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Length: 34816 (0x8800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Ada_Program, pragma Module_Name 4 3570, pragma Subsystem Design_Facility, seg_001c74
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Action; with Directory_Tools; with Diana; with Errors; with Ada_Text; package Ada_Program is package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; type Element is private; Nil_Element : constant Element; -- Ada programs are composed of a hierarchical structure -- of elements. Operations are defined to determine what -- kind a particular element is and to decompose elements -- into sub-elements (children). -- -- Each element may also have attributes that provide information -- about that element. For example, all declaration elements will -- have a name (identifier) associated with them. Certain static -- expressions may have a value associated with them. Operations -- are defined to provide this information for specific kinds of -- elements. -- -- If a query for a specific attribute is made to an inappropriate -- kind of element the Inappropriate_Program_Element exception is raised. -- -- Some elements "make reference to" other elements. -- Declarations, for example, define named elements. -- Other elements such as statements and expressions may make -- reference to declarations. -- -- Operations are available to find defining elements from -- the elements that use those definitions. -- -- All elements have an image, that is, a pretty printing of -- that fragment of the program. Images of elements other than -- top level kinds and IDs may not be very meaningful. -- The images of these elements may be locked, or inaccessible -- and so these operations may fail. -- -- Comments may be isolated, adjacent to or attached to an element. -- Comments that stand alone or are adjacent to an element -- are generally intended to be related to some program element such -- as a declaration or statement. This relation must be derived from the -- convention established in the program using this interface and is not -- captured in the semantics of this interface. -- -- Many operations in this interface traverse from one program tree to -- another. If in this traversal a new Ada object must be opened, the -- traversal may fail due to a lock or access error. In this case -- the FAILED exception is raised. -- -- When an operation fails for any reason (a defined exception -- propagates out of the operation) the DIAGNOSIS and STATUS calls -- may be made to find out why the operation failed. pragma Page; function Is_Nil (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; -- Some program elements have optional attributes or sub-elements. -- In the case where an attribute or sub-element could, but does -- does not actually exist, a nil element will be returned. function Parent (Program_Element : Element) return Element; -- Returns the immediate parent element of the specified element. -- If the element is a compilation_unit, (see definition below and -- package Compilation_Unit) a nil element is returned. function Line_Number (Of_Element : Element) return Natural; -- Returns the line number on which the element resides. -- A nil element returns 0. -- This operation uses the element's image. procedure Definition (Of_Element : Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada object editor on the unit containing OF_ELEMENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Element_Iterator is private; -- A (read only) ordered set of Elements. Nil_Iterator : constant Element_Iterator; procedure Next (Iter : in out Element_Iterator); function Done (Iter : Element_Iterator) return Boolean; function Value (Iter : Element_Iterator) return Ada_Program.Element; procedure Reset (Iter : in out Element_Iterator); -- Resets the iterator to the beginning of the list. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Element_List is private; -- A (read/write) ordered list of Elements. Nil_List : constant Element_List; -- Elements lists are used for collecting together lists of elements -- during traversal. -- Assignment on LISTs DOES NOT CAUSE A COPY TO BE MADE! -- Use COPY to do that. procedure Copy (From_Iter : Element_Iterator; To_List : out Element_List); procedure Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : out Element_List); -- The entire contents of FROM_xxx is copied regardless of the current -- 'position' of FROM_xxx or TO_LIST. -- The contents of TO_LIST are lost. procedure Append (Program_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Prepend (Program_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Append (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- Append/Prepend to the end/beginning of TO_LIST. The current position -- of the list is undefined after these calls. generic with function Discard (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; procedure Filter (Source_List : Element_List; Target_List : out Element_List); generic with function Discard (Program_Element : Element) return Boolean; procedure Filter_Iterator (Source_Iterator : Element_Iterator; Target_List : out Element_List); procedure Next (List : in out Element_List); function Done (List : Element_List) return Boolean; function Value (List : Element_List) return Ada_Program.Element; procedure Reset (List : in out Element_List); -- Resets the list to the beginning. procedure Invert (List : in out Element_List); -- Reverse the ordering of the given element list. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Traversal_Control is (Continue, Abandon_Children, Abandon_Siblings, Terminate_Immediately); generic type State_Record is private; with procedure Pre_Operation (Program_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Control : in out Traversal_Control); with procedure Post_Operation (Program_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Control : in out Traversal_Control); procedure Depth_First_Traversal (Root_Element : Element; State : in out State_Record; Major_Elements_Only : Boolean := True); -- Performs a depth-first traversal of Ada_Program elements rooted at -- the given element. If Major_Elements_Only is True, then only -- MAJOR Ada_Program elements are visited (see ELEMENT_KINDS enumeration -- below) -- -- For each element: -- The formal procedure Pre_Operation is called when first visiting -- the element. All sub-elements are then visited and then the -- Post_Operation procedure is called when returning from visiting all -- sub_elements. The State variable is passed from call to call. -- -- Traversal can be controlled with the Control parameter. -- The Abandon_Children option prevents traversal to the current element's -- children, but picks up with the next sibling. -- The Abandon_Sibling option abandons traversal through the -- remaining siblings but continues traversal at the parent. -- The Terminate_Immediately option does the obvious. -- -- NOTES: -- Abandon_Children in a POST_OPERATION is the same as CONTINUE (all -- the children have already been visited). -- Abandon_Siblings in a PRE_OPERATION skips the associated -- POST_OPERATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ type Line_Iterator is private; subtype Line is String; function Done (Iter : Line_Iterator) return Boolean; function Value (Iter : Line_Iterator) return Line; procedure Next (Iter : in out Line_Iterator); function Image (Program_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Line_Iterator; -- The image of a program element is made up of some number of lines. -- Images can be iterated over to get each individual line. function Image (Program_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return String; -- The image of a program element in a single string. Lines are separated -- by Ascii.Lf characters. function Preceding_Comments (An_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Line_Iterator; function Following_Comments (An_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that appear before or after the specified -- element (including blank lines) Non blank comment lines include "--"s. -- This function is appropriate for major elements such as statements, -- declarations, context clauses, and generally things that can appear on -- on a line by themselves. If no comments are present, a nil iterator is -- returned. function Internal_Comments (An_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that appear attached to the internal -- structure of an element. Examples of elements that have internal -- structure are: Package Specs, Procedure Bodies. function Attached_Comments (An_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Line_Iterator; -- Returns the comments, if any, that are directly attached to -- an element. In the case that no comments exist, a "Done" -- iterator will be returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- MAJOR program elements: type Element_Kinds is (A_Compilation_Unit, A_Context_Clause, A_Declaration, A_Statement, A_Pragma, A_Representation_Clause, Not_A_Major_Element); function Kind (Program_Element : Element) return Element_Kinds; -- Once the KIND of an element is determined, further decomposition -- or selection can be done by calling functions in the package that -- deals with a specific element kind. (e.g. the COMPILATION_UNITS -- package for kind A_COMPILATION_UNIT) subtype Compilation_Unit is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Context_Clause is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Declaration is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Statement is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Pragma_Usage is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Expression is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Representation_Clause is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Type_Definition is Ada_Program.Element; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- IDENTIFIERS: -- LRM 2.3 subtype Identifier_Definition is Ada_Program.Element; subtype Identifier_Reference is Ada_Program.Element; -- The image of all Identifier_Definitions and Identifier_References -- will provide the string name. type Id_Kinds is (An_Identifier_Definition, An_Identifier_Reference, Not_An_Identifier); function Id_Kind (An_Identifier : Ada_Program.Element) return Id_Kinds; function Definition (Reference : Ada_Program.Element; Visible : Boolean := True) return Identifier_Definition; -- This call follows the ADA OBJECT EDITOR definition model. function Usage (Reference : Ada_Program.Element; Global : Boolean := True; Limit : String := "<ALL_WORLDS>"; Closure : Boolean := False) return Ada_Program.Element_List; -- This call follows the ADA OBJECT EDITOR show usage model. function Other_Part (Reference : Ada_Program.Element) return Identifier_Definition; -- Returns the other part of the given reference. If the given -- reference has no other part, it returns Nil_Element function String_Name (An_Identifier : Ada_Program.Element) return String; ------------------------------------------------------------------ package Conversion is function Normalize (Tree : Diana.Tree) return Element; -- Given an arbitrary diana tree find the closest corresponding -- ELEMENT. (This routine may walk UP a diana tree); function Convert (A_Tree : Diana.Tree) return Element; function Convert (An_Element : Element) return Diana.Tree; procedure Register_Action (Action_Id : Action.Id); -- Once an action is registered, all "opens" will be performed -- under the specified action. Opens can be implicitly performed -- when one traverses to definitions located in other objects -- or if one accesses the element's image. procedure Close_All_Objects; -- -- Closes all objects opened by the current job. This operation -- DOES NOT affect the Actions associated withthe current job. procedure Finish_Action; -- Closes all objects opened under the previously registered -- action or under the default action. This operation is similar -- to CLOSE_ALL_OBJECTS except that the currently registered -- action is also committed. -- Construction of iterators: function Build_Element_Iterator (Sequence : Diana.Sequence) return Element_Iterator; function Build_Element_Iterator (Seq_Type : Diana.Seq_Type) return Element_Iterator; -- Conversion functions to and from directory object handles and names. function To_Directory_Object (Comp_Unit : Compilation_Unit) return Object.Handle; function To_Compilation_Unit (Directory_Object : Object.Handle; Action_Id : Action.Id := Action.Null_Id) return Compilation_Unit; -- If the default Null_Id is provided, the currently registered -- action will be used for this and all subsequent opens. -- If no action has previously been registered, then one will be -- constructed. -- If a non-null action is specified it will be used for this open -- and registered for all subsequent opens. function Resolve (Element_Name : String) return Ada_Program.Element; -- Does the best it can to resolve an unambiguous name of an -- element to it's internal form. See notes below for GET_NAME. function Resolve (Element_Names : String; Visible : Boolean := True; Look_Through_Stubs : Boolean := True) return Ada_Program.Element_List; -- Resolves any name to a list of one or more Ada_Program.Elements. -- The Visible parameter behaves as it does in Common.Definition. -- If the name resolves to a subunit, the stub is returned if -- Look_Through_Stubs is False, and the subunit if it is True. function Get_Name (Of_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return String; -- Does the best it can to give a fully resolved name of the -- element, this works well for declarations and comp_units but -- may not give useful results for other kinds of elements. -- If it succeeds, the string may be used in RESOLVE to convert back -- to the originating ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT ------------------------------------ function Handle_Of (The_Element : Element) return Ada_Text.Handle; -- Returns the currently open handle for the Ada image containing -- THE_ELEMENT. If no handle exists, one will be opened and -- future calls will return that handle. -- ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENTs cannot be stored in permanent objects -- like files. Use the following operations to generate an external -- representation that can be saved and converted. type Element_Permanent_Representation is new String; function Convert (An_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Within : String := "<SUBSYSTEM>") return Element_Permanent_Representation; -- The WITHIN parameter specifies how fully qualified the -- representation is (or should be resolved). When converting from -- an element to a permanent representation, the values can be : -- <FULL> - The element's fully qualified resolution is -- returned. -- <SUBSYSTEM> - The resolution of the element is subsystem -- relative. Subsystem name and spec or load origin -- is preserved. -- <VIEW> - The resolution of the element is view relative. -- No origin information is preserved. -- -- Storage for <SUBSYSTEM> or <VIEW> representation are less than -- <FULL> but some origin information is lost. -- procedure Convert (An_Element_Rep : Element_Permanent_Representation; Result : out Ada_Program.Element; Status : in out Errors.Condition; Within : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- When converting from a permanent representation to an element, -- an attempt is made to fill in any missing information in the -- permanent representation from the WITHIN parameter. So, in all -- cases, if the permanent representation was FULLy resolved the -- WITHIN parameter is ignored, otherwise : -- <DEFAULT> - For <SUBSYSTEM>, the view selected by -- the current activity for the stored subsystem is -- used as the origin. The spec or load origin of the -- representation is used to pick the specific view. -- For <VIEW>, the current view context is used as -- the origin. -- subsystem name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW>, the view selected by the current -- activity for the specified subsystem is used. -- The subsystem name can be followed by "'SPEC" or -- "'LOAD" to force use of the spec view or load -- view from the activity. (Defaults to Spec View) -- view name - For <SUBSYSTEM>, if the subsystem containing the -- specified view matches the representation's -- subsystem, the specified view is used. -- If no match, same as <DEFAULT>. -- For <VIEW> the specified view is used. function Unique_Id (For_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Long_Integer; -- Generates a unique number for any element. -- Useful for building maps for elements. end Conversion; Inappropriate_Program_Element : exception; -- Raised when an operation is applied to an inappropriate -- program element. -- Use the DIAGNOSIS or STATUS calls to get more info. Failed : exception; -- Catch-all exception raised when an operation fails for reasons other -- than the above inappropriate element reason. -- Use the DIAGNOSIS or STATUS calls to get more info. function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; -- Whenever an error condition is detected (and exception is raised) -- a diagnostic message/status is stored. These functions retrieve the -- diagnostic for the most recent error. -- The following provide debugger image functions for the -- private types defined in this package. function Debug_Image (Of_Element : Element; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Iterator : Element_Iterator; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Element_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_Lines : Line_Iterator; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; -- -- Hide these interfaces ... -- procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- if a data type contains a LIST and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed -- to object returns a LIST, use this to get the LIST out, it -- will un-normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3570); pragma Bias_Key (109); private type Element is new Diana.Tree; Nil_Element : constant Element := Element (Diana.Empty); -- ELEMENT_ITERATORs are read only type Iterator_Kinds is (Sequence, Seq_Type); type Element_Iterator is record Kind : Iterator_Kinds; Sequence_Root, Sequence_Current : Diana.Sequence; Seq_Type_Root, Seq_Type_Current : Diana.Seq_Type; end record; Nil_Iterator : constant Element_Iterator := Element_Iterator'(Kind => Sequence, Sequence_Root => Diana.Sequence'(Diana.Make), Sequence_Current => Diana.Sequence'(Diana.Make), Seq_Type_Root => Diana.Seq_Type'(Diana.Make), Seq_Type_Current => Diana.Seq_Type'(Diana.Make)); -- ELEMENT_LISTs are read/write type Element_List is record First, Current, Last : Diana.Temp_Seq; end record; Nil_List : constant Element_List := Element_List'(First => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make), Current => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make), Last => Diana.Temp_Seq'(Diana.Make)); type Line_Iterator is new Ada_Text.Iterator; end Ada_Program;
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