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Length: 11264 (0x2c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Moteur, seg_038051
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Personnal_Array; with Personnal_String; with Element_De_Tri; with Text_Io; with Serial_Io; package body Moteur is type Pstring is access String; type Tableau_D_Element_De_Tri is array (1 .. 1000) of Element_De_Tri.Object; type Table_De_Tri is record The_Tab : Tableau_D_Element_De_Tri; Size : Natural; end record; Time_Max : constant Duration := 86400.0; The_File : Text_Io.File_Type; Base : Duration; The_Tab : Personnal_Array.Object; procedure File_Open (The_Name : String; Mode : Text_Io.File_Mode) is begin Text_Io.Open (File => The_File, Mode => Mode, Name => The_Name, Form => ""); end File_Open; procedure File_Close is begin Text_Io.Close (The_File); end File_Close; procedure Start_Chrono is begin Base := 0.0; end Start_Chrono; function Current_Time_Is_Over (A_Time : Duration) return Boolean is begin delay A_Time - Base; Base := A_Time; return True; end Current_Time_Is_Over; function File_Time_Value (A_File : Text_Io.File_Type) return Duration is A_String : Personnal_String.Object; C : Character; begin Personnal_String.Raz (A_String); if not Text_Io.End_Of_File (A_File) then Text_Io.Get (A_File, C); while C = ' ' loop Text_Io.Get (A_File, C); end loop; while C in '0' .. '9' loop Personnal_String.Put (A_String, C); Text_Io.Get (A_File, C); end loop; return Duration ((Integer'Value (Personnal_String.Value (A_String)))) / 10; else return Time_Max; end if; end File_Time_Value; function File_Length (A_File : Text_Io.File_Type) return Text_Io.Positive_Count is C : Character; begin while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (A_File) loop Text_Io.Get (A_File, C); end loop; return Text_Io.Line (A_File); end File_Length; procedure Line_Put (A_File : Text_Io.File_Type) is C : Character; A_String : Personnal_String.Object; begin Personnal_String.Raz (A_String); while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (A_File) and not Text_Io.End_Of_Line (A_File) loop Text_Io.Get (A_File, C); if C /= ' ' then Personnal_String.Put (A_String, C); end if; end loop; Personnal_Array.Put (The_Tab, A_String); end Line_Put; procedure Send_To_Serial_Io (The_String : String) is begin Serial_Io.Put (S => "D", Tty => "/dev/tty0"); Serial_Io.Put (S => The_String, Tty => "/dev/tty0"); Serial_Io.Put ("F", Tty => "/dev/tty0"); end Send_To_Serial_Io; procedure Send is begin for I in 1 .. Personnal_Array.Last (The_Tab) loop declare Tmp : Pstring; begin Tmp := new String'(Personnal_Array.Value (The_Tab, I)); Send_To_Serial_Io (Tmp.all); end; end loop; end Send; procedure Copy_File_Into_Tab (A_File : Text_Io.File_Type; Une_Table : in out Table_De_Tri) is begin for I in 1 .. Une_Table.Size loop if not Text_Io.End_Of_File (A_File) then Element_De_Tri.Affecter (Une_Table.The_Tab (I), File_Time_Value (A_File)); Element_De_Tri.Affecter (Une_Table.The_Tab (I), A_File); end if; end loop; end Copy_File_Into_Tab; procedure Copy_Tab_Into_File (A_File : in out Text_Io.File_Type; Une_Table : Table_De_Tri) is begin for I in 1 .. Une_Table.Size loop Text_Io.Put (A_File, Integer'Image (Integer (Element_De_Tri.Temps_Value (Une_Table.The_Tab (I)) * 10))); Text_Io.Put (A_File, " "); Text_Io.Put_Line (A_File, Element_De_Tri.Contenu_Value (Une_Table.The_Tab (I))); end loop; end Copy_Tab_Into_File; procedure Tri_A_Bulle (Une_Table : in out Table_De_Tri) is J : Integer; Tmp : Element_De_Tri.Object; begin for I in 1 .. Une_Table.Size - 1 loop J := Une_Table.Size; while J >= I + 1 loop if Element_De_Tri.Temps_Value (Une_Table.The_Tab (J)) < Element_De_Tri.Temps_Value (Une_Table.The_Tab (J - 1)) then Tmp := Une_Table.The_Tab (J); Une_Table.The_Tab (J) := Une_Table.The_Tab (J - 1); Une_Table.The_Tab (J - 1) := Tmp; end if; J := J - 1; end loop; end loop; end Tri_A_Bulle; function Trier (In_File : String) return String is La_Table : Table_De_Tri; begin File_Open (In_File, Text_Io.In_File); La_Table.Size := Positive (File_Length (The_File)); File_Close; File_Open (In_File, Text_Io.In_File); Copy_File_Into_Tab (The_File, La_Table); File_Close; Tri_A_Bulle (La_Table); Text_Io.Create (File => The_File, Mode => Text_Io.Out_File, Name => In_File & ".tri", Form => ""); Copy_Tab_Into_File (The_File, La_Table); File_Close; return In_File & ".tri"; end Trier; procedure Run (Name : String) is Current_File_Time, The_Time : Duration; begin File_Open (Name, Text_Io.In_File); Start_Chrono; Current_File_Time := File_Time_Value (The_File); The_Time := Current_File_Time; while not Text_Io.End_Of_File (The_File) loop Personnal_Array.Raz (The_Tab); while The_Time <= Current_File_Time loop Line_Put (The_File); Text_Io.Skip_Line (The_File); The_Time := File_Time_Value (The_File); end loop; if Current_Time_Is_Over (Current_File_Time) then Send; Current_File_Time := The_Time; end if; end loop; File_Close; end Run; end Moteur;
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