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Length: 13312 (0x3400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Unbounded_String, seg_01b4d9
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
package body Unbounded_String is function Max (X : Integer; Y : Integer) return Integer is begin if X > Y then return X; else return Y; end if; end Max; pragma Inline (Max); procedure Free (V : in out Variable_String) is begin if V /= null then if V.Length /= Free_List_Item then V.Next_Free := Free_List.Next_Free; V.Length := Free_List_Item; Free_List.Next_Free := V; end if; V := null; end if; end Free; function Length (Source : Variable_String) return String_Length is begin if Source /= null then return Source.Length; else return 0; end if; exception when others => return 0; end Length; function Allocated_Length (Source : Variable_String) return String_Length is begin if Source /= null and then Source.Length /= Free_List_Item then return Source.Contents'Length; else return 0; end if; end Allocated_Length; procedure Real_Allocate (Target : in out Variable_String; Length : String_Length; Room_For_Growth : Boolean := True) is function Allocation (Length : String_Length) return String_Length is begin if Room_For_Growth then return Max (2 * Length, Default_Maximum_Length); else return Max (Length, Default_Maximum_Length); end if; end Allocation; procedure Find (Free : in out Real_String; This : in out Variable_String) is begin This := Free.Next_Free; if This /= null then if This.Contents'Length > Length then Free.Next_Free := This.Next_Free; This.Next_Free := null; else Find (This.all, This); end if; end if; end Find; begin Find (Free_List, Target); if Target = null then Target := new Real_String' (Length => Length, Contents => new String (1 .. Allocation (Length)), Next_Free => null); else Target.Length := Length; Target.Next_Free := null; end if; end Real_Allocate; procedure Move (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : in out Variable_String) is begin Free (Target); Target := Source; Source := null; end Move; procedure Allocate (Target : in out Variable_String; Length : String_Length; Preserve_Contents : Boolean := True) is Max_Length : String_Length := Allocated_Length (Target); begin -- check for alias of freed string and remove pointer to free list if Max_Length = 0 then Real_Allocate (Target, Length, Room_For_Growth => False); elsif Max_Length >= Length then Target.Length := Length; else declare Temp : Variable_String; begin Real_Allocate (Temp, Length, Preserve_Contents); if Preserve_Contents then Temp.Contents (1 .. Target.Length) := Target.Contents (1 .. Target.Length); end if; Move (Target, Temp); end; end if; end Allocate; function Value (S : String) return Variable_String is Result : Variable_String; begin Real_Allocate (Result, S'Length, Room_For_Growth => False); Copy (Result, S); return Result; end Value; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Copy (Target, Image (Source)); end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is begin Allocate (Target, Source'Length, Preserve_Contents => False); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (1 .. Source'Length) := Source; T.Length := Source'Length; end; end Copy; procedure Copy (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is begin Allocate (Target, 1, Preserve_Contents => False); Target.Contents (1) := Source; end Copy; function Image (V : Variable_String) return String is begin return V.all.Contents (1 .. V.all.Length); exception when others => return String'(1 .. 0 => ' '); end Image; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : String) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target); begin Allocate (Target, Len + Source'Length, Preserve_Contents => True); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (Len + 1 .. T.Length) := Source; end; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Variable_String) is begin Append (Target, Image (Source)); end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target) + 1; begin Allocate (Target, Len, Preserve_Contents => True); Target.Contents (Len) := Source; end Append; procedure Append (Target : in out Variable_String; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Append (Target, Value_String); end Append; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target); begin if At_Pos = Len + 1 then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos <= Len then Allocate (Target, Len + Source'Length); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (At_Pos .. T.Length) := Source & T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len); end; else raise Constraint_Error; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source)); end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is Len : String_Length := Length (Target) + 1; begin if At_Pos = Len then Append (Target, Source); elsif At_Pos > Len then raise Constraint_Error; else Allocate (Target, Len, Preserve_Contents => True); declare T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin T.Contents (At_Pos + 1 .. Len) := T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len - 1); T.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; end; end if; end Insert; procedure Insert (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Insert (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Insert; procedure Delete (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Count : String_Length := 1) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; Len : String_Length := T.Length - Count; begin if At_Pos - 1 > Len then raise Constraint_Error; end if; if At_Pos <= Len then T.Contents (At_Pos .. Len) := T.Contents (At_Pos + Count .. T.Length); end if; T.Length := Len; end Delete; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; begin if At_Pos > T.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else T.Contents (At_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : String) is T : Real_String renames Target.all; End_Pos : constant Natural -- not positive JMK 28 Sep 84 := At_Pos + Source'Length - 1; begin if End_Pos > T.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else T.Contents (At_Pos .. End_Pos) := Source; end if; end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Character; Count : String_Length) is Value_String : String (1 .. Count) := String'(1 .. Count => Source); begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Value_String); end Replace; procedure Replace (Target : in out Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive; Source : Variable_String) is begin Replace (Target, At_Pos, Image (Source)); end Replace; procedure Set_Length (Target : in out Variable_String; New_Length : String_Length; Fill_With : Character := ' ') is Current_Length : String_Length := Length (Target); begin if New_Length > Current_Length then Allocate (Target, New_Length, Preserve_Contents => True); declare C : String renames Target.Contents.all; begin for I in Current_Length + 1 .. New_Length loop C (I) := Fill_With; end loop; end; elsif Target /= null then Target.Length := New_Length; end if; end Set_Length; function Char_At (Source : Variable_String; At_Pos : Positive) return Character is S : Real_String renames Source.all; begin if At_Pos > S.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return S.Contents (At_Pos); end if; end Char_At; function Extract (Source : Variable_String; Start_Pos : Positive; End_Pos : Natural) return String is begin if End_Pos > Source.Length then raise Constraint_Error; else return Source.Contents (Start_Pos .. End_Pos); end if; end Extract; function Is_Nil (V : Variable_String) return Boolean is begin return V = null; end Is_Nil; function Nil return Variable_String is begin return null; end Nil; end Unbounded_String;
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