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Rational R1000/400

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⟦943efbeda⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 6144 (0x1800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure The_Orb, seg_054688


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Orb_Service;
with Parametre_Defs;
with Bls_Constant;
with Message;
with Parametre;
with Bounded_String;
with Channel_Operator_To_Bal;
with Bal;
with Task_Io;
with Channel_Operator;
with Task_Io;
procedure The_Orb is
    My_Orb : Orb_Service.Type_Orb;
    Class, Method : Parametre.Variable_String;
    Liaison_Operator : Channel_Operator.Object;
    Resultat : Boolean;
    A_Message : Message.Object;
    Task_Io.Put_Line ("debut orb");
    Orb_Service.Init (My_Orb);  
    Task_Io.Put_Line ("apres l'init de l'orb");
    Channel_Operator.Init (O => Liaison_Operator,
                           S => Bls_Constant.Orb_Socket,
                           H => Bls_Constant.Orb_Host,
                           Result => Resultat);
    Task_Io.Put_Line ("apres l'init de channel_operator");
    if Resultat then  
        Task_Io.Put_Line ("apres init bal");
            Task_Io.Put_Line ("attente d'un message");
            Bal.Get (A_Message);  
            Task_Io.Put_Line ("un message recu");
            case Message.Get_Type (A_Message) is
                when Parametre_Defs.Regis =>  
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une registration !");
                    Orb_Service.Registration (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("registration traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Unreg =>  
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une unregistration !");
                    Orb_Service.Unregistration (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("unregistration traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Publi =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une publication !");
                    Orb_Service.Publication (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("publication traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Unpub =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une unpublication !");
                    Orb_Service.Unpublication (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("unpublication traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Subsc =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une subscription !");
                    Orb_Service.Subscription (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("subscription traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Unsub =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une unsubscription !");
                    Orb_Service.Unsubscription (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("unsubscription traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Filtr =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une filtartion !");
                    Orb_Service.Filtration (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("filtration traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Unfil =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une unfiltartion !");
                    Orb_Service.Unfiltration (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("unfiltration traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Reque =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une request !");
                    Orb_Service.Request (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("request traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Answe =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une answer !");
                    Orb_Service.Answer (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("answer traitee");
                when Parametre_Defs.Forwa =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("c'est une forward !");
                    Orb_Service.Forward (My_Orb, A_Message);
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("forward traitee");
                when others =>
                    Task_Io.Put_Line ("erreur : reception de message inconnu");
            end case;
        end loop;
        Task_Io.Put_Line ("erreur reseau");
    end if;  
    Task_Io.Put_Line ("fin de l'orb");
end The_Orb;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=046
        [0x01] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=04a
        [0x02] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=010
        [0x03] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=012
        [0x04] rec0=09 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=000
    tail 0x2175d7cd287b8845b4a3d 0x42a00088462060003