Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

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⟦6fa31f882⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 10240 (0x2800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Quadrant_F_Update_Rule, seg_04cb74, separate Qualit_Generic_Agent_1.Qualit_Update_Rule_Bundle


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with System_Utilities;
with Time_Utilities;

separate (Qualit_Generic_Agent_1.Qualit_Update_Rule_Bundle)

package body Quadrant_F_Update_Rule is

    function Premiss return Fact_Queries is
        use Qualit_Frames;
        use Slot;
        use Slot.Operators;
        return (Updates.Exist ((Valid => Is_Equal (True_Boolean))),
                Epsilons.Exist ((Value => Is_Greater (Null_Value))),
                Delta_Ys.Exist ((Value =>
                                    Is_Greater_Or_Equal (-Near_Max_Delta_Y))),

                Epsilon_Variations.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)),
                Variation_Of_Epsilon_Variations.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)),
                Current_Positions.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)),
                Down_Values.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)),
                Down_Increments.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)),
                Positions_To_Reach.Exist ((Value => Is_Any)));  
    end Premiss;

    procedure Action (Objects : Fact_Collection) is  
        use Qualit_Frames;
        use Slot;
        use Slot.Operators;  
        The_Update_Fact                         : Fact_Name renames Objects (1);
        The_Epsilon_Fact                        : Fact_Name renames Objects (2);
        The_Delta_Y_Fact                        : Fact_Name renames Objects (3);
        The_Epsilon_Variation_Fact              : Fact_Name renames Objects (4);
        The_Variation_Of_Epsilon_Variation_Fact : Fact_Name renames Objects (5);
        The_Current_Pos_Fact                    : Fact_Name renames Objects (6);
        The_Down_Value_Fact                     : Fact_Name renames Objects (7);
        The_Down_Increment_Fact                 : Fact_Name renames Objects (8);
        The_Pos_To_Reach_Fact                   : Fact_Name renames Objects (9);

        The_Old_Current_Pos                  : Slot.Object :=
           Current_Positions.Get (The_Current_Pos_Fact, Value);  
        The_Old_Delta_Y_Val                  : Slot.Object :=
           Delta_Ys.Get (The_Delta_Y_Fact, Value);
        The_Pos_To_Reach                     : Slot.Object :=
           Positions_To_Reach.Get (The_Pos_To_Reach_Fact, Value);
        The_Old_Epsilon_Val                  : Slot.Object :=
           Epsilons.Get (The_Epsilon_Fact, Value);
        The_Old_Epsilon_Variation_Val        : Slot.Object :=
           Epsilon_Variations.Get (The_Epsilon_Variation_Fact, Value);  
        The_Old_Variation_Of_The_Epsilon_Val : Slot.Object :=
              (The_Variation_Of_Epsilon_Variation_Fact, Value);
        The_Down_Val                         : Slot.Object :=
           Down_Values.Get (The_Down_Value_Fact, Value);

        The_New_Current_Pos          : Slot.Object;
        The_New_Delta_Y_Val          : Slot.Object;
        The_New_Epsilon_Val          : Slot.Object;
        The_New_Epsilon_Variation    : Slot.Object;
        The_Agent2_Pos               : Slot.Object;
        The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec : Integer;
        The_Time_Interval            : Time_Utilities.Interval;

        Updates.Change (The_Update_Fact, Valid, False_Boolean);

        The_New_Current_Pos := Get_Position (Agent_Id);
           (The_Current_Pos_Fact, Value, The_New_Current_Pos);

        Set_Position_Variation (Agent_Id, -The_Down_Val);

        The_Agent2_Pos      := Get_Position (The_Other_Agent);
        The_New_Delta_Y_Val := The_New_Current_Pos - The_Agent2_Pos;  
        Delta_Ys.Change (The_Delta_Y_Fact, Value, The_New_Delta_Y_Val);

        The_New_Epsilon_Val := The_New_Current_Pos - The_Pos_To_Reach;
        Epsilons.Change (The_Epsilon_Fact, Value, The_New_Epsilon_Val);

        The_New_Epsilon_Variation := The_New_Epsilon_Val - The_Old_Epsilon_Val;
        Epsilon_Variations.Change (The_Epsilon_Variation_Fact, Value,

           (The_Variation_Of_Epsilon_Variation_Fact, Value,
            The_New_Epsilon_Variation - The_Old_Epsilon_Variation_Val);

        Down_Increments.Change (The_Down_Increment_Fact, Value, Inc_Max);

        The_Time_Interval := Time_Utilities.Convert (System_Utilities.Elapsed);
        The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec :=
           Integer (The_Time_Interval.Elapsed_Minutes) * 60000;
        The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec :=
           The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec +
              (Integer (The_Time_Interval.Elapsed_Seconds) * 1000);
        The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec :=
           The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec +
              Integer (The_Time_Interval.Elapsed_Milliseconds);
            Integer'Image (The_Elapsed_Time_In_Millisec) & " " &
               Integer'Image (Get (The_New_Current_Pos)) & " " &
               " " & Integer'Image (Get (-The_Down_Val)) &
               Integer'Image (Get (The_New_Delta_Y_Val)));
    end Action;

end Quadrant_F_Update_Rule;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x03] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=028
        [0x04] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=006
        [0x05] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=014
        [0x06] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=00a
        [0x07] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=05e
        [0x08] rec0=05 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=000
    tail 0x21753d9a0871c6896f7c1 0x42a00088462063c03