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Length: 83968 (0x14800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, Long Ada Source, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Extensions_Support, seg_03beda
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Debug_Tools; with Library_Interface; with Log; with Object_Subclass; with Profile; with String_Utilities; with View_Support; with Directory_Tools; with Rcf_Switch_Implementation; package body Extensions_Support is package Li renames Library_Interface; package Rci renames Remote_Command_Interface; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Su renames String_Utilities; Target_Key : constant String := "M68k_Sunos_Vdx"; function "=" (L, R : Directory.Error_Status) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function "=" (L, R : Directory.Object) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function "=" (L, R : Directory.Subclass) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function Qt (Str : String) return String is begin return " => """ & Str & """"; end Qt; procedure Set_Status (Message : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Severity : Simple_Status.Condition_Class := Simple_Status.Problem; Error_Type : String := "Library_Extensions Error") is begin Ss.Create_Condition (Status => Status, Error_Type => Error_Type, Message => Message, Severity => Severity); end Set_Status; procedure Unhandled_Exception (Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Routine : String) is begin Set_Status (Message => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name & " caught in " & Routine, Status => Status, Error_Type => "Unhandled exception "); end Unhandled_Exception; function Is_View (Obj : Directory.Object) return Boolean is Subclass : Directory.Subclass := Directory.Get_Subclass (Obj); begin return (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Spec_View_Subclass) or else (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Load_View_Subclass) or else (Subclass = Object_Subclass.Combined_View_Subclass); end Is_View; function Get_View (Object : Directory.Object) return Directory.Object is Obj : Directory.Object := Object; E_Status : Directory.Error_Status; Obj_Unit : Directory.Ada.Unit; begin if Is_View (Obj) then return Obj; end if; Directory.Control_Point.Enclosing_World (Obj, Obj_Unit, E_Status); if Directory."/=" (E_Status, Directory.Successful) then return Directory.Nil; end if; Obj := Directory.Ada.Get_Object (Obj_Unit); if Is_View (Obj) then return Obj; else return Directory.Nil; end if; -- if you are here, an error occurred return Directory.Nil; end Get_View; function Get_View (Object_Name : String) return Directory.Object is Obj : Directory.Object; Status : Naming.Name_Status; begin Naming.Resolve (Object_Name, Obj, Status); if Naming."/=" (Status, Naming.Successful) then Log.Put_Line (Object_Name & " not found", Profile.Warning_Msg); return Directory.Nil; end if; return Get_View (Obj); end Get_View; function Get_Object (Object_Name : String) return Directory.Object is Obj : Directory.Object; Status : Naming.Name_Status; begin Naming.Resolve (Object_Name, Obj, Status); if Naming."/=" (Status, Naming.Successful) then return Directory.Nil; end if; return Obj; end Get_Object; function Trace_Flag return Boolean is begin return False; end Trace_Flag; procedure Do_Import (Remote_Import_Directory : String; To_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View); Directory_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => View_Name); Remote_Directory : constant String := Directory_Result.Result; Set_Directory_Command : constant String := "cd " & Remote_Directory; Add_Import_Cmd : constant String := "a.path -L "; Add_Import_Command : constant String := Add_Import_Cmd & Remote_Directory & " -i " & Remote_Import_Directory; Exists : Boolean; procedure Import_Exists (Remote_View : String; Exists : out Boolean) is Local_Status : Ss.Condition; Import_Exists_Command : constant String := "a.path>a.path_temp;egrep -s " & Remote_View & " a.path_temp"; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Import_Exists (Remote_View" & Qt (Remote_View) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Exists := False; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Import_Exists_Command" & Qt (Import_Exists_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Import_Exists_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Error_Pattern => "", -- ignored Parse_Error_Output => False, -- ignored Parse_Standard_Output => False, -- ignored Show_Parsed_Output => True, -- ignored Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Local_Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Local_Status), Profile.At_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("View """ & Remote_View & """ has not yet been imported", Profile.Note_Msg); end if; else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("View """ & Remote_View & """ was previously imported", Profile.Note_Msg); end if; Exists := True; end if; end Import_Exists; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Do_Import (Remote_Import_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Import_Directory) & ", To_View" & Qt (View_Name) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Directory_Result.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Directory_Result.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get remote directory name for view " & View_Name, Status); return; end if; if Su.Strip (Remote_Directory) = "" then Log.Put_Line ("Name of remote directory for view " & View_Name & " is null", Profile.Warning_Msg); return; elsif Su.Strip (Remote_Import_Directory) = "" then Log.Put_Line ("Name of remote library to be imported into view " & View_Name & " is null", Profile.Warning_Msg); return; end if; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Set_Directory_Command" & Qt (Set_Directory_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Set_Directory_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then -- Remote_Directory doesn't exist, so we certainly can't import -- into it. if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line ("Can't import library " & Remote_Import_Directory & " into nonexistent remote library " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); return; end if; -- See if the Remote_Import_Directory exists. Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Import_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Exists, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line ("Can't tell whether remote Ada library """ & Remote_Import_Directory & """ exists", Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); return; elsif not Exists then Log.Put_Line ("Can't import nonexistent remote library " & Remote_Import_Directory & " into library " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Warning_Msg); return; end if; -- Both Remote_Directory and Remote_Import_Directory exist on the -- remote machine. Is the Remote_Import_Directory already imported? Import_Exists (Remote_View => Remote_Import_Directory, Exists => Exists); if not Exists then -- This view isn't yet imported, so we will add it now. if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Add_Import_Command" & Qt (Add_Import_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Add_Import_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't import " & Remote_Import_Directory & " into remote library " & Remote_Directory, Status); else Log.Put_Line ("Remote library " & Remote_Import_Directory & " has been imported into " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Positive_Msg); end if; else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Remote library " & Remote_Import_Directory & " is already imported into " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Note_Msg); end if; end if; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Do_Import"); end Do_Import; procedure Refresh_Referencers (To_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View); Directory_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => View_Name); Remote_Directory : constant String := Directory_Result.Result; Referencer : Directory.Object; Referencers : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Referencers (To_View, True); begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Refresh_Referencers (To_View" & Qt (View_Name) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Directory_Result.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Directory_Result.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get remote directory name for view " & View_Name, Status); return; end if; if Ss.Error (Referencers.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Referencers.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get referencers for view " & View_Name, Status); return; end if; -- Add To_View's remote directory as an import for each of its -- referencers on the Sparc. for Index in 1 .. Referencers.Size loop Referencer := Referencers.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Referencers (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ", " & View_Name & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Referencer /= To_View then Do_Import (Remote_Import_Directory => Remote_Directory, To_View => Referencer, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Can't make " & Remote_Directory & " a remote import of " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; end Refresh_Referencers; procedure Add_Remote_Import (Imported_View : Directory.Object; To_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Import_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (Imported_View); Import_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => Import_Name); Remote_Import_Directory : constant String := Import_Result.Result; Referencer : Directory.Object; Referencers : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Referencers (To_View, True); begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Add_Remote_Import (Imported_View" & Qt (Import_Name) & ", To_View" & Qt (Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View)) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Import_Result.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Import_Result.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get remote directory name for imported view " & Import_Name, Status); return; end if; if Ss.Error (Referencers.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Referencers.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get referencers for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View), Status); return; end if; if Imported_View = To_View then return; end if; -- Add Imported_View's remote directory to To_View's import list on -- the Sparc. Do_Import (Remote_Import_Directory => Remote_Import_Directory, To_View => To_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Can't make " & Remote_Import_Directory & " a remote import of " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; -- Now add Imported_View's remote directory as an import for each of -- To_View's referencers on the Sparc. for Index in 1 .. Referencers.Size loop Referencer := Referencers.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Referencers (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ", " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View) & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Referencer /= Imported_View and then Referencer /= To_View then Do_Import (Remote_Import_Directory => Remote_Import_Directory, To_View => Referencer, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Can't make " & Remote_Import_Directory & " a remote import of " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; end Add_Remote_Import; procedure Add_Remote_Imports (Imported_Views : in out Directory.Naming.Iterator; To_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Imports : Naming.Iterator := Imported_Views; Error_Status : Directory.Error_Status; Import_Object : Directory.Object; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Add_Remote_Imports (To_View" & Qt (Naming.Get_Full_Name (To_View)) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); while not Naming.Done (Imports) loop Log.Put_Line (Message => ". Imported_View => " & Naming.Source_Name (Imports), Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); Naming.Next (Imports); end loop; Naming.Reset (Imported_Views); end if -- Make sure that To_View's remote library is imported by each of its -- referencers. Refresh_Referencers (To_View => To_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; -- Now set up a remote link from To_View (and each of its referencers) -- to each Imported_View (and each of its imports). while not Naming.Done (Imported_Views) loop Naming.Get_Object (Iter => Imported_Views, The_Object => Import_Object, Status => Error_Status); if Error_Status /= Directory.Successful then Set_Status ("Can't get object for " & Naming.Source_Name (Imported_Views) & ". Error Status = " & Directory.Error_Status'Image (Error_Status), Status); return; end if; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Imported_View => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Import_Object), Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; -- Add a link on the remote Sparc from To_View (and each of its -- referencers) to the imported view. Add_Remote_Import (Imported_View => Import_Object, To_View => To_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; -- Now get the view's import closure, and add the remote -- directories for all of the views in the closure to To_View's -- (and each of its referencers) remote import list. declare Import : Directory.Object; Import_Closure : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Imports (For_View => Import_Object, Closure => True); begin if Ss.Error (Import_Closure.Condition) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Import_Closure.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status ("Can't get import closure for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Import_Object), Status); return; end if; for Index in 1 .. Import_Closure.Size loop Import := Import_Closure.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Import_Closure (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ", " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Import_Object) & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Import), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Import /= To_View and then Import /= Import_Object then Add_Remote_Import (Imported_View => Import, To_View => To_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; end; Naming.Next (Imported_Views); end loop; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Add_Remote_Imports"); end Add_Remote_Imports; procedure Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Imported_View : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_To_Remove); Imported_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => Imported_View); Remote_Import_Directory : constant String := Imported_Result.Result; Dir_Exists : Boolean; From_View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View); Directory_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => From_View_Name); Remote_Directory : constant String := Directory_Result.Result; Remove_Import_Cmd : constant String := "a.path -L "; Remove_Import_Command : constant String := Remove_Import_Cmd & Remote_Directory & " -r " & Remote_Import_Directory; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove" & Qt (Imported_View) & ", From_View" & Qt (From_View_Name) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Imported_Result.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Imported_Result.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get remote directory name for imported view " & Imported_View, Status); return; elsif Ss.Error (Directory_Result.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Directory_Result.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get remote directory name for view " & From_View_Name, Status); return; end if; if Remote_Directory = "" then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Remote directory name for view " & From_View_Name & " is null", Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg); Set_Status ("Insufficient remote library information", Status, Ss.Problem); return; elsif Remote_Import_Directory = "" then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Remote directory name for imported view " & Imported_View & " is null", Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg); Set_Status ("Insufficient remote library information", Status, Ss.Problem); return; end if; -- See if the Remote_Directory exists. Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Dir_Exists, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't tell whether remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ exists, so can't remove its import", Status); return; end if; if not Dir_Exists then Log.Put_Line ("Remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ doesn't exist for view " & From_View_Name & ", so we can't remove its import", Profile.Warning_Msg); return; end if; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Remove_Import_Command" & Qt (Remove_Import_Command) & ", View_To_Remove" & Qt (Imported_View), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Remove_Import_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't remove remote import " & Imported_View & " from view " & From_View_Name, Status); else Log.Put_Line ("Removed remote library " & Remote_Import_Directory & " as an import into " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Positive_Msg); end if; end Remove_Remote_Import; procedure Remove_Unused_Import (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Ss.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Importing_Closure : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Imports (From_View, True); begin if Ss.Error (Importing_Closure.Condition) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Importing_Closure.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status ("Can't get import closure for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View), Status); return; end if; if not View_Support.Is_Member (View_To_Remove, Importing_Closure) then Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove => View_To_Remove, From_View => From_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end if; end Remove_Unused_Import; procedure Remove_All_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Import_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_To_Remove); Referencer : Directory.Object; Referencers : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Referencers (From_View, True); begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Remove_All_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove" & Qt (Import_Name) & ", From_View" & Qt (Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View)) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Referencers.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Referencers.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get referencers for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View), Status); return; end if; Remove_Unused_Import (View_To_Remove, From_View, Remote_Connection, Status, Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Remote library for " & Import_Name & " isn't on search list for " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; -- Now remove all of the specified view's imports as remote imports -- of From_View (unless they are required by another of From_View's -- imports). for Index in 1 .. Referencers.Size loop Referencer := Referencers.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Referencers (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ", " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View) & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Referencer /= View_To_Remove and then Referencer /= From_View then Remove_Unused_Import (View_To_Remove, Referencer, Remote_Connection, Status, Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Remote library for " & Import_Name & " isn't on search list for " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Referencer), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; end Remove_All_Remote_Imports; procedure Remove_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Imported_View : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_To_Remove); Import : Directory.Object; Imported_Closure : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Imports (For_View => View_To_Remove, Closure => True); begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Remove_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove" & Qt (Imported_View) & ", From_View" & Qt (Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View)) & ")", Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Ss.Error (Imported_Closure.Condition) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Imported_Closure.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status ("Can't get import closure for view " & Imported_View, Status); return; end if; -- Remove the specified view as a remote import of From_View. Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove => View_To_Remove, From_View => From_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status ("Can't remove remote import for " & Imported_View & " from remote import for " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (From_View), Status); return; end if; -- Now remove all of the specified view's imports as remote imports of -- From_View and each of its referencers (unless they are required by -- another of From_View's imports). for Index in 1 .. Imported_Closure.Size loop Import := Imported_Closure.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Imported_Closure (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Import), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Import /= From_View and then Import /= View_To_Remove then Remove_All_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove => Import, From_View => From_View, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Remove_Remote_Imports"); end Remove_Remote_Imports; procedure Create_Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Machine : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean := False) is Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Local_Status : Ss.Condition; Dir_Exists : Boolean := False; Fil_Exists : Boolean := False; Directory_Separator : constant String := "/"; Remote_Ada_Library : constant String := Remote_Directory & "/ada.lib"; Create_Dir_Command : constant String := "mkdir -p " & Remote_Directory; Create_Ada_Lib_Command : constant String := "a.mklib -f "; function Remote_Parent_Library_Name return String is -- This routine reads a switch named Remote_Parent_Library -- in the current view (ie. <view>.state.compiler_switches). -- If the value is set, the value is -- used as the parent library parameter for a.mklib. If the -- value is null, the default target is used. This -- instantiation has defined that to be the MC68881 library. -- View_Path_Name : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("<view>"); Remote_Parent_Library_Option : constant String := "M68K_Sunos_Vdx_Remote_Parent_Library"; Default_Remote_Parent_Library : constant String := " -t MC68881 "; -- The VADS library for Floating Point Coprocessor Support. Object : Directory.Object; Name_Status : Directory.Naming.Name_Status; begin Object := Get_View (View_Path_Name); declare Remote_Parent_Lib : constant String := Rcf_Switch_Implementation.Value (Name => Remote_Parent_Library_Option, Switch_File => Object); begin if Remote_Parent_Lib = "" then Log.Put_Line (Message => "The option " & Remote_Parent_Library_Option & " is not set for this view. As a result, the remote_library will be " & "created utilizing the default parent library " & Default_Remote_Parent_Library, Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); Log.Put_Line (Message => "If this action is inappropriate, create the switch file and " & "modify the Rcf." & Remote_Parent_Library_Option & " switch to the proper value.", Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); return Default_Remote_Parent_Library & Remote_Directory; else Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Parent_Lib, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Fil_Exists, Trace_Command => False); if not Fil_Exists then Log.Put_Line ("Can't tell whether Remote Parent library """ & Remote_Parent_Lib & """ exists on machine """ & Remote_Machine & """", Profile.Negative_Msg); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return ""; end if; Log.Put_Line (Message => "Using " & Remote_Parent_Lib & " as the remote parent library.", Kind => Profile.Note_Msg, Response => Profile.Get); return Remote_Directory & " " & Remote_Parent_Lib; end if; end; end Remote_Parent_Library_Name; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Create_Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating remote directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory), Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); if Su.Locate (Directory_Separator, Remote_Directory) /= 1 then Set_Status ("Remote_Directory string must begin with a """ & Directory_Separator & """ character", Status); return; end if; Rci.Acquire (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Target_Key => Target_Key, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't acquire connection to " & Remote_Machine, Status); else begin -- See if the Ada library already exists in the remote -- directory. Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Ada_Library, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Fil_Exists, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't tell whether Ada library """ & Remote_Ada_Library & """ exists on machine """ & Remote_Machine & """", Status); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; if Fil_Exists then Log.Put_Line ("An Ada library already exists " & "in remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """", Profile.Warning_Msg); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; -- The Ada library doesn't exist, so we will need to create it. -- Does the remote directory exist? Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Dir_Exists, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't tell whether directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ exists on machine """ & Remote_Machine & """", Status); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; if Dir_Exists then -- The directory exists, but it is not an Ada library. We -- will create an Ada library within it. Log.Put_Line (Message => "Directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ already exists", Kind => Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line (Message => "Using an existing directory", Kind => Profile.Note_Msg); else -- The directory doesn't exist, so we will create it and -- then make it into an Ada library. Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating the new remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """", Kind => Profile.Note_Msg); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Create_Dir_Command" & Qt (Create_Dir_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Create_Dir_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't create remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """", Status); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; end if; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Create_Ada_Lib_Command" & Qt (Create_Ada_Lib_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Create_Ada_Lib_Command & " " & Remote_Parent_Library_Name, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't create an Ada library in remote directory """ & Remote_Directory & """", Status); else Log.Put_Line ("A remote Ada library has been " & "successfully created in " & Remote_Directory, Profile.Positive_Msg); end if; exception when others => Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); raise; end; end if; Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Create_Remote_Directory"); end Create_Remote_Directory; procedure Destroy_Remote_Library (For_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Machine : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean := False) is Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Dir_Exists : Boolean := True; Local_Status : Ss.Condition; Remote_Ada_Library : constant String := Remote_Directory & "/ada.lib"; Unprotect_Library_Command : constant String := "chmod -R 777 " & Remote_Directory; Remove_Ada_Library_Command : constant String := "a.rmlib -f " & Remote_Directory; Destroy_Files_Command : constant String := "rm -f " & Remote_Directory & "/*"; Destroy_Options_File_Command : constant String := "rm -f " & Remote_Directory & "/.options*"; Remove_Directory_Command : constant String := "rmdir " & Remote_Directory; begin if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Destroy_Remote_Library (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line (Message => "Destroying Ada library in remote directory " & Remote_Directory, Kind => Profile.Debug_Msg); Rci.Acquire (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Target_Key => Target_Key, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't acquire connection to " & Remote_Machine, Status); else begin Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Ada_Library, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Dir_Exists, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't tell whether Ada library " & "exists in directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ on machine """ & Remote_Machine & """", Status); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; if not Dir_Exists then Log.Put_Line (Message => "There is no remote Ada library " & "in directory """ & Remote_Directory & """ on machine " & Remote_Machine, Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status ("Can't destroy remote library", Status, Ss.Problem); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; -- Remove Remote_Directory as an import from each of For_View's -- referencers. declare Importer : Directory.Object; Referencers : constant View_Support.Unit_List := View_Support.Get_Referencers (For_View, True); begin if Ss.Error (Referencers.Condition) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Referencers.Condition), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't get referencers for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (For_View), Status); Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); return; end if; for Index in 1 .. Referencers.Size loop Importer := Referencers.Data (Index); if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (". Referencers (" & Integer'Image (Index) & ", " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (For_View) & ") => " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Importer), Profile.At_Msg); end if; if Importer /= For_View then -- Remove For_View as a remote import of Importer. -- Also remove as imports of Importer the views -- that are imported by For_View which are not -- otherwise needed by Importer. Remove the same -- views, if they are not still needed, from each -- referencer of Importer. Remove_Remote_Imports (View_To_Remove => For_View, From_View => Importer, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); Log.Put_Line ("Can't remove remote library " & Remote_Directory & " as an import of " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (Importer), Profile.Warning_Msg); Ss.Initialize (Status); end if; end if; end loop; end; if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Executing command" & Qt (Unprotect_Library_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Unprotect_Library_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't unprotect " & Remote_Directory, Status); else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Executing command" & Qt (Remove_Ada_Library_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Remove_Ada_Library_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't destroy the remote Ada library " & Remote_Directory, Status); else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Executing command" & Qt (Destroy_Files_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Destroy_Files_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't destroy the files in " & "remote directory " & Remote_Directory, Status, Ss.Warning); else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Executing command" & Qt (Destroy_Options_File_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Destroy_Options_File_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't destroy the '.options' file in " & "remote directory " & Remote_Directory, Status, Ss.Warning); else if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line ("Executing command" & Qt (Remove_Directory_Command), Profile.At_Msg); end if; Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Remove_Directory_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Ss.Error (Status) then if Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Set_Status ("Can't destroy remote directory " & Remote_Directory, Status, Ss.Warning); else Log.Put_Line ("Remote directory " & Remote_Directory & " has been destroyed", Profile.Positive_Msg); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; exception when others => Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); raise; end; end if; Rci.Release (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Local_Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Destroy_Remote_Library"); end Destroy_Remote_Library; end Extensions_Support;
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