number.Numeric_Error);", 2); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "Program_Error")); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number.Program_Error);", 2); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "Storage_Error")); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number.Storage_Error);", 2); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => "Tasking_Error")); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number.Tasking_Error);", 2); -- User defined exceptions Analysis.Init (From_Db => From_Db, Iter => Exception_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Exception_Iter) loop Id_Iter := Analysis.Names (Exception_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Id_Iter) loop Put (Ada_Io.Make_Alternative (Expression => Named_With_Root & "." & Analysis.Name (Id_Iter))); Put ("Rpc_Server.Return_Exception (Stream, id, " & Defs & ".Exception_Number." & Analysis.Name (Id_Iter) & ");", 2); Analysis.Next (Id_Iter); end loop; Analysis.Next (Exception_Iter); end loop; Put (Ada_Io.Make_End, 1); -- Instantiate the RPC server generic Put ("procedure Serve_Guts is new Rpc_Server.Serve" & "(Program => " & Defs & ".program," & "Process_Call => Process_Call);", 2); -- body to start the server Put ("procedure Serve (Connection : Transport.COnnection_Id) is "); Put (Ada_Io.Make_Begin); Put ("Serve_Guts (Connection);"); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End, 1); Put (Ada_Io.Make_End); end Build_Server_Package_Body;
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