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Length: 56320 (0xdc00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Build, package body Extensions_Support, package body Imports, seg_0211de
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
with Cmvc; with Compilation_Interface; with Debug_Tools; with Directory_Tools; with Download_Times; with Import_Interface; with Library; with Library_Interface; with Log; with Polymorphic_Io; with Profile; with Remote_Links; with String_Utilities; with Switch_Implementation; with Time_Utilities; with Utilities; package body Extensions_Support is package Dtable renames Download_Times.Table; package Link_Table renames Remote_Links.Link_Table; package View_Table renames Remote_Links.View_Table; package Ci renames Compilation_Interface; package Dt renames Directory_Tools; package Du renames Utilities.Directory_Utilities; package Li renames Library_Interface; package Naming renames Directory.Naming; package Object renames Dt.Object; package Pio renames Polymorphic_Io; package Rci renames Remote_Command_Interface; package Rsu renames Utilities.Rci_Switch_Utilities; package Si renames Switch_Implementation; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Su renames String_Utilities; Debugging : Boolean := False; Target_Key : constant String := "I386_Unix_Als_Xt"; -- Maximum length of a remote command. Max_Command_Length : Natural := 254; -- Default suffix of a family directory name. Family_Suffix : constant String := "_f/"; -- The name of this switch is defined in Get_Operational_Info. Family_Name_Switch : constant String := Target_Key & "_User_Set_Family_Name"; function "=" (L, R : Directory.Object) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function "=" (L, R : Directory.Error_Status) return Boolean renames Directory."="; function Problem (Status : Ss.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) return Boolean is begin if Ss.Error (Status => Status, Level => Ss.Problem) then if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~" & Ss.Message (Status), Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg); end if; return True; end if; return False; end Problem; function Qt (Str : String) return String is begin return " => """ & Str & """"; end Qt; function Quot (Str : String) return String is begin return """" & Str & """"; end Quot; procedure Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line : String; Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Status : in out Ss.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Rci.Execute_Command (Command_Line => Command_Line, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Debugging or else Trace_Command); end Rci_Execute_Command; procedure Delete_Links_Files (View_Obj : Directory.Object) is begin -- Delete the view's Remote_Links file. Library.Delete (Existing => Remote_Links.File_Name (View_Obj), Limit => "<DIRECTORIES>", Response => "<QUIET>"); -- Delete the view's Download_Times file. Library.Delete (Existing => Download_Times.Download_Times_File_Name (View_Obj), Limit => "<DIRECTORIES>", Response => "<QUIET>"); end Delete_Links_Files; function Get_Enclosing_Directory (Remote_Directory : String) return String is Last_Slash : Natural := Su.Reverse_Locate ("/", Remote_Directory); begin -- Get the name of the Unix directory that immediately encloses a -- view's Remote_Directory. if Last_Slash = 0 or else Last_Slash = Remote_Directory'First then Log.Put_Line ("Can't get the directory " & "which contains Remote_Directory " & Quot (Remote_Directory), Profile.Error_Msg); return ""; end if; return Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory'First .. Last_Slash - 1); end Get_Enclosing_Directory; function Extract_Family_Name (Remote_Directory : String) return String is Loc : Natural; begin -- Extract the default family name from a Remote_Directory string. Loc := Su.Reverse_Locate (Family_Suffix, Remote_Directory); if Loc = 0 then -- The Remote_Directory string doesn't contain a default family -- directory name. Log.Put_Line ("Can't find a family directory name in " & "the Remote_Directory string " & Quot (Remote_Directory), Profile.Warning_Msg); return ""; end if; if Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory'First) /= '/' then Log.Put_Line ("Remote_Directory name " & Quot (Remote_Directory) & " must begin with '/'", Profile.Error_Msg); return ""; end if; declare Head : constant String := Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory'First + 1 .. Loc - 1); Tail : constant String := Remote_Directory (Loc + 1 .. Remote_Directory'Last); begin -- At least 2 directories must precede the family directory. if Su.Locate ("/", Head) = Su.Reverse_Locate ("/", Head) then Log.Put_Line ("The family directory name is misplaced in " & "the Remote_Directory string " & Quot (Remote_Directory), Profile.Error_Msg); return ""; end if; return Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory'First .. Loc - 1); end; end Extract_Family_Name; function Get_Family_Name (Host_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String) return String is begin if not Directory.Is_Nil (Host_View) then declare Family : constant String := Rsu.Value (Name => Family_Name_Switch, For_Directory => Host_View); begin if Family'Length /= 0 then -- Use the family name that is already specified in the -- User_Set_Family_Name switch. return Family; end if; end; end if; -- Extract a family name from the given Remote_Directory. return Extract_Family_Name (Remote_Directory); end Get_Family_Name; function Remote_Family (View_Obj : Directory.Object) return String is -- If the user set it to a non-null value, the name of the remote -- family directory is obtained from the view's Family_Name library -- switch. If the switch value is null, we will derive the family name -- from the view's Remote_Directory name. Family : constant String := Rsu.Value (Name => Family_Name_Switch, For_Directory => View_Obj); begin if Family'Length /= 0 then -- Use the family name that is already specified in the switch. return Family; end if; -- Get the view's Remote_Directory so we can extract the family name -- from it. declare View_Name : constant String := Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_Obj); Remote_Directory_Result : constant Li.String_Result := Li.Remote_Directory (View => View_Name); Remote_Directory : constant String := Su.Lower_Case (Remote_Directory_Result.Result (1 .. Remote_Directory_Result.Size)); begin if Problem (Remote_Directory_Result.Condition, True) then Log.Put_Line ("Can't get the remote directory name for view " & Quot (View_Name), Profile.Error_Msg); return ""; end if; -- Extract the family name from the view's Remote_Directory name. return Extract_Family_Name (Remote_Directory); end; end Remote_Family; procedure Create_Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Status : in out Ss.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Create_Dir_Command : constant String := "mkdir -p " & Remote_Directory; begin if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Create_Remote_Directory (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line (Message => "Creating remote directory " & Quot (Remote_Directory), Kind => Profile.Position_Msg); Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line => Create_Dir_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Log.Put_Line ("Can't create the remote directory " & Quot (Remote_Directory) & ". " & Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); end if; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Create_Remote_Directory"); end Create_Remote_Directory; procedure Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Exists : out Boolean; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Directory_Exists (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Exists := False; Rci.File_Exists (The_File => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Exists => Exists, Trace_Command => Debugging or else Trace_Command); exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Directory_Exists"); end Directory_Exists; package Build is procedure Build_Libraries (View_Obj : Directory.Object; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Program_Library : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); procedure Destroy_Library (Host_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); end Build; package Imports is procedure Batch_Import_Units (Host_File_Id : Io.File_Type; Imported_Units : Compilation_Interface.Unit_List; Into_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); procedure Import_Units (Imported_Units : Compilation_Interface.Unit_List; Into_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); procedure Perform_Remote_Import (Host_View : String; Views_To_Import : Directory.Naming.Iterator; Remote_Machine : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); procedure Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Destroying_Library : Boolean; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean); end Imports; package body Build is separate; package body Imports is separate; ------------------------------------------------------------ function Is_True (For_Switch : String; Enclosing_View_Name : String) return Boolean is Switch_Handle : Pio.Handle; Pio_Status : Pio.Error_Status; Value : Boolean := False; begin Pio.Open (The_Handle => Switch_Handle, Mode => Pio.Read_Only, File_Name => Enclosing_View_Name & ".State.Compiler_Switches", Status => Pio_Status); if Pio_Status /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Can't open switch file " & Enclosing_View_Name & ".STATE.COMPILER_SWITCHES. Error Status = " & Directory.Error_Status'Image (Pio_Status), Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg); return False; end if; Value := Si.Value (Switches => Switch_Handle, Name => "Rci." & Target_Key & "_" & For_Switch); Pio.Close (File => Switch_Handle, Status => Pio_Status); if Pio_Status /= Directory.Successful then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Can't close switch file " & Enclosing_View_Name & ".STATE.COMPILER_SWITCHES. Error Status = " & Directory.Error_Status'Image (Pio_Status), Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg); return False; end if; return Value; end Is_True; procedure Rename_Remote_File (Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Machine : String; From_Simple_Name : String; To_Simple_Name : String; Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Status : in out Ss.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Copy_Command : constant String := "cp " & Remote_Directory & "/" & From_Simple_Name & " " & Remote_Directory & "/" & To_Simple_Name; Remove_Temp_File_Command : constant String := "rm " & Remote_Directory & "/" & From_Simple_Name; begin if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Rename_Remote_File (Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", From_Simple_Name" & Qt (From_Simple_Name) & ", To_Simple_Name" & Qt (To_Simple_Name) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; -- Copy the file to its new name. Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line => Copy_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Log.Put_Line ("Can't copy file " & Quot (From_Simple_Name) & " to " & Quot (To_Simple_Name) & ". " & Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); else -- Now that we have the copy, we can destroy the original file. Rci_Execute_Command (Command_Line => Remove_Temp_File_Command, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Log.Put_Line ("Can't remove the renamed file " & From_Simple_Name & ". " & Ss.Message (Status), Profile.Error_Msg); end if; end if; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Rename_Remote_File"); end Rename_Remote_File; procedure Build_Libraries (View_Obj : Directory.Object; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Program_Library : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Build.Build_Libraries (View_Obj => View_Obj, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Program_Library => Remote_Program_Library, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Build_Libraries; procedure Destroy_Library (Host_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Build.Destroy_Library (Host_View => Host_View, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Destroy_Library; procedure Batch_Import_Units (Host_File_Id : Io.File_Type; Imported_Units : Compilation_Interface.Unit_List; Into_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Imports.Batch_Import_Units (Host_File_Id => Host_File_Id, Imported_Units => Imported_Units, Into_View => Into_View, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Batch_Import_Units; procedure Import_Units (Imported_Units : Compilation_Interface.Unit_List; Into_View : Directory.Object; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Imports.Import_Units (Imported_Units => Imported_Units, Into_View => Into_View, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Import_Units; procedure Perform_Remote_Import (Host_View : String; Views_To_Import : Directory.Naming.Iterator; Remote_Machine : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Imports.Perform_Remote_Import (Host_View => Host_View, Views_To_Import => Views_To_Import, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Perform_Remote_Import; procedure Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove : Directory.Object; From_View : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Remote_Connection : Remote_Command_Interface.Context; Destroying_Library : Boolean; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is begin Imports.Remove_Remote_Import (View_To_Remove => View_To_Remove, From_View => From_View, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Destroying_Library => Destroying_Library, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); end Remove_Remote_Import; procedure Retrieve_Files (Main_Unit : String; Executable_Name : String; Enclosing_View_Name : String; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Trace_Command : Boolean) is Main : Dt.Object.Handle := Dt.Naming.Resolution (Main_Unit); Main_Full_Name : constant String := Dt.Naming.Full_Name (Main); Main_Simple_Name : constant String := Su.Lower_Case (Dt.Naming.Simple_Name (Main)); Host_Cui_Name : constant String := Main_Full_Name & "'Body" & ".<Cui>"; Host_Exe_Name : constant String := Main_Full_Name & "'Body" & ".<Exe>"; Host_Lnk_Name : constant String := Main_Full_Name & "'Body" & ".<Lnk>"; Host_Map_Name : constant String := Main_Full_Name & "'Body" & ".<Map>"; Linker_Generated_Exe : String (1 .. 14) := (others => ' '); Remote_Connection : Rci.Context; Name_Length : Natural; Final_Name_Length : Natural; procedure Upload_File (Switch : String; Extension : String; To_Host_File : String; The_Type : Rci.File_Type; Status : in out Ss.Condition) is Remote_File : constant String := Linker_Generated_Exe (1 .. Name_Length) & Extension; begin if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Upload_File (Switch" & Qt (Switch) & ", Extension" & Qt (Extension) & ", To_Host_File" & Qt (To_Host_File) & ", The_Type => " & Rci.File_Type'Image (The_Type) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; if Is_True (Switch, Enclosing_View_Name) then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Uploading file " & Quot (Remote_Directory & "/" & Remote_File), Kind => Profile.Positive_Msg); Rci.Get (Host_File_Name => To_Host_File, Target_File_Name => Remote_Directory & "/" & Remote_File, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, The_Type => The_Type, Trace_Command => Debugging or else Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Message => "Can't upload remote file " & Quot (Remote_Directory & "/" & Remote_File) & " to " & To_Host_File, Status => Status); return; end if; end if; if Final_Name_Length > 10 and Executable_Name = "" then Rename_Remote_File (Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, From_Simple_Name => Remote_File, To_Simple_Name => Main_Simple_Name & Extension, Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Trace_Command => Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Message => "Can't rename remote file " & Quot (Remote_File) & " as " & Quot (Main_Simple_Name & Extension), Status => Status); return; end if; end if; end Upload_File; begin if Debugging or else Trace_Command then Log.Put_Line (Message => "#~Retrieve_Files (Main_Unit" & Qt (Main_Unit) & ", Executable_Name" & Qt (Executable_Name) & ", Enclosing_View_Name" & Qt (Enclosing_View_Name) & ", Remote_Machine" & Qt (Remote_Machine) & ", Remote_Directory" & Qt (Remote_Directory) & ")", Kind => Profile.Sharp_Msg); end if; Log.Put_Line (Message => "Entering Retrieve_Files", Kind => Profile.Position_Msg); -- -- If the user specified executable name is > 14 chars, then the link -- operation on the target will fail. If the Ada simple name of the -- main unit is greater than 10 characters, then the Alsys compiler -- will truncate that name to 10 characters. -- if Executable_Name /= "" then -- Use the given Executable_Name. Name_Length := Executable_Name'Length; Final_Name_Length := Name_Length; if Name_Length > 14 then Log.Put_Line (Message => "Maximum length of executable name " & Quot (Executable_Name) & " is 14 characters", Kind => Profile.Negative_Msg); Set_Status (Status => Status, Message => "Executable name " & Quot (Executable_Name) & " is too long"); return; end if; -- This will fail if Name_Length > 14. Linker_Generated_Exe (1 .. Name_Length) := Executable_Name (1 .. Name_Length); else Final_Name_Length := Main_Simple_Name'Length; if Main_Simple_Name'Length > 10 then -- Truncate the name to 10 characters. Name_Length := 10; else -- We can use the name as it is. Name_Length := Main_Simple_Name'Length; end if; Linker_Generated_Exe (1 .. Name_Length) := Su.Lower_Case (Main_Simple_Name (1 .. Name_Length)); end if; Rci.Acquire (Remote_Connection => Remote_Connection, Status => Status, Target_Key => Target_Key, Remote_Machine => Remote_Machine, Trace_Command => Debugging or else Trace_Command); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status ("Can't acquire a connection to " & Remote_Machine, Status); return; end if; -- Retrieve the Cui File -- Upload_File (Switch => "Get_Cui_File", Extension => ".cui", To_Host_File => Host_Cui_Name, The_Type => Rci.Binary, Status => Status); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Status => Status, Message => "Can't retrieve the Cui File"); else -- Retrieve the Map File -- Upload_File (Switch => "Get_Binder_Listing", Extension => ".map", To_Host_File => Host_Map_Name, The_Type => Rci.Text, Status => Status); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Status => Status, Message => "Can't retrieve the Binder listing file"); else -- Retrieve the Lnk File -- Upload_File (Switch => "Get_Lnk_File", Extension => ".lnk", To_Host_File => Host_Lnk_Name, The_Type => Rci.Text, Status => Status); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Status => Status, Message => "Can't retrieve the LNK file"); else -- Retrieve the Executable File -- Upload_File (Switch => "Get_Executable_File", Extension => "", To_Host_File => Host_Exe_Name, The_Type => Rci.Binary, Status => Status); if Problem (Status, Trace_Command) then Set_Status (Status => Status, Message => "Can't retrieve the Executable file"); end if; end if; end if; end if; exception when others => Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Retrieve_Files"); end Retrieve_Files; procedure Set_Status (Message : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Severity : Simple_Status.Condition_Class := Simple_Status.Problem; Error_Type : String := "Library_Extensions Error") is begin Ss.Create_Condition (Status => Status, Error_Type => Error_Type, Message => Message, Severity => Severity); end Set_Status; procedure Unhandled_Exception (Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition; Routine : String) is begin Set_Status (Message => "Exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name & " was caught in " & Routine, Status => Status, Error_Type => "Unhandled exception "); end Unhandled_Exception; procedure Close_Download_File (The_Handle : in out Dtable.Handle) is begin Dtable.Close (The_Handle); exception when others => null; end Close_Download_File; function Get_Download_Time (Unit_Obj : Directory.Object) return Calendar.Time is The_Time : Calendar.Time; The_Handle : Dtable.Handle; Element_To_Match : Download_Times.Table_Entry; Element_From_File : Download_Times.Table_Entry; Element_File_Position : Dtable.File_Position; Next_Position : Dtable.File_Position; begin Dtable.Open (The_Handle, Download_Times.Download_Times_File_Name (Du.Get_View (Unit_Obj, Profile.Get)), Dtable.Read); -- Open the Download_Times table in the view to which this object -- belongs. Element_To_Match.Obj := Unit_Obj; Element_To_Match.Time := Calendar.Clock; Dtable.Lookup (The_Handle, Element_To_Match, Element_From_File, Element_File_Position, Next_Position); -- Look in the table for the specified directory object. if Dtable.Is_Nil (The_Position => Element_File_Position) then -- No download time has been entered for our unit, so assume the -- current time. The_Time := Calendar.Clock; else -- Use the download time from our unit's table entry. The_Time := Element_From_File.Time; end if; Close_Download_File (The_Handle); return The_Time; exception when others => Close_Download_File (The_Handle); Log.Put_Line ("An exception was raised while getting the " & "download time for a unit", Profile.Warning_Msg); return Calendar.Clock; end Get_Download_Time; procedure Set_Download_Time (Unit_Obj : Directory.Object; Time : Calendar.Time) is The_Handle : Dtable.Handle; Element_To_Match : Download_Times.Table_Entry; Eleent_From_File : Download_Times.Table_Entry; Element_File_Position : Dtable.File_Position; Next_Position : Dtable.File_Position; begin Dtable.Open (The_Handle, Download_Times.Download_Times_File_Name (Du.Get_View (Unit_Obj, Profile.Get)), Dtable.Read_Write); -- Open the Download_Times table in the view to which this object -- belongs. If the table doesn't exist, it will be created (and it -- will be empty). Element_To_Match.Obj := Unit_Obj; Element_To_Match.Time := Time; Dtable.Lookup (The_Handle, Element_To_Match, Element_From_File, Element_File_Position, Next_Position); -- Look in the table for the specified directory object. if Dtable.Is_Nil (The_Position => Element_File_Position) then -- It isn't there, so add it. Dtable.Update (The_Handle, Element_To_Match, Next_Position); else -- We found it, so update its table entry. Dtable.Update (The_Handle, Element_To_Match, Element_File_Position); end if; Close_Download_File (The_Handle); exception when others => Close_Download_File (The_Handle); Log.Put_Line ("An exception was raised while setting the " & "download time for a unit", Profile.Warning_Msg); end Set_Download_Time; function Discard_Units_From_Same_View (Units : Compilation_Interface.Unit_List; Host_Unit : Directory.Object) return Compilation_Interface.Unit_List is View_Obj : Directory.Object; Filtered_Units : Ci.Unit_List (Units.Data'Length); Next_Entry : Integer := Filtered_Units.Data'First - 1; Null_Units : Ci.Unit_List (0); begin if Units.Size = 0 then return Null_Units; end if; View_Obj := Du.Get_View (Host_Unit, Profile.Get); Filtered_Units.Condition := Units.Condition; for Index in Units.Data'First .. Units.Data'Last loop if Directory."/=" (View_Obj, Du.Get_View (Units.Data (Index), Profile.Get)) then Next_Entry := Next_Entry + 1; Filtered_Units.Data (Next_Entry) := Units.Data (Index); end if; end loop; -- Collect into an array all units not belonging to the same view as -- the host unit. if Next_Entry >= Filtered_Units.Data'First then -- The filtered list is non empty. declare Return_Units : Ci.Unit_List (Next_Entry - Filtered_Units.Data'First + 1); begin Return_Units.Condition := Filtered_Units.Condition; Return_Units.Data := Filtered_Units.Data (Filtered_Units.Data'First .. Next_Entry); -- Copy back to an array of the proper size and return. return Return_Units; end; end if; return Null_Units; end Discard_Units_From_Same_View; procedure Check_Family (View_Obj : Directory.Object; Remote_Machine : String; Remote_Directory : String; Status : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is Family_Name : constant String := Get_Family_Name (Host_View => View_Obj, Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory); begin if Family_Name'Length = 0 then if Directory.Is_Nil (View_Obj) then Set_Status (Message => "Can't extract a family name from " & "the specified remote directory " & Quot (Remote_Directory), Status => Status, Severity => Ss.Problem); else Set_Status (Message => "Can't get a valid family name for view " & Naming.Get_Full_Name (View_Obj), Status => Status, Severity => Ss.Fatal); end if; end if; end Check_Family; end Extensions_Support;
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