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⟦7adf97a73⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 56320 (0xdc00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbp_Event, seg_004f5b


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
use Xlbt_Arithmetic;  
with Xlbt_Basic;  
use Xlbt_Basic;  
with Xlbt_Display2;  
use Xlbt_Display2;  
with Xlbt_Event;  
use Xlbt_Event;  
with Xlbt_Misc;  
use Xlbt_Misc;  
with Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbt_Proc_Var;  
with Xlbt_Request;  
use Xlbt_Request;  
with Xlbt_Window;  
use Xlbt_Window;

with Xlbp_Proc_Var;  
use Xlbp_Proc_Var;

with Xlbit_Library4;  
use Xlbit_Library4;

with Xlbip_Default_Proc_Vars;  
use Xlbip_Default_Proc_Vars;  
with Xlbip_Internal;  
use Xlbip_Internal;  
with Xlbip_Put_Request;  
use Xlbip_Put_Request;

with Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
use Xlbmt_Network_Types;  
with Xlbmt_Parameters;  
use Xlbmt_Parameters;

with Xlbmp_Internal;  
use Xlbmp_Internal;

package body Xlbp_Event is
-- X Library Event Handling
-- Xlbp_Event - Routines for reading, writing, and handling X events.
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
-- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be
-- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software,
-- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no
-- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or
-- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
-- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other
-- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance
-- of this software.

    procedure X_Flush (Display : X_Display) is
-- Force any buffered server requests to be transmitted immediately.
        Lock_Display (Display);  
        Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
        Unlock_Display (Display);  
    end X_Flush;

    procedure X_Put_Back_Event (Display : X_Display;  
                                Event   : X_Event) is  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----Get a new event record.

            Qelt := Display.Q_Free;  
            if Qelt = None_X_Queued_Event then  
                Qelt := new X_Queued_Event_Rec;  
                Display.Q_Free := Qelt.Next;  
            end if;

----Put the new event onto the queue of events.

            Qelt.Next    := Display.Head;  
            Qelt.Event   := Event;  
            Display.Head := Qelt;  
            if Display.Tail = null then  
                Display.Tail := Qelt;  
            end if;  
            Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len + 1;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Put_Back_Event;

    procedure X_Select_Input (Display    : X_Display;  
                              Window     : X_Window;  
                              Event_Mask : X_Event_Mask) is  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----Send the request.

                (Kind       => Change_Window_Attributes,  
                 Length     => X_Change_Window_Attributes_Request'Size / 32 + 1,  
                 Pad        => 0,  
                 Window     => Window,  
                 Value_Mask => (Cw_Event_Mask => True, others => False)),  
            Put_X_Event_Mask (Display, Event_Mask);

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Sync_Handle (Display);

    end X_Select_Input;

    procedure X_Send_Event (Display    :     X_Display;  
                            Window     :     X_Window;  
                            Propagate  :     Boolean;  
                            Event_Mask :     X_Event_Mask;  
                            Event      :     X_Event;  
                            Status     : out X_Status) is
-- In order to avoid all images requiring private_X_Event_To_Wire, we install the
-- Event converter here if it has never been installed.
        Ev   : X_Raw_Data_Array (1 .. 32);  
        Fp   : X_Procedure_Variable;  
        Succ : X_Status;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

            -- call through disp to find proper conversion routine

            Fp := Display.Wire_Vec (Event.Kind);  
            if Fp = None_X_Procedure_Variable then  
                Fp := X_Lib_Default_X_Event_To_Wire;  
                Display.Wire_Vec (Event.Kind) := Fp;  
            end if;  
               (Proc_Var_X_Event_Wire.To_Pv (Fp), Display, Event, Ev, Succ);

            if Succ = Failed then  
                Status := Failed;  
                Status := Successful;  
                   (Display, (Kind        => Send_Event,  
                              Length      => X_Send_Event_Request'Size / 32,  
                              Destination => Window,  
                              Propagate   => From_Boolean (Propagate),  
                              Event_Mask  => Event_Mask,  
                              Event       => Ev));  
            end if;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Sync_Handle (Display);

    end X_Send_Event;

    function X_Events_Queued (Display : X_Display;  
                              Mode    : X_Event_Queuing) return S_Long is  
        Ret_Val : S_Long;  

        Lock_Display (Display);  
            if Display.Q_Len > 0 or else Mode = Queued_Already then  
                Ret_Val := Display.Q_Len;  
                Ret_Val := Internal_X_Events_Queued (Display, Mode);  
            end if;  
            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Unlock_Display (Display);  
        return Ret_Val;

    end X_Events_Queued;

    function X_Pending (Display : X_Display) return S_Long is  
        Ret_Val : S_Long;  

        Lock_Display (Display);  
            if Display.Q_Len > 0 then  
                Ret_Val := Display.Q_Len;  
                Ret_Val := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                              (Display, Queued_After_Flush);  
            end if;  
            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Unlock_Display (Display);  
        return Ret_Val;

    end X_Pending;

    procedure X_Check_If_Event (Display :        X_Display;  
                                Event   : in out X_Event;  
                                Args    : in out Predicate_Argument_Type;  
                                Status  : out    X_Status) is
-- Check existing events in queue to see if any match.  Return the first match
-- found.  If no match is found then flush output buffer and return the next
-- event in the queue matching the predicate.  Return whether such an event was
-- found.  Events earlier in the queue are not discarded.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Void : S_Long;  
        Succ : X_Status;  

----Lock the display; catch any exceptions.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----The first time through we start at the head of the event list for the
--  display.  Run down the full list until we reach the end or until we find
--  a match.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
            for N in reverse 0 .. 2 loop  
                while Qelt /= null loop

----Check for and return any matches.

                    Predicate (Display, Qelt.Event, Args, Succ);  
                    if Succ = Successful then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;          -- Return the match
                        if Prev /= null then -- Unlink the match
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                        Status := Successful;  
                    end if;

----Loop for next event.

                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end loop;

----No existing events match.  If this is the first or second time then try to
--  get more events.  If not then exit and return failure.

                if N = 0 then  
                elsif N = 1 then  
                    Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
                elsif N = 2 then  
                    Void := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                               (Display, Queued_After_Reading);  
                end if;  
                if Prev = null then-- Start at head of new events.
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Status := Failed;  
        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Check_If_Event;

    procedure X_Check_Mask_Event (Display    :        X_Display;  
                                  Event_Mask :        X_Event_Mask;  
                                  Event      : in out X_Event;  
                                  Status     : out    X_Status) is
-- Check existing events in queue to find any that match the Event_mask.  Return the
-- first one that matches.  If none match then flush output buffer and attempt
-- to read new events.  If one of these matches then return it.  If this fails
-- then return that status to the caller.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Void : S_Long;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----The first time through the loop we start with the existing event queue.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
            for N in reverse 0 .. 2 loop  
                while Qelt /= null loop

----If this event matches the event Event_mask then return it.

                    if (X_Event_To_Mask (Qelt.Event.Kind) and Event_Mask) /=  
                        and then  
                       (Qelt.Event.Kind /= Motion_Notify  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Pointers) /= None_X_Event_Mask  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Buttons) /= None_X_Event_Mask) then                         Event := Qelt.Event;              -- Return event
                        if Prev /= null then            -- Unlink event
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Status        := Successful;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;

----Loop for next event on list.

                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----No existing events match.  If this is the first or second time then try to
--  get more events.  If not then exit and return failure.

                if N = 0 then  
                elsif N = 1 then  
                    Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
                elsif N = 2 then  
                    Void := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                               (Display, Queued_After_Reading);  
                end if;  
                if Prev = null then     -- Start search where we left off.
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Status := Failed;  
        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Check_Mask_Event;

    procedure X_Check_Typed_Event (Display :        X_Display;  
                                   Kind    :        X_Event_Code;  
                                   Event   : in out X_Event;  
                                   Status  : out    X_Status) is
-- Check existing events in queue to find any that match the type.  Return the
-- first one that matches.  If none match then flush the output queue and
-- attempt to read some more events.  If one matches then return it.  Otherwise
-- return failure to the caller.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Void : S_Long;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----The first time through the loop we start at the head of the existing list.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
            for N in reverse 0 .. 2 loop  
                while Qelt /= null loop

----If this event is the right type then return it.

                    if Qelt.Event.Kind = Kind then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;          -- Return event
                        if Prev /= null then        -- Unlink event
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Status        := Successful;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;

----Loop for the next event.

                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----No existing events match.  If this is the first or second time then try to
--  get more events.  If not then exit and return failure.

                if N = 0 then  
                    Status := Failed;  
                elsif N = 1 then  
                    Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
                elsif N = 2 then  
                    Void := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                               (Display, Queued_After_Reading);  
                end if;  
                if Prev = null then     -- Start search where we left off.
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Check_Typed_Event;

    procedure X_Check_Typed_Window_Event  
                 (Display :        X_Display;  
                  Window  :        X_Window;  
                  Kind    :        X_Event_Code;  
                  Event   : in out X_Event;  
                  Status  : out    X_Status) is
-- Run through the event queue looking for an event that matches the type
-- and window.  Return the first one found.  If none are found then
-- flush the output buffer and try reading some more events.  If that does
-- not produce and event that matches then return failure.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Void : S_Long;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----The first time we go through the loop we start at the head of the list.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
            for N in reverse 0 .. 2 loop  
                while Qelt /= null loop

----If this event has the right type and window then return it.

                    if Qelt.Event.Kind = Kind and then  
                       Qelt.Event.Window = Window then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;          -- Return event
                        if Prev /= null then        -- Unlink event
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Status        := Successful;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;

----Loop for the next event.

                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----No existing events match.  If this is the first or second time then try to
--  get more events.  If not then exit and return failure.

                if N = 0 then  
                    Status := Failed;  
                elsif N = 1 then  
                    Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
                elsif N = 2 then  
                    Void := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                               (Display, Queued_After_Reading);  
                end if;  
                if Prev = null then     -- Start search where we left off.
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Check_Typed_Window_Event;

    procedure X_Check_Window_Event (Display    :        X_Display;  
                                    Window     :        X_Window;  
                                    Event_Mask :        X_Event_Mask;  
                                    Event      : in out X_Event;  
                                    Status     : out    X_Status) is
-- Run through the event queue looking for an event that matches the event
-- Event_mask and window.  Return the first one found.  If none are found then
-- flush the output buffer and try reading some more events.  If that does
-- not produce and event that matches then return failure.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Void : S_Long;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----The first time through the loop we start at the head of the event queue.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
            for N in reverse 0 .. 2 loop  
                while Qelt /= null loop

----If this event matches the event Event_mask and has the right window then return.

                    if Qelt.Event.Window /= Window and then  
                       (X_Event_To_Mask (Qelt.Event.Kind) and Event_Mask) /=  
                        and then  
                       (Qelt.Event.Kind /= Motion_Notify  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Pointers) /= None_X_Event_Mask  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Buttons) /= None_X_Event_Mask) then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;  
                        if Prev /= null then  
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Status        := Successful;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;

----Loop for the next event.

                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----No existing events match.  If this is the first or second time then try to
--  get more events.  If not then exit and return failure.

                if N = 0 then  
                    Status := Failed;  
                elsif N = 1 then  
                    Internal_X_Flush_Display (Display);  
                elsif N = 2 then  
                    Void := Internal_X_Events_Queued  
                               (Display, Queued_After_Reading);  
                end if;  
                if Prev = null then     -- Start search where we left off.
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
                raise;         end;

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Check_Window_Event;

    procedure X_If_Event (Display :        X_Display;  
                          Event   : out    X_Event;  
                          Args    : in out Predicate_Argument_Type) is
-- Flush output and (wait for and) return the next Event matching the
-- predicate in the queue.
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Succ : X_Status;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----First must search queue to find if any events match.  If so, then remove
--  from queue.

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
                while Qelt /= null loop  
                    Predicate (Display, Qelt.Event, Args, Succ);  
                    if Succ = Successful then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;  
                        if Prev /= null then  
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Qelt.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Qelt.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;  
                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----If the queue is empty, read as many events as possible and enqueue them.

                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
                if Prev = null then  
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                elsif Prev.Next /= null then  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

    end X_If_Event;

    procedure X_Mask_Event (Display    :     X_Display;  
                            Event_Mask :     X_Event_Mask;  
                            Event      : out X_Event) is
-- Flush output and (wait for and) return the next Event in the queue
-- matching one of the events in the Event_mask.
-- Events earlier in the queue are not discarded.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
                while Qelt /= null loop  
                    if (X_Event_To_Mask (Qelt.Event.Kind) and Event_Mask) /=  
                        and then  
                       (Qelt.Event.Kind /= Motion_Notify  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Pointers) /= None_X_Event_Mask  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Pointers) /= None_X_Event_Mask) then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;  
                        if Prev /= null then  
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;  
                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

----If the queue is empty, read as many events as possible and enqueue them.

                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
                if Prev = null then  
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                elsif Prev.Next /= null then  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

    end X_Mask_Event;

    procedure X_Next_Event (Display :     X_Display;  
                            Event   : out X_Event) is
-- Return the next event in the queue.  If there are none then read at least
-- one and return the first one.
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

----If the queue is empty, read as many events as possible and enqueue them.

            if Display.Head = null then  
                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
            end if;  
            Qelt  := Display.Head;  
            Event := Qelt.Event;

----Move the head of the queue to the free list.

            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
            if Display.Head = null then  
                Display.Tail := null;  
            end if;  
            if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
            end if;  
            Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

----Unlock; sync; return.

        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Next_Event;

    procedure X_Peek_Event (Display :     X_Display;  
                            Event   : out X_Event) is
-- Return the next event in the queue but do not remove it from the queue.
-- If the queue is empty then flush the output buffer and wait for an event- to arrive.

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

            if Display.Head = null then  
                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
            end if;  
            Event := Display.Head.Event;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Peek_Event;

    procedure X_Peek_If_Event (Display :        X_Display;  
                               Event   : out    X_Event;  
                               Args    : in out Predicate_Argument_Type) is
-- Flush output and (wait for and) return the next Event in the queue
-- that satisfies the predicate.
-- BUT do not remove it from the queue.
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  
        Succ : X_Status;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

            if Display.Head = null then  
                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
            end if;  
            Predicate (Display, Display.Head.Event, Args, Succ);  
            if Succ = Successful then  
                Event := Display.Head.Event;  
                Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    while Qelt.Next /= null loop  
                        Predicate (Display, Qelt.Next.Event, Args, Succ);  
                        if Succ = Successful then  
                            Event := Qelt.Next.Event;  
                            Unlock_Display (Display);  
                        end if;  
                        Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                    end loop;  
                    Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
                end loop;  
            end if;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  
        Unlock_Display (Display);

    end X_Peek_If_Event;

    procedure X_Window_Event (Display    : X_Display;  
                              Window     : X_Window;          -- Selected window
                              Event_Mask : X_Event_Mask;  -- Selected events
                              Event      : out X_Event) is
-- Flush output and (wait for and) return the next Event in the queue
-- for the given window matching one of the events in the mask.
-- Events earlier in the queue are not discarded.
        Prev : X_Queued_Event;  
        Qelt : X_Queued_Event;  

----Lock the display.

        Lock_Display (Display);  

            Prev := null;  
            Qelt := Display.Head;  
                while Qelt /= null loop  
                    if Qelt.Event.Window = Window and then  
                       (X_Event_To_Mask (Qelt.Event.Kind) and Event_Mask) /=  
                        and then  
                       (Qelt.Event.Kind /= Motion_Notify  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Pointers) /= None_X_Event_Mask  
                         or else  
                        (Event_Mask and All_Buttons) /= None_X_Event_Mask) then  
                        Event := Qelt.Event;  
                        if Prev /= null then  
                            Prev.Next := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Prev.Next = null then  
                                Display.Tail := Prev;  
                            end if;  
                            Display.Head := Qelt.Next;  
                            if Display.Head = null then  
                                Display.Tail := null;  
                            end if;  
                        end if;  
                        if Display.Q_Free_Len >= X_Max_Q_Free then  
                            Free_X_Queued_Event (Qelt);  
                            Qelt.Next          := Display.Q_Free;  
                            Display.Q_Free     := Qelt;  
                            Display.Q_Free_Len := Display.Q_Free_Len + 1;  
                        end if;  
                        Display.Q_Len := Display.Q_Len - 1;  
                        Unlock_Display (Display);  
                    end if;  
                    Prev := Qelt;  
                    Qelt := Qelt.Next;  
                end loop;

                Internal_X_Read_Events (Display);  
                if Prev = null then  
                    Qelt := Display.Head;  
                    Qelt := Prev.Next;  
                end if;  
            end loop;

----Catch exceptions.

            when others =>  
                Unlock_Display (Display);  

    end X_Window_Event;

end Xlbp_Event;  

E3 Meta Data

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    tail 0x217006b9c8197821fa62d 0x42a00088462063203