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Length: 11264 (0x2c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Phl, seg_058165
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
-- UNIT: procedure PHL -- FILES: phl.a -- COMPILE: ada phl.a -M phl -o phl -- PURPOSE: tasking test and demonstration -- DESCRIPTION: The dining philosophers problem. -- Usage: phl -- .......................................................................... -- with Text_Io; procedure Phl is Print_Task_Starts : constant Boolean := True; Term_Type : Character := '1'; subtype Seat is Integer range 0 .. 4; task type Output is entry Put_Cursor (S : Seat; At_Table, Eating : Boolean); entry Put_Line (S : in String); entry Put (S : in String); entry Term_Type_Entry (X : in Character); entry Clear_Screen; end Output; O : Output; task type Dining_Room is entry Allocate_Seat (S : out Seat); entry Enter; entry Leave; end Dining_Room; Dr : Dining_Room; task type Fork is entry Pick_Up; entry Put_Down; end Fork; Cutlery : array (0 .. 4) of Fork; task type Philosopher; School : array (0 .. 4) of Philosopher; task Rand_Delay is entry Rand; end Rand_Delay; task body Output is Term_Type : Character; -- '1' for vt100, '2' for f100 Clear_Sc : constant String := Ascii.Esc & '*'; use Text_Io; Pnum : Character; R_S : Seat; R_At_Table, R_Eating : Boolean; type Xy_Position is record X : Integer range 0 .. 79; Y : Integer range 0 .. 23; end record; Eating_Coords : array (Seat) of Xy_Position := ((28, 6), (25, 12), (36, 15), (46, 12), (44, 6)); Thinking_Coords : array (Seat) of Xy_Position := ((20, 21), (30, 21), (40, 21), (50, 21), (60, 21)); procedure Put (Item : in String; Pos : in Xy_Position) is Xp : Integer := Pos.X; Yp : Integer := Pos.Y; Elp : Integer; type As is access String; S : As := new String'(Item); Xs : As := new String'(Integer'Image (Xp)); Ys : As := new String'(Integer'Image (Yp)); begin if Yp /= 23 then Elp := 79; else Elp := 78; end if; -- can't write 79,23 if (Xp + S'Length > Elp) then S := new String'(S (S'First .. S'First + Elp - Xp)); end if; -- position and write string if Term_Type = '1' then Text_Io.Put (Ascii.Esc & "[" & Ys (2 .. Ys'Last) & ";" & Xs (2 .. Xs'Last) & "H" & S.all); else Text_Io.Put (Ascii.Esc & "=" & Character'Val (32 + Yp) & Character'Val (32 + Xp) & S.all); end if; end Put; begin accept Term_Type_Entry (X : in Character) do Term_Type := X; end Term_Type_Entry; loop select accept Put_Cursor (S : Seat; At_Table, Eating : Boolean) do R_S := S; R_At_Table := At_Table; R_Eating := Eating; Pnum := Character'Val (R_S + 1 + Character'Pos ('0')); if R_At_Table then Put (" ", Thinking_Coords (R_S)); if R_Eating then Put ("P" & Pnum & "E", Eating_Coords (R_S)); else Put ("P" & Pnum & " ", Eating_Coords (R_S)); end if; else Put (" ", Eating_Coords (R_S)); Put ("P" & Pnum, Thinking_Coords (R_S)); end if; end Put_Cursor; or accept Put (S : in String) do Text_Io.Put (S); end Put; or accept Put_Line (S : in String) do Text_Io.Put_Line (S); end Put_Line; or accept Clear_Screen do if Term_Type = '1' then Text_Io.Put (Ascii.Esc & "[2J" & Ascii.Esc & "[H"); else Text_Io.Put (Clear_Sc); end if; delay 0.1; end Clear_Screen; end select; end loop; end Output; task body Dining_Room is Seats_Filled : Integer range 0 .. 5 := 0; Seat_Allocation : Seat := 0; begin if Print_Task_Starts then O.Put_Line ("dining room starting"); end if; O.Clear_Screen; O.Put_Line (" non_stop eating and thinking!"); O.Put_Line (" "); O.Put_Line (" "); O.Put_Line (" "); O.Put_Line (" ***"); O.Put_Line (" *******"); O.Put_Line (" ***********"); O.Put_Line (" **O*** ******"); O.Put_Line (" ****** @@@ ***O**"); O.Put_Line (" ***** @@@@@ *****"); O.Put_Line (" ***** @@@ *****"); O.Put_Line (" **O** **O**"); O.Put_Line (" ******O******"); O.Put_Line (" ***********"); O.Put_Line (" "); O.Put_Line (" "); loop select --allocate fixed seat numbers to each of the five philosophers accept Allocate_Seat (S : out Seat) do S := Seat_Allocation; if Seat_Allocation < 4 then Seat_Allocation := Seat_Allocation + 1; end if; end Allocate_Seat; or when Seats_Filled < 5 => accept Enter do Seats_Filled := Seats_Filled + 1; end Enter; or accept Leave do Seats_Filled := Seats_Filled - 1; end Leave; end select; end loop; end Dining_Room; task body Fork is begin if Print_Task_Starts then O.Put_Line ("fork starting"); end if; loop accept Pick_Up; accept Put_Down; end loop; end Fork; task body Rand_Delay is Random : Duration := 0.4; begin loop Random := Random + 0.05; if Random > 0.7 then Random := 0.4; end if; accept Rand do delay Random; end Rand; end loop; end Rand_Delay; task body Philosopher is S : Seat; begin if Print_Task_Starts then O.Put_Line ("philosopher starting"); end if; Dr.Allocate_Seat (S); --obtain seat on joining institution; Dr.Enter; O.Put_Cursor (S, At_Table => True, Eating => False); Rand_Delay.Rand; loop Cutlery (S).Pick_Up; select Cutlery ((S + 1) mod 5).Pick_Up; --obtained two forks; -- philosopher begins to eat O.Put_Cursor (S, At_Table => True, Eating => True); delay 1.0; Cutlery ((S + 1) mod 5).Put_Down; Cutlery (S).Put_Down; --leave the room to think Dr.Leave; O.Put_Cursor (S, At_Table => False, Eating => False); delay 1.2; -- enter dining room again Dr.Enter; O.Put_Cursor (S, At_Table => True, Eating => False); delay 0.9; or -- let someone else try for 2 forks delay 0.9; Cutlery (S).Put_Down; Rand_Delay.Rand; end select; end loop; end Philosopher; begin Text_Io.Put ("is this a vt100 (1) or an f100 (2) -->"); Text_Io.Get (Term_Type); if Term_Type /= '1' and Term_Type /= '2' then Text_Io.Put ("that's not a 1 or a 2, i'll assume you have a vt100"); end if; O.Term_Type_Entry (Term_Type); end Phl; pragma Main; -- .......................................................................... -- -- -- DISTRIBUTION AND COPYRIGHT: -- -- This software is released to the Public Domain (note: -- software released to the Public Domain is not subject -- to copyright protection). -- Restrictions on use or distribution: NONE -- -- DISCLAIMER: -- -- This software and its documentation are provided "AS IS" and -- without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. -- No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness -- for a particular purpose exist. -- -- Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under -- which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for -- a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to -- test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user -- must assume the entire risk and liability of using this -- software. -- -- In no event shall any person or organization of people be -- held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential
nblk1=a nid=0 hdr6=14 [0x00] rec0=27 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=026 [0x01] rec0=24 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=044 [0x02] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=006 [0x03] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=012 [0x04] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=05e [0x05] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=01e [0x06] rec0=23 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=008 [0x07] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=028 [0x08] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=006 [0x09] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=000 tail 0x21765743c87e0557e5c39 0x42a00088462060003