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Length: 11264 (0x2c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Posix_Current_Exception, seg_0213e8
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
package Posix_Current_Exception is -- The Lynx values for errno, see /usr/include/errno.h No_Error : constant := 0; Eperm : constant := 1; Enoent : constant := 2; Esrch : constant := 3; Eintr : constant := 4; Eio : constant := 5; Enxio : constant := 6; E2big : constant := 7; Enoexec : constant := 8; Ebadf : constant := 9; Echild : constant := 10; Eagain : constant := 11; Enomem : constant := 12; Eacces : constant := 13; Efault : constant := 14; Enotblk : constant := 15; Ebusy : constant := 16; Eexist : constant := 17; Exdev : constant := 18; Enodev : constant := 19; Enotdir : constant := 20; Eisdir : constant := 21; Einval : constant := 22; Enfile : constant := 23; Emfile : constant := 24; Enotty : constant := 25; Etxtbsy : constant := 26; Efbig : constant := 27; Enospc : constant := 28; Espipe : constant := 29; Erofs : constant := 30; Emlink : constant := 31; Epipe : constant := 32; Edom : constant := 33; Erange : constant := 34; Einprogress : constant := 36; Ealready : constant := 37; Enotsock : constant := 38; Edestaddrreq : constant := 39; Emsgsize : constant := 40; Eprototype : constant := 41; Enoprotoopt : constant := 42; Eprotonosupport : constant := 43; Esocktnosupport : constant := 44; Eopnotsupp : constant := 45; Epfnosupport : constant := 46; Eafnosupport : constant := 47; Eaddrinuse : constant := 48; Eaddrnotavail : constant := 49; Enetdown : constant := 50; Enetunreach : constant := 51; Enetreset : constant := 52; Econnaborted : constant := 53; Econnreset : constant := 54; Enobufs : constant := 55; Eisconn : constant := 56; Enotconn : constant := 57; Eshutdown : constant := 58; Etoomanyrefs : constant := 59; Etimedout : constant := 60; Econnrefused : constant := 61; Eloop : constant := 62; Enametoolong : constant := 63; Ehostdown : constant := 64; Ehostunreach : constant := 65; Enotempty : constant := 66; Eproclim : constant := 67; Eusers : constant := 68; Ecanceled : constant := 69; Edeadlk : constant := 72; Enotchr : constant := 76; Ehighb : constant := 80; Enosys : constant := 99; Eidrm : constant := 36; Enomsg : constant := 35; Enolck : constant := 46; type Errno is (No_Exception, Operation_Not_Permitted, -- EPERM No_Such_File_Or_Directory, -- ENOENT No_Such_Process, -- ESRCH Interrupted_Operation, -- EINTR Input_Output_Error, -- EIO No_Such_Device_Or_Address, -- ENXIO Arg_List_Too_Long, -- E2BIG Exec_Format_Error, -- ENOEXEC Bad_File_Descriptor, -- EBADF No_Child_Process, -- ECHILD Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable, -- EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK Not_Enough_Space, -- ENOMEM Permission_Denied, -- EACCES Bad_Address, -- EFAULT Block_Device_Required, -- ENOTBLK (not in POSIX) Resource_Busy, -- EBUSY File_Exists, -- EEXIST Improper_Link, -- EXDEV No_Such_Device, -- ENODEV Not_A_Directory, -- ENOTDIR Is_A_Directory, -- EISDIR Invalid_Argument, -- EINVAL Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System, -- ENFILE Too_Many_Open_Files, -- EMFILE Inappropriate_Io_Control_Operation, -- ENOTTY Text_File_Busy, -- ETXTBSY (not in POSIX) File_Too_Big, -- EFBIG No_Space_Left_On_Device, -- ENOSPC Invalid_Seek, -- ESPIPE Read_Only_File_System, -- EROFS Too_Many_Links, -- EMLINK Broken_Pipe, -- EPIPE Domain_Error, -- EDOM Result_Too_Large, -- ERANGE No_Such_Message, -- ENOMSG (Not in POSIX) Operation_Now_In_Progress, -- EINPROGRESS\x09(NOT_IN_POSIX) Operation_Already_In_Progress, -- EALREADY (Not in POSIX) Socket_Operation_On_Non_Socket, -- ENOTSOCK (Not in POSIX) Destination_Address_Required, -- EDESTADDRREQ (Not in POSIX) Message_Too_Long, -- EMSGSIZE (Not in POSIX) Protocol_Wrong_Type_For_Socket, -- EPROTOTYPE (Not in POSIX) Protocol_Not_Available, -- ENOPROTOOPT (Not in POSIX) Protocol_Not_Supported, -- EPROTONOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX) Socket_Type_Not_Supported, -- ESOCKTNOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX) Operation_Not_Supported_On_Socket, -- EOPNOTSUPP (Not in POSIX) No_Locks_Available, -- ENOLCK or EPFNOSUPPORT Address_Family_Not_Supported_By_Protocol_Family, -- EAFNOSUPPORT (Not in POSIX) Address_Already_In_Use, -- EADDRINUSE (Not in POSIX) Cant_Assign_Requested_Address, -- EADDRNOTAVAIL (Not in POSIX) Network_Is_Down, -- ENETDOWN (Not in POSIX) Network_Is_Unreachable, -- ENETUNREACH (Not in POSIX) Network_Dropped_Connection_On_Reset, -- ENETRESET (Not in POSIX) Software_Caused_Connection_Abort, -- ECONNABORTED (Not in POSIX) Connection_Reset_By_Peer, -- ECONNRESET (Not in POSIX) No_Buffer_Space_Available, -- ENOBUFS (Not in POSIX) Socket_Is_Already_Connected, -- EISCONN (Not in POSIX) Socket_Is_Not_Connected, -- ENOTCONN (Not in POSIX) Cant_Send_After_Socket_Shutdown, -- ESHUTDOWN (Not in POSIX) Too_Many_References_Cant_Splice, -- ETOOMANYREFS (Not in POSIX) Connection_Timed_Out, -- ETIMEDOUT (Not in POSIX) Connection_Refused, -- ECONNREFUSED (Not in POSIX) Too_Many_Levels_Of_Symbolic_Links, -- ELOOP (Not in POSIX) Filename_Too_Long, -- ENAMETOOLONG Host_Is_Down, -- EHOSTDOWN (Not in POSIX) No_Route_To_Host, -- EHOSTUNREACH (Not in POSIX) Directory_Not_Empty, -- ENOTEMPTY Too_Many_Processes, -- EPROCLIM (Not in POSIX) Too_Many_Users, -- EUSERS (Not in POSIX) Asynchronous_Operation_Canceled, -- ECANCELED (Not in POSIX) Resource_Deadlock_Avoided, -- EDEADLK High_Bit_In_File_Name, -- EHIGHB (Not in POSIX) Function_Not_Implemented); -- ENOSYS for Errno use (No_Exception => No_Error, Operation_Not_Permitted => Eperm, No_Such_File_Or_Directory => Enoent, No_Such_Process => Esrch, Interrupted_Operation => Eintr, Input_Output_Error => Eio, No_Such_Device_Or_Address => Enxio, Arg_List_Too_Long => E2big, Exec_Format_Error => Enoexec, Bad_File_Descriptor => Ebadf, No_Child_Process => Echild, Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable => Eagain, Not_Enough_Space => Enomem, Permission_Denied => Eacces, Bad_Address => Efault, Block_Device_Required => Enotblk, Resource_Busy => Ebusy, File_Exists => Eexist, Improper_Link => Exdev, No_Such_Device => Enodev, Not_A_Directory => Enotdir, Is_A_Directory => Eisdir, Invalid_Argument => Einval, Too_Many_Open_Files_In_System => Enfile, Too_Many_Open_Files => Emfile, Inappropriate_Io_Control_Operation => Enotty, Text_File_Busy => Etxtbsy, File_Too_Big => Efbig, No_Space_Left_On_Device => Enospc, Invalid_Seek => Espipe, Read_Only_File_System => Erofs, Too_Many_Links => Emlink, Broken_Pipe => Epipe, Domain_Error => Edom, Result_Too_Large => Erange, No_Such_Message => Enomsg, Operation_Now_In_Progress => Einprogress, Operation_Already_In_Progress => Ealready, Socket_Operation_On_Non_Socket => Enotsock, Destination_Address_Required => Edestaddrreq, Message_Too_Long => Emsgsize, Protocol_Wrong_Type_For_Socket => Eprototype, Protocol_Not_Available => Enoprotoopt, Protocol_Not_Supported => Eprotonosupport, Socket_Type_Not_Supported => Esocktnosupport, Operation_Not_Supported_On_Socket => Eopnotsupp, No_Locks_Available => Enolck, Address_Family_Not_Supported_By_Protocol_Family => Eafnosupport, Address_Already_In_Use => Eaddrinuse, Cant_Assign_Requested_Address => Eaddrnotavail, Network_Is_Down => Enetdown, Network_Is_Unreachable => Enetunreach, Network_Dropped_Connection_On_Reset => Enetreset, Software_Caused_Connection_Abort => Econnaborted, Connection_Reset_By_Peer => Econnreset, No_Buffer_Space_Available => Enobufs, Socket_Is_Already_Connected => Eisconn, Socket_Is_Not_Connected => Enotconn, Cant_Send_After_Socket_Shutdown => Eshutdown, Too_Many_References_Cant_Splice => Etoomanyrefs, Connection_Timed_Out => Etimedout, Connection_Refused => Econnrefused, Too_Many_Levels_Of_Symbolic_Links => Eloop, Filename_Too_Long => Enametoolong, Host_Is_Down => Ehostdown, No_Route_To_Host => Ehostunreach, Directory_Not_Empty => Enotempty, Too_Many_Processes => Eproclim, Too_Many_Users => Eusers, Asynchronous_Operation_Canceled => Ecanceled, Resource_Deadlock_Avoided => Edeadlk, High_Bit_In_File_Name => Ehighb, Function_Not_Implemented => Enosys); -- Returns the ERRNO value for the last POSIX call in the current task: function Get_Errno return Errno; -- To print it, use ERRNO'IMAGE end Posix_Current_Exception;
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