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Length: 40960 (0xa000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package body Gateways, seg_01076c
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Action; with Asa_Definitions; with Calendar; with Cmvc_Implementation_Errors; with Database_Operations; with Diana; with Directory_Operations; with Directory; with Error_Messages; with Hierarchy; with Job_Segment; with Logger; with Profile; with Gateway_Object; with Relocation; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; with System; with Unix_Definitions; package body Gateways is package Asap renames Asa_Definitions.Properties; package Asas renames Asa_Definitions.Switches; package Cmvce renames Cmvc_Implementation_Errors; package Cmvci renames Cmvc_Implementation; package Dcp renames Directory.Control_Point; package Dir renames Directory; package Dna renames Directory.Naming; package Doo renames Directory.Object_Operations; package Gwo renames Gateway_Object; package Hchy renames Hierarchy; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Su renames String_Utilities; package Unix renames Unix_Definitions; function Creation_Message (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) return String is begin return "Created gateway object " & Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway)) & " of class " & Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asap.Class (Gateway)); end Creation_Message; function Same_Properties (Module : in Hchy.Module; Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) return Boolean is Same_Requirements : Boolean := True; begin for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop if Asap.Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R) /= Hchy.Requirement (M => Module, Number => R) then Same_Requirements := False; exit; end if; end loop; return Same_Requirements and then Asap.Asa_Node_Number (Gateway) = Hchy.Node_Number (Module) and then Asap.Asa_Comment (Gateway) = Hchy.Comment (Module); end Same_Properties; function Tree_Size (Rooted_At : in Hchy.Module) return Positive is Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (Rooted_At); Result : Positive := 1; begin while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop Result := Result + Tree_Size (Hchy.Value (Children)); Hchy.Next (Children); end loop; return Result; end Tree_Size; -- ---------------- -- ( ) CMVC support -- ---------------- function Relative_Name (Full_Name : in String; Relative_To : in String) return String is begin pragma Assert (Full_Name'Length >= Relative_To'Length and then Full_Name (Full_Name'First .. Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length - 1) = Relative_To); return Full_Name (Full_Name'First + Relative_To'Length + 1 -- Skip the '.' .. Full_Name'Last); end Relative_Name; procedure Get_Cmvc_Control (Object : in Dir.Object; The_State : in out State; Control : out Cmvc_Control_Kind) is E : Dir.Error_Status; N : Dna.Name_Status; S : Cmvci.Error_Status; Configuration_Object : Dir.Object; Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; The_Configuration : Cmvci.Configuration renames The_State.Configuration; The_Element : Cmvci.Element; The_Version_Set : Cmvci.Version_Set; View_Object : Dir.Object; use Cmvce; begin Dcp.Parent_World (The_Object => Object, The_World => View_Object, Status => E); Logger.Status (E); -- -- Make sure the configuration associated to the current view is -- open. -- if Cmvci.Is_Nil (The_Configuration) then Dna.Resolve (Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View_Object) & "^$$.Configurations." & Dna.Get_Simple_Name (View_Object), The_Object => Configuration_Object, Status => N, Action_Id => Action_Id); Logger.Status (N); The_Configuration := Database_Operations.Open_Configuration (For_Config_Object => Configuration_Object, S => The_State.Cmvc); end if; -- -- Look at the CMVC database to see if the object being operated -- on is controlled. -- Cmvci.Element_Operations.Open (Element_Name => Relative_Name (Full_Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Object), Relative_To => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View_Object)), Elem => The_Element, Status => S, Db => Cmvci.Configuration_Operations.Database_Of (The_Configuration)); if S = Cmvce.No_Such_Element then Control := Not_Controlled; return; elsif Cmvci.Is_Bad (S) then Logger.Status (S); end if; Cmvci.Version_Set_Operations.Open (Elem => The_Element, Set => The_Version_Set, Status => S, Config => The_Configuration); if S = Cmvce.Element_Not_In_Configuration then Control := Not_Controlled; elsif Cmvci.History_Operations.Is_Checked_Out (The_Version_Set) then Control := Controlled_Checked_Out; else Control := Controlled_Checked_In; end if; end Get_Cmvc_Control; procedure Make_Controlled (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle; Save_Source : in Boolean; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway); begin Database_Operations.Control_Parent (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Set => Relocation.Null_Parameter, The_State => The_State.Cmvc); Database_Operations.Create_Or_Add_Element (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Version_Set_Name => "<AUTO_GENERATE>", Save_Source => Save_Source, Comments => Comments, Command => "MAKE_CONTROLLED", The_State => The_State.Cmvc); exception when Constraint_Error => Logger.Warning ("Gateway object " & Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object) & " could not be controlled because its parent isn't"); end Make_Controlled; generic with procedure Do_Update (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle); procedure Updater (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State); procedure Updater (Gateway : in out Gwo.Handle; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Gateway_Object : constant Dir.Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway); Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind; S : Ss.Condition; begin Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object, The_State => The_State, Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control); if Gateway_Cmvc_Control = Controlled_Checked_In then Database_Operations.Check_Out (Objects => Directory_Operations.Singleton (Gateway_Object, The_State.Cmvc), Expected_Check_In_Time => Calendar.Clock, Comments => Comments, Allow_Demotion => False, Allow_Accept_Changes => True, The_State => The_State.Cmvc); end if; if not Gwo.Is_Main_Object_Open_For_Update (Gateway) then Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Object, H => Gateway, Update => True, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); end if; Do_Update (Gateway); Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); if Gateway_Cmvc_Control = Controlled_Checked_In then Database_Operations.Check_In (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State.Cmvc); end if; end Updater; -- ------------------------------- -- ( ) Individual gateway creation -- ------------------------------- procedure Create_Model_Gateway (Gateway_Name : in String; Last_Id : in Natural; For_Module : in Hchy.Module; Host : in String; Model : in String; Update_Time : in Calendar.Time; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; S : Ss.Condition; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; use Asas; begin Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name, H => Gateway, Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Model), Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway, Value => 1); Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Last_Id); Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (H => Gateway, Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (H => Gateway, Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Asa_Update_Time (H => Gateway, Value => Update_Time); Asap.Set_Data_Context (H => Gateway, Value => Unix.Enclosing_Directory (Model)); Asap.Set_Data_Host (H => Gateway, Value => Host); Asap.Set_Data_Name (H => Gateway, Value => Unix.Local_Name (Model)); for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R, Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R)); end loop; Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway)); if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_Model then Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway, Save_Source => False, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end if; Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); end Create_Model_Gateway; procedure Create_Module_Gateway (Gateway_Name : in String; Parent_Name : in String; Id : in Positive; For_Module : in Hchy.Module; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; S : Ss.Condition; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; use Asas; begin Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name, H => Gateway, Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Module), Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id); Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (H => Gateway, Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (H => Gateway, Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Parent_Name (H => Gateway, Value => Parent_Name); for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R, Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R)); end loop; Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway)); if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_Modules then Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway, Save_Source => False, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end if; Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); end Create_Module_Gateway; procedure Create_Requirement_Gateway (Gateway_Name : in String; Parent_Name : in String; Id : in Positive; Requirement_Kind : in Requirements.Non_Functional; Requirement_Text : in String; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; S : Ss.Condition; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; use Asas; begin Gwo.Create (Name => Gateway_Name, H => Gateway, Gateway_Class => Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement), Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); Asap.Set_Asa_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id); Asap.Set_Parent_Name (H => Gateway, Value => Parent_Name); Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement_Kind (H => Gateway, Value => Requirement_Kind); Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement_Text (H => Gateway, Value => Requirement_Text); Logger.Positive (Creation_Message (Gateway)); if Asas.Cmvc_Control_Level >= Asas.Control_All then Make_Controlled (Gateway => Gateway, Save_Source => True, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end if; Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); end Create_Requirement_Gateway; -- -------------------- -- ( ) Module hierarchy -- -------------------- procedure Create (For_Module : in Hchy.Module; In_Library : in String; Root_Id : in Positive; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module); Child : Hchy.Module; Parent : constant Hchy.Module := Hchy.Parent_Of (For_Module); Nb_Of_Children : constant Natural := Hchy.Size (Children); Next_Id : Positive := Root_Id + 1; use Hierarchy; begin Create_Module_Gateway (Gateway_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module), Parent_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (Parent), Id => Root_Id, For_Module => For_Module, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); for C in 1 .. Nb_Of_Children loop Child := Hchy.Value (Children); Create (For_Module => Child, In_Library => In_Library, Root_Id => Next_Id, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Next_Id := Next_Id + Tree_Size (Child); Hchy.Next (Children); end loop; end Create; procedure Augment (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module; In_Library : in String; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module); Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; Root_Gateway : Gwo.Handle; Root_Module : Hchy.Module; Id : Positive; S : Ss.Condition; procedure Do_Set_Properties (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is begin Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module)); for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R, Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R)); end loop; Logger.Positive ("Updated properties of " & In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module)); end Do_Set_Properties; procedure Set_Properties is new Updater (Do_Set_Properties); procedure Do_Set_Last_Id (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is begin Id := Asap.Asa_Last_Id (Gateway) + 1; Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id); end Do_Set_Last_Id; procedure Set_Last_Id is new Updater (Do_Set_Last_Id); use Hchy; begin Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Full_Name, H => Gateway, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); if Ss.Error (S) then -- -- This is a new module. Create a gateway object to represent -- it. Extract the id from the root and update the last id. -- Root_Module := For_Module; while Hchy.Parent_Of (Root_Module) /= Hchy.Nil loop Root_Module := Hchy.Parent_Of (Root_Module); end loop; declare Root_Full_Name : constant String := In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (Root_Module); begin Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Root_Full_Name, H => Root_Gateway, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); Set_Last_Id (Gateway => Root_Gateway, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gwo.Close (Root_Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); Create (For_Module => For_Module, In_Library => In_Library, Root_Id => Id, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end; elsif not Same_Properties (Module => For_Module, Gateway => Gateway) then -- -- There is already a gateway object representing this module, -- but same property has changed. -- Set_Properties (Gateway => Gateway, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); else Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); end if; Children := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module); while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop Augment (For_Module => Hchy.Value (Children), In_Library => In_Library, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Hchy.Next (Children); end loop; end Augment; procedure Destroy (Gateway_Object : in Dir.Object; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Change_Impact : Dir.Ada.Roots; E : Dir.Error_Status; Errors : Error_Messages.Errors; Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind; Modified_Units : Diana.Temp_Seq; begin Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object, The_State => The_State, Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control); if Gateway_Cmvc_Control >= Controlled_Checked_Out then Database_Operations.Check_In (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State.Cmvc); end if; if Gateway_Cmvc_Control >= Controlled_Checked_In then Database_Operations.Make_Uncontrolled (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State.Cmvc); end if; Doo.Destroy (The_Object => Gateway_Object, Errors => Errors, Change_Impact => Change_Impact, Modified_Units => Modified_Units, Status => E, Limit_Type => Dir.Any_Object, Action_Id => Action_Id); Logger.Status (E); end Destroy; procedure Reduce (Gateway_Object : in Dir.Object; Candidate_Modules : in out Hierarchy.Module_Iterator; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Heap : System.Segment renames The_State.Cmvc.Heap; E : Dir.Error_Status; N : Dna.Name_Status; Candidate_Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator; Candidate_Module : Hchy.Module; Gateway_Child : Dir.Object; Gateway_Children : Dna.Iterator; Gateway_Object_Full_Name : constant String := Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object); Gateway_Object_Simple_Name : constant String := Dna.Get_Simple_Name (Gateway_Object); Must_Remain : Boolean; use Dna; begin Must_Remain := False; while not Hchy.Done (Candidate_Modules) loop Candidate_Module := Hchy.Value (Candidate_Modules); if Su.Equal (Gateway_Object_Simple_Name, Hchy.Simple_Name (Candidate_Module)) then Must_Remain := True; exit; end if; Hchy.Next (Candidate_Modules); end loop; if Must_Remain then -- -- There is a module for this gateway object, so it must be -- kept. -- Logger.Note ("Gateway " & Gateway_Object_Full_Name & " corresponds to module " & Hchy.Full_Name (Candidate_Module)); Dna.Resolve (Iter => Gateway_Children, Source => Gateway_Object_Full_Name & ".@'C(~Text)", Status => N, Heap => Heap, Action_Id => Action_Id); if N /= Dna.Undefined then Logger.Status (N); while not Dna.Done (Gateway_Children) loop Candidate_Children := Hchy.Children_Of (Candidate_Module); Dna.Get_Object (Iter => Gateway_Children, The_Object => Gateway_Child, Status => E); Logger.Status (E); Reduce (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Child, Candidate_Modules => Candidate_Children, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Dna.Next (Gateway_Children); end loop; end if; else -- -- There is no longer a corresponding module for this gateway -- object. We first check that the object has no -- non-functional requirements, and then delete it. -- Dna.Resolve (Iter => Gateway_Children, Source => Gateway_Object_Full_Name & ".@'C(Text)", Status => N, Heap => Heap, Action_Id => Action_Id); if N = Dna.Undefined then Destroy (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Logger.Positive ("Gateway object " & Gateway_Object_Full_Name & " has been destroyed because it has no longer " & "a corresponding module"); else Logger.Warning ("The gateway object " & Gateway_Object_Full_Name & " couldn't be destroyed because it has " & "subobjects representing non-functional " & "requirements. Use Asa.Move_Requirement " & "to move these objects, and then run " & "Asa.Accept_Changes again to complete " & "change propagation"); end if; end if; end Reduce; -- ---------------------------------- -- ( ) Bodies of external subprograms -- ---------------------------------- function Cmvc_Control (Gateway_Name : in String) return Cmvc_Control_Kind is Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; Gateway_Cmvc_Control : Cmvc_Control_Kind; N : Dna.Name_Status; The_Action : Action.Id; The_State : State; begin The_Action := Action.Start; Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => ""); Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name, The_Object => Gateway_Object, Status => N, Action_Id => The_Action); Logger.Status (N); Get_Cmvc_Control (Object => Gateway_Object, The_State => The_State, Control => Gateway_Cmvc_Control); Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action => The_Action, Do_Commit => True); return Gateway_Cmvc_Control; end Cmvc_Control; procedure Initialize (The_State : out State; Action_Id : in Action.Id; Work_Order : in String) is Result : State; The_Filter : Profile.Log_Filter := Profile.Filter; The_Heap : constant System.Segment := Job_Segment.Get; begin The_Filter (Profile.Auxiliary_Msg) := False; Result := (Cmvc => new State_Operations.State_Record, Configuration => Cmvci.Nil); pragma Heap (The_Heap); Result.Cmvc.Action_Id := Action_Id; Result.Cmvc.Heap := The_Heap; Result.Cmvc.Current_Profile := Profile.Raise_Exception (Filter => The_Filter); State_Operations.Object_To_Database.Initialize (Result.Cmvc.Database_Map, The_Heap); State_Operations.Object_To_String.Initialize (Result.Cmvc.String_Map, The_Heap); --[should open work-order] The_State := Result; end Initialize; procedure Finalize (The_State : in out State) is begin Database_Operations.Close (The_State.Cmvc); end Finalize; procedure Augment (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module; In_Library : in String; Host : in String; Model : in String; Update_Time : in Calendar.Time; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Gateway_Full_Name : constant String := In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module); S : Ss.Condition; Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; procedure Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is begin Asap.Set_Asa_Update_Time (Gateway, Value => Update_Time); if not Same_Properties (Module => For_Module, Gateway => Gateway) then Asap.Set_Asa_Node_Number (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Node_Number (For_Module)); Asap.Set_Asa_Comment (Gateway, Value => Hchy.Comment (For_Module)); for R in Requirements.Functional_Requirement_Number loop Asap.Set_Asa_Requirement (H => Gateway, Number => R, Value => Hchy.Requirement (For_Module, Number => R)); end loop; Logger.Positive ("Updated properties of " & In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module)); end if; end Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties; procedure Set_Update_Time_And_Properties is new Updater (Do_Set_Update_Time_And_Properties); use Hchy; begin Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Gateway_Full_Name, H => Gateway, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); if Ss.Error (S) then -- -- This is a new model. Create a gateway object to represent -- it. -- Create (For_Module => For_Module, In_Library => In_Library, Host => Host, Model => Model, Update_Time => Update_Time, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); else Set_Update_Time_And_Properties (Gateway => Gateway, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gwo.Close (Gateway, S); Logger.Status (S); end if; Children := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module); while not Hchy.Done (Children) loop Augment (For_Module => Hchy.Value (M => Children), In_Library => In_Library, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Hchy.Next (Children); end loop; end Augment; procedure Create (For_Module : in Hierarchy.Module; In_Library : in String; Host : in String; Model : in String; Update_Time : in Calendar.Time; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Children : Hchy.Module_Iterator := Hchy.Children_Of (For_Module); Child : Hchy.Module; Next_Id : Positive; Size : constant Positive := Tree_Size (For_Module); use Hierarchy; begin Create_Model_Gateway (Gateway_Name => In_Library & '.' & Hchy.Full_Name (For_Module), Last_Id => Size, For_Module => For_Module, Host => Host, Model => Model, Update_Time => Update_Time, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Next_Id := 2; for C in 1 .. Hchy.Size (Children) loop Child := Hchy.Value (Children); Create (For_Module => Hchy.Value (Children), In_Library => In_Library, Root_Id => Next_Id, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Next_Id := Next_Id + Tree_Size (Child); Hchy.Next (Children); end loop; end Create; procedure Create (In_Gateway : in String; Requirement_Name : in String; Requirement_Kind : in Requirements.Non_Functional; Requirement_Text : in String; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; Id : Positive; N : Dna.Name_Status; Parent : Gwo.Handle; Parent_Object : Dir.Object; S : Ss.Condition; procedure Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway : in Gwo.Handle) is begin Id := Asap.Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway) + 1; Asap.Set_Asa_Last_Requirement_Id (H => Gateway, Value => Id); end Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id; procedure Set_Last_Requirement_Id is new Updater (Do_Set_Last_Requirement_Id); use Asa_Definitions; begin Dna.Resolve (Name => In_Gateway, The_Object => Parent_Object, Status => N, Action_Id => Action_Id); Logger.Status (N); Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Parent_Object, H => Parent, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); if Asap.Class (Parent) = Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement then Logger.Error ("The gateway object " & Dna.Get_Full_Name (Parent_Object) & " does not represent an " & Asa_Definitions.Asa & " module, and thus " & "cannot host non-functional requirements"); end if; Set_Last_Requirement_Id (Gateway => Parent, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gwo.Close (Parent, S); Logger.Status (S); declare Parent_Full_Name : constant String := Dna.Get_Full_Name (Parent_Object); begin Create_Requirement_Gateway (Gateway_Name => Parent_Full_Name & '.' & Requirement_Name, Parent_Name => Parent_Full_Name, Id => Id, Requirement_Kind => Requirement_Kind, Requirement_Text => Requirement_Text, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end; end Create; procedure Destroy (Gateway_Name : in String; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; N : Dna.Name_Status; Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; begin Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name, The_Object => Gateway_Object, Status => N, Action_Id => Action_Id); Logger.Status (N); Destroy (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end Destroy; procedure Reduce (Gateway_Name : in String; Candidate_Modules : in out Hierarchy.Module_Iterator; Comments : in String; The_State : in out State) is Action_Id : Action.Id renames The_State.Cmvc.Action_Id; N : Dna.Name_Status; Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; begin Dna.Resolve (Name => Gateway_Name, The_Object => Gateway_Object, Status => N, Action_Id => Action_Id); Logger.Status (N); Reduce (Gateway_Object => Gateway_Object, Candidate_Modules => Candidate_Modules, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); end Reduce; end Gateways;
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