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Length: 18674 (0x48f2) Types: TextFile Notes: R1k Text-file segment
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦e6ebd4d0b⟧ └─⟦this⟧
INSTALL_DTIA => (Do_Step("AUTHORIZATION_CHECK, RELEASE_RESTORE, LOAD_EEDB, UPDATE_LOCALHOST, INSTALL_PRODUCT, MACHINE_INITIALIZE_UPDATE, ASSIGN_TCP_PORTS, RECORD_INSTALLATION", "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Command_Data.Steps");) AUTHORIZATION_CHECK => ( declare subtype Bogus is Natural range 0 .. 1; package Pp is new Parameter_Parser (Bogus); Iter : Pp.Iterator := Pp.Parse ("CMVC, CMVC.Source_Control, DTIA"); Error : Natural := 0; function Product_Name (Iter : Pp.Iterator) return String is begin if String_Utilities.Equal (Pp.Name (Iter), "NAME") then return Pp.Get_Image (Iter); else return Pp.Name (Iter); end if; end Product_Name; begin while not Pp.Done (Iter) loop declare Name : constant String := Product_Name (Iter); begin if "!Implementation".Product_Authorization.Is_Registered (Name) then Log.Put_Line (Name & " is authorized", Profile.Note_Msg); else Log.Put_Line ("Need to Authorize " & Name, Profile.Error_Msg); Error := Error + 1; end if; end; Pp.Next (Iter); end loop; if Error /= 0 then Log.Put_Line ("Do not proceed until all these products have been authorized", Profile.Error_Msg); Do_Step ("PROMPT=AUTHORIZE_PRODUCT"); end if; end; ) RELEASE_RESTORE => ( Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Release_Log"); Archive.Restore (Options => "promote replace", Device => "Release"); Io.Reset_Output; Log.Filter_Errors (Log_File => "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Release_Log", Destination => "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Release_Log_Summary", Auxiliaries => False, Warnings => False, Exceptions => True); Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Release_Log_Summary"); ) LOAD_EEDB => ( declare subtype Bogus is Natural range 0 .. 1; package Pp is new Parameter_Parser (Bogus); Subsystem_Iter : Pp.Iterator := Pp.Parse ("Tools_Integration=110100"); -- *** Fill In *** -- NAME : EEDB Subsystem Name (ex. Design_Facility, Cross_Development) -- VERSION : format is XXYYZZ (6 digits) (ex. 110000 for 11.0.1) function Get_Version (Subsystem : String) return Natural is Eedb_Configuration : constant String := "!Machine.Temporary.EEDB_Configuration"; Eedb_Commands : constant String := "!Machine.Temporary.EEDB_Commands"; procedure Gen_Config_File is Fin, Fcmds : Io.File_Type; begin Io.Create (Fcmds, Name => Eedb_Commands); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration all_code_segments false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration date false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration elab_code_segment false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration library true"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration module_key false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration name false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration subsystem_dependencies false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "set_verbosity configuration user false"); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "vd $"); Io.Put (Fcmds, Ascii.Etx); Io.New_Line (Fcmds, 2); Io.Put_Line (Fcmds, "quit"); Io.Reset (Fcmds, Io.In_File); Io.Set_Input (Fcmds); Io.Set_Output (Eedb_Configuration); Operator.Internal_System_Diagnosis; Io.Reset_Output; Io.Reset_Input; end Gen_Config_File; function Extract (S : String) return Natural is Start : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate ('.', S); Stop : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate (':', S); P1 : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate ('.', S (Start + 1 .. Stop - 1)); P2 : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate ('.', S (P1 + 1 .. Stop - 1)); subtype Numeric is Character range '0' .. '9'; begin if Start = 0 or Stop = 0 then return 0; else if not (S (Stop - 1) in Numeric) then Stop := Stop - 1; end if; return (Natural'Value (S (Start + 1 .. P1 - 1)) * 10000) + (Natural'Value (S (P1 + 1 .. P2 - 1)) * 100) + Natural'Value (S (P2 + 1 .. Stop - 1)); end if; end Extract; begin Gen_Config_File; Io.Set_Input (Eedb_Configuration); while not Io.End_Of_File loop declare S1 : constant String := Io.Get_Line; Index : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate (Subsystem & '.', S1); Lib_Index : Natural := String_Utilities.Locate (":LIBRARIES:", S1); begin if Index /= 0 then if Lib_Index = 0 then declare S2 : constant String := String_Utilities.Strip (Io.Get_Line); begin Io.Reset_Input; return Extract (S1 (Index .. S1'Last) & S2); end; else Io.Reset_Input; return Extract (S1 (Index .. S1'Last)); end if; end if; end; end loop; Io.Reset_Input; return 0; end Get_Version; begin -- Log.Put_Line ("Restoring Segment Files"); -- Archive.Restore (Options => "promote, replace", -- Device => "Segments", -- Response => "<ERRORS>"); while not Pp.Done (Subsystem_Iter) loop declare Current_Version : Natural := Get_Version (Pp.Name (Subsystem_Iter)); begin if Current_Version = 0 then Log.Put_Line (Pp.Name (Subsystem_Iter) & " is not present in the current Environment configuration." & " Verify the current Environment configuration is at least " & " D_12_1_1.", Profile.Error_Msg); -- Program.Run -- ("""!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments"".Get_Xfer " & -- "(Xfer_File => ""!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments:DTIA"", Verbose => True);", -- "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments"); elsif Pp.Get_Integer (Subsystem_Iter) < Current_Version then Log.Put_Line ("Current version of " & Pp.Name (Subsystem_Iter) & " is more recent than that included with this release." & " Assumption is there will be no compatibility issues; skipping update of this subsystem." & " It is NOT necessary to reboot the R1000 for this installation.", Profile.Note_Msg); elsif Pp.Get_Integer (Subsystem_Iter) = Current_Version then Log.Put_Line ("Current version of " & Pp.Name (Subsystem_Iter) & " is the same as that included with this release." & " Skipping update of this subsystem." & "Is is NOT necessary to reboot the R1000 for this installation.", Profile.Note_Msg); else Log.Put_Line ("Updating " & Pp.Name (Subsystem_Iter) & ". The R1000 MUST BE REBOOTED for these changes to take effect.", Profile.Warning_Msg); Program.Run ("""!Machine.Release.Archive.dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments"".Get_Xfer " & "(Xfer_File => ""!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments:DTIA"", Verbose => True);", "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Segments"); end if; end; Pp.Next (Subsystem_Iter); end loop; end; ) UPDATE_LOCALHOST => ( declare use Editor, Common; package Tn renames "!tools.networking".Transport_Name; Lh : constant String := "localhost"; F : Io.File_Type; Name_Map : constant String := "!machine.transport_name_map"; Name_Map_Entry : constant String := "tcp/ip localhost"; begin Io.Put_Line (Lh & " => " & String (Tn.Host_To_Network_Name (Lh))); Log.Put_Line ("Resolution of localhost successful.", Profile.Positive_Msg); exception when Tn.Undefined => Log.Put_Line ("Resolution of localhost unsuccessful, updating !Machine.Transport_Name_Map", Profile.Warning_Msg); Operator.Enable_Privileges; Common.Edit (Name => Name_Map, In_Place => False, Visible => True); Editor.Image.Beginning_Of; Editor.Line.Beginning_Of; Editor.Char.Insert_String (Name_Map_Entry); Editor.Line.Indent (Repeat => 1); Common.Commit; Common.Definition("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6"); when others => Log.Put_Line ("Error updating !Machine.Transport_Name_Map. Manually add the entry: '" & Name_Map_Entry, Profile.Error_Msg); end; ) INSTALL_PRODUCT => ( Library.Context (To_Be => "!Machine.Release.Dtia.Release2_1_6"); System_Utilities.Set_Page_Limit (16_000); "!Machine.Release.Dtia.Release2_1_6".Install_Product; Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Install_Dtia_Log_Problems"); ) MACHINE_INITIALIZE_UPDATE => ( if File_Utilities.Found (Pattern => "initialize_dtia", File => "!machine.initialize'body", Wildcards => False, Ignore_Case => True) = 0 then -- we must add the program.run for dtia. if File_Utilities.Found (Pattern => ".Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization", File => "!machine.initialize'body", Wildcards => False, Ignore_Case => True) = 0 then -- ERROR! Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization is not there! Log.Put_Line ("The call to Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization does not " & "exist in !Machine.Initialize'body. Verify D2 " & "is installed on this machine."); else --Common.Definition ("!machine.initialize'body"); Common.Edit (Name => "!machine.initialize'body", In_Place => False, Visible => True); Editor.Image.Beginning_Of; Editor.Search.Next (Target => ".Gateway_Class.Boot_Time_Initialization", Wildcard => False); Editor.Line.Beginning_Of; Editor.Char.Insert_String ("Program.Run (""""""!Machine"""".Initialize_Dtia;""); "); Common.Promote; Common.Promote; Common.Definition("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6"); end if; else Log.Put_Line ("Initialize_Dtia already is in !Machine.Initialize."); end if; ) ASSIGN_TCP_PORTS => ( declare use Editor, Ada, Common, Debug; C : Transport.Connection_Id; Status : Transport_Defs.Status_Code; begin loop Transport.Open (C, Status, "TCP/IP"); exit when Transport_Defs."/=" (Status, Transport_Defs.Ok); declare Port : constant Transport_Defs.Socket_Id := Transport.Local_Socket (C); begin Transport.Close (C); exit when Byte_Defs.">=" (Port (Port'First), 4); end; end loop; end; ) RECORD_INSTALLATION => ( declare Product : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Simple_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("^")); Release : constant String := Directory_Tools.Naming.Simple_Name (Directory_Tools.Naming.Full_Name ("$")); Product_Info : constant String := "(RELEASE => " & Release & ", DATE => (" & Time_Utilities.Image (Time_Utilities.Get_Time, Time_Utilities.Year_Month_Day) & "), USER => " & System_Utilities.User_Name & '.' & System_Utilities.Session_Name & ")"; Product_Filename : constant String := "!Machine.Release.Current.Products"; F : Io.File_Type; begin Log.Put_Line ("Allowing unlimited logins", Profile.Positive_Msg); Operator.Limit_Login; Io.Append (F, Name => Product_Filename); Io.Put_Line (F, Product & " => " & Product_Info); Io.Close (F); Log.Put_Line ("Recording product " & Product & " current release as " & Release, Profile.Positive_Msg); end; ) SHUTDOWN_SYSTEM => ( declare use Editor, Text, Common; Current_Terminal_Type : constant String := System_Utilities.Terminal_Type; begin if Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.initialize'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Coded) then -- !Machine.initialize'body is coded, let's check keymaps if Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data.rational_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Coded) or Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data.rational_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Installed) then -- rational_commands'body is installed or coded if Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data.facit_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Coded) or Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data.facit_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Installed) then -- o.k. facit_commands'body is fine, check the current terminal type. if Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data." & Current_Terminal_Type & "_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Coded) or Directory_Tools.Ada_Object."=" (Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.State ("!machine.editor_data." & Current_Terminal_Type & "_commands'body"), Directory_Tools.Ada_Object.Installed) then -- o.k. current terminal type is fine, let's shutdown in 5 min. Op.Shutdown_Warning (300.0); Op.Shutdown (Reason => "Release", Explanation => "Install Dtia Release2_1_6"); else -- Current terminal type is NOT installed or coded Log.Put_Line (Message => "!Machine.Editor_Data." & Current_Terminal_Type & "_Commands'Body " & "is not INSATLLED or CODED.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; else -- Facit commands is NOT installed or coded Log.Put_Line (Message => "!Machine.Editor_Data.Facit_Commands'Body " & "is not INSATLLED or CODED.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; else -- rational_commands'body is NOT installed or coded Log.Put_Line (Message => "!Machine.Editor_Data.Rational_Commands'Body " & "is not INSATLLED or CODED.", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; else -- !Machine.initialize'body is not coded, tell 'em. Log.Put_Line (Message => "!Machine.Initialize is NOT coded. Promote " & "to coded and run this step again", Kind => Profile.Error_Msg); end if; end; ) TESTS_RESTORE => ( Io.Set_Output ("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log"); Archive.Restore (Options => "Promote", Device => "Tests"); Io.Reset_Output; Log.Filter_Errors (Log_File => "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log", Destination => "!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log_Summary", Auxiliaries => False, Warnings => False, Exceptions => True); Common.Definition ("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6.Logs.Restore_Tests_Log_Summary"); ) CLEAN_UP => ( Library.Delete ("!Machine.Release.Archive.Dtia.Release2_1_6"); Library.Delete ("!Machine.Release.Dtia.Release2_1_6"); ) AUTHORIZE_PRODUCT => ( "!Implementation".Product_Authorization.Register (Product_Name => ">>Product Name<<", Authorization_Code => ">> Code <<"); ) USERS_CHECK => ( declare Iter : System_Utilities.Session_Iterator; Total : Natural := 0; use System_Utilities; begin Operator.Limit_Login (Sessions => 1); Log.Put_Line ("Limited logins to 1 user", Profile.Positive_Msg); Init (Iter); while not Done (Iter) loop if Value (Iter) /= Get_Session then Log.Put_Line ("User " & User_Name (Value (Iter)) & " is still logged in. Have s/he log off before proceeding", Profile.Warning_Msg); end if; Next (Iter); end loop; end; )