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Rational R1000/400

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See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

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⟦720cb8675⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 11264 (0x2c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Utilities, seg_0045b1, separate Object_Info


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

separate (Object_Info)
package body Utilities is

    function Match_Pattern_For (This_Kind : in Kinds) return String is

        -- Returns the most constrained naming qualifier that will still
        -- return all instances of the specified kind from a naming resolution.

        case This_Kind is
            when Library =>
                return "'C(LIBRARY)";
            when Directory =>
                return "'C(DIRECTORY)";
            when World | Simple_World =>
                return "'C(WORLD)";
            when Subsystem =>
                return "'C(SUBSYSTEM)";
            when View =>
                return "'C(SPEC_VIEW,LOAD_VIEW,COMBINED_VIEW)";
            when Spec_View =>
                return "'C(SPEC_VIEW)";
            when Load_View |  
                 Working_Load_View |  
                 Released_Load_View |  
                 Code_Only_Load_View =>
                return "'C(LOAD_VIEW)";
            when Combined_View =>
                return "'C(COMBINED_VIEW)";
            when Simple_Object =>
                return "'C(~LIBRARY)";
            when Ada_Unit =>
                return "'C(ADA)";
            when File =>
                return "'C(FILE)";
            when Misc_Simple_Object =>
                return "'C(~LIBRARY)'C(~ADA)'C(~FILE)";
            when others =>
                return "";
        end case;
    end Match_Pattern_For;

    function Superset_Objects_In (This_Object : in Object;
                                  This_Kind   : in Kinds;
                                  Transitive  : in Boolean) return Objects is

        -- Returns an iterator of objects guaranteed to contain all objects
        -- of the desired kind which are contained in the specified object.
        -- The iterator may contain extra objects (since there is not a
        -- naming expression for every kind of object), which is why this
        -- is called "superset". The extra objects need to be removed
        -- by some other procedure.

        if Transitive then
            return Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution
                      (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name (This_Object) &
                       ".??" & Utilities.Match_Pattern_For (This_Kind));
            return Directory_Tools.Naming.Resolution
                      (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name (This_Object) &
                       ".@" & Utilities.Match_Pattern_For (This_Kind));
        end if;
    end Superset_Objects_In;

    function Is_Same_Kind (This_Object : in Object; This_Kind : in Kinds)
                          return Boolean is

        -- Returns True iff the specified object is of the specified kind.

        case This_Kind is
            when Anything =>
                return True;
            when Library =>
                return Any.Is_Library (This_Object);
            when Directory =>
                return Any.Is_Directory (This_Object);
            when World =>
                return Any.Is_World (This_Object);
            when Simple_World =>
                return Any.Is_Simple_World (This_Object);
            when Subsystem =>
                return Any.Is_Subsystem (This_Object);
            when Root =>
                return Any.Is_Root (This_Object);
            when View =>
                return Any.Is_View (This_Object);
            when Spec_View =>
                return Any.Is_Spec_View (This_Object);
            when Load_View =>
                return Any.Is_Load_View (This_Object);
            when Working_Load_View =>
                return Any.Is_Working_Load_View (This_Object);
            when Released_Load_View =>
                return Any.Is_Released_Load_View (This_Object);
            when Code_Only_Load_View =>
                return Any.Is_Code_Only_Load_View (This_Object);
            when Combined_View =>
                return Any.Is_Combined_View (This_Object);
            when Units_Directory_Of_View =>
                return Any.Is_Units_Directory_Of_View (This_Object);
            when Simple_Object =>
                return Any.Is_Simple_Object (This_Object);
            when Ada_Unit =>
                return Any.Is_Ada_Unit (This_Object);
            when File =>
                return Any.Is_File (This_Object);
            when Misc_Simple_Object =>
                return Any.Is_Misc_Simple_Object (This_Object);
            when Frozen =>
                return Any.Is_Frozen (This_Object);
            when Controlled =>
                return Cmvc.Is_Controlled (This_Object);
            when Checked_Out =>
                return Cmvc.Is_Checked_Out (This_Object);
        end case;
    end Is_Same_Kind;

    function Contains_Objects (This_Object : in Object;
                               This_Kind   : in Kinds;
                               Transitive  : in Boolean) return Boolean is

        Superset : Objects := Utilities.Superset_Objects_In
                                 (This_Object, This_Kind, Transitive);
        Directory_Tools.Object.Reset (Superset);
        while not Directory_Tools.Object.Done (Superset) loop
            if Utilities.Is_Same_Kind  
                  (Directory_Tools.Object.Value (Superset), This_Kind) then
                return True;
            end if;
            Directory_Tools.Object.Next (Superset);
        end loop;  
        return False;
    end Contains_Objects;

    function Objects_In (This_Object : in Object;
                         This_Kind   : in Kinds;
                         Transitive  : in Boolean) return Objects is

        Superset : Objects := Utilities.Superset_Objects_In
                                 (This_Object, This_Kind, Transitive);

        The_Objects : Objects := Directory_Tools.Object.Create;

        Dummy : Boolean;

        Directory_Tools.Object.Reset (Superset);
        while not Directory_Tools.Object.Done (Superset) loop
            if Utilities.Is_Same_Kind  
                  (Directory_Tools.Object.Value (Superset), This_Kind) then
                    Directory_Tools.Object.Value (Superset), Dummy);
            end if;
            Directory_Tools.Object.Next (Superset);
        end loop;
        Directory_Tools.Object.Reset (The_Objects);
        return The_Objects;
    end Objects_In;

    function Is_Enclosed (This_Object : in Object;
                          This_Kind   : in Kinds;
                          Transitive  : in Boolean) return Boolean is

        Current_Library : Any.Library := This_Object;

        if Any.Is_Root (This_Object) then
            -- Cannot be contained by anything, because already at root.
            return False;
                Current_Library := Directory_Tools.Traversal.  
                                      Enclosing_Library (Current_Library);
                if Utilities.Is_Same_Kind (Current_Library, This_Kind) then
                    -- Found an enclosing library of the correct kind.
                    return True;
                elsif Any.Is_Root (Current_Library) then
                    -- Worked our way all the way up to the root without finding
                    -- an enclosing object of the correct kind.
                    return False;
                elsif not Transitive then
                    -- Only supposed to look at first level, so quit.
                    return False;
                end if;
            end loop;
        end if;
    end Is_Enclosed;

    function Enclosing_For (This_Object : in Object;
                            This_Kind   : in Kinds;
                            Transitive  : in Boolean) return Object is

        Current_Library : Any.Library := This_Object;

        if Directory_Tools.Object.Is_Nil (This_Object) then
            return Bad_Object;
        elsif Any.Is_Root (This_Object) then
            -- Cannot be contained by anything, because already at root.
            return Bad_Object;
                Current_Library := Directory_Tools.Traversal.  
                                      Enclosing_Library (Current_Library);
                if Utilities.Is_Same_Kind (Current_Library, This_Kind) then
                    -- Found an enclosing library of the correct kind.
                    return Current_Library;
                elsif Any.Is_Root (Current_Library) then
                    -- Worked our way all the way up to the root without finding
                    -- an enclosing object of the correct kind.
                    return Bad_Object;
                elsif not Transitive then
                    -- Only supposed to look at first level, so quit.
                    return Bad_Object;
                end if;
            end loop;
        end if;
    end Enclosing_For;

end Utilities;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x03] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=032
        [0x04] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=036
        [0x05] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=01c
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    tail 0x21700214c815c654a4ef5 0x42a00088462061e03