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⟦62723f6de⟧ TextFile

    Length: 13745 (0x35b1)
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└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 



                              Rational X Library

                              Release Information

                               Rev6_0_0 Release



       Copyright  1989-1991 by Rational

       Part Number: 508-003261-002

       07/31/91 (Software Rev. Rev6_0_0)

       Rational   and  R1000  are  registered  trademarks  and  Rational
       Environment and Rational Subsystems are trademarks of Rational.

       UNIX is a registered trademark of  AT&T  in  the  USA  and  other

       The   X   Window   System   is  a  registered  trademark  of  the
       Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

       NeWS, Sun, Sun Workstation, SunOS, Sun-3, SPARC, and X11/NeWS are
       trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.



                             3320 Scott Boulevard
                      Santa Clara, California 95054-3197


                                                        Rev6_0_0 Release


       1.  Overview

       The  Rational  X  Library  (Xlib)  implements  the Ada Language X
       Interface layer of the X Window  System  from  MIT.   Xlib  runs
       native  on  the R1000 and it can be ported to most target systems
       that  support  TCP/IP  or  some  other  stream-based   networking

       It currently runs on:

       *  Hewlett-Packard  9000 series 300 - HPUX version 7.0 or later -
          Rational HP-UX Mc680x0 Cross Development Facility, v6.0.

       *  Rational R1000 - Environment versions D_10_20_0 and D_12_1_1 -
          native compiler

       *  Sun  Microsystems  -  SunOS  version 4.0.3 or later - TeleSoft
          TeleGen2 v1.4A (Mc680x0)

       This is the first nonbeta release.  It  has  full  copies  (first
       draft) of all documentation.

       Xlib is available as a Rational product in two forms; binary-only
       and full-source.  The binary-only version  is  a  subset  of  the
       full-source version.

       Xlib  is  also  available, without Rational product support, from
       various Ada and X archives.  Contact your favorite archive to see
       if  they  have it.  This version of Xlib contains the full source
       code for the libraries but it does not have  the  active  support
       supplied  to  Rational  customers.   Support  for the public Xlib
       version consists of the mailing  list  and  the
       Xlib-Bugs@Rational.Com   mailbox   for   reporting  problems  and
       suggestions.  Mail to Xlib-Bugs is handled on an  As-Time-Permits


       2.  Configurations

       Rev6_0_0   is   compatible  with  Rational  Environment  versions
       D_10_20_0 or later.


       2.1.  Hewlett-Packard

       Xlib has been ported to 9000 series 300's under  HP-UX  7.0.   It
       should operate correctly with any later version of HP-UX.

       RATIONAL     07/31/91                                           1\f

       Rational X Library Release Information


       2.2.  Rational R1000

       Xlib  will  run  on  any  model  R1000.   It has been tested with
       Environment release D_10_20_0 and D_12_1_1.


       2.3.  Sun Microsystems

       Xlib has been ported to Sun 3's under  SunoS  4.0.3.   It  should
       operate correctly with any later version of SunOS.

       Xlib has not been ported to SPARC or to the 386i.


       3.  Upgrade_Impact

       Xlib  Rev6_0_0  completely replaces all previous versions for all
       targets.   Intallation  will  replace  all  existing  files   and
       programs.   Any local customizations that may have been performed
       upon Rational-supplied files and units will be overwritten by the
       new files and programs.

       A  full  backup of your present system is recommended if you have
       extensively customized portions of Xlib.


       4.  Known_Problems

       Xlib has no known problems.


       5.  New Features

       This is the first nonbeta release.

       The following three mailing lists have been created at Rational:

       Xlib@Rational.Com - General mailing list for those interested  in
       the Rational X Library.

       Xlib-Request@Rational.Com  -  If you wish to be added to the Xlib
       mailing list then send mail here.

       2                                           07/31/91     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev6_0_0 Release

       Xlib-Bugs@Rational.Com - The "official"  place  to  report  bugs,
       request   enhancements,  and  generally  make  suggestions.   The
       Xlib@Rational.Com list can also be used for these purposes but we
       will keep a more permanent copy of mail sent to Xlib-Bugs.



       6.  Documentation

       The  Rational X Library Documentation (Product Number 4000-00603)
       is composed of:

       "Porting the Rational X Library" - Component Number 803-002694

       "Xlib  -  Ada/C  X  Interface  Differences"  -  Component  Number

       "Xlib - Ada Language X Interface" - Component Number 803-002692

       All  documentation  is  provided,  in  PostScript  form,  in  the
       documentation   directory.    ./documentation   on    UNIX    and
       X_Library.Rev@Spec.Units.Documentation in the Environment.



       7.  Copyrights

       In  additon to objects written by Rational, the Xlib distribution
       includes some objects originally  delivered  with  the  X  Window
       System  from  MIT.   All objects which originated in the X Window
       System distribution contain  the  original  copyright  notice  in
       their  source  file.   This includes objects delivered with the X
       Window System and modified or translated by Rational.

       The following copyright notices pertain  to  those  objects  that
       have not been written wholly by Rational.

       Copyright  1989  -  1991  by  Rational,  Santa Clara, California.
       Copyright 1988 by Wyse Technology, Inc., San Jose, Ca., Copyright
       1987  -  1989  by  Digital  Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
       Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute  of  Technology,
       Cambridge, Massachusetts.

       All Rights Reserved.

       Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
       its documentation for any  purpose  and  without  fee  is  hereby
       granted,  provided  that  the above copyright notice(s) appear in
       all copies and  that  both  that  copyright  notice(s)  and  this

       RATIONAL     07/31/91                                           3\f

       Rational X Library Release Information

       permission  notice  appear  in supporting documentation, and that
       the names of Digital, MIT, Wyse,  or  Rational  not  be  used  in
       advertising  or  publicity  pertaining  to  distribution  of  the
       software without specific, written prior permission.

       Digital, MIT, Wyse, and Rational  disclaim  all  warranties  with
       regard  to  this  software,  including  all implied warranties of
       merchantability and fitness, in  no  event  shall  Digital,  MIT,
       Wyse,  or  Rational  be  liable  for  any  special,  indirect  or
       consequential damages or any damages  whatsoever  resulting  from
       loss  of  use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract,
       negligence or  other  tortious  action,  arising  out  of  or  in
       connection with the use or performance of this software.


       8.  Appendix - Rational R1000 Save Set

       8.1.  Components


       8.2.  Installation Steps

       Follow  the steps given in the Installation Guide that comes with
       the tape received from Rational.


       9.  Appendix - SunOS tar Save Set

       9.1.  Components

               documentation   - documentation directory (PostScript
               bin             - preloaded executables
               tools           - tool and imake template source
               x-clients       - client program source
               x-demos         - demo program source
               x-library       - Xlib source
               x-testing       - testbed source

       4                                           07/31/91     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev6_0_0 Release

       9.2.  Installation Steps

       1. Place cartridge tape into tape drive.

       2. Use the Unix tar command to read the tape, eg.:

               mkdir <some directory>
               cd <some directory>
               tar xvf /dev/rst8

       3. Optionally  modify  the  imake  template  files   located   in
          tools/config.   If  you  modify  the templates then do a "make
          Makefile" command followed by a "make Makefiles" command.

       4. Build the libraries using a "make all" command.

       5. Install the libraries in /usr/lib/X11/ada and  executables  in
          /usr/bin/X11/ada by using a "make install" command.

       Read  the  manual,  "Porting  the  Rational X Library", the "UNIX
       Makefile Tools" appendix, for details on what the imake templates
       are and how the Makefiles work.

       9.3.  Installation Notes

       Assuming  that the TeleSoft TeleGen2 V1.4 compiler is being used,
       then all components of the  library  should  simply  compile  and

       9.4.  Installation Testing

       1. Run  misc/fake_main  in the x-library subdirectory.  It should
          print a "Fake_Main has elaborated." message.  This proves that
          the library can actually elaborate.

       2. Run misc/hello-world in the x-library subdirectory.  It should
          pop up a window with a lopsided star in it.  Click the  middle
          mouse  button  on that window to make it go away.  This proves
          that the library more-or-less  works.   Hello-world  takes  an
          optional  -display  argument  that  supplies the name of the X
          host to use, eg. "amber:0" to place it's window on screen 0 of
          host amber.

       3. Run  ico/ico, muncher/muncher, plaid/plaid, puzzle/puzzle, and
          dragon/dragon in the x-clients subdirectory.  Each of the demo
          programs  is  willing  to  accept  a  -display  argument  that
          specifies the host to use for the demo.  Eg. "amber:0".  Click
          the  middle  mouse button in the demo window to cause the demo
          to exit.  (Except for dragon which has a  Quit  button.   Some
          demos  will  not  seem to exit "immediately" because they will
          have already queued a large number of  drawing  requests  with
          the  X  server.  This means that the demo window may remain on
          the screen for many seconds while the  server  works  its  way

       RATIONAL     07/31/91                                           5\f

       Rational X Library Release Information

          through the queued drawing requests.

       All  of the x-client programs are also supplied in preloaded form
       in the bin directory.


       6                                           07/31/91     RATIONAL\f

                                                        Rev6_0_0 Release


       1.  Overview                                                    1
       2.  Configurations                                              1
          2.1.  Hewlett-Packard                                        1
          2.2.  Rational R1000                                         2
          2.3.  Sun Microsystems                                       2
       3.  Upgrade_Impact                                              2
       4.  Known_Problems                                              2
       5.  New Features                                                2
       6.  Documentation                                               3
       7.  Copyrights                                                  3
       8.  Appendix - Rational R1000 Save Set                          4
          8.1.  Components                                             4
          8.2.  Installation Steps                                     4
       9.  Appendix - SunOS tar Save Set                               4
          9.1.  Components                                             4
          9.2.  Installation Steps                                     5
          9.3.  Installation Notes                                     5
          9.4.  Installation Testing                                   5

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       Rational X Library Release Information

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