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Length: 32284 (0x7e1c) Types: TextFile Notes: R1k Text-file segment
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦7105a2fbb⟧ └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦808a58df6⟧ └─⟦this⟧
procedure Initialize;with Activity; with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Log; with Profile; with Library; with Program; with Operator; with Link_Tools; with Compilation; procedure Initialize is begin Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Error_Logs.Machine_Initialize"); Io.Set_Error (Io.Current_Output); Activity.Set ("!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"); Operator.Enable_Privileges; if not Operator.Privileged_Mode then Log.Put_Line ("Could not enable privileges.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; Library.Context ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Housekeeping;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Daemons;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Network;"); if Link_Tools.Has ("Install_Subsystems", "?", Link_Tools.External, "!Machine") then begin Program.Run ("""!Machine'L.Install_Subsystems$"".Install_Subsystems;"); exception when others => null; end; end if; Library.Context ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Program.Run ("""!Commands"".Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Terminals;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Servers;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Print_Spooler;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Site;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Mail;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Cross_Compilers;"); Program.Run ("""!Machine"".Initialize_Design_Facilities;"); Io.Reset_Output; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Fatal), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize;procedure Initialize_Cross_Compilers;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Cross_Compilers is File_Name : constant String := "!Machine.Cross_Compilers"; File : Io.File_Type; procedure Close is begin Io.Close (File); exception when others => null; end Close; function Get_First_Token (From : String) return String is begin for Index in From'Range loop if From (Index) = ' ' then return From (From'First .. Index - 1); end if; end loop; return From; end Get_First_Token; function Get_Remainder (From : String) return String is begin for Index in From'Range loop if From (Index) = ' ' then return From (Index + 1 .. From'Last); end if; end loop; return ""; end Get_Remainder; procedure Start_Compiler (Target_Entry : String) is Target_Name : constant String := Get_First_Token (Target_Entry); Params : constant String := Get_Remainder (Target_Entry); Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Cross_Compilers." & Target_Name; Context : constant String := "!Targets.Implementation."; Routine : constant String := "Start_Compiler"; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; procedure Await_Elaboration is begin if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to start compiler", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Simple_Status.Display_Message (Status)); end if; for I in 1 .. 100 loop begin declare Name : constant String := System_Utilities.Job_Name (Job_Id); begin if Name'First = String_Utilities.Locate (Fragment => Target_Name, Within => Name, Ignore_Case => True) then return; end if; delay 5.0; end; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Cannot get compiler job name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); return; end; end loop; Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Compiler has not changed its name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => ""); end Await_Elaboration; begin if String_Utilities.Locate ("Motorola_68k", Target_Name) /= 0 then -- with Common, Control, Stream, the Start_Compiler procedure -- does not return until all components are started. Program.Run (Program.Current (Subsystem => Context & Target_Name, Unit => Routine, Parameters => Params, Activity => Activity)); else Program.Create_Job (Program.Current (Subsystem => Context & Target_Name, Unit => Routine, Activity => Activity), Job_Id, Status); Await_Elaboration; end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Start_Compiler; begin begin Io.Open (File => File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => File_Name); exception when Io.Name_Error => -- file does not exist return; end; begin loop Start_Compiler (String_Utilities.Strip_Leading (Filler => ' ', From => Io.Get_Line (File))); end loop; exception when Io.End_Error => Close; end; exception when others => Close; raise; end Initialize_Cross_Compilers;procedure Initialize_Daemons;with Io; with Daemon; with Program; with Error_Reporting; with Debug_Tools; with Disk_Daemon; with Time_Utilities; use Time_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Daemons is function "=" (L, R : Disk_Daemon.Threshold_Kinds) return Boolean renames Disk_Daemon."="; subtype Volume_Number is Disk_Daemon.Volume_Number; subtype Bytes is Natural; Kbyte : constant Bytes := 1024; Mbyte : constant Bytes := 1024 * 1024; subtype Threshold is Disk_Daemon.Percentage; -- eg, 10 means 10% subtype Threshold_Kinds is Disk_Daemon.Threshold_Kinds; type Threshold_Array is array (Threshold_Kinds) of Threshold; function Min (Volume : Volume_Number) return Bytes is begin if Volume = 1 then return (10 + 25) * Mbyte; else return 10 * Mbyte; end if; -- A Suspend threshold corresponding to 1 block is clearly worthless, -- regardless of the size of the disk. Thus, you would expect there -- to be some minimum absolute number of disk blocks to be included in -- the suspend threshold. Assuming you recover from hitting the -- suspend threshold by rebooting and elaborating just DDC, the -- minimum needs to be higher than 10 Mbytes. You need to account for -- swap space for the environment on volume 1. end Min; function New_Garbage (Consumed : Bytes) return Bytes is begin return (2 * Consumed) / 100; -- 2% of Consumed -- GC has some tables whose size is a linear function of capacity. GC -- produces new garbage while it is collecting the old garbage. The -- amount of the new garbage is a linear function of capacity. We -- assume that GC will produce 2% new garbage for the garbage that it -- reclaims. end New_Garbage; function Suspend (Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) return Bytes is Fixed : constant Bytes := Min (Volume); Variable : constant Bytes := 2 * New_Garbage (Capacity); begin return Fixed + Variable; -- Assuming all of Capacity is garbage is clearly pessimistic. We -- leave twice as much space as should be required because (1) failure -- to leave enough space results in a restore from backup, and (2) the -- procedure for recovering from hitting Suspend is very unfriendly -- causing people to end up trying it 2 or 3 times, each wasted -- attempt producing more garbage. end Suspend; function Get_Threshold (Kind : Threshold_Kinds; Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) return Bytes is begin if Kind = Disk_Daemon.Suspend_System then return Suspend (Volume, Capacity); else declare Next_Kind : constant Threshold_Kinds := Threshold_Kinds'Succ (Kind); Next_Amount : constant Bytes := Get_Threshold (Next_Kind, Volume, Capacity); Headroom : constant Bytes := Capacity - Next_Amount; begin return Next_Amount + New_Garbage (Headroom); -- We assume that the headroom is ALL garbage when GC starts, -- which is clearly pessimistic. The formula leaves enough -- space for a complete GC cycle started AFTER the threshold -- is reached. end; end if; end Get_Threshold; function To_Percent (Value : Bytes; Capacity : Bytes) return Threshold is begin return Threshold ((Value * 100) / Capacity); end To_Percent; procedure Set (Volume : Volume_Number; Capacity : Bytes) is Thresholds : Threshold_Array; Next_Threshold : Threshold := 0; begin -- Compute theoretical Thresholds for K in Thresholds'Range loop Thresholds (K) := To_Percent (Get_Threshold (K, Volume, Capacity), Capacity); end loop; -- Adjust for at least a 1% difference between thresholds for K in reverse Thresholds'Range loop if Next_Threshold >= Thresholds (K) then Thresholds (K) := Next_Threshold + 1; end if; Next_Threshold := Thresholds (K); end loop; -- Preset thresholds to known, legal values for K in reverse Thresholds'Range loop Disk_Daemon.Set_Threshold (Volume, K, 1 + Threshold_Kinds'Pos (Threshold_Kinds'Last) - Threshold_Kinds'Pos (K)); end loop; for K in Thresholds'Range loop Disk_Daemon.Set_Threshold (Volume, K, Thresholds (K)); end loop; end Set; begin -- Set Disk Daemon thresholds based on disk capacities for Vol in 1 .. 4 loop if Disk_Daemon.Exists (Vol) then Set (Vol, Disk_Daemon.Capacity (Vol) * Kbyte); end if; end loop; -- Snapshot parameters Daemon.Snapshot_Warning_Message (20.0); Daemon.Snapshot_Start_Message (False); Daemon.Schedule ("Snapshot", 30 * Minute, 15 * Minute); -- note that daemons are scheduled by default Daemon.Set_Access_List_Compaction; begin Program.Run_Job (S => Program.Current (Subsystem => "!Commands.System_Maintenance", Unit => "Smooth_Snapshots", Parameters => "", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Debug => False, Context => "$", After => 0.0, Options => "Name => (Smooth Snapshots)", Response => "<PROFILE>"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Daemons.Smooth_Snapshots", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end Initialize_Daemons;procedure Initialize_Design_Facilities;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Design_Facilities is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Su renames String_Utilities; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Design_Facilities"; File_Of_Pdls : constant String := "!Machine.Design_Facilities"; Pdl_File : Io.File_Type; procedure Close is begin Io.Close (Pdl_File); exception when others => null; end Close; procedure Start_Pdl (Pdl_Name : String) is Uc_Pdl_Name : constant String := Su.Upper_Case (Su.Strip (Pdl_Name)); Command_Options : constant String := "Input | Output | Error => !MACHINE.DEVICES.NIL"; Registration_Procedure : constant String := "REGISTER_PDL"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Get_Context (From_Command : String) return String is Begin_Quote : constant Natural := From_Command'First; End_Quote : constant Natural := Su.Reverse_Locate ('"', From_Command); begin return From_Command (Natural'Succ (Begin_Quote) .. Natural'Pred (End_Quote)); end Get_Context; function Pdl_Subsystem return String is begin if Uc_Pdl_Name (Uc_Pdl_Name'First) = '!' then return Uc_Pdl_Name & ".PDL_DEFINITION"; else return "!TOOLS.DESIGN.RELEASE." & Uc_Pdl_Name & ".PDL_DEFINITION"; end if; end Pdl_Subsystem; function Registration_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Pdl_Subsystem, Unit => Registration_Procedure, Activity => Activity); end Registration_Command; function Pdl_Invocation return String is begin return Caller & " (" & Pdl_Subsystem & ')'; end Pdl_Invocation; begin if Uc_Pdl_Name'Length = 0 then return; end if; Program.Create_Job (Registration_Command, Context => Get_Context (Registration_Command), Options => Command_Options, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Pdl_Invocation, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to Register " & Uc_Pdl_Name, Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when Io.Name_Error => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller & ".Start_Pdl", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Invalid_Pdl_Name", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Uc_Pdl_Name & " cannot be found."); when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Pdl_Invocation, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Start_Pdl; begin begin Io.Open (File => Pdl_File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => File_Of_Pdls); exception when Io.Name_Error => -- File does not exist return; end; begin loop Start_Pdl (Io.Get_Line (Pdl_File)); end loop; exception when Io.End_Error => Close; end; exception when others => Close; Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Design_Facilities;procedure Initialize_Dtia;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Simple_Status; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Dtia is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Subsystem : constant String := "!Tools.Dtia_Rpc_Mechanisms"; Elaboration : constant String := "Elaboration"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Dtia"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Elaboration_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Subsystem, Unit => Elaboration, Activity => Activity); end Elaboration_Command; begin declare Command : constant String := Elaboration_Command; begin if Command'Length > 0 then Program.Create_Job (Elaboration_Command, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); end if; end; if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to initialize Dtia", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Dtia;procedure Initialize_Housekeeping;with Library; with Scheduler; with Access_List; procedure Initialize_Housekeeping is begin Library.Destroy (Existing => "!Machine.Temporary??", Threshold => Natural'Last, Limit => "<All_Worlds>", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Create_World ("!Machine.Temporary", Model => "", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Set_Retention_Count ("!Machine.Temporary", 0, Response => "<Errors>"); Access_List.Set ("Network_Public => Rwcd", "!Machine.Temporary", Response => "<Errors>"); Access_List.Set_Default ("Network_Public => Rwcd", "!Machine.Temporary", Response => "<Errors>"); Library.Compact_Library ("!Machine.Error_Logs"); Library.Compact_Library ("!Machine.Queues.??'C(World)"); Scheduler.Set ("Background_Streams", 3); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Time 1", 2); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Time 2", 58); Scheduler.Set ("Stream_Jobs 1", 3); Scheduler.Set ("Foreground_Time_Limit", 300); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Detached_Wsl", 5000); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Attached_Wsl", 4000); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Ce_Wsl", 150); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Ce_Wsl", 500); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Oe_Wsl", 75); Scheduler.Set ("Max_Oe_Wsl", 750); Scheduler.Set ("Min_Server_Wsl", 75); Scheduler.Set ("Disk_Scheduling", 0); end Initialize_Housekeeping;procedure Initialize_Mail;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Mail is begin Program.Run ("""!Machine.Transfer"".Initialize"); Program.Run ("""!Machine.Transfer.Distribute"".Initialize"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Mail", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Mail;procedure Initialize_Network;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Ftp_Server; with Program; with Tcp_Ip_Boot; with Network_Product; with Ftp_Product; with Rpc_Product; procedure Initialize_Network is begin if Network_Product.Is_Installed ("TCP/IP") then begin Tcp_Ip_Boot (Exos_Prefix => "!Tools.Networking."); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.TCP_IP_Boot", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; if Ftp_Product.Is_Installed then begin delay 15.0; Ftp_Server.Start; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.FTP", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; if Rpc_Product.Is_Installed then begin delay 15.0; Program.Run_Job ("""!Commands"".Archive.Server", Context => "!Machine.Error_Logs", Options => "Output => !Machine.Error_Logs.Archive_Server_Log," & "Name => (Archive Server), " & "User=NETWORK_PUBLIC, Password=()"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Network.Archive", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end if; end Initialize_Network;procedure Initialize_Print_Spooler;with Queue; procedure Initialize_Print_Spooler is begin Queue.Restart_Print_Spooler; end Initialize_Print_Spooler;procedure Initialize_Rcf (Target_File_Name : String := "!Machine.Rcf_Targets"); -- Elaborates the RCF by running Start_Rcf_Main. -- -- Once the RCF has been successfully elaborated, each of the Targets -- entered in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" is registered. -- -- Each entry in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" must be a valid RCF target key name. -- For a Target_Key to be considered valid, a customization must exist in -- "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization."Target_Key"'View". -- -- For example, an entry of "Rs6000_Aix_Ibm" in "!Machine.Rcf_Targets" -- would have to be accompanied by a subsystem with the following name: -- "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization.Rs6000_Aix_Ibm" -- In this subsystem could be any number of load views, the most current -- of which must reside in the machine's default activity. In this -- view should be a valid customization as described in Rational Remote -- Compilation Facility Customizers Guide.with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Io; with Log; with Error_Reporting; with Profile; with Program; with Simple_Status; with String_Utilities; with System_Utilities; procedure Initialize_Rcf (Target_File_Name : String := "!Machine.Rcf_Targets") is Target_File : Io.File_Type; Register_Context : constant String := "!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_Customization"; Job : Program.Job_Id; Condition : Program.Condition; Rcf_Name : constant String := "Rcf_Compiler"; Delay_Count : Natural := 0; Rcf_Compiler_Failure : exception; use Directory_Tools; begin Program.Create_Job ("""!Targets.Implementation.Rcf_User_Interface'Spec_View.Units"".Start_Rcf_Main", Job, Condition, Options => "output => !Machine.Error_Logs.Rcf_Compiler_Log"); if Program.Started_Successfully (Condition) then while String_Utilities.Locate (Rcf_Name, System_Utilities.Job_Name (Job)) = 0 loop Delay_Count := Delay_Count + 1; if Delay_Count > 60 then raise Rcf_Compiler_Failure; end if; delay 2.0; end loop; Log.Put_Line ("Rcf Compiler Started", Profile.Positive_Msg); else raise Rcf_Compiler_Failure; end if; if Object.Is_Ok (The_Object => Naming.Resolution (Target_File_Name)) then Io.Open (File => Target_File, Mode => Io.In_File, Name => Target_File_Name); while not Io.End_Of_File (Target_File) loop declare Stripped_Target : constant String := String_Utilities.Strip (Io.Get_Line (Target_File)); begin Program.Create_Job (Program.Current (Subsystem => Register_Context & "." & Stripped_Target, Unit => Stripped_Target & ".Register", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Job, Condition, Context => Register_Context); if Program.Started_Successfully (Condition) then Program.Wait_For (Job); Log.Put_Line ("Registered Rcf target " & Stripped_Target); else Log.Put_Line ("Failed To Register", Profile.Error_Msg); Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to register rcf target " & Stripped_Target, Error_Reporting.Warning), Explanation => Simple_Status.Name (Condition)); end if; end; end loop; Io.Close (Target_File); else Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("No Rcf targets will be registered", Error_Reporting.Warning), Explanation => "Bad target file name: " & Target_File_Name); end if; exception when Rcf_Compiler_Failure => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to start rcf", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Simple_Status.Name (Condition)); when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Rcf", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Rcf;procedure Initialize_Servers;with Debug_Tools; with Error_Reporting; with Program; procedure Initialize_Servers is begin delay 15.0; begin Program.Run_Job (Program.Current ("!Tools.CI", "CI.Login", Activity => "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"), Options => "Name => (Console Command Interpreter)", Context => "!Machine.Error_Logs"); exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => "!Machine.Initialize_Servers.Ci", Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unhandled_Exception", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end; end Initialize_Servers;procedure Initialize_Teamwork_Interface;with Program; with Debug_Tools; with Simple_Status; with Error_Reporting; procedure Initialize_Teamwork_Interface is package Dt renames Debug_Tools; package Ss renames Simple_Status; Activity : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Activity"; Subsystem : constant String := "!Tools.Design.Rdf_Teamwork_Integration.Teamwork"; Initialization : constant String := "Initialize_Teamwork"; Caller : constant String := "!Machine.Initialize_Teamwork_Interface"; Job_Id : Program.Job_Id; Status : Program.Condition; function Initialization_Command return String is begin return Program.Current (Subsystem => Subsystem, Unit => Initialization, Activity => Activity); end Initialization_Command; begin declare Command : constant String := Initialization_Command; begin if Command'Length > 0 then Program.Create_Job (Initialization_Command, Job => Job_Id, Status => Status); end if; end; if not Program.Started_Successfully (Status) then Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("Unable to initialize Teamwork_Interface ", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Ss.Display_Message (Status)); end if; exception when others => Error_Reporting.Report_Error (Caller => Caller, Reason => Error_Reporting.Create_Condition_Name ("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", Error_Reporting.Problem), Explanation => Dt.Get_Exception_Name (True, True)); end Initialize_Teamwork_Interface;procedure Initialize_Terminals;with Operator; with Telnet_Product; with Terminal; procedure Initialize_Terminals is begin Terminal.Set_Logoff_On_Disconnect (Line => 16, Enabled => False); -- for I in 17 .. 20 loop -- Operator.Enable_Terminal (I); -- Terminal.Set_Disconnect_On_Logoff (Line => I, Enabled => false); -- end loop; if Telnet_Product.Is_Installed then for I in 240 .. 244 loop -- for I in 240 .. 240 loop Terminal.Set_Disconnect_On_Logoff (Line => I, Enabled => True); Terminal.Set_Logoff_On_Disconnect (Line => I, Enabled => False); Operator.Enable_Terminal (I); end loop; end if; end Initialize_Terminals