Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦7b62ba0b8⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 12288 (0x3000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body File_Names, seg_050972


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with C_Strings;
use C_Strings;
with Unix;
use Unix;
with Unix_Dirs;
use Unix_Dirs;
with Unix_Status_Buffer;
use Unix_Status_Buffer;
with Strlen;

package body File_Names is

    type Find_File_Rec is
            Pattern : A_String;
            Dirp : Directory_Fd_Access;
            Dir_Name : A_String;
        end record;

    function Init_Find_File (Pattern : A_String) return Find_File_Info is
        Info : Find_File_Info := new Find_File_Rec;
        Slash : Natural;
            Slash := Last ('/', Pattern);
            Info.Dir_Name := Change (Pattern, Slash, Pattern.Len, "");
            Info.Pattern := Change (Pattern, 1, Slash, "");
            when Not_Found =>
                Info.Dir_Name := To_A (".");
                Info.Pattern := Pattern;
        Info.Dirp := Opendir (Info.Dir_Name.S);
        return Info;
    end Init_Find_File;

    function Find_File (Info : Find_File_Info) return A_String is
        Dp : Directory_Access;
        Result : A_String;
        Status : Status_Code;
        if Info.Dirp = null then
            raise No_More_Files;
        end if;
            Dp := Readdir (Info.Dirp);
            if Dp = null then
                Status := Closedir (Info.Dirp);
                raise No_More_Files;
            end if;
            Result := To_A (Dp.Name (1 .. Namelen (Dp)));
            if Matches (Result, Info.Pattern) then
                return Info.Dir_Name & '/' & Result;
            end if;
        end loop;
    end Find_File;

    function Matches (Name : A_String; Pattern : A_String) return Boolean is
        -- implemented ONLY FOR "*" and "?" wild cards
        Max_Stars : constant Integer := 10;
        type Star_Backtrack_Rec is
                Pattern_Ptr : Natural;
                Name_Ptr : Natural;
            end record;
        Stars : array (1 .. Max_Stars) of Star_Backtrack_Rec;
        Num_Stars : Integer := 0;
        P_Ptr : Integer := 1;
        N_Ptr : Integer := 1;
        C : Character;
        Matches : Boolean;
            Matches := False;
            case Pattern.S (P_Ptr) is
                when '\' =>
                    if P_Ptr = Pattern.Len then
                        raise Pattern_Error;
                    end if;
                    P_Ptr := P_Ptr + 1;
                    Matches := Pattern.S (P_Ptr) = Name.S (N_Ptr);
                when '?' =>
                    Matches := True;
                when '*' =>
                    if P_Ptr = Pattern.Len then
                        return True;
                    end if;
                    Num_Stars := Num_Stars + 1;
                    Stars (Num_Stars).Pattern_Ptr := P_Ptr + 1;
                    Stars (Num_Stars).Name_Ptr := N_Ptr;
                    Matches := True;
                    N_Ptr := N_Ptr - 1; -- matches "nothing" to start
                when others =>
                    Matches := Pattern.S (P_Ptr) = Name.S (N_Ptr);
            end case;
            if Matches then
                P_Ptr := P_Ptr + 1;
                N_Ptr := N_Ptr + 1;
                if N_Ptr > Name.Len then
                    for I in P_Ptr .. Pattern.Len loop
                        if Pattern.S (I) /= '*' then
                            Matches := False;
                        end if;
                    end loop;
                    return Matches;
                end if;
                Matches := P_Ptr <= Pattern.Len;
            end if;
            if not Matches then
                    if Num_Stars <= 0 then
                        return False;
                    end if;
                    N_Ptr := Stars (Num_Stars).Name_Ptr + 1;
                    P_Ptr := Stars (Num_Stars).Pattern_Ptr;
                    Stars (Num_Stars).Name_Ptr := N_Ptr;
                    exit when N_Ptr <= Name.Len;
                    Num_Stars := Num_Stars - 1;
                end loop;
            end if;
        end loop;
    end Matches;

    function Exists (Name : A_String) return Boolean is
        C_Name : C_String_Buf;
        return Sys_Access (To_C (Name, C_Name'Address), F_Ok) /= Error;
    end Exists;

    function Canonical_Dir_Name (Lib : A_String) return A_String is
        -- borrowed from VHQ code.  This neeeds to be rewritten
        -- to clean it up and to account for environment variables
        -- and things like "~user".
        Dummy, At_End : Boolean;
        Full_Path : C_String_Buf;
        Given_Path, Filler, This_Dir, Current_Result : A_String;

        procedure Bite_Off_Dir (Inpath : in out A_String;
                                This_Dir : out A_String;
                                At_End : out Boolean) is
            -- Truncates inpath beginning from its last slash.  The truncated
            -- portion is returned in this_dir.  No action is taken if inpath="".
            Len, Index : Integer;
        begin -- Bite_off_dir
            if Inpath.Len = 0 then
                raise Error_In_File;
                Index := Inpath.Len;
                while Index > 1 and then Inpath.S (Index) /= '/' loop
                    Index := Index - 1;
                end loop;
                This_Dir := To_A (Inpath.S (Index .. Inpath.Len));
                Inpath := To_A (Inpath.S (1 .. Index - 1));
                At_End := (Index = 1);
            end if;
        end Bite_Off_Dir;

        Given_Path := Lib;
        if Lib.S (1) /= '/' then   -- Build full path
            Unix.Getcwd (Full_Path);
            This_Dir := To_A (Full_Path (1 .. Strlen (Full_Path'Address)));
            Given_Path := This_Dir & "/" & Lib;
            Error_Name := Given_Path;            -- Used when referencing
        end if;                             -- dirs before /

        Bite_Off_Dir (Given_Path, This_Dir, At_End);

        if not At_End then     -- Go back another directory
            Current_Result := Canonical_Dir_Name (Given_Path);
            if This_Dir.S = "/." then  -- Ignore this directory
            elsif This_Dir.S = "/.." then -- Remove last directory added
                Bite_Off_Dir (Current_Result, Filler, Dummy);
            else       -- Append this directory to path
                Current_Result := Current_Result & This_Dir;
            end if;
            return (Current_Result);
            return (This_Dir);
        end if;
    end Canonical_Dir_Name;

    function Size (Name : A_String) return Integer is
        Stat_Buf : Status_Buffer;
        C_Name : C_String_Buf;
        if Stat (To_C (Name, C_Name'Address), To_Stat (Stat_Buf'Address)) =
           0 then
            return Stat_Buf.Size;
            return 0;
        end if;
    end Size;

    procedure Symlink (Remote_Name : String; Local_Name : String) is
        if Unix.Symlink (Remote_Name, Local_Name) /= 0 then
            raise Error_In_File;
        end if;
    end Symlink;

    procedure Link (Remote_Name : String; Local_Name : String) is
        if Unix.Link (Remote_Name, Local_Name) /= 0 then
            raise Error_In_File;
        end if;
    end Link;

    procedure Unlink (File : String) is
        if Unix.Unlink (File) /= 0 then
            raise Error_In_File;
        end if;
    end Unlink;

    function Has_Permission
                (Name : String; Rights : Permission) return Boolean is
        Stat_Buf : Status_Buffer;
        C_Name : C_String_Buf;
        if Stat (To_C (Name, C_Name'Address), To_Stat (Stat_Buf'Address)) =
           0 then
            return (To_Permission (Stat_Buf.Mode) and Rights) = Rights;
            return False;
        end if;
    end Has_Permission;

    function Show_Permission (Rights : Permission) return String is
        Letter : String (1 .. 3) := "rwx";
        Perm_Str : String (1 .. 9) := "---------";
        Cnt : Natural := 0;
        Char : Character := 't';
        for Right in reverse World_Execute_R .. Owner_Read_R loop
            if Rights (Right) then
                Perm_Str (Cnt + 1) := Letter (Cnt mod 3 + 1);
            end if;
            Cnt := Cnt + 1;
        end loop;

        Cnt := 9;
        for Right in Keep_In_Memory_R .. Execute_As_User_R loop
            if Rights (Right) then
                if Perm_Str (Cnt) = 'x' then
                    Perm_Str (Cnt) := Char;
                    Perm_Str (Cnt) := To_Upper (Char);
                end if;
            end if;
            Cnt := Cnt - 3;
            Char := 's';
        end loop;

        return Perm_Str;
    end Show_Permission;

    function Get_Permission (Name : String) return Permission is
        Stat_Buf : Status_Buffer;
        if Stat (Name, To_Stat (Stat_Buf'Address)) = 0 then
            return To_Permission (Stat_Buf.Mode);
            raise Error_In_File;
        end if;
    end Get_Permission;

    function Show_Protection (Name : String) return String is
        Stat_Buf : Status_Buffer;
        Is_Dir : Character := '-';
        if Stat (Name, To_Stat (Stat_Buf'Address)) = 0 then
            if Is_Directory (Stat_Buf) then
                Is_Dir := 'd';
            end if;
            return Is_Dir & Show_Permission (To_Permission (Stat_Buf.Mode));
            return "file " & Name & " not found";
        end if;
    end Show_Protection;

    procedure Set_Permission (Name : String; Rights : Permission) is
        if Unix.Chmod (Name, To_Permission_Int (Rights)) /= 0 then
            raise Error_In_File;
        end if;
    end Set_Permission;
end File_Names;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x09] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=066
        [0x0a] rec0=07 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=000
    tail 0x21757ff16878e78e06046 0x42a00088462060003