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Rational R1000/400

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⟦53135d594⟧ TextFile

    Length: 14338 (0x3802)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: R1k Text-file segment


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 


with Xlbt_Basic, Xlbt_Event, Xlbt_Window, Xlbt_Font, Xlbt_Text,
     Xlbt_Key, Xlbt_String, Xlbt_Arithmetic, Xlbt_Gc, Xlbt_Hint;
use Xlbt_Basic, Xlbt_Event, Xlbt_Window, Xlbt_Font, Xlbt_Text,
    Xlbt_Key, Xlbt_String, Xlbt_Arithmetic, Xlbt_Gc, Xlbt_Hint;
with Xlbp_Event, Xlbp_Display, Xlbp_Window, Xlbp_Font, Xlbp_Key,
     Xlbp_Text, Xlbp_Sync, Xlbp_Gc, Xlbp_Graphics, Xlbp_Hint, Text_Io;
use Xlbp_Event, Xlbp_Display, Xlbp_Window, Xlbp_Font, Xlbp_Key,
    Xlbp_Text, Xlbp_Sync, Xlbp_Gc, Xlbp_Graphics, Xlbp_Hint, Text_Io;

package body Terminal is

    type    Events     is (Update, Button_Up, Button_Down);
    type    Fonts      is (Small_Font, Medium_Font, Large_Font);
    subtype Coordinate is S_Short;
    subtype Dimension  is U_Short_Positive;
    package Arithmetic is
        function "+" (C : Coordinate; D : Dimension)   return Coordinate;
        function "-" (C : Coordinate; D : Dimension)   return Coordinate;
        function "/" (D : Dimension; Scale : Positive) return Dimension;
        function "*" (D : Dimension; Scale : Positive) return Dimension;
        function "+" (D1, D2 : Dimension)              return Dimension
            renames Xlbt_Arithmetic."+";
        function "-" (D1, D2 : Dimension)              return Dimension
            renames Xlbt_Arithmetic."-";
    end Arithmetic;
    Fatal_Error, Value_Error : exception;
    task type Wait_Event is
        entry Go (H : in Handle);
    end Wait_Event;
    type T_Acc          is access Wait_Event;
    type Font_Type_Type is (Small, Medium, Large);
    type Font_Record_Type is
            Font   : X_Font_Struct;
            Width  : S_Short;
            Height : S_Short;
        end record;  
    Null_Font_Record : constant Font_Record_Type :=
       (Font => None_X_Font_Struct, Width => 0, Height => 0);
    type Font_Array_Type is array (Font_Type_Type) of Font_Record_Type;
    Null_Font_Array : constant Font_Array_Type := (others => Null_Font_Record);
    type Objet is
            No                       : Integer;
            Display                  : X_Display;
            Screen                   : X_Screen_Number;
            Root_Window, Main_Window : X_Window;
            Current_Font             : Font_Record_Type;
            Fonts                    : Font_Array_Type;
            Graphic_Context          : X_Gc;
            T                        : T_Acc;
            Stop                     : Boolean;
            Next, Prev               : Handle;
        end record;
    Null_Objet : constant Objet := (No              => 0,
                                    Display         => None_X_Display,
                                    Screen          => None_X_Screen_Number,
                                    Root_Window     => None_X_Window,
                                    Main_Window     => None_X_Window,
                                    Current_Font    => Null_Font_Record,
                                    Fonts           => Null_Font_Array,
                                    Graphic_Context => None_X_Gc,
                                    T               => null,
                                    Stop            => False,
                                    Next            => null,
                                    Prev            => null);
    First_Busy : Handle := null;  
    First_Free : Handle := null;
    Max_No_Flushed_Requests : constant Natural := 1;
    X_Request_Count : Natural := 0;
    Black, White : X_Pixel;
    Width : constant Natural := 80;
    The_String : constant String (1 .. Width) := (others => ' ');

    task body Wait_Event is
        Event      : X_Event;
        Terminal   : Handle;
        C          : Character;
        Buffer     : X_String (1 .. 10);
        Result     : S_Natural;
        Key_Symbol : X_Key_Sym;
        Status     : X_Compose_Status;
        type State_Type is (Wait_Press, Wait_Release, Wait_Read);
        State : State_Type := Wait_Press;
        accept Go (H : in Handle) do
            Terminal := H;
        end Go;
        while not Terminal.Stop loop
            X_Next_Event (Terminal.Display, Event);
            if Event.Window = Terminal.Main_Window then
                case Event.Kind is  
                    when Key_Press =>
                        if State = Wait_Press then
                                X_Lookup_String (Event, Buffer, Result,
                                                 Key_Symbol, Status);
                                C     := To_String (Buffer (1 .. Result)) (1);
                                State := Wait_Release;
                                when others =>
                        end if;
                    when Key_Release =>
                        if State = Wait_Release then
                            State := Wait_Read;
                            Text_Io.Put_Line ("PASS");
                            Envoyer_Caractere (C => C, No => Terminal.No);
                            State := Wait_Press;
                        end if;
                    when others =>
                        Text_Io.Put_Line ("Event = " &
                                          X_Event_Code'Image (Event.Kind));
                end case;
                Text_Io.Put_Line ("Event sur mauvaise fenetre");
            end if;
        end loop;
        when others =>
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Exception");
    end Wait_Event;

    function Get_Handle return Handle is
        Loc_Handle : Handle := First_Free;
        if First_Free /= null then
            First_Free := First_Free.Next;
            Loc_Handle := new Objet;
        end if;
        Loc_Handle.all := Null_Objet;
        Loc_Handle.T   := new Wait_Event;
        return Loc_Handle;
    end Get_Handle;
    procedure Put_Handle (H : in out Handle) is
        H.Next     := First_Free;
        First_Free := H;
    end Put_Handle;

    procedure Set_Window_Manager_Hints (H             : Handle;
                                        Title         : String;
                                        X, Y          : S_Short;
                                        Width, Height : U_Short_Positive) is
        Success    : X_Status;
        Size_Hints : X_Size_Hints;
        Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Position) := True;
        Size_Hints.Flags (U_S_Size)     := True;
        Size_Hints.Width                := S_Long (Width);
        Size_Hints.Height               := S_Long (Height);
        Size_Hints.X                    := S_Long (X);
        Size_Hints.Y                    := S_Long (Y);
        X_Set_Wm_Properties (Display     => H.Display,
                             Window      => H.Main_Window,
                             Window_Name => To_X_String (Title),
                             Icon_Name   => To_X_String (Title),
                             Arg_V       => (1 .. 0 => null),
                             Normal      => Size_Hints,
                             Wm          => None_X_Wm_Hints,
                             Class       => None_X_Class_Hint,
                             Status      => Success);
    end Set_Window_Manager_Hints;

    procedure Create_Window (H             : in Handle;
                             Title         :    String;
                             X, Y          :    S_Short;
                             Width, Height :    U_Short_Positive) is
        Xswa : X_Set_Window_Attributes;
        Xswa.Event_Mask       := X_Event_Mask'(Key_Press_Mask   => True,
                                               Key_Release_Mask => True,
                                               others           => False);
        Xswa.Background_Pixel := White;
        Xswa.Border_Pixel     := Black;
        H.Main_Window         :=
              (Display      => H.Display,
               Parent       => H.Root_Window,
               X            => X,
               Y            => Y,
               Width        => Width,
               Height       => Height,
               Border_Width => 0,
               Depth        => X_Default_Depth (H.Display, H.Screen),
               Class        => Input_Output,
               Visual       => X_Default_Visual (H.Display, H.Screen),
               Values_Mask  =>
                  (Cw_Event_Mask | Cw_Back_Pixel | Cw_Border_Pixel => True,
                   others => False),
               Values       => Xswa);
        Set_Window_Manager_Hints (H, Title, X, Y, Width, Height);
        X_Map_Window (H.Display, H.Main_Window);
    end Create_Window;

    procedure Create_Graphic_Context (H : in Handle) is
        Xgcv : X_Gc_Values;
        H.Graphic_Context := X_Create_Gc
                                (H.Display, H.Main_Window.Drawable,
                                 None_X_Gc_Components, None_X_Gc_Values);  
        X_Set_Foreground (H.Display, H.Graphic_Context, Black);
        X_Set_Background (H.Display, H.Graphic_Context, White);
        Xgcv.Line_Width := 1;
        Xgcv.Cap_Style  := Cap_Round;
           (H.Display, H.Graphic_Context,
            (Gc_Line_Width | Gc_Cap_Style => True, others => False), Xgcv);
    end Create_Graphic_Context;

    procedure Load_The_Fonts (H : in Handle) is
        H.Fonts (Small).Font  :=
           X_Load_Query_Font (Display => H.Display,
                              Name    => To_X_String ("rom10"));
        H.Fonts (Medium).Font :=
           X_Load_Query_Font (Display => H.Display,
                              Name    => To_X_String ("rom14"));
        H.Fonts (Large).Font  :=
           X_Load_Query_Font (Display => H.Display,
                              Name    => To_X_String ("rom28"));
        for Ft in Font_Type_Type loop
            H.Fonts (Ft).Width  := S_Short (H.Fonts (Ft).Font.Max_Bounds.Width);
            H.Fonts (Ft).Height := S_Short (H.Fonts (Ft).Font.Ascent +
                                            H.Fonts (Ft).Font.Descent);
        end loop;
    end Load_The_Fonts;

    function Creer (Col : in Coordonnees := Max_Col;
                    Lin : in Coordonnees := Max_Lin;
                    No  : in Integer;
                    Nom : in String) return Handle is
        Title         : constant String   := "BT/BP";
        Left, Right   : Coordinate        := 100;
        Width, Height : Dimension         := 800;
        The_Name      : constant X_String := X_Display_Name (To_X_String (Nom));
        Error         : X_Error_String;
        Loc_Handle    : Handle            := Get_Handle;
        Loc_Handle.No := No;
        X_Open_Display (The_Name, Loc_Handle.Display, Error);
        if Loc_Handle.Display = None_X_Display then
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Fatal error, " & To_String (Err (Error)));
            raise Fatal_Error;
        end if;
        Loc_Handle.Screen := X_Default_Screen (Loc_Handle.Display);  
        Loc_Handle.Root_Window := X_Root_Window
                                     (Loc_Handle.Display, Loc_Handle.Screen);
        Black := X_Black_Pixel (Loc_Handle.Display, Loc_Handle.Screen);
        White := X_White_Pixel (Loc_Handle.Display, Loc_Handle.Screen);
        Load_The_Fonts (Loc_Handle);
        Loc_Handle.Current_Font := Loc_Handle.Fonts (Small);
        Width := Dimension (Loc_Handle.Current_Font.Width) * Dimension (Col);
        Height := Dimension (Loc_Handle.Current_Font.Height) * Dimension (Lin);
        Create_Window (Loc_Handle, Title, Left, Right, Width, Height);
        Create_Graphic_Context (Loc_Handle);  
        X_Set_Font (Loc_Handle.Display, Loc_Handle.Graphic_Context,
        Loc_Handle.Next := First_Busy;
        First_Busy      := Loc_Handle;
        Loc_Handle.T.Go (Loc_Handle);
        return Loc_Handle;
    end Creer;

    procedure Flush_If_Needed (H : in Handle) is
        X_Request_Count := X_Request_Count + 1;
        if X_Request_Count >= Max_No_Flushed_Requests then
            X_Sync (H.Display, False);
            X_Request_Count := 0;
        end if;
    end Flush_If_Needed;

    procedure Ecrire (Terminal : in Handle;
                      C        : in Character;
                      X, Y     : in Coordonnees) is
        My_X_String : X_String (1 .. 1);
        C_P         : X_Character := X_Character'Val (Character'Pos (C));
        My_X_String (1) := C_P;
        X_Draw_Image_String (Display => Terminal.Display,
                             Drawable => Terminal.Main_Window.Drawable,
                             Gc => Terminal.Graphic_Context,
                             X => Terminal.Current_Font.Width * S_Short (X - 1),
                             Y => Terminal.Current_Font.Height * S_Short (Y),
                             Text => My_X_String);
        Flush_If_Needed (Terminal);
    end Ecrire;

    procedure Fermer (Terminal : in Handle) is
        Terminal.Stop := True;
        X_Close_Display (Terminal.Display);
    end Fermer;

    package body Arithmetic is
        function "+" (C : Coordinate; D : Dimension) return Coordinate is
            return S_Short (C) + S_Short (D);
            when Constraint_Error =>
                raise Value_Error;
        end "+";

        function "-" (C : Coordinate; D : Dimension) return Coordinate is
            return S_Short (C) - S_Short (D);
            when Constraint_Error =>
                raise Value_Error;
        end "-";

        function "/" (D : Dimension; Scale : Positive) return Dimension is
            return U_Short_Positive (D) / U_Short_Positive (Scale);
            when Constraint_Error | Numeric_Error =>
                raise Value_Error;
        end "/";

        function "*" (D : Dimension; Scale : Positive) return Dimension is
            return U_Short_Positive (D) * U_Short_Positive (Scale);
            when Constraint_Error =>
                raise Value_Error;
        end "*";
    end Arithmetic;
end Terminal