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Rational R1000/400

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⟦61b32ac4e⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 12288 (0x3000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Test_Contrat, seg_054f7d


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with The_Contrats;
with Bounded_String;  
with Com_Defs;

package body Test_Contrat is
    procedure Test_Contrat is
        My_Set_Of_Contrat : The_Contrats.Set_Of_Objects.Set;
        My_Contrat_Iterator : The_Contrats.Contrat_Iterator;  
        My_Contrat_Array : The_Contrats.Contrat_Array;
        My_Contrat : The_Contrats.Contrat;
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("debut de test contrat");
        The_Contrats.Create_Set (My_Set_Of_Contrat);
        The_Contrats.Print (My_Set_Of_Contrat);
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("insertion d'un contrat");
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Class_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Method_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de methode 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de parametre 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Number => Com_Defs.V_String
                                       (S => "nom de number 1",
                                        Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Adress => "1234567891234567");
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Class_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Method_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de methode 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de parametre 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Number => Com_Defs.V_String
                                       (S => "nom de number 2",
                                        Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Adress => "abcdefghijklmn12");
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            To_This_Class =>
                  (Bounded_String.Value (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                         Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            To_This_Object_Name =>
                  (Bounded_String.Value (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                         Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            Which_Has_This_Adress => "abcdefghijklmn12",
            This_Method_Name =>
                  (Bounded_String.Value (S => "nom de methode 3",
                                         Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
                  (Bounded_String.Value (S => "nom de parametre 3",
                                         Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            And_This_Number =>
                  (Bounded_String.Value (S => "nom de number 2",
                                         Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)));
        The_Contrats.Print (My_Set_Of_Contrat);
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Class_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 1",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            Which_Has_This_Adress => "1234567891234567");
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Name_Class =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Method_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de methode 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de parametre 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Number => Com_Defs.V_String
                                       (S => "nom de number 2",
                                        Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)));
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Name_Class =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Method_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de methode 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de parametre 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Number => Com_Defs.V_String
                                       (S => "nom de number 2",
                                        Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)));
           (The_Contrat => My_Set_Of_Contrat,
            With_This_Name_Class =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Object_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Method_Name =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de methode 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Parameter =>
               Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                     (S => "nom de parametre 3",
                                      Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            With_This_Number => Com_Defs.V_String
                                       (S => "nom de number 2",
                                        Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)));

        The_Contrats.Print (My_Set_Of_Contrat);
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("debut extract");
            Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                  (S => "nom de classe 2",
                                   Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
            Com_Defs.V_String (Bounded_String.Value
                                  (S => "nom de objet 2",
                                   Max_Length => Com_Defs.Frame_Length)),
        The_Contrats.Init (My_Contrat_Iterator, My_Contrat_Array);
        while (not The_Contrats.Done (My_Contrat_Iterator)) loop
            My_Contrat := The_Contrats.Value (My_Contrat_Iterator);
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Local_Contrat.class_name : " &
                              Com_Defs.Image (My_Contrat.Class_Name));
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Local_Contrat.object_name : " &
                              Com_Defs.Image (My_Contrat.Object_Name));
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Local_Contrat.method_name : " &
                              Com_Defs.Image (My_Contrat.Method_Name));
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Local_Contrat.parameter : " &
                              Com_Defs.Image (My_Contrat.Parameter));
            Text_Io.Put_Line ("Local_Contrat.number : " &
                              Com_Defs.Image (My_Contrat.Number));

            The_Contrats.Next (My_Contrat_Iterator);
        end loop;
        Text_Io.Put_Line ("fin de test contrat");

    end Test_Contrat;
end Test_Contrat;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x05] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=06c
        [0x06] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=01a
        [0x07] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=00c
        [0x08] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=056
        [0x09] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=084
        [0x0a] rec0=0e rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=000
    tail 0x2175e65be87b98043603b 0x42a00088462060003