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Length: 5380 (0x1504) Types: TextFile Notes: R1k Text-file segment
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦2907e3d82⟧ └─⟦this⟧
#ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: xload.c,v 1.26 89/12/11 15:53:27 kit Exp $"; #endif /* lint */ #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Intrinsic.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #include <X11/Shell.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Cardinals.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Label.h> #include <X11/Xaw/Paned.h> #include <X11/Xaw/StripChart.h> #include <X11/Xmu/SysUtil.h> #include "xload.bit" char *ProgramName; extern void exit(), GetLoadPoint(); static void quit(); /* * Definition of the Application resources structure. */ typedef struct _XLoadResources { Boolean show_label; } XLoadResources; /* * Command line options table. Only resources are entered here...there is a * pass over the remaining options after XtParseCommand is let loose. */ static XrmOptionDescRec options[] = { {"-scale", "*load.minScale", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-update", "*load.update", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-hl", "*load.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-highlight", "*load.highlight", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-label", "*label.label", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, {"-nolabel", "*showLabel", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"}, {"-jumpscroll", "*load.jumpScroll", XrmoptionSepArg, NULL}, }; /* * The structure containing the resource information for the * Xload application resources. */ #define Offset(field) (XtOffset(XLoadResources *, field)) static XtResource my_resources[] = { {"showLabel", XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), Offset(show_label), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) TRUE}, }; #undef Offset static XtActionsRec xload_actions[] = { { "quit", quit }, }; static Atom wm_delete_window; /* * Exit with message describing command line format. */ void usage() { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-options ...]\n\n", ProgramName); fprintf (stderr, "where options include:\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -display dpy X server on which to display\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -geometry geom size and location of window\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -fn font font to use in label\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -scale number minimum number of scale lines\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -update seconds interval between updates\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -label string annotation text\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -bg color background color\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -fg color graph color\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -hl color scale and text color\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -nolabel removes the label from above the chart.\n"); fprintf (stderr, " -jumpscroll value number of pixels to scroll on overflow\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } void main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { char host[256], * label; Widget toplevel, load, pane, label_wid, load_parent; Arg args[1]; Pixmap icon_pixmap = None; XLoadResources resources; ProgramName = argv[0]; toplevel = XtInitialize(NULL, "XLoad", options, XtNumber(options), &argc, argv); XtGetApplicationResources( toplevel, (caddr_t) &resources, my_resources, XtNumber(my_resources), NULL, (Cardinal) 0); if (argc != 1) usage(); /* * This is a hack so that f.delete will do something useful in this * single-window application. */ XtAppAddActions (XtWidgetToApplicationContext(toplevel), xload_actions, XtNumber(xload_actions)); XtOverrideTranslations(toplevel, XtParseTranslationTable ("<Message>WM_PROTOCOLS: quit()")); XtSetArg (args[0], XtNiconPixmap, &icon_pixmap); XtGetValues(toplevel, args, ONE); if (icon_pixmap == None) { XtSetArg(args[0], XtNiconPixmap, XCreateBitmapFromData(XtDisplay(toplevel), XtScreen(toplevel)->root, xload_bits, xload_width, xload_height)); XtSetValues (toplevel, args, ONE); } if (resources.show_label) { pane = XtCreateManagedWidget ("paned", panedWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, ZERO); label_wid = XtCreateManagedWidget ("label", labelWidgetClass, pane, NULL, ZERO); XtSetArg (args[0], XtNlabel, &label); XtGetValues(label_wid, args, ONE); if ( strcmp("label", label) == 0 ) { (void) XmuGetHostname (host, 255); XtSetArg (args[0], XtNlabel, host); XtSetValues (label_wid, args, ONE); } load_parent = pane; } else load_parent = toplevel; load = XtCreateManagedWidget ("load", stripChartWidgetClass, load_parent, NULL, ZERO); XtAddCallback(load, XtNgetValue, GetLoadPoint, NULL); XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); wm_delete_window = XInternAtom (XtDisplay(toplevel), "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); (void) XSetWMProtocols (XtDisplay(toplevel), XtWindow(toplevel), &wm_delete_window, 1); XtMainLoop(); } static void quit (w, event, params, num_params) Widget w; XEvent *event; String *params; Cardinal *num_params; { if (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.data.l[0] != wm_delete_window) { XBell (XtDisplay(w), 0); return; } XCloseDisplay (XtDisplay(w)); exit (0);