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Rational R1000/400

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⟦916e866e1⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 24576 (0x6000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbmt_Numeric_Types, seg_004f14


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

--/ if R1000 then
with Bit_Operations;  
use Bit_Operations;
--/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then
--// with Generic_Bit_Operations;
--/ end if;

with Xlbt_Exceptions;  
use Xlbt_Exceptions;

package body Xlbmt_Numeric_Types is
-- X Library Machine Types
-- Xlbmt_Numeric_Types - Machine/Compiler dependent numeric types.
-- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California.
--                  All Rights Reserved.
-- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
-- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that
-- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in
-- supporting documentation, and that the name of Rational not be used in
-- advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
-- without specific, written prior permission.
-- Rational disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including
-- all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall
-- Rational be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or
-- any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
-- in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out
-- of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.

    -- Logical operations:
-- "and"    - for each of the 8/16/32 bits; Result(i) := A(i) and B(i)
-- "or"     - for each of the 8/16/32 bits; Result(i) := A(i) or B(i)
-- "xor"    - for each of the 8/16/32 bits; Result(i) := A(i) xor B(i)
-- "not"    - for each of the 8/16/32 bits; Result(i) := not A(i)
-- Shift    - if B >= 0 then Result := (A * 2**B) rem (1+Type'Last)
--            if B < 0  then Result := A / 2**B
--            (Shift "up" for positive and "down" for negative and only keep
--            the "bottom" 8/16/32 bits of the result.)

-- Perform bit operations on S_Long values.

--/ if R1000 then

    function "and" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                    B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is  
        return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_And (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                    Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "and";

    function "or" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                   B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is  
        return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_Or (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                   Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "or";

    function "xor" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                    B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is  
        return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_Xor (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                    Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "xor";

    function "not" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is  
        return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_Not (Long_Integer (A)));

    end "not";

    function Shift (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                    B : Integer) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is  
        C : Long_Integer;  
        if abs B >= 32 then  
            return 0;  
        end if;  
        C := Logical_Shift (Logical_And (Long_Integer (A), 16#FF_FF_FF_FF#),  
        if Test_Bit (C, 32) then  
            return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed'First +  
                      Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_And (C, 16#7F_FF_FF_FF#));  
            return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed (Logical_And (C, 16#7F_FF_FF_FF#));  
        end if;  
    end Shift;

--/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then
--//     package Bit_Operations is
--//        new Generic_Bit_Operations (Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed);
--//     function "and" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Operations.Logical_And (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                    B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Operations.Logical_Or (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Operations.Logical_Xor (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Operations.Logical_Not (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Integer) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         if abs B >= 32 then
--//             return 0;
--//         end if;
--//         return Bit_Operations.Logical_Shift (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then
--//     function And_32 (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed; B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed)
--//                     return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, And_32);
--//     pragma Linkname (And_32, "_Xlbmt_And_32");
--//     function Or_32 (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed; B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed)
--//                    return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Or_32);
--//     pragma Linkname (Or_32, "_Xlbmt_Or_32");
--//     function Xor_32 (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed; B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed)
--//                     return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Xor_32);
--//     pragma Linkname (Xor_32, "_Xlbmt_Xor_32");
--//     function Not_32 (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Not_32);
--//     pragma Linkname (Not_32, "_Xlbmt_Not_32");
--//     function Shift_32 (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed; B : Integer)
--//                       return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Shift_32);
--//     pragma Linkname (Shift_32, "_Xlbmt_Shift_32");
--//     function "and" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return And_32 (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                    B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Or_32 (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Xor_32 (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Not_32 (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;
--//                     B : Integer) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
--//     begin
--//         return Shift_32 (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ else
--//     Need_Something : Here;
--/ end if;

-- Perform bit operations on U_Short values.

--/ if R1000 then

    function "and" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_And (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                   Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "and";

    function "or" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                   B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Or (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                  Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "or";

    function "xor" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Xor (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                   Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "xor";

    function "not" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned  
                  (Logical_And (Logical_Not (Long_Integer (A)),  
                                Long_Integer (16#FF_FF#)));  
    end "not";

    function Shift (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Integer) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is  
        if abs B >= 32 then  
            return 0;  
        elsif B > 0 then  
            return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned  
                      (Logical_And (Logical_Shift (Long_Integer (A), B),  
                                    Long_Integer (16#FF_FF#)));  
            return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Shift (Long_Integer (A), B));  
        end if;  
    end Shift;

--/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then
--//     package Bit_Ops_16 is new Generic_Bit_Operations (Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned);
--//     function "and" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_16.Logical_And (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                    B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_16.Logical_Or (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_16.Logical_Xor (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_16.Logical_Not (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Integer) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_16.Logical_Shift (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then
--//     function And_16 (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned; B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                     return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, And_16);
--//     pragma Linkname (And_16, "_Xlbmt_And_16");
--//     function Or_16 (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned; B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                    return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Or_16);
--//     pragma Linkname (Or_16, "_Xlbmt_Or_16");
--//     function Xor_16 (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned; B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                     return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Xor_16);
--//     pragma Linkname (Xor_16, "_Xlbmt_Xor_16");
--//     function Not_16 (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Not_16);
--//     pragma Linkname (Not_16, "_Xlbmt_Not_16");
--//     function Shift_16 (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned; B : Integer)
--//                       return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Shift_16);
--//     pragma Linkname (Shift_16, "_Xlbmt_Shift_16");
--//     function "and" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return And_16 (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                    B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Or_16 (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Xor_16 (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Not_16 (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Integer) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Shift_16 (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ else
--// "The code for doing logical operations on unsigned 16-bit values is"
--// "missing for this target?"
--/ end if;

-- Perform bit operations on U_Char values.

--/ if R1000 then

    function "and" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Eight_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_And (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                 Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "and";

    function "or" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                   B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Eight_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Or (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "or";

    function "xor" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Eight_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Xor (Long_Integer (A),  
                                                 Long_Integer (B)));  
    end "xor";

    function "not" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is  
        return Eight_Bits_Unsigned  
                  (Logical_And (Logical_Not (Long_Integer (A)),  
                                Long_Integer (16#FF#)));  
    end "not";

    function Shift (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                    B : Integer) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is  
        if abs B >= 32 then  
            return 0;  
        elsif B > 0 then  
            return Eight_Bits_Unsigned  
                      (Logical_And (Logical_Shift (Long_Integer (A), B),  
                                    Long_Integer (16#FF#)));  
            return Eight_Bits_Unsigned (Logical_Shift (Long_Integer (A), B));  
        end if;  
    end Shift;

--/ elsif Cdf_Hpux then
--//     package Bit_Ops_8 is new Generic_Bit_Operations (Eight_Bits_Unsigned);
--//     function "and" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_8.Logical_And (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                    B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_8.Logical_Or (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_8.Logical_Xor (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_8.Logical_Not (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Integer) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Bit_Ops_8.Logical_Shift (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ elsif TeleGen2 and then Unix then
--//     function And_8 (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned; B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                    return Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, And_8);
--//     pragma Linkname (And_8, "_Xlbmt_And_8");
--//     function Or_8 (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned; B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                   return Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Or_8);
--//     pragma Linkname (Or_8, "_Xlbmt_Or_8");
--//     function Xor_8 (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned; B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned)
--//                    return Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Xor_8);
--//     pragma Linkname (Xor_8, "_Xlbmt_Xor_8");
--//     function Not_8 (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Not_8);
--//     pragma Linkname (Not_8, "_Xlbmt_Not_8");
--//     function Shift_8 (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned; B : Integer)
--//                      return Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//     pragma Interface (Assembly, Shift_8);
--//     pragma Linkname (Shift_8, "_Xlbmt_Shift_8");
--//     function "and" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return And_8 (A, B);
--//     end "and";
--//     function "or" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                    B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Or_8 (A, B);
--//     end "or";
--//     function "xor" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Xor_8 (A, B);
--//     end "xor";
--//     function "not" (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Not_8 (A);
--//     end "not";
--//     function Shift (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;
--//                     B : Integer) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
--//     begin
--//         return Shift_8 (A, B);
--//     end Shift;
--/ else
--// "The code for doing logical operations on unsigned 8-bit values is"
--// "missing for this target?"
--/ end if;

    function Max (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MAX function.
        if A > B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Max;

    function Min (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed) return Thirty_Two_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MIN function.
        if A < B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Min;

    --     function Max (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned;
--                   B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned)
--                  return Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned is
--         ----Simple MAX function.
--     begin
--         if A > B then
--             return A;
--         else
--             return B;
--         end if;
--     end Max;
-- --\x0c
    --     function Min (A : Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned;
--                   B : Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned)
--                  return Thirty_Two_Bits_Unsigned is
--         ----Simple MIN function.
--     begin
--         if A < B then
--             return A;
--         else
--             return B;
--         end if;
--     end Min;
    function Max (A : Sixteen_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Sixteen_Bits_Signed) return Sixteen_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MAX function.
        if A > B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Max;

    function Min (A : Sixteen_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Sixteen_Bits_Signed) return Sixteen_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MIN function.
        if A < B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Min;

    function Max (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                  B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
        ----Simple MAX function.
        if A > B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Max;

    function Min (A : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned;  
                  B : Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned) return Sixteen_Bits_Unsigned is
        ----Simple MIN function.
        if A < B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Min;

    function Max (A : Eight_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Eight_Bits_Signed) return Eight_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MAX function.
        if A > B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Max;

    function Min (A : Eight_Bits_Signed;  
                  B : Eight_Bits_Signed) return Eight_Bits_Signed is
        ----Simple MIN function.
        if A < B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Min;

    function Max (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                  B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
        ----Simple MAX function.
        if A > B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Max;

    function Min (A : Eight_Bits_Unsigned;  
                  B : Eight_Bits_Unsigned) return Eight_Bits_Unsigned is
        ----Simple MIN function.
        if A < B then  
            return A;  
            return B;  
        end if;  
    end Min;

end Xlbmt_Numeric_Types;  

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x01] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=048
        [0x02] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=00c
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        [0x04] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=092
        [0x05] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=09e
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        [0x08] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=048
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        [0x0b] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=066
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    tail 0x215009564819780894e61 0x42a00088462063203