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Length: 63488 (0xf800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, generic, package Pdl, pragma Module_Name 4 3598, pragma Segmented_Heap Element, pragma Segmented_Heap List_Data_Pointer, pragma Segmented_Heap Node, pragma Subsystem Design_Facility, seg_001c6b
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Ada_Program; with Errors; with Heap_Strings; with System; pragma Private_Eyes_Only; with Ada_Text; package Pdl is subtype Astring is Heap_Strings.Astring; ------------------------- ---- ADA ERROR MARKS ---- ------------------------- procedure Mark_Error (At_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Message : String); procedure Mark_Warning (At_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Message : String); -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular element node, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. -- Should be used only by knowledgeable individuals. ------------------------- ---- ERROR DIAGNOSIS ---- ------------------------- Failed : exception; -- This exception indicates a specification or internal error, more -- information can be extracted by calling DIAGNOSIS or STATUS. function Diagnosis return String; function Status return Errors.Condition; -- Whenever an error condition is detected (and exception is raised) -- a diagnostic message/status is stored. These functions retrieve the -- diagnostic for the most recent error. --------------- ---- AREAs ---- --------------- -- AREAs are used to indicate where a construct lives in the ada image. -- AREAs should only be used by knowledgeable individuals. type Area is private; Default_Area : constant Area; procedure Get_Range (Of_Area : Area; Start_Line, Start_Column, Finish_Line, Finish_Column : out Natural); procedure Set_Range (Of_Area : out Area; Start_Line, Start_Column, Finish_Line, Finish_Column : Natural); \x0c -------------------------------- ---- PDL REGISTRATION TYPES ---- -------------------------------- -------------- -- Analysis -- -------------- type Analysis_Mode is (Complete, Demote, Promote); type Unit_State is (Source, Installed, Coded); -- At the start of PDL Analysis, the user is called through the -- generic formal TRAVERSAL_PRE_OP. Several items of interest -- are passed to the user at this point. -- -- 1) The current analysis mode (Complete, Demote, Promote) -- 2) The current unit state (Source, Installed, Coded) -- 3) The desired goal state (Source, Installed, Coded) -- -- This information should be used to determine the exact form -- of anlaysis which is to be performed during the subsequent -- traversal. subtype Traversal_Control is Ada_Program.Traversal_Control; type Analysis_Status is (Success, Warning, Error); --------------------- -- Command Mapping -- --------------------- type Mapping_Operation is (Explain, Definition, Enclosing, Show_Usage); type Mapping_Parameters (For_Operation : Mapping_Operation) is record case For_Operation is when Definition | Enclosing => In_Place : Boolean; case For_Operation is when Definition => Visible : Boolean; when others => null; end case; when Explain => null; when Show_Usage => In_World : Heap_Strings.Astring; end case; end record; type Mapping_Status is (Success, Not_Defined, Error); -------------------- -- Identification -- -------------------- subtype Pdl_Names is String; type Pdl_Ids is (Pdl_01, Pdl_02, Pdl_03, Pdl_04, Pdl_05, Pdl_06, Pdl_07, Pdl_08, Pdl_09, Pdl_10, Pdl_11, Pdl_12); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Official Interface to the Design Facility Operations. -- -- The following operations require that one of the preceding -- PDL_IDS has been registered on the machine and is associated -- with the view in which they are executed. -- -- Each operation raises Pdl.Failed when it cannot be -- successfully completed. -- package Operations is procedure Complete (Include_Optional_Annotations : Boolean := False); procedure Definition (In_Place : Boolean := False; Visible : Boolean := True); procedure Enclosing (In_Place : Boolean := False); procedure Explain; procedure Format; procedure Show_Usage (In_World : String := ""); end Operations; \x0c ------------------------------ ---- ANNOTATION UTILITIES ---- ------------------------------ -- The following functions are used as defaults for the annotation -- generic. The defaults are the standard for Rational's PDL. procedure At_Recognizer (S : String; Keyword_Start, Keyword_End : out Natural; Argument_Start : out Natural); -- Recognizes strings that have '@' in them delimited by a ' '. -- Returns position of '@' +1, ' ' -1 and ' ' +1. function Bar_Recognizer (S : String) return Natural; -- Given a string, returns the position of the first non-blank -- characters after "--|". Returns 0 if the first non-blank -- characters are not "--|". Returns S'Last + 1 if there are -- no non-blank characters after the "--|". function At_Prepend (S : String) return String; -- Given a string, prepends '@' to it. function Bar_Prepend (S : String) return String; -- Given a string, prepends "--| " to it. ---------------------------- ---- ANNOTATION GENERIC ---- ---------------------------- generic type Keywords is (<>); -- Keywords'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Phases is (<>); -- Phases'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Elements is (<>); -- Elements'First MUST be the enumeral Nil type Rules is (<>); -- Rules'First MUST be the enumeral Nil with function Keyword_Image (Keyword : Keywords) return String is Keywords'Image; with function Phase_Image (Phase : Phases) return String is Phases'Image; with function Element_Image (Element : Elements) return String is Elements'Image; with function Rule_Image (Rule : Rules) return String is Rules'Image; with function Annotation_Recognizer (Comment_Line : String) return Natural is Bar_Recognizer; -- Used to identify comments that are annotations. -- Should return an index into COMMENT_LINE of the first non-blank -- characters after the annotation indication. Should return 0 -- if the comment line is not an annotation. Should return -- COMMENT_LINE'Last + 1 if there are no non-blank characters other -- than the annotation indicators. The default recognizes the -- characters "--|" as an annotation indicator. with procedure Keyword_Recognizer (S : String; Keyword_Start, Keyword_End : out Natural; Argument_Start : out Natural) is At_Recognizer; -- Returns the locations in the string to scan for a keyword -- and arguments. -- KEYWORD_START = 0 indicates this string can't contain a -- keyword. KEYWORD_END = 0 may me used to indicate that the -- keyword extends to the end of the string. ARGUMENT_START -- indicates the location to be used to start scanning for -- arguments (if set to 0 indicates no argument exists in S). -- Leading and trailing blanks between _START and _END are ignored. -- The default recognizes '@' as the keyword prefix and ' ' as -- the keyword terminator. with function Keyword_Generator (Keyword_Image : String) return String is At_Prepend; -- Returns the formatted string that the keyword recognizer would -- successfully recognize as a keyword. The default prepends an -- '@' to the keyword image. with function Annotation_Generator (Annotation_Image : String) return String is Bar_Prepend; -- Returns the formatted string that the annotation recognizer would -- successfully recognize as an annotation. The default prepends -- "--| " to the annotation image. package Annotation is ------------------------------ ---- ANNOTATION ARGUMENTS ---- ------------------------------ package Argument is type Kinds is (Nil, Name, Number, Text, Associated, Indexed, Prompt, List, Reserved_None); subtype Object_Kinds is Kinds range Name .. Prompt; subtype Object_Identifier_Kinds is Object_Kinds range Name .. Number; type Kind_Vector is array (Kinds) of Boolean; type Description is record Legal_Kinds : Kind_Vector; User_Check : Boolean := False; Prompt : Astring := null; Error_Message : Astring := null; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True; end record; function Create_Description (Legal_Kinds : Kind_Vector; User_Check : Boolean := False; Prompt : Astring := null; Error_Message : Astring := null; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True) return Description; -- -- This procedure is supplied as a convenience for generating -- a DESCRIPTION that has defaults. type Info is private; Nil_Info : constant Info; function Is_Nil (An_Info : Info) return Boolean; type Info_List is private; Nil_List : constant Info_List; function Is_Nil (A_List : Info_List) return Boolean; function Create_Default (Description_Info : Description) return Info; -- Creates an argument with the correct kind and image (a prompt -- if appropriate). This is mainly used in COMPLETION. function Kind (Of_Info : Info) return Kinds; -- NIL is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified. function Image (Of_Info : Info) return String; -- Null string ("") is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified. function Argument_Area (Of_Info : Info) return Area; -- DEFAULT_AREA is returned if an uninitialized INFO is specified or -- if the INFO was not extracted from an Annotation that is attached -- to an ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT. (e.g. created by CREATE_DEFAULT). function Associated_Ada_Program_Element (Of_Info : Info) return Ada_Program.Element; -- ADA_PROGRAM.NIL_ELEMENT is returned if an uninitialized INFO is -- specified or if the INFO was not extracted from an Annotation -- that is attached to an ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT. function Corresponding_Info (At_Area : Area; In_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Info; -- -- Returns the INFO described by AT_AREA and IN_ELEMENT. When -- these parameters do not correlate to an INFO, the NIL_INFO -- is returned. procedure Definition (Of_Info : Info; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada window on the Ada element attached to OF_INFO. --------------------------- -- Operations on OBJECTs -- --------------------------- -- Names : <ada-simple> -- | { <ada-simple or prompt>. } <ada-simple or prompt> -- | <directory-naming-expression> subtype Name_Info is Info; type Name_Kinds is (Ada_Simple, Ada_Complex, Naming_Expression, Id_Prompt, Not_A_Name); function Name_Kind (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Kinds; function Segment_Count (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Positive; function Parent (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Info; -- Returns the parent of the name -- Parent ("A.B.C") => "A.B" -- Parent ("A") => Nil_Info function Simple_Name (Of_Name : Name_Info) return Name_Info; -- Returns the simple name of the name -- Simple_Name ("A.B.C") => "C" -- Simple_Name ("A") => "A" -- Numbers : ada number subtype Number_Info is Info; type Number_Kinds is (Integer_Literal, Real_Literal, Not_A_Number); function Number_Kind (Of_Number : Number_Info) return Number_Kinds; function Value (Of_Integer_Number : Number_Info) return Long_Integer; -- -- Returns the integer value for OF_INTEGER_NUMBER. -- When NUMBER_KIND (OF_INTEGER_NUMBER) /= INTEGER_LITERAL, -- Long_Integer'First is returned. function Value (Of_Real_Number : Number_Info) return Float; -- -- Returns the float value for OF_REAL_NUMBER. -- When NUMBER_KIND (OF_REAL_NUMBER) /= REAL_LITERAL, -- Float'First is returned. -- Associated Arguments : <name> => <info> function Association_Name (For_Association : Info) return Name_Info; -- returns NAME_INFOs only. function Associated_Info (For_Association : Info) return Info; -- returns any KINDS. -- Indexed Arguments : <name> <list> subtype Indexed_Info is Info; function Indexed_Name (Of_Argument : Indexed_Info) return Name_Info; -- returns NAME_INFOs only. function Index_List (Of_Argument : Indexed_Info) return Info_List; -- returns a list of INFOs of any KINDS. ------------------------- -- Operations on LISTs -- ------------------------- function Initialize (From_Info : Info) return Info_List; -- Works on anything; -- If KIND is LIST, returns a iterator of list components. -- If KIND is TEXT, examines the TEXT for list delimiters and -- returns an iterator of those delimited components. -- delimiters are NEW LINES and commas. -- If KIND is anything else, returns a list containing the one -- component, FROM_INFO. procedure Copy (From : Info_List; To : out Info_List); -- -- The entire contents of FROM are copied onto TO regardless of -- the current 'position' of FROM. The previous contents of -- TO are lost, and INFOs are not shared between FROM and TO. procedure Append (An_Info : Info; To : in out Info_List); procedure Prepend (An_Info : Info; To : in out Info_List); procedure Append (From : Info_List; To : in out Info_List); function Length (Of_List : Info_List) return Natural; -- -- Returns the number of INFOs in OF_LIST. This operation is -- independent of the current 'position' in the list. When -- IS_NIL (OF_LIST), 0 is returned. function Done (On_List : Info_List) return Boolean; function Value (Of_List : Info_List) return Info; procedure Next (On_List : in out Info_List); procedure Reset (A_List : in out Info_List); function Value_Image (Of_List : Info_List) return String; -- Image of the current value, equivalent to the call: -- Argument.Image (Argument.Value (Of_List)) ---------------------------------- -- Argument Errors and Warnings -- ---------------------------------- procedure Mark_Error (On_Info : Info; Message : String); procedure Mark_Warning (On_Info : Info; Message : String); -- -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular arguments, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. -- -- Raises PDL.FAILED when IS_NIL (ON_INFO) is true OR -- when ON_INFO is not associated with an Ada image. ---------------------- -- Argument Parsing -- ---------------------- procedure Parse (Input : String; Result : out Info); -- -- Parses INPUT and produces an argument info in RESULT. -- Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. When INPUT -- has syntax errors, PDL.FAILED is raised. STATUS and -- DIAGNOSIS may be used to obtain additional information -- about the error. -- -- NOTE: Since RESULT is not associated with an -- ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT, the result cannot -- be used in a call to MARK_ERROR or -- MARK_WARNING. -- Hide these ... function Create (Kind : Kinds; Image : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Add_Prompt_Delimiters : Boolean := True) return Info; -- Creates an argument INFO. If the KIND is OBJECT_NAME the text string -- is resolved as a fully qualified object name. -- If the IMAGE is wrong for a particular KIND, FAILED is raised. -- If the IMAGE string is defaulted, a default INFO (that may not -- parse) is created. procedure Parse (Input : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Result : in out Info); -- Parse Input and produce an argument Info. Leading and -- trailing blanks are ignored. Failed will be raised if -- there is a syntax error in the argument. -- Note that the result cannot be used to MARK_xxx. procedure Parse (Associated : Ada_Program.Element; Argument_Image_Area : Area; Use_Heap : System.Segment; Result : in out Info); -- Parse argument specified by ARGUMENT_IMAGE_AREA in the -- ASSOCIATED ada program image and produce an argument INFO. -- Leading and trailing blanks are ignored. FAILED will be raised -- if there is a syntax error in the argument. procedure Field_Copy (From_Info : Info; To_Info : in out Info); -- If a data type contains an Info and that data type is stored -- in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed to object -- returns an Info, use this to get the Info. It will un- -- normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Info_List; To_List : in out Info_List); -- If a data type contains an Info_List and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed -- to object returns an Info, use this to get the Info. It -- will un-normalize the internal segmented heap pointers. function Debug_Image (Of_Info : Info; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Info_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; private type Node_Data (Kind : Kinds); type Node is access Node_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Node); type Info is record -- True if this is from an Ada unit; False if it is -- from a string From_Ada_Unit : Boolean; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is True Element : Ada_Program.Element; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is False Source : Astring; -- This is the root of the Info Tree : Node; end record; Nil_Info : constant Info := Info'(From_Ada_Unit => False, Element => Ada_Program.Nil_Element, Source => null, Tree => null); type Info_List is record -- True if this is from an Ada unit; False if it is -- from a string From_Ada_Unit : Boolean; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is True Element : Ada_Program.Element; -- This field is there if From_Ada_Unit is False Source : Astring; -- First is the start of the list. Current is the -- current element of the list First : Node; Current : Node; end record; Nil_List : constant Info_List := Info_List'(From_Ada_Unit => False, Element => Ada_Program.Nil_Element, Source => null, First => null, Current => null); end Argument; -- Annotation ELEMENTs form the basis for querying and manipulating -- annotations. Every ELEMENT is 'attached' to a ADA_PROGRAM.ELEMENT -- (unless the annotation is isolated - separated from all ada -- constructs by blank lines - or is generated by CREATE). type Kinds is (Invalid, Keyword, Simple); type Element is private; Nil_Element : constant Element; function Is_Nil (An_Element : Element) return Boolean; function Is_Attached (The_Annotation : Element) return Boolean; function Attached_To (The_Annotation : Element) return Ada_Program.Element; function Annotation_Area (The_Annotation : Element) return Area; function Corresponding_Element (At_Area : Area; In_Element : Ada_Program.Element) return Element; -- -- Returns the ELEMENT described by AT_AREA and IN_ELEMENT. When -- these parameters do not correlate to any element, the NIL_ELEMENT -- is returned. procedure Definition (Of_Element : Element; In_Place : Boolean := False; Edit : Boolean := False; Status : in out Errors.Condition); -- -- Brings up an Ada window on OF_ELEMENT. This operation is -- intended only for ELEMENTs for which IS_ATTACHED (OF_ELEMENT) -- is TRUE. ---------------------- -- Query Operations -- ---------------------- function Kind (Of_Annotation : Element) return Kinds; function Image (Of_Annotation : Element) return String; function Keyword (Of_Annotation : Element) return Keywords; function Argument_Of (The_Annotation : Element) return Argument.Info; -- Argument and Keyword are valid only for Keyword -- kinds of annotations. FAILED is raised otherwise. -- BAD_ANNOTATION may be raised if the annotation is bogus. -- Use DIAGNOSE on that annotation to determine what the problem is. Bad_Annotation : exception; function Diagnose (An_Annotation : Element) return String; -- Returns an analysis of a bad annotation or the null string -- if nothing is wrong. ---------------------- -- Annotation Lists -- ---------------------- -- Annotation ELEMENT_LISTs are the obvious. Operations are provided -- to query and manipulate these lists. type Element_List is private; Nil_List : constant Element_List; -- Assignment on ELEMENT_LISTs DOES NOT CAUSE A COPY TO BE MADE! -- Use COPY to do that. procedure Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Add (An_Element : Element; To_List : in out Element_List); procedure Append (A_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); function Done (The_List : Element_List) return Boolean; function Value (In_List : Element_List) return Element; procedure Next (In_List : in out Element_List); procedure Reset (The_List : in out Element_List); ----------------------------- -- Annotation Manipulation -- ----------------------------- -- The following are operations to query, modify and mark PDL. -- The mark and modification routines should only be used within -- the confines of the PDL definition code (toolsmith code -- registered by the PDL_REGISTRATION generic) type Positions is (Before, After, Inside, Any); -- Annotations can live before, after or inside PDL elements. -- (inside is the same as after is the PDL element doesn't have -- internal structure, EG. Package specs or subprogram bodies -- have internal structure while IDs or variable decls don't) -- FIND and INSERT use the above enumeration to identify areas -- of interest. procedure Find (For_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Result : in out Element_List; Contains_Bad_Annotations : out Boolean; Position : Positions := Any); -- FIND can be used to find any annotations attached to an element. -- If CONTAINS_BAD_ANNOTATIONS is true, some elements in the list -- are bad (contain invalid keywords for example), use DIAGNOSE -- on each list element to figure out which elements are bad. -- The ATTACHED_TO and ATTACHED_AREA attributes of the annotation -- element(s) found reflect their positions within the ADA image. function Create (From_Image : String) return Element; function Create (From_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info) return Element; -- These can be used to create an annotation to be attached -- to an Ada_Program.Element with the Insert call. -- The ATTACHED_TO and ATTACHED_AREA attributes of the annotation -- element(s) are nil. procedure Insert (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; An_Annotation : Element; Position : Positions := Before; After_Annotation : Element := Nil_Element; Leading_Blanks : Natural := 0); procedure Insert (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Annotations : in out Element_List; Position : Positions := Before; After_Annotation : Element := Nil_Element; Leading_Blanks : Natural := 0); -- For adding annotations to the PDL. Mainly used in COMPLETion. -- The AFTER_ANNOTATION parameter can be used to indicate where -- in the image the new annotations are to be inserted. If -- the parameter is defaulted the new annotation(s) are inserted -- in such a way that FIND (with the same POSITION parameter) -- could locate them. -- If AFTER_ANNOTATION is not nil (and its ATTACHED_TO attribute -- is also not nil), it must be attached to ON_ELEMENT. -- POSITION = ANY is the same as the default. -- LEADING_BLANKS indicates how many blanks to put before the -- comment indicator ('--'). procedure Mark_Error (On_Annotation : Element; Message : String; Mark_Restriction : Area := Default_Area); procedure Mark_Warning (On_Annotation : Element; Message : String; Mark_Restriction : Area := Default_Area); -- For marking error or warning messages on a particular annotations, -- these will show up a underlined/annotated areas in the AOE. \x0c ------------------------------------------ ---- DESCRIPTION REGISTRATION GENERIC ---- ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- -- Relevance Vectors -- ----------------------- type Element_Relevance is array (Elements) of Boolean; type Rule_Relevance is array (Rules) of Boolean; Nil_Elements : constant Element_Relevance := (others => False); Nil_Rules : constant Rule_Relevance := (others => False); generic Pdl_Name : Pdl_Names; Pdl_Id : Pdl_Ids; Allow_Reregistration : Boolean := False; type Traversal_State is private; with procedure Get_Elements (Associated_With : Ada_Program.Element; State : in out Traversal_State; Result : out Element_Relevance); -- -- GET_ELEMENTS is invoked during Semanticize and PDL -- Completion to determine whether ASSOCIATED_WITH adheres -- to invariants defined for ELEMENTS in the -- ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION_FILE. This operation provides the -- mapping between Ada_Program Elements and the members of -- the ELEMENTS enumeration. When ASSOCIATED_WITH is not -- related to a corresponding Design Element, NIL_ELEMENTS should -- be returned in RESULT. -- -- This operation is used to perform the automatic insertion -- of annotations during PDL Completion and for PDL semantic -- error detection during Semanticize. -- with procedure Get_Rules (Associated_With : Ada_Program.Element; State : in out Traversal_State; Result : out Rule_Relevance); -- -- GET_RULES is invoked during Semanticize to determine -- whether ASSOCIATED_WITH adheres to invariants defined for -- RULES in the RULE_DESCRIPTION_FILE. This operation -- provides the mapping between Ada_Program Elements and the -- members of the RULES enumeration. When ASSOCIATED_WITH -- is not related to a corresponding Design Rule, NIL_RULES -- should be returned in RESULT. -- -- This operation is used to detect Design Rule violations -- during Semanticize. -- with procedure Argument_Check (For_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Status : out Analysis_Status; Message : out Astring); -- -- Invoked when a keyword argument is processed and the User_Check -- bit is set for that keyword after passing the gross syntax -- type checks. The MESSAGE is displayed in the Message window along -- with a success/failure message. -- with procedure Mapping_Link (For_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Operation : Mapping_Operation; Parameters : Mapping_Parameters; Status : out Mapping_Status); -- -- Invoked on a front door Definition, Enclosing, Explain or -- Show_Usage where a keyword is selected. The closest -- Ada_Program.Element 'attached' to the selection is -- provided for context. -- with procedure Traversal_Pre_Op (Current_State : Unit_State; Goal_State : Unit_State; Mode : Analysis_Mode; Phase : in out Phases; Root_Element : Ada_Program.Element; Major_Elements_Only : out Boolean; User_State : out Traversal_State); -- -- Invoked at the start of PDL Analysis to provide the user with -- various information about the Ada element to be analyzed and -- the kind of analysis to be performed. If this information is -- needed during the subsequent traversal, then the user should -- store the information in the TRAVERSAL_STATE parameter for -- subsequent availability. with procedure Element_Pre_Op (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; User_State : in out Traversal_State; Control : out Traversal_Control); with procedure Element_Post_Op (On_Element : Ada_Program.Element; User_State : in out Traversal_State; Control : out Traversal_Control); with procedure Traversal_Post_Op (User_State : in out Traversal_State; Status : out Analysis_Status; Message : out Astring); -- -- Invoked upon traversal of an ada program during -- completion, semanticization, promotion, and demotion. -- The traversal is depth first and may be controlled by the -- CONTROL parameter, which determines at what level the -- traversal should continue. See ADA_PROGRAM.TRAVERSAL_CONTROL -- for a detailed explanation of the mechanisms for controlling -- the traversal. -- -- TRAVERSAL_PRE_OP is called once before traversal starts -- and may be used to initialize user state. -- -- TRAVERSAL_POST_OP is called once after the traversal is -- done. If TRAVERSAL_POST_OP returns STATUS = ERROR or -- WARNING, then the unit will not be Installed -- and MESSAGE is displayed on the user's message window. -- -- If STATUS = ERROR and MODE = SEMANTICIZE, then -- the semanticize operation is considered a failure. -- pragma Must_Be_Constrained (Yes => Traversal_State); package Description is -------------------------------------- -- Description Types and Operations -- -------------------------------------- -- KEYWORD DESCRIPTION INFORMATION function Argument_Description (Of_Keyword : Keywords) return Argument.Description; procedure Set_Description (Of_Keyword : Keywords; To : Argument.Description); -- -- This operation is provided for backward compatibility to -- previous releases. -- ELEMENT DESCRIPTION INFORMATION type Annotation_Presence is (Nil, Forbidden, Optional, Required, Required_Non_Prompt); type Presence_Vector is array (Keywords) of Annotation_Presence; function Presence (Of_Keyword : Keywords; On_Element : Elements; At_Phase : Phases) return Annotation_Presence; function Keyword_Presence (For_Element : Elements; At_Phase : Phases) return Presence_Vector; -- RULE DESCRIPTION INFORMATION type Rule_Enforcement is (Nil, Forbidden, Required); function Enforcement (Of_Rule : Rules; At_Phase : Phases) return Rule_Enforcement; -------------------------- -- Description Analysis -- -------------------------- procedure Register (Keyword_Description_File : String; Element_Description_File : String; Rule_Description_File : String; Response : String := "<VERBOSE>"); -- -- REGISTER provides the vehicle for registering the -- description of Design Elements and Design Rules of a given -- PDL. This instantiation must be elaborated in order to -- provide the connection between the Design Facility common -- commands and the user specified PDL analysis operations. -- -- The call to an instantiation of DESCRIPTION.REGISTER reads -- the given Description Files and registers the Keyword, -- Element, and Rule descriptions with the Design Facility PDL -- Entry mechanisms. -- -- If the all of the Description File parameters are the -- empty string (""), then the NIL enumeral restriction is -- not enforced. This is provided for backward compatibility -- with clients which choose not to use the new PDL -- Description mechanisms. -- -- If any errors are detected in the Description Files, -- diagnostic messages are generated into the job log and -- the exception FAILED is raised. Otherwise, the call does -- not return. -- end Description; -- -- Hide these ... -- function Create (From_Image : String; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Element; function Create (From_Keyword : Keywords; With_Argument : Argument.Info; Use_Heap : System.Segment) return Element; procedure Field_Copy (From_List : Element_List; To_List : in out Element_List); -- if a data type contains an ELEMENT_LIST and that data type is -- stored in a segmented heap and a selector on that pointed to -- object returns an ELEMENT_LIST, use this to get the -- ELEMENT_LIST out, it will un-normalize the internal segmented -- heap pointers. package Keyword_Utilities is function Contains_Keyword (In_String : String) return Boolean; type Keyword_Status is (Valid_Keyword, Not_A_Comment, Not_An_Annotation, Not_A_Keyword, Invalid_Keyword); procedure Keyword_Value (In_String : String; Keyword : out Keywords; Argument_Start : out Natural; Status : out Keyword_Status); -- Find the keyword annotation in the string IN_STRING. -- If a match is found, ARGUMENT_START is set to the char index -- after the keyword image and KEYWORD is set to the match value. -- STATUS is set to reflect success or the reason for failure. -- If INVALID_KEYWORD is detected ARGUMENT_START is left set to -- the char index of the keyword. -- If NOT_A_KEYWORD is detected ARGUMENT_START is left set to -- the char index of the first non-blank characters after the -- annotation indication (if there are no non-blanks, then -- IN_STRING'last + 1 is returned). end Keyword_Utilities; function Debug_Image (Of_Element : Element; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; function Debug_Image (Of_List : Element_List; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; private type Element_Data; type Element is access Element_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (Element); Nil_Element : constant Element := null; type List_Data; type List_Data_Pointer is access List_Data; pragma Segmented_Heap (List_Data_Pointer); type Element_List is record Root, Tail : List_Data_Pointer; Current : List_Data_Pointer; end record; Nil_List : constant Element_List := (null, null, null); end Annotation; ----- HIDE THESE ... -- function Debug_Image (Of_Area : Area; Level : Natural; Prefix : String; Expand_Pointers : Boolean) return String; subtype Pdl_Keys is System.Package_Type; procedure Kill (Pdl_Key : Pdl_Keys; Status : in out Errors.Condition); pragma Subsystem (Design_Facility, Closed); pragma Module_Name (4, 3598); pragma Bias_Key (109); private type Area is new Ada_Text.Area; Default_Area : constant Area := Area (Ada_Text.Nil_Area); end Pdl;
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