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Length: 44032 (0xac00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Moteur, seg_0489de
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; with Tests; with Verbs, Complements; with Personnages, Items, Rooms, Counters; with Actions, Message_D_Erreur, Le_Heros; with String_Utilities; package body Moteur is function Est (Chaine_A, Chaine_B : String) return Boolean is begin if String_Utilities.Lower_Case (Chaine_A & (1 .. Chaine_B'Length => ' ')) = String_Utilities.Lower_Case (Chaine_B & (1 .. Chaine_A'Length => ' ')) then return True; else return False; end if; end Est; function Est_La_Commande (The_Name : String) return Boolean is Test_Ok : Boolean := False; begin Actions.At_Begin; while not Actions.At_End and not Test_Ok loop if Est (The_Name, Actions.Current_Name) then Test_Ok := True; else Test_Ok := False; end if; Actions.Next; end loop; return Test_Ok; end Est_La_Commande; function Est_Dans_La_Piece (Objet, Piece, Heros : String) return Boolean is Piece_Courante : My_String.Variable_String; Est_Dans : Boolean; begin case Complements.Kind_Of (Objet) is when Complements.Personnage => return Est (Personnages.Get_Position (Objet), Piece); when Complements.Way => My_String.Append (Piece_Courante, Rooms.Get_Current_Room); Rooms.Set_Current_Room (Piece); Rooms.First_Communication; Recherche_Voie: while not Rooms.At_End_Communication loop if Est (Rooms.Get_Communication_Way, Objet) then exit Recherche_Voie; end if; Rooms.Next_Communication; end loop Recherche_Voie; Est_Dans := not Rooms.At_End_Communication and then Est (Rooms.Get_Communication_Way, Objet); Rooms.Set_Current_Room (My_String.Image (Piece_Courante)); return Est_Dans; when Complements.Room => return False; when Complements.Item => return Items.Get_Position (Objet) = Piece or Items.Get_Position (Objet) = Heros; when Complements.No_One => return False; end case; end Est_Dans_La_Piece; function Traite_Action return Etat_Jeu is A_Test : Tests.Type_Test; An_Effect : Tests.Type_Effect; Global_Test : Boolean; Etat_Suivant : Etat_Jeu; Piece_Courante : My_String.Variable_String; begin Etat_Suivant := Continuer; Tests.Beginner; while not Tests.At_End loop Tests.First_Test; Global_Test := True; while not Tests.At_End_Sup and Global_Test loop A_Test := Tests.Get_Test; case A_Test.Kind is when Tests.Is_A_Verb => Global_Test := Est_La_Commande (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)); when Tests.Is_A_Complement => if Est_La_Commande (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) then Global_Test := Est_Dans_La_Piece (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name), Rooms.Get_Current_Room, Le_Heros); if not Global_Test then Text_Io.Put_Line (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name) & " n'est pas dans " & Rooms.Get_Current_Room); end if; else Global_Test := False; end if; when Tests.Is_In_State => case Complements.Kind_Of (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) is when Complements.Personnage => Global_Test := Personnages.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.State)); when Complements.Room => Global_Test := Rooms.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.State)); when Complements.Item => Global_Test := Items.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.State)); when Complements.Way => null; when Complements.No_One => null; end case; when Tests.Is_Equal => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) then Global_Test := (A_Test.Value = Counters.Get_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name))); else Message_D_Erreur (2); end if; when Tests.Is_Greater => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) then Global_Test := (Counters.Get_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) > A_Test.Value); else Message_D_Erreur (2); end if; when Tests.Is_Less => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) then Global_Test := (Counters.Get_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) < A_Test.Value); else Message_D_Erreur (2); end if; when Tests.Is_In_Position => case Complements.Kind_Of (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) is when Complements.Personnage => Global_Test := Est (Personnages.Get_Position (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)), Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.State)); when Complements.Item => Global_Test := (Items.Get_Position (Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.Name)) = Tests.Identifier.Image (A_Test.State)); when Complements.Room => null; when Complements.Way => null; when Complements.No_One => null; end case; when Tests.Always => Global_Test := True; end case; Tests.Test_Sup; end loop; Tests.First_Effect; while not Tests.At_End_Effect and Global_Test loop An_Effect := Tests.Get_Effect; case An_Effect.Kind is when Tests.Increase => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)) then Counters.Set_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Counters.Get_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)) + An_Effect.Value); end if; when Tests.Decrease => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)) then Counters.Set_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Counters.Get_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)) - An_Effect.Value); end if; when Tests.Value => if Counters.Exists (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)) then Counters.Set_Value (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), An_Effect.Value); end if; when Tests.Print => Text_Io.Put_Line (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name)); when Tests.Comment => Complements.Go_First; while not Complements.At_End and Complements.Get_Current /= Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) loop Complements.Go_Next; end loop; if not Complements.At_End then case Complements.Get_Current_Kind is when Complements.Personnage => Personnages.Set_Comment (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); when Complements.Room => Rooms.Set_Comment (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); when Complements.Way => Rooms.First_Communication; while not Rooms.At_End_Communication and Rooms.Get_Communication_Way /= Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) loop Rooms.Next_Communication; end loop; if Rooms.Get_Communication_Way = Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) then Rooms.Set_Communication_Comment (Rooms.Get_Current_Room, Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); end if; when Complements.Item => Items.Set_Comment (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); when Complements.No_One => null; end case; end if; when Tests.Game_Over => Etat_Suivant := Terminer; when Tests.Change => Complements.Go_First; while not Complements.At_End and Complements.Get_Current /= Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) loop Complements.Go_Next; end loop; if not Complements.At_End then case Complements.Get_Current_Kind is when Complements.Personnage => if Personnages.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)) then Personnages.Remove_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); Personnages.Add_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State)); end if; when Complements.Room => if Rooms.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)) then Rooms.Remove_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); Rooms.Add_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State)); end if; when Complements.Item => if Items.In_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)) then Items.Remove_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.State)); Items.Add_State (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State)); end if; when Complements.Way => Piece_Courante := My_String.Value (Rooms.Get_Current_Room); Rooms.Set_Current_Room (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position)); Rooms.First_Communication; while not Rooms. At_End_Communication and then Rooms.Get_Communication_Way /= Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) loop Rooms.Next_Communication; end loop; if Rooms.Get_Communication_Way = Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) then if Est (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State), "ferme") then Rooms.Set_Communication_Mode (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Rooms.Lock); else if Est (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State), "ouvert") then Rooms.Set_Communication_Mode (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Rooms.Unlock); else if Est (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State), "visible") then Rooms.Set_Communication_Visibility (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Rooms.Visible); else if Est (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Other_State), "invisible") then Rooms.Set_Communication_Visibility (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Rooms.Unvisible); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; Rooms.Set_Current_Room (My_String.Image (Piece_Courante)); when Complements.No_One => null; end case; end if; when Tests.Position => Complements.Go_First; while not Complements.At_End and Complements.Get_Current /= Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name) loop Complements.Go_Next; end loop; if not Complements.At_End then if Complements."=" (Complements.Get_Current_Kind, Complements.Personnage) then Personnages.Set_Position (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position)); else if Complements."=" (Complements.Get_Current_Kind, Complements.Item) then Items.Set_Position (Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Name), Tests.Identifier.Image (An_Effect.Position)); else Message_D_Erreur (2); end if; end if; end if; end case; Tests.Next_Effect; end loop; Tests.Next; end loop; return Etat_Suivant; end Traite_Action; procedure Traite_Question is Existe : Boolean := False; Verifie : Boolean := False; begin Actions.At_Begin; if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "aller") and not Verifie then Verifie := True; Actions.Next; if not Actions.At_End then Rooms.First_Communication; while not Rooms.At_End_Communication and not Existe loop if Est (Actions.Current_Name, Rooms.Get_Communication_Way) then if Rooms."=" (Rooms.Get_Communication_Mode, Rooms.Unlock) then Rooms.Set_Current_Room (Rooms.Get_Communication_Destination); Complements.Go_First; Recherche_Heros_2: while not Complements.At_End loop if Complements."=" (Complements.Get_Current_Kind, Complements.Personnage) and then Personnages.In_State (Complements.Get_Current, "heros") then Personnages.Set_Position (Complements.Get_Current, Rooms.Get_Current_Room); exit Recherche_Heros_2; end if; Complements.Go_Next; end loop Recherche_Heros_2; else Message_D_Erreur (3); end if; Existe := True; end if; Rooms.Next_Communication; end loop; else Message_D_Erreur (4); end if; end if; if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "prendre") and not Verifie then Verifie := True; Actions.Next; if not Actions.At_End then if Items.Exists (Actions.Current_Name) then if Items.Get_Position (Actions.Current_Name) = Rooms.Get_Current_Room then Items.Set_Position (Actions.Current_Name, Le_Heros); else Message_D_Erreur (7); end if; else Message_D_Erreur (9); end if; else Message_D_Erreur (5); end if; end if; if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "deposer") and not Verifie then Verifie := True; Actions.Next; if not Actions.At_End then if Items.Exists (Actions.Current_Name) then if Items.Get_Position (Actions.Current_Name) = Le_Heros then Items.Set_Position (Actions.Current_Name, Rooms.Get_Current_Room); else Message_D_Erreur (8); end if; else Message_D_Erreur (9); end if; else Message_D_Erreur (5); end if; end if; if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "lister") and not Verifie then Verifie := True; Actions.Next; if not Actions.At_End then if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "verbes") then Verbs.Go_First; while not Verbs.At_End loop Text_Io.Put_Line (Verbs.Get_Current); Verbs.Go_Next; end loop; else if Est (Actions.Current_Name, "complements") then Complements.Go_First; while not Complements.At_End loop Text_Io.Put_Line (Complements.Get_Current); Complements.Go_Next; end loop; else Message_D_Erreur (5); end if; end if; else Message_D_Erreur (6); end if; end if; if not Verifie and Complements."=" (Complements.Kind_Of (Actions.Current_Name), Complements.Way) then Verifie := True; Rooms.First_Communication; while not Rooms.At_End_Communication and not Existe loop if Est (Actions.Current_Name, Rooms.Get_Communication_Way) then if Rooms."=" (Rooms.Get_Communication_Mode, Rooms.Unlock) then Rooms.Set_Current_Room (Rooms. Get_Communication_Destination); Complements.Go_First; Recherche_Heros: while not Complements.At_End loop if Complements."=" (Complements.Get_Current_Kind, Complements.Personnage) and then Personnages.In_State (Complements.Get_Current, "heros") then Personnages.Set_Position (Complements.Get_Current, Rooms.Get_Current_Room); exit Recherche_Heros; end if; Complements.Go_Next; end loop Recherche_Heros; else Message_D_Erreur (3); end if; Existe := True; end if; Rooms.Next_Communication; end loop; end if; if not Verifie then Message_D_Erreur (1); end if; end Traite_Question; procedure Traiter (Q : Type_De_Demande; E : out Etat_Jeu) is begin case Q is when Action => E := Traite_Action; when Predefinie => Traite_Question; E := Traite_Action; when Fin_De_Jeu => E := Arreter; when Sans => Message_D_Erreur (1); E := Continuer; end case; end Traiter; end Moteur;
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