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Rational R1000/400

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⟦5bafd1855⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 38912 (0x9800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Acia_Pack, seg_02769a, seg_027d91, seg_027e5c


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Text_Io, Octet, Mot, Periph, Erreur,
     Acia_Out, Ihm, Bus, System, Verif_Input;
use Periph;
package body Acia_Pack is  
    Rdr_Full : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 0;
    Tdr_Empty : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 1;
    Overrun : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 5;
    Int_Request : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 7;
    Cr0 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 0;
    Cr1 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 1;
    Cr2 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 2;
    Cr3 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 3;
    Cr4 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 4;
    Cr5 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 5;
    Cr6 : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 6;
    Int_Enable : constant Octet.Num_Bit := 7;
    Not_Available : constant Natural := 30;
    Unknown_Id : constant Natural := 31;
    Unknown_Event : constant Natural := 32;
    Window_Already_Open : constant Natural := 33;
    Bad_Value : constant Natural := 34;
    Identifier_Field : constant String := "BB.Number";
    Vector_Field : constant String := "BB.F1.Vector";
    Address_Field : constant String := "BB.F1.Base";
    Mem_Mapped_Field : constant String := "BB.F1.Memory";
    It_Connect_Field : constant String := "BB.F1.It";  
    Status_Field : constant String := "BB.F2.Status";
    Control_Field : constant String := "BB.F2.Control";
    Transmit_Field : constant String := "BB.F2.Send";
    Recept_Field : constant String := "BB.F2.Receive";
    Close_Window : constant String := "Cancel";
    Window_Name : constant String := "ACIA";

    type Mode is (Put, Get);  
    task type Acia_Task is
        entry Init (Periph_Id : Periph.T_Periph_Number;
                    It_Vector : Octet.T_Octet;
                    Basic_Address : Mot.T_Mot;
                    Memory_Mapped : Boolean;
                    It_Connected : Boolean;
                    Identifier : T_Acia_Number;
                    Number_Of_Register : out Natural);
        entry Access_Register (Mode) (Register_Number : Natural;
                                      Value : in out Octet.T_Octet);
        entry Reset;
        entry Ack_Transmit;
        entry Kill;
        entry Open_Window (Wid : Ihm.Window_Id);
        entry Do_Event (What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind;
                        Field_Name : String;
                        Value : String);
    end Acia_Task;

    type P_Acia_Task is access Acia_Task;
    type Object is
            Task_Access : P_Acia_Task;
            Window : Boolean := False;
        end record;
    type Object_Table is array (T_Acia_Number) of Object;
    type Object_Manager is
            Table : Object_Table;
            Last : T_Acia_Number := T_Acia_Number'First;
        end record;
    type Acia_Config is
            Identifier : T_Acia_Number;
            Periph_Id : Periph.T_Periph_Number;
            Vector : Octet.T_Octet;
            Address : Mot.T_Mot;
            Mem_Mapped : Boolean;
            It_Connect : Boolean;  
            Status : Octet.T_Octet;
            Control : Octet.T_Octet;
            Transmit : Octet.T_Octet;
            Recept : Octet.T_Octet;
            Seven_Bits : Boolean;
            Trans_Parity : Acia_Out.Parity;
            Two_Stop : Boolean;
        end record;

    Acia_Manager : Object_Manager;

------------------------------  exports -------------------------------------

    procedure Init (Periph_Id : T_Periph_Number;
                    It_Vector : Octet.T_Octet;  
                    Basic_Address : Mot.T_Mot;
                    Memory_Mapped : Boolean;
                    It_Connected : Boolean;
                    Number_Of_Register : out Natural;
                    Identifier : out T_Acia_Number) is
        if Acia_Manager.Last >= T_Acia_Number'Last then
            Erreur.Detectee (Not_Available);
            Identifier := T_Acia_Number'First;
            Number_Of_Register := 0;
            Acia_Manager.Last := Acia_Manager.Last + 1;
            Acia_Manager.Table (Acia_Manager.Last).Task_Access := new Acia_Task;
            Acia_Manager.Table (Acia_Manager.Last).Task_Access.Init
               (Periph_Id, It_Vector, Basic_Address, Memory_Mapped,
                It_Connected, Acia_Manager.Last, Number_Of_Register);
            Identifier := Acia_Manager.Last;
            Acia_Out.Creer (Natural (Acia_Manager.Last));
        end if;  
    end Init;

    procedure Put_Register (Identifier : T_Acia_Number;
                            Register_Number : Natural;
                            Value : Octet.T_Octet) is
        Register_Value : Octet.T_Octet;
        if Identifier > Acia_Manager.Last or
           Identifier = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            Register_Value := Value;
            Acia_Manager.Table (Identifier).Task_Access.Access_Register (Put)
               (Register_Number, Register_Value);
        end if;
    end Put_Register;

    function Get_Register (Identifier : T_Acia_Number;
                           Register_Number : Natural) return Octet.T_Octet is
        Register_Value : Octet.T_Octet := 0;
        if Identifier > Acia_Manager.Last or
           Identifier = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            Acia_Manager.Table (Identifier).Task_Access.Access_Register (Get)
               (Register_Number, Register_Value);
        end if;  
        return Register_Value;
    end Get_Register;

    procedure Reset (Identifier : T_Acia_Number) is
        if Identifier > Acia_Manager.Last or
           Identifier = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            Acia_Manager.Table (Identifier).Task_Access.Reset;
        end if;
    end Reset;

    procedure Ack_Transmit (Identifier : Natural) is
        Identifier1 : T_Acia_Number;
        Identifier1 := T_Acia_Number (Identifier);
        if Identifier1 > Acia_Manager.Last or
           Identifier1 = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            Acia_Manager.Table (Identifier1).Task_Access.Ack_Transmit;
        end if;
    end Ack_Transmit;

    procedure Receive (Value : Octet.T_Octet; Identifier : Natural) is
        Identifier1 : T_Acia_Number;  
        Control_Value : Octet.T_Octet;
        Identifier1 := T_Acia_Number (Identifier);
        Control_Value := Value;
        if Identifier1 > Acia_Manager.Last or
           Identifier1 = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            Acia_Manager.Table (Identifier1).Task_Access.Access_Register (Put)
               (3, Control_Value);
        end if;
    end Receive;

    procedure Kill is
        for I in 1 .. Acia_Manager.Last loop
            Acia_Out.Detruire (Natural (I));
            Acia_Manager.Table (I).Window := False;
            Acia_Manager.Table (I).Task_Access.Kill;
        end loop;
        Acia_Manager.Last := T_Acia_Number'First;
    end Kill;

    function Open_Window (Identifier : Natural) return Boolean is
        Id : T_Acia_Number;
        Id := T_Acia_Number (Identifier);
        if Id > Acia_Manager.Last or Id = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            return False;
        elsif Acia_Manager.Table (Id).Window then
            Erreur.Detectee (Window_Already_Open);
            return False;
            return True;
        end if;
    end Open_Window;

    procedure Open_Window (Identifier : Natural; Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id) is
        Id : T_Acia_Number;
        Id := T_Acia_Number (Identifier);
        Acia_Manager.Table (Id).Window := True;
        Acia_Manager.Table (Id).Task_Access.Open_Window (Window_Id);
    end Open_Window;

    procedure Dispatch_Event (Identifier : Natural;
                              What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind;
                              Field_Name : String;
                              Value : String) is
        Id : T_Acia_Number;
        Id := T_Acia_Number (Identifier);
        if Id > Acia_Manager.Last or Id = T_Acia_Number'First then
            Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Id);
            if Ihm.Event."=" (What_Kind, Ihm.Event.Pushbutton) and
               Field_Name = Close_Window then
                Acia_Manager.Table (Id).Window := False;
            end if;
            Acia_Manager.Table (Id).Task_Access.Do_Event
               (What_Kind, Field_Name, Value);
        end if;
    end Dispatch_Event;

------------------------------  internals ------------------------------------

    procedure Write_Window (Configuration : Acia_Config;
                            Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                            Window_Enable : Boolean;
                            Identifier_Show, Vector_Show, Address_Show,
                            Mem_Mapped_Show, It_Connect_Show, Status_Show,
                            Control_Show, Transmit_Show, Recept_Show :
                               Boolean := False) is
        if Window_Enable then
            if Identifier_Show then  
                   (Window_Id, Identifier_Field,
                    T_Acia_Number'Image (Configuration.Identifier));
            end if;
            if Vector_Show then
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Vector_Field,
            end if;
            if Address_Show then  
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Address_Field,
            end if;  
            if Mem_Mapped_Show then
                if Configuration.Mem_Mapped then
                    Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Mem_Mapped_Field, " On");
                    Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Mem_Mapped_Field, "Off");
                end if;
            end if;
            if It_Connect_Show then
                if Configuration.It_Connect then
                    Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, It_Connect_Field, " On");
                    Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, It_Connect_Field, "Off");
                end if;
            end if;
            if Status_Show then
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Status_Field,
            end if;
            if Control_Show then
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Control_Field,
            end if;
            if Transmit_Show then
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Transmit_Field,
            end if;
            if Recept_Show then
                Ihm.Window.Put_Field (Window_Id, Recept_Field,
            end if;  
        end if;
    end Write_Window;

    procedure Reset_Acia (Configuration : in out Acia_Config;
                          Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                          Window_Enable : Boolean) is
        Configuration.Status := 2;
        Configuration.Control := 0;
        Configuration.Transmit := 0;
        Configuration.Recept := 0;  
        Configuration.Seven_Bits := True;
        Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Even;
        Configuration.Two_Stop := True;
        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                      Identifier_Show => True,
                      Vector_Show => True,
                      Address_Show => True,
                      Mem_Mapped_Show => True,
                      It_Connect_Show => True,
                      Status_Show => True,
                      Control_Show => True,
                      Transmit_Show => True,
                      Recept_Show => True);
    end Reset_Acia;

    procedure Display (Configuration : Acia_Config) is
        use Text_Io;  
        Carac1, Carac2 : Character;
        Put_Line ("===================================================");
        Put_Line ("ACIA " & T_Acia_Number'Image (Configuration.Identifier));
        Put (" V:");
        Octet.Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Configuration.Vector);
        Put (" ADR: ");
        Mot.Afficher_Mot_Hexa (Configuration.Address);
        Put (" MAP:" & Boolean'Image (Configuration.Mem_Mapped));
        Put (" ITC:" & Boolean'Image (Configuration.It_Connect));
        Put ("SR:");
        Octet.Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Configuration.Status);
        Put (" CR:");
        Octet.Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Configuration.Control);
        Put ("TDR:");
        Octet.Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Configuration.Transmit);
        Put (" RDR:");
        Octet.Afficher_Octet_Binaire (Configuration.Recept);
        Put ("7 bits:" & Boolean'Image (Configuration.Seven_Bits));
        Put (" Parite:" & Acia_Out.Parity'Image (Configuration.Trans_Parity));
        Put (" 2 stops:" & Boolean'Image (Configuration.Two_Stop));
    end Display;

    procedure Change_Configuration (Configuration : in out Acia_Config;
                                    Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                                    Window_Enable : Boolean) is
        use Octet;
        Transmit_Conf : T_Octet;
        Mask : T_Octet := 28;
        if Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr0) and
           Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr1) then
            Reset_Acia (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);  
            Transmit_Conf := "and" (Configuration.Control, Mask);
            case Transmit_Conf is
                when 0 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := True;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Even;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := True;
                when 4 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := True;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Odd;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := True;
                when 8 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := True;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Even;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := False;
                when 12 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := True;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Odd;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := False;
                when 16 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := False;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.None;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := True;
                when 20 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := False;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.None;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := False;
                when 24 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := False;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Even;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := False;
                when 28 =>
                    Configuration.Seven_Bits := False;
                    Configuration.Trans_Parity := Acia_Out.Odd;
                    Configuration.Two_Stop := False;
                when others =>
            end case;
            if Configuration.It_Connect and
               Test_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty) and
               Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr5) and
               not Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr6) then
                Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Int_Request);
                Bus.It_From_Periph (Configuration.Periph_Id,
            end if;
            Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                          Control_Show => True,
                          Status_Show => True);
        end if;
    end Change_Configuration;

    procedure Do_Int (Configuration : in out Acia_Config;
                      Direction : Mode;
                      Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                      Window_Enable : Boolean) is
        if Configuration.It_Connect then
            if Direction = Get and Octet.Test_Bit
                                      (Configuration.Control, Int_Enable) and
               not Octet.Test_Bit (Configuration.Status, Overrun) then
                Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Int_Request);
                Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                              Status_Show => True);
                if Configuration.It_Connect then
                    Bus.It_From_Periph (Configuration.Periph_Id,
                end if;
            elsif Direction = Put then
                if Octet.Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr5) and
                   not Octet.Test_Bit (Configuration.Control, Cr6) then
                    Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Int_Request);
                    Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                  Status_Show => True);
                    if Configuration.It_Connect then
                        Bus.It_From_Periph (Configuration.Periph_Id,
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Do_Int;

    procedure Transmission (Configuration : in out Acia_Config;
                            Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                            Window_Enable : Boolean) is
        Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty);
        Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Int_Request);
        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                      Status_Show => True,
                      Transmit_Show => True);
        Acia_Out.Transmit_Byte (Configuration.Transmit,
                                Natural (Configuration.Identifier),
        Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty);
        Do_Int (Configuration, Put, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                      Status_Show => True);
    end Transmission;

    procedure Do_Event_Window (Configuration : in out Acia_Config;
                               Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;
                               Window_Enable : in out Boolean;
                               What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind;
                               Field_Name : String;
                               Str_Value : String) is
        Value : Octet.T_Octet;
        case What_Kind is
            when Ihm.Event.Pushbutton =>
                if Field_Name = Close_Window then
                    Window_Enable := False;
                end if;

            when Ihm.Event.Fieldenter =>
                if Field_Name = Control_Field then
                    if Verif_Input.Is_Binary_Byte_Value (Str_Value) then
                        Configuration.Control :=
                           Octet.Convert_String_Binaire (Str_Value);
                           (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                        Erreur.Detectee (Bad_Value);
                        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                      Control_Show => True);
                    end if;
                end if;
                if Field_Name = Status_Field then  
                    if Verif_Input.Is_Binary_Byte_Value (Str_Value) then
                        Value := Octet.Convert_String_Binaire (Str_Value);
                        if Octet.Test_Bit (Value, Tdr_Empty) then
                            Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty);
                            Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id,
                                          Status_Show => True);
                            Do_Int (Configuration, Put,
                                    Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                            Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty);
                            Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id,
                                          Status_Show => True);
                        end if;  
                        Erreur.Detectee (Bad_Value);
                        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                      Status_Show => True);
                    end if;
                end if;  
                if Field_Name = Recept_Field then  
                    if Verif_Input.Is_Hexadecimal_Byte_Value (Str_Value) then
                        Value := Octet.Convert_String_Octet (Str_Value);
                        if Octet.Test_Bit (Configuration.Status, Rdr_Full) then
                            Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Overrun);
                            Configuration.Recept := Value;
                            Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Rdr_Full);
                        end if;
                        Do_Int (Configuration, Get, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                      Status_Show => True,
                                      Recept_Show => True);
                        Erreur.Detectee (Bad_Value);
                        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                      Recept_Show => True);
                    end if;
                end if;
            when others =>
                Erreur.Detectee (Unknown_Event);
        end case;
    end Do_Event_Window;

    task body Acia_Task is
        Configuration : Acia_Config;
        Register_Type : Natural;  
        Window_Enable : Boolean := False;  
        Window_Id : Ihm.Window_Id;  
            accept Init (Periph_Id : Periph.T_Periph_Number;
                         It_Vector : Octet.T_Octet;
                         Basic_Address : Mot.T_Mot;
                         Memory_Mapped : Boolean;
                         It_Connected : Boolean;
                         Identifier : T_Acia_Number;
                         Number_Of_Register : out Natural) do
                Number_Of_Register := 2;
                Configuration.Vector := It_Vector;
                Configuration.Address := Basic_Address;
                Configuration.Mem_Mapped := Memory_Mapped;
                Configuration.It_Connect := It_Connected;
                Configuration.Identifier := Identifier;
                Configuration.Periph_Id := Periph_Id;
            end Init;  
            Reset_Acia (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
        end select;
                accept Reset do
                    Reset_Acia (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                end Reset;

                accept Access_Register (Put) (Register_Number : Natural;
                                              Value : in out Octet.T_Octet) do
                    Register_Type := Register_Number;
                    case Register_Type is
                        when 1 =>
                            Configuration.Control := Value;
                        when 2 =>
                            Configuration.Transmit := Value;
                        when 3 =>
                            if Octet.Test_Bit
                                  (Configuration.Status, Rdr_Full) then
                                Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Overrun);
                                Configuration.Recept := Value;
                                Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Rdr_Full);
                            end if;
                        when others =>
                    end case;
                end Access_Register;
                case Register_Type is
                    when 1 =>
                           (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                    when 2 =>
                        Transmission (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                    when 3 =>
                        Do_Int (Configuration, Get, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                        Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                      Status_Show => True,
                                      Recept_Show => True);
                    when others =>
                end case;
                accept Access_Register (Get) (Register_Number : Natural;
                                              Value : in out Octet.T_Octet) do
                    Register_Type := Register_Number;
                    case Register_Type is
                        when 1 =>
                            Value := Configuration.Status;
                        when 2 =>
                            Value := Configuration.Recept;
                            Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Rdr_Full);
                            Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Overrun);
                            Octet.Res_Bit (Configuration.Status, Int_Request);
                        when others =>
                    end case;
                end Access_Register;
                if Register_Type = 2 then
                    Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                                  Status_Show => True);
                end if;
                accept Ack_Transmit do
                    Octet.Set_Bit (Configuration.Status, Tdr_Empty);
                end Ack_Transmit;
                Do_Int (Configuration, Put, Window_Id, Window_Enable);
                accept Kill;
                accept Open_Window (Wid : Ihm.Window_Id) do
                    Window_Id := Wid;
                    Window_Enable := True;  
                end Open_Window;
                Write_Window (Configuration, Window_Id, Window_Enable,
                              Identifier_Show => True,
                              Vector_Show => True,
                              Address_Show => True,
                              Mem_Mapped_Show => True,
                              It_Connect_Show => True,
                              Status_Show => True,
                              Control_Show => True,
                              Transmit_Show => True,
                              Recept_Show => True);
                accept Do_Event (What_Kind : Ihm.Event.Kind;
                                 Field_Name : String;
                                 Value : String) do
                    if Window_Enable then
                        Do_Event_Window (Configuration, Window_Id,
                                         Window_Enable, What_Kind,
                                         Field_Name, Value);
                    end if;
                end Do_Event;

            end select;
        end loop;
    end Acia_Task;
end Acia_Pack;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=01c
        [0x01] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=01a
        [0x02] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=01c
        [0x03] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=004
        [0x04] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=088
        [0x05] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=04c
        [0x06] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=23 rec3=052
        [0x07] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=014
        [0x08] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=046
        [0x09] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=054
        [0x0a] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=01a
        [0x0b] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=030
        [0x0c] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=04a
        [0x0d] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=02e
        [0x0e] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=040
        [0x0f] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=04a
        [0x10] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=020
        [0x11] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=030
        [0x12] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=24 rec3=00c
        [0x13] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=068
        [0x14] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=01c
        [0x15] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=004
        [0x16] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=01e
        [0x17] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=030
        [0x18] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=00a
        [0x19] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=05e
        [0x1a] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=22 rec3=006
        [0x1b] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=062
        [0x1c] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=020
        [0x1d] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=026
        [0x1e] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=052
        [0x1f] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=068
        [0x20] rec0=04 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=048
        [0x21] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=008
        [0x22] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=000
        [0x23] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=001
        [0x24] rec0=cc rec1=c4 rec2=42 rec3=400
    tail 0x21721992a83ac45c157cb 0x42a00088462060003
Free Block Chain:
  0x25: 0000  00 0f 01 9c 80 3c 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆     <          ┆
  0xf: 0000  00 00 03 fc 80 16 2e 53 74 61 74 75 73 2c 20 49  ┆      .Status, I┆