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⟦4fac50b60⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 13312 (0x3400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, function Get_Attribute_Info, seg_0508f7, separate Rs6000_Aix_Vads


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

--with Get_Attributes;

separate (Rs6000_Aix_Vads)

function Get_Attribute_Info return Attributes.Object is

    package Attr renames Attributes;

    -- There are three "implementation dependant" attributes documented in
    -- the Appendix F found in the "IBM RISC System/6000 AIX  -  Version 6.2.1"
    -- Programmer's Guide.  These include:
    --   X'Address,
    --   X'Ref and System.Address'Ref(N)
    --   X'Task_Id
    --   X'Long_Address
    -- The implementation for the X'Address attribute is already provided
    -- by the R1000 semanticist and is therefore not defined here.
    -- 'Ref is "overloaded" in that it has two permitted forms. The form
    -- X'Ref is used only in machine code insertions.  Both forms could not
    -- be implemented in the RCI. Because machine code insertions should be
    -- used somewhat infrequently, this customization implements only the
    -- System.Address'Ref(N) form.
    -- In the case of both System.Address'Ref(N) and X'Task_Id a known bug
    -- in the Rev1_0_0 release of the RCI prevents usages of these
    -- attributes in a view using this customization from semantizing
    -- properly.  The bug has reportedly been fixed in the upcoming
    -- maintanence release.  Once this release becomes available, the use
    -- of these attributes will have to be tested.  It is believed that
    -- they are properly defined here.


    -- P'Long_Address
    -- For a prefix P that denotes an object, a program unit, a label or an entry
    -- Yields the address of the first of the storage units allocated to P
    -- The only difference betwen 'Address and 'Long_Address is that the value of
    -- the second one is of the type Long_address.

    Long_Address_Type_Set : Checking.Type_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                       Valid_Structural_Types => Checking.No_Structural_Types,
                       Valid_Textual_Types => Checking.No_Type_Names,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Long_Address_Objects : constant Checking.Object_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds => Checking.All_Object_Kinds,
                       Allowed_Types => Long_Address_Type_Set,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Long_Address_Misc_Names : constant Checking.Miscellaneous_Name_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds => (Checking.Task_Kind => False,
                                       Checking.Named_Statement_Kind => False,
                                       others => True),
                       Ambiguity_Allowed => False,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Long_Address_Prefix : constant Attr.Prefix :=
       Attr.Build (Valid_Objects => Long_Address_Objects,
                   Valid_Miscellaneous_Names => Long_Address_Misc_Names,
                   Valid_Types => Checking.Null_Type_Set,
                   For_Target => T_Name);

    Long_Address_Result : constant Attr.Result :=
          (Type_Name => "system.long_address", For_Target => T_Name);

    Long_Address_Designator : constant Attr.Designator :=

    Long_Address_Attr : constant Attr.Attribute :=
       Attr.Build (The_Name => "Long_Address",
                   The_Prefix => Long_Address_Prefix,
                   The_Result => Long_Address_Result,
                   The_Designator => Long_Address_Designator,
                   For_Target => T_Name);


    -- 'Ref has two permitted forms
    -- X'Ref -  Used only in machine_code procedures
    --    X must be either a constant, variable, procedure, function, or
    --      label.
    --    Returns a value of type Machine_Code.Operand.
    --    May be used only to designate an operand within a code-statement.
    -- System.Address'Ref(N) - Used anywhere to convert the
    --      Universal_Integer value N to an Address.
    --    Returns a type of System.Address.
    --    N must be a static value of type Universal_Integer.
    -- Of the two permitted forms, only System.Address'Ref(N) is
    -- implemented at this time.

    Ref_Textual_Types : constant Checking.Type_Name_Array :=
       (1 => Text.Build (S => "System.Address", For_Target => T_Name));

    Ref_Type_Set : constant Checking.Type_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                       Valid_Structural_Types => Checking.No_Structural_Types,
                       Valid_Textual_Types => Ref_Textual_Types,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Ref_Prefix : constant Attr.Prefix :=
       Attr.Build (Valid_Objects => Checking.Null_Object_Set,
                   Valid_Miscellaneous_Names =>
                   Valid_Types => Ref_Type_Set,
                   For_Target => T_Name);

    Ref_Result : constant Attr.Result :=
          (Type_Name => "System.Address", For_Target => T_Name);

    Ref_Designator : constant Attr.Designator :=
       Attr.Build (Function_Parameter =>
                         (Expression_Type => "Universal_Integer",
                          Constraint => Checking.Null_Constraint (T_Name),
                          For_Target => T_Name),
                   For_Target => T_Name);

    Ref_Attr : constant Attr.Attribute :=
       Attr.Build (The_Name => "Ref",
                   The_Prefix => Ref_Prefix,
                   The_Result => Ref_Result,
                   The_Designator => Ref_Designator,
                   For_Target => T_Name);


    Xref_Type_Set : Checking.Type_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                       Valid_Structural_Types => Checking.All_Structural_Types,
                       Valid_Textual_Types => Checking.No_Type_Names,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Xref_Objects : constant Checking.Object_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds => (Checking.Constant_Kind => True,
                                       Checking.Variable => True,
                                       others => False),
                       Allowed_Types => Xref_Type_Set,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Xref_Misc_Names : constant Checking.Miscellaneous_Name_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds => (Checking.Function_Kind => True,
                                       Checking.Procedure_Kind => True,
                                       Checking.Label_Kind => True,
                                       others => False),
                       Ambiguity_Allowed => False,
                       Required_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       Prohibited_Pragmas => Checking.No_Pragmas,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Xref_Prefix : constant Attr.Prefix :=
       Attr.Build (Valid_Objects => Xref_Objects,
                   Valid_Miscellaneous_Names => Xref_Misc_Names,
                   Valid_Types => Checking.Null_Type_Set,
                   For_Target => T_Name);

    Xref_Result : constant Attr.Result :=
          (Type_Name => "Machine_Code.Operand", For_Target => T_Name);

    Xref_Designator : constant Attr.Designator := Attributes.Null_Designator;

    Xref_Attr : constant Attr.Attribute :=
       Attr.Build (The_Name => "Ref",
                   The_Prefix => Xref_Prefix,
                   The_Result => Xref_Result,
                   The_Designator => Xref_Designator,
                   For_Target => T_Name);


    -- X'Task_Id
    -- X is supposed to be limited to a "task object or a value".  However,
    -- the SunAda documentation is unclear as to what they mean by "a
    -- value" in this context.  At this time, the implementation limits use
    -- of the 'Task_Id to objects which are task types or are derived from
    -- task types.

    Task_Id_Types_Set : constant Checking.Type_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Enforced_Type_Restrictions =>
                       Valid_Structural_Types =>
                          (Checking.Task_Type => True, others => False),
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Task_Id_Object_Set : constant Checking.Object_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds => Checking.All_Object_Kinds,
                       Allowed_Types => Task_Id_Types_Set,
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Task_Id_Misc_Name_Set : constant Checking.Miscellaneous_Name_Set :=
       Checking.Build (Valid_Kinds =>
                          (Checking.Task_Kind => True, others => False),
                       For_Target => T_Name);

    Task_Id_Prefix : constant Attr.Prefix :=
       Attr.Build (Valid_Objects => Task_Id_Object_Set,
                   Valid_Miscellaneous_Names => Task_Id_Misc_Name_Set,
                   Valid_Types => Checking.Null_Type_Set,
                   For_Target => T_Name);

    Task_Id_Result : constant Attr.Result :=
          (Type_Name => "System.Task_Id", For_Target => T_Name);

    Task_Id_Designator : constant Attr.Designator := Attr.Null_Designator;

    Task_Id_Attr : constant Attr.Attribute :=
       Attr.Build (The_Name => "Task_Id",
                   The_Prefix => Task_Id_Prefix,
                   The_Result => Task_Id_Result,
                   The_Designator => Task_Id_Designator,
                   For_Target => T_Name);


    Attr_List : constant Attr.Attribute_Array := (1 => Ref_Attr,
                                                  2 => Xref_Attr,
                                                  3 => Task_Id_Attr,
                                                  4 => Long_Address_Attr);


    -- for I in Attr_List'Range loop
    --     Io.Put_Line (Attr.Get_Name (Attr_List (I)));
    --     Io.Put_Line ("  Result: " & Attr.Get_Name
    --                                    (Attr.Get_Result (Attr_List (I))));
    -- end loop;

    return Attr.Build (Attribute_List => Attr_List, For_Target => T_Name);

--    return Get_Attributes (T_Name);
end Get_Attribute_Info;

E3 Meta Data

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