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Length: 23552 (0x5c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Queue, pragma Module_Name 4 3922, pragma Subsystem Os_Commands, seg_028541
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Directory; package Queue is procedure Print (Name : String := "<IMAGE>"; Options : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Banner : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Header : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Footer : String := "<DEFAULT>"); procedure Print_Version (The_Version : Directory.Version; Options : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Banner : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Header : String := "<DEFAULT>"; Footer : String := "<DEFAULT>"); -- -- The Print and Print_Version procedures are the provided user interfaces -- for sending files to a printer. They queue object(s) to be printed and -- echo request IDs in the message window with corresponding objects. -- -- -- NOTE : if a value is not specified for a parameter (<DEFAULT> is -- indicated) then the value supplied in the session switch -- file is used; if a session switch is not defined or -- unavailable then the default specified here is used. -- -- BANNER: String to be used on the banner page -- (truncated at 11 characters), user's id is the default -- Specifying the null string ("") will inhibit the generation -- of a banner page. -- -- HEADER: User supplied page header; default is none. -- -- FOOTER: User supplied page footer; default is none. -- (see R1000 documentation for headers or footers -- containing Line-Feeds or exceeding Width characters) -- -- OPTIONS: A form parameter for setting various formatting and -- spooling options; default is "Format=>(Wrap, System_Header"). -- -- -- The Currently available Options and semantic rules for these options are -- described at the end of this package and in detail in the documentation. -- procedure Cancel (Request_Id : Positive); -- cancels a request by ID obtained from Print or Queue -- Extreme measures for wedged spooler procedure Kill_Print_Spooler; procedure Restart_Print_Spooler; -- The remaining procedures do NOT use any session switches. subtype Class_Name is String; All_Classes : constant Class_Name := "all"; All_Spooler_Devices : constant String := "all"; -- The following procedures provide information on the state -- of the print spooler. procedure Display (Class : Class_Name := "all"); -- print the current contents of the Queue procedure Classes (Which : Class_Name := "all"; Show_Devices : Boolean := True); -- Display information about one or all classes procedure Devices (Which : String := "all"; Show_State : Boolean := True; Show_Classes : Boolean := True); -- Display information about one or all devices -- The following procedures are used to define queues in the spooler. procedure Create (Class : Class_Name := ""); procedure Destroy (Class : Class_Name := ""; Reroute : Class_Name := ""); -- Create/Destroy a class. -- When a class is destroyed any requests in that class are rerouted to -- the class specified (the default class if none is specified). procedure Default (Class : Class_Name := ""); -- set Default Class or print current Default (if null string provided) procedure Add (Device : String := ""; Options : String := "XON_XOFF"); -- Options : -- XON_XOFF, RTS, DTR indicate what flow control is to be used. -- Host => name indicates that a telnet connection is to be used -- If Host is given, Socket may be specified: Socket => (0, 23). -- -- Options can also have the value FTP. In this case, Device is -- the name of a file whose first line is a host name, whose -- second line is a directory name, whose third line is a suffix -- to append to each file name, and whose fourth line is the -- name of a remote passwords file. Each print request will -- be transferred to the specified host and directory using an -- FTP login for the host from the specified remote passwords file. -- The directory name in the file must have any trailing punctuation -- so that a simple filename can be concatenated to it. A log file -- is created in !Machine.Queues.Ftp under the device name (which -- is the simple name of the device file) to record any FTP -- problems. procedure Remove (Device : String := ""; Immediate : Boolean := False); -- Associate/Disassociate a device with the print spooler. procedure Register (Device : String := ""; Class : Class_Name := ""); procedure Unregister (Device : String := ""; Class : Class_Name := ""); -- Associates/disassociates a class and a device. -- If a class is not associated with a device then items spooled to that -- class can not be printed. procedure Enable (Device : String := "all"); procedure Disable (Device : String := ""; Immediate : Boolean := False); -- Allows/Disallows printing on device(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Description of the Options available for Print and Print_Version. -- -- The following is a list of legal options. -- -- BANNER_PAGE_USER_TEXT => text -- -- Text appears on the banner page (if one is generated) after the -- "Banner". -- -- CLASS => class name -- -- Class to which printout is to be queued. (default is <DEFAULT>) -- -- COPIES => number -- -- Number of copies of the printout (default is 1) -- -- LENGTH => number -- Number of printed lines available on a page (default is 60). -- -- NOTIFY => Mail | MESSAGE | None -- -- Type of notification desired upon completion of the print request. -- -- ORIGINAL_RAW => true | FALSE -- -- DO NOT make a copy of the file to be printed. Notification is set -- to Message and each file is spooled separately with a banner page. -- Class must NOT be Remote. -- -- PostScript => ( <PostScript_Options> ) -- -- Specify to print using PostScript rules. PostScript options and -- functionality are described below. The null options string, (), -- invokes the PostScript printer with default parameters. -- -- FORMAT => ( <Format_Options> ) -- -- The printer is to be treated as a conventional Ascii device with -- the specified options, which are described below. FORMAT with the -- null options string, (), is the default unless other options are -- specified. -- -- RAW => true | FALSE -- -- DO NOT interpret the input. This option can be useful for -- preformatted text or binary data. -- -- SPOOL_EACH_ITEM => true | FALSE -- Spool each file as a separate job. -- -- Exactly one of the Format, Original_Raw, PostScript, or Raw can be supplied -- for any print request. If any of these are specified in the Options -- parameter, then the corresponding session switch is ignored. -- -- <Format_Options> -- The following is a list of legal <format_options>. Unless -- otherwise specified, the Boolean options are assumed to be False. -- -- NUMBERING => true | FALSE -- -- Provide line numbering. -- -- SYSTEM_HEADER => number -- -- Produce a system page header on each page. -- -- TAB_WIDTH => number -- -- Number of spaces to replace a tab character (Ascii.HT) with -- (default is 8). 0 causes tabs to be sent to the printer. -- -- TRUNCATE => true | FALSE -- -- Truncate lines longer than Width. -- -- WIDTH => number -- -- Number of characters to be printed on a line (default is 80). -- -- WRAP => true | FALSE -- -- Wrap lines longer than Width. -- -- -- -- <PostScript_Options> -- -- FORMAT => PostScript | plain_text | fancy | letter | image | AUTOMATIC -- -- Broadly specifies how the file is to be printed, whether the file -- to be printed is a PostScript program (such as generated by a text -- formatter) or plain text that must be prepared for printing. -- -- AUTOMATIC is the default, in which case the file is looked at to -- determine it's type. If the file begins with a % it is processed -- as a PostScript program, if it begins with Ascii.Nul it is printed -- as an IMAGE, otherwise it is processed as PLAIN_TEXT. -- -- LETTER format is similar to PLAIN_TEXT except that the defaults for -- TWOUP, BORDER, DATE, FILENAME, WRAP, and NUMBER are all False. -- -- FANCY format is similar to PLAIN_TEXT, except that Ada -- reserved words are emboldened and comments are Italicized. -- -- The following options apply to both PostScript and Plain_Text files. -- -- STATS => TRUE | false -- -- Causes statistics on the size of files and their print speed to be -- included in job messages. -- -- FLOW => true | FALSE -- -- By default (FLOW=false), each file printed starts on a new sheet -- of paper. When FLOW is true, however, a file will start on the -- right half of a sheet if not occupied by the previous file. -- Setting FLOW to true forces TWOUP = true and REVERSED = false. -- -- REVERSED => TRUE | false -- -- If true, the default, the pages are reversed before printing so -- that the stack of pages in the printer's output tray are in the -- correct order with the first page on top. If false, the pages -- will be printed in the order they appear in the file. -- -- CHATTY => TRUE | false -- -- If true, the default, messages will be generated in the message -- window before accessing each file in the print request When false, -- PostScript issues a message only when all files have been printed -- and under error conditions. -- -- PAGES = <integer> [..<integer>] -- -- Specifies the range of pages to be printed. The first page in the -- file is numbered 1. The default is to print all pages in the -- file. If only one integer is given, that one page is printed. -- -- HEADER => true | FALSE -- -- If true, a header page is printed that identifies the file that is -- being printed and the circumstances of its printing. -- -- TWOUP => TRUE | false -- -- If true, two file pages are printed per sheet of printer paper. -- The image of each page is 2/3 the size of a full page. The -- default for this option for plain text files is true; for -- PostScript files, it is false. -- -- OUTLINES => TRUE | false -- -- If true, a solid box is drawn around the text for each page. -- BORDER is an alternative name for this option. The default for -- this option for PLAIN_TEXT files is true; for PostScript files, it -- is false. -- -- DATE => true | false -- -- If true, the time and date at the time of queueing is printed in -- the lower-left corner of each page, outside the outline box if -- present. The default for this option for plain text files is -- true; for PostScript files, it is false; -- -- FILENAME => true | false -- -- If true, the full name of the file is printed in the upper-left -- corner of each page, outside the outline box if present. The -- default for thisoption for plain text files is true; for -- PostScript files, it is false; -- -- The following options apply to PLAIN_TEXT files only. All combinations are -- valid. -- -- NUMBER => TRUE | false -- -- If true, a page number is printed in the upper right corner of -- each page, outside the outline box, if present. The numbering -- starts again at 1 for each file printed. -- -- WIDE => true | FALSE -- -- If true, each page is printed in landscape orientation, i.e., with -- the lines of text parallel to the longer side of the page. -- -- RULES => true | FALSE -- -- If true, faint dashed lines are drawn every other line of the -- output. -- -- SIZE = <integer> -- SPACING = <integer> -- -- Specifies the point-size of the typeface used to generate the -- output and the vertical spacing of each line measured in points. -- These point sizes determine the number of lines per page and the -- number of characters per line according to the following formulae: -- -- For the WIDE format: -- -- Lines/Page = 540 / Spacing -- Characters/Line = 1200 / Size -- -- For the ~WIDE (narrow) format: -- -- Lines/Page = 720 / Spacing -- Character/Line = 900 / Size -- -- The default SPACING is SIZE + 1; The default SIZE is 11 (yielding -- a SPACING of 12). In ~WIDE format this allows for 60 lines of -- 81-character lines. -- -- FONT = <font name> -- -- Specifies the typeface to be used in printing the file. Any -- built-in PostScript font may be specified. The default is -- /Courier-Bold. If <font-name> begins with a '/', PostScript -- assumes the font is already resident and uses the <font name> to -- define the font to use. If <font name> does not begin with '/', -- PostScript assumes it is the name of a file containing PostScript -- for a downloadable font. This file is sent to the printer before -- any files are processed by PostScript. The simple name of the -- file, capitalized as it appears in the font option, is used to set -- the font for the plain_text file. -- -- CHOP => true | FALSE -- -- If false, the default, a line longer than the line length defined -- by the above formulae is broken at the rightmost blank within the -- line and the extra text is printed on the next line justified to -- the right margin. If true, long input lines will be clipped at -- the boundaries of the imageable area (7.5 x 10.0 inches). -- -- The following options affect the IMAGE format: -- -- X = number -- Y = number -- -- Specifies, in inches, the coordinates of the lower left corner of -- the first image. The default coordinate is (0.25, 0.25), a point -- 1/4 inch from the lower left corner of the paper. -- -- DX = number -- DY = number -- -- Specifies the offset from the previous image coordinate to the -- coordinate for the next image. Dx is added to the X coordinate -- for each successive image until the resulting coordinate would be -- outside the bounds of the paper, at which time X is reset to its -- original value and Dy is added to the Y coordinate. When the Y -- coordinate exceeds the bounds of the paper, a new page is started -- at the original X, Y coordinate. -- -- WIDTH = number -- HEIGHT = number -- -- Specifies the maximum width and height allowed for the image. The -- default values specify a full page image. -- -- DISTORT => true | FALSE -- -- If true, the image will be magnified so that the image fills -- exactly the box defined by width and height. If false, the image -- will be magnified as large as possible while retaining the aspect -- ratio of the image. -- -- ASPECT => number -- -- Overrides the aspect ratio of the image. -- -- CAPTION => text -- -- Text to be rendered below the printed image. -- -- PROLOG => text -- EPILOG => text -- -- PostScript code to be sent before and after each image. The -- following regards action taken on files when the PostScript option -- is specified and a list of legal <PostScript_options>. -- -- The following "commands" will be regonized when embedded in an input file -- when using a PostScript printer. These commands must begin in the first -- column of a line and must be capitalized as shown above. -- -- %%INCLUDE naming-expression -- -- Recognized in all formats except Image. Causes the files named in -- the expression to be opened and processed as if they were part of -- the input file. %%INCLUDEs can be nested to 10 deep. -- -- %%ASCII naming-expression -- -- Recognized in PostScript format only. Causes the named files to -- be opened and sent to the destination without further -- interpretation by PostScript (nested commands are ignored). -- -- %%BINARY naming-expression -- -- Recognized in PostScript format only. Causes the named files to -- be opened and sent to the destination as strings of hexadecimal -- numbers. The %%BINARY command should be preceded by PostScript -- code that will prepare the printer to receive hexadecimal data. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pragma Subsystem (Os_Commands); pragma Module_Name (4, 3922); end Queue;
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