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⟦99f0461b1⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 39936 (0x9c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Type_Analysis, seg_004427


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Errors;
with Common;
with Diana;
with Io;
with Table_Formatter;
with Bounds_Utilities;
with Names_And_Expressions;
with Compilation_Units;
with String_Utilities;
with Abstract_Document;
with Lrm_Renames;
use Lrm_Renames;
package body Type_Analysis is

    package Ad         renames Abstract_Document;
    package Ad_Specify renames Abstract_Document.Specify;
    package Flt_Io is new Io.Float_Io (Float);

    Parent_Exp    : constant String :=
       "Name of the Unit containing the type declaration";
    Decl_Exp      : constant String := "Name of the type declaration";
    Kind_Exp      : constant String := "Kind of the type declaration";
    Component_Exp : constant String := "Number of components in the Record";

    function Full_Name (D : Data) return String is
        return Decls.Name (D.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl) & "." & Decls.Name (D.Decl);
    end Full_Name;

    procedure Initialize (The_Db : in out Db) is
        Type_Map.Initialize (The_Db.Map);
    end Initialize;

    function Make_None (Id : Decl_Id; Decl : Ada.Element) return Data is
        Return_Data : Data (None_Of_Above);
        Return_Data.Id := Id;
        Return_Data.Decl := Decl;
        Return_Data.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl := Ada.Nil_Element;
        return Return_Data;
    end Make_None;

    function Get_Value (From_Expression : Ada.Element) return Long_Integer is
        Local : Ada.Element := From_Expression;
        if Names_And_Expressions.Is_Static (Local) then
            return Names_And_Expressions.Static_Value (Local);
            case Names_And_Expressions.Kind (Local) is
                when Names_And_Expressions.A_Simple_Name =>
                    Local := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration
                                (Ada.Definition (Local));

                    case Decls.Kind (Local) is
                        when Decls.A_Variable_Declaration |
                             Decls.A_Constant_Declaration =>
                            if Decls.Is_Initialized (Local) then
                                return Get_Value (Decls.Initial_Value (Local));
                                return Long_Integer'Last;
                            end if;
                        when others =>
                            return Long_Integer'Last;
                    end case;
                when others =>
                    return Long_Integer'Last;
            end case;
        end if;
    end Get_Value;

    function Get_Value (From_Expression : Ada.Element) return Float is
        Local : Ada.Element := From_Expression;
        if Names_And_Expressions.Is_Static (Local) then
            return Names_And_Expressions.Static_Value (Local);
            case Names_And_Expressions.Kind (Local) is
                when Names_And_Expressions.A_Simple_Name =>
                    Local := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration
                                (Ada.Definition (Local));

                    case Decls.Kind (Local) is
                        when Decls.A_Variable_Declaration |
                             Decls.A_Constant_Declaration =>
                            if Decls.Is_Initialized (Local) then
                                return Get_Value (Decls.Initial_Value (Local));
                                return Float'Last;
                            end if;
                        when others =>
                            return Float'Last;
                    end case;
                when others =>
                    return Float'Last;
            end case;
        end if;
    end Get_Value;

    procedure Add_To_Database
                 (Decl : Ada.Element; Id : Decl_Id; The_Db : in out Db) is
        Type_Def : Types.Type_Definition := Decls.Type_Specification (Decl);

        The_Data : Data (Get_Kind (Type_Def));

        Elems : Ada.Element_Iterator;

        function Process (Type_Def : Types.Type_Definition) return Decl_Id is
            Referenced_Decl : Ada.Declaration := Type_Def;
            Completion_Decl : Ada.Declaration;
            Id              : Decl_Id;
            case Types.Kind (Type_Def) is
                when Types.A_Subtype_Indication ..
                        Types.A_Task_Type_Definition =>
                    Referenced_Decl := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration
                                          (Ada.Definition (Type_Def));

                    Id := Diana.Hash (Ada.Conversion.Convert (Referenced_Decl));

                    Add_Type_Decl (Referenced_Decl, The_Db);
                when Types.A_Private_Type_Definition ..
                        Types.A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition =>

                    Completion_Decl :=
                       Ada.Definition (Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Type_Def));
                    if not Ada.Is_Nil (Completion_Decl) then
                        Referenced_Decl :=
                           Decls.Enclosing_Declaration (Completion_Decl);

                        Id := Diana.Hash (Ada.Conversion.Convert

                        Add_Type_Decl (Referenced_Decl, The_Db);
                    end if;
                when others =>
                    Id := Diana.Hash (Ada.Conversion.Convert (Referenced_Decl));

                    Type_Map.Define (The_Map => The_Db.Map,
                                     D => Id,
                                     R => Make_None (Id, Referenced_Decl),
                                     Trap_Multiples => False);
            end case;

            return Id;
        end Process;

        The_Data.Id   := Id;
        The_Data.Decl := Decl;

        The_Data.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl :=
              (Compilation_Units.Parent_Compilation_Unit (Decl));

        case The_Data.Kind is
            when An_Integer_Type =>
                    Upper, Lower : Types.Expression;
                    Types.Bounds (Types.Integer_Constraint (Type_Def),
                                  Lower, Upper);

                    The_Data.Lower := Get_Value (Lower);
                    The_Data.Upper := Get_Value (Upper);
                    when others =>
                        The_Data.Upper := 0;
                        The_Data.Lower := 0;
            when A_Float_Type =>
                    Upper, Lower : Types.Expression;
                    Constraint   : Ada.Element :=
                       Types.Floating_Point_Constraint (Type_Def);
                    if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then
                        The_Data.Lower_Float_Bound := Float'First;
                        The_Data.Upper_Float_Bound := Float'Last;
                        Types.Bounds (Constraint, Lower, Upper);

                        The_Data.Lower_Float_Bound := Get_Value (Lower);
                        The_Data.Upper_Float_Bound := Get_Value (Upper);
                    end if;
                    when others =>
                        The_Data.Lower_Float_Bound := Float'Last;
                        The_Data.Upper_Float_Bound := Float'Last;

            when A_Fixed_Type =>
                    Static : Boolean;
                       (Type_Def, Types.Fixed_Point_Constraint (Type_Def),
                        The_Data.Upper_Fixed_Bound, Static);
            when An_Enumeration =>
                Elems := Types.Enumeration_Literals (Type_Def);
                while not Ada.Done (Elems) loop
                    The_Data.Num_Lits := The_Data.Num_Lits + 1;
                    Ada.Next (Elems);
                end loop;
            when A_Boolean_Type | A_Character_Type =>
            when A_String_Type =>
                The_Data.String_Size := 0;
            when A_Record_Type =>
                Elems := Types.Record_Components (Type_Def);
                while not Ada.Done (Elems) loop

                    case Types.Component_Kind (Ada.Value (Elems)) is
                        when Types.A_Null_Component =>

                        when Types.A_Variant_Part_Component =>
                        when others =>
                            The_Data.Ids (The_Data.Component_Count) :=
                               Process (Decls.Object_Type (Ada.Value (Elems)));

                            The_Data.Component_Count :=
                               The_Data.Component_Count + 1;
                    end case;

                    Ada.Next (Elems);
                end loop;
            when An_Array_Type =>
                The_Data.Component_Type := Process
                                              (Types.Component_Type (Type_Def));
                if Types.Is_Constrained_Array (Type_Def) then
                    The_Data.Index_Type :=
                       Process (Ada.Value (Types.Index_Constraints (Type_Def)));
                    The_Data.Index_Type :=
                       Process (Ada.Value (Types.Index_Subtype_Definitions

                end if;
            when An_Access_Type =>
                The_Data.Accessed_Type := Process (Types.Access_To (Type_Def));           when A_Derived_Type =>
                The_Data.Referenced_Type := Process
                                               (Types.Derived_From (Type_Def));
            when A_Task_Type =>
            when A_Private_Type | A_Limited_Private_Type =>
                The_Data.Completion_Type := Process (Type_Def);
            when A_Subtype =>
                The_Data.Subtyped_Type := Process (Type_Def);

            when None_Of_Above =>
        end case;

        Type_Map.Define (The_Map        => The_Db.Map,
                         D              => Id,
                         R              => The_Data,
                         Trap_Multiples => False);
    end Add_To_Database;

    procedure Add_Type_Decl (Decl : Ada_Program.Element; To : in out Db) is
        Id            : Decl_Id := Diana.Hash (Ada.Conversion.Convert (Decl));
        Existing_Data : Data;
        Existing_Data := Type_Map.Eval (The_Map => To.Map, D => Id);
        when Type_Map.Undefined =>
            Add_To_Database (Decl, Id, To);
    end Add_Type_Decl;

    function Type_Decl (Id : Decl_Id; The_Db : Db) return Ada.Element is
        Existing_Data : Data;
        Existing_Data := Type_Map.Eval (The_Db.Map, Id);
        return Existing_Data.Decl;
        when Type_Map.Undefined =>
            return Ada.Nil_Element;
    end Type_Decl;

    function Ground_Kind (Type_Decl : Ada.Declaration) return String is
        Kind  : Type_Kinds := Get_Kind (Decls.Type_Specification (Type_Decl));
        Defin : Ada.Element;
        case Kind is
            when A_Private_Type | A_Limited_Private_Type =>
                Defin := Decls.Enclosing_Declaration
                            (Ada.Definition (Type_Decl));
                if Ada.Is_Nil (Defin) then
                    if Decls.Is_Generic_Formal (Type_Decl) then
                       return "GENERIC FORMAL";
                        return "NO COMPLETION";
                    end if;
                    Kind := Get_Kind (Types.Ground_Type
                                         (Decls.Type_Specification (Defin)));
                end if;
            when others =>
                if Decls.Is_Incomplete (Type_Decl) then
                    Defin := Ada.Definition (Type_Decl);
                    Kind  := Get_Kind (Types.Ground_Type (Defin));

                    Kind := Get_Kind
                                   (Decls.Type_Specification (Type_Decl)));
                end if;
        end case;

        case Kind is
            when An_Integer_Type =>
                return "INTEGER";
            when A_Float_Type =>
                return "FLOAT";
            when A_Fixed_Type =>
                return "FIXED";           when An_Enumeration =>
                return "ENUM";
            when A_Boolean_Type =>
                return "BOOLEAN";
            when A_Character_Type =>
                return "CHARACTER";
            when A_String_Type =>
                return "STRING";
            when A_Record_Type =>
                return "RECORD";
            when An_Array_Type =>
                return "ARRAY";
            when An_Access_Type =>
                return "ACCESS";
            when A_Derived_Type =>
                return "DERIVED";
            when A_Task_Type =>
                return "TASK";
            when A_Private_Type =>
                return "PRIVATE";
            when A_Limited_Private_Type =>
                return "L_PRIVATE";
            when A_Subtype =>
                return "SUBTYPE";
            when None_Of_Above =>
                return "";
        end case;
    end Ground_Kind;

    function Check_Kind
                (Kind : Type_Kinds; For_Sort : Sort_Type) return Boolean is
        case For_Sort is
            when Name_Sort | Kind_Sort =>
                case Kind is
                    when None_Of_Above =>
                        return False;
                    when others =>
                        return True;
                end case;
            when Record_Sort =>
                case Kind is
                    when A_Record_Type =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;
            when Scalar_Sort =>
                case Kind is
                    when An_Integer_Type | A_Float_Type | A_Fixed_Type |
                         An_Enumeration | A_Boolean_Type | A_Character_Type =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;
            when Subtype_Sort =>
                case Kind is
                    when A_Subtype | A_Derived_Type =>
                        return True;
                    when others =>
                        return False;
                end case;
        end case;

    end Check_Kind;

    procedure Display (The_Db      : Db;
                       Sort        : Sort_Type := Type_Analysis.Kind_Sort;
                       To_Document : in out Abstract_Document.Handle) is

        package Table is new Table_Formatter (5);

        Name_Sort_Table    : constant Table.Field_List (1 .. 4) := (1, 2, 3, 4);
        Record_Sort_Table  : constant Table.Field_List (1 .. 3) := (2, 1, 5);
        Scalar_Sort_Table  : constant Table.Field_List (1 .. 3) := (3, 4, 5);
        Subtype_Sort_Table : constant Table.Field_List (1 .. 2) := (3, 4);

        Status : Errors.Condition;

        Iter : Type_Map.Iterator;

        procedure Add_Line (D : Data) is
            S              : String (1 .. 100);
            Ref_Decl       : Ada.Element;
            Comp_Decl      : Ada.Element;
            Num_Components : Component_Index;
            Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Id, The_Db);
                Parent : constant String :=
                   Decls.Name (D.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl);
                Name   : constant String := Decls.Name (Ref_Decl);
                case D.Kind is
                    when None_Of_Above =>
                    when A_Record_Type =>
                        Num_Components := D.Component_Count - 1;

                        Table.Item (Parent,
                                    Explanation => Parent_Exp,
                                    Linkage     => D.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl);
                        Table.Item (Name,
                                    Explanation => Decl_Exp,
                                    Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                        Table.Item ("RECORD",
                                    Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                    Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                        Table.Item (String_Utilities.Strip
                                       (Component_Index'Image (Num_Components)),
                                    Explanation => Component_Exp);
                        Table.Item ("+", Explanation => "Starting component");

                        case Sort is
                            -- put in all components
                            when Record_Sort =>
                                for I in reverse 1 .. Num_Components loop

                                        Explanation => Parent_Exp,
                                        Linkage     => D.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl);
                                    Table.Item (Name,
                                                Explanation => Decl_Exp,
                                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);

                                    Table.Item ("COMPONENT",
                                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                                    Comp_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Ids (I), The_Db);
                                    Table.Item (Decls.Name (Comp_Decl),
                                                Explanation => "Component name",
                                                Linkage     => Comp_Decl);

                                    if I = 1 then
                                        Table.Item (String_Utilities.Strip
                                                    Explanation =>
                                            Explanation =>
                                               "Intermediate Component");
                                    end if;
                                end loop;
                            when others =>
                        end case;
                    when others =>
                        Table.Item (Parent,
                                    Explanation => Parent_Exp,
                                    Linkage     => D.Parent_Comp_Unit_Decl);
                        Table.Item (Name,
                                    Explanation => Decl_Exp,
                                    Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                end case;

            case D.Kind is
                when An_Integer_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("INTEGER",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Long_Integer'Image (D.Lower),
                                Explanation => "Lower Bound");
                    Table.Item (Long_Integer'Image (D.Upper),
                                Explanation => "Upper Bound");
                when A_Float_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("FLOAT",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Flt_Io.Put (S, D.Lower_Float_Bound, Aft => 6);
                    Table.Item (String_Utilities.Strip (S),
                                Explanation => "Lower Bound");
                    Flt_Io.Put (S, D.Upper_Float_Bound, Aft => 6);
                    Table.Item (String_Utilities.Strip (S),
                                Explanation => "Upper Bound");
                when A_Fixed_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("FIXED",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Long_Integer'Image (D.Lower_Fixed_Bound),
                                Explanation => "Lower Bound");
                    Table.Item (Long_Integer'Image (D.Upper_Fixed_Bound),
                                Explanation => "Upper Bound");
                when An_Enumeration =>
                    Table.Item ("ENUM",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Integer'Image (D.Num_Lits),
                                Explanation =>
                                   "Number of enumeration literals");
                    Table.Item ("");
                when A_Boolean_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("BOOLEAN",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item ("");
                    Table.Item ("");
                when A_Character_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("CHARACTER",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item ("");
                    Table.Item ("");
                when A_String_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("STRING",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Integer'Image (D.String_Size),
                                Explanation =>
                                   "Number of characters in the string");
                    Table.Item ("");
                when A_Record_Type =>
                    null;  -- see above
                when An_Array_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("ARRAY",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Index_Type, The_Db);
                    Table.Item (Ada.Image (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation => "Index type of the array",
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);

                    Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Component_Type, The_Db);
                    Table.Item (Decls.Name (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation => "Component type of the array",
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                when An_Access_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("ACCESS",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Accessed_Type, The_Db);
                    Table.Item (Decls.Name (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation =>
                                   "Name of the type being accessed",
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Ground_Kind (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation =>
                                   "Kind of the type being accessed");
                when A_Derived_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("DERIVED",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Referenced_Type, The_Db);
                    Table.Item (Decls.Name (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation => "Name of the type derived",
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Ground_Kind (D.Decl), Explanation => Kind_Exp);
                when A_Task_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("TASK",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item ("");
                    Table.Item ("");
                when A_Private_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("PRIVATE",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item ("");
                       (Ground_Kind (D.Decl),
                        Explanation =>
                           "Kind of the completion of the private type");
                when A_Limited_Private_Type =>
                    Table.Item ("L_PRIVATE",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item ("");
                       (Ground_Kind (D.Decl),
                        Explanation =>
                           "Kind of the completion of the limited private type");
                when A_Subtype =>
                    Table.Item ("SUBTYPE",
                                Explanation => Kind_Exp,
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Ref_Decl := Type_Decl (D.Subtyped_Type, The_Db);
                    Table.Item (Decls.Name (Ref_Decl),
                                Explanation => "Type being subtyped",
                                Linkage     => Ref_Decl);
                    Table.Item (Ground_Kind (D.Decl),
                                Explanation =>
                                   "Kind of the type being subtyped");
                when None_Of_Above =>
            end case;

        end Add_Line;
        Table.Header ("PARENT UNIT");
        Table.Header ("Type");
        Table.Header ("Kind");
        Table.Header ("Data 1");
        Table.Header ("Data 2");

        Type_Map.Init (Iter, The_Db.Map);
        while not Type_Map.Done (Iter) loop
                D : Data := Type_Map.Eval (The_Db.Map, Type_Map.Value (Iter));
                if Check_Kind (D.Kind, Sort) then
                    Add_Line (D);
                end if;
                Type_Map.Next (Iter);
        end loop;

        case Sort is
            when Name_Sort =>
                Table.Sort (Name_Sort_Table);
            when Record_Sort =>
                Table.Sort (Record_Sort_Table);
            when Kind_Sort =>
                Table.Sort (3);
            when Scalar_Sort =>
                Table.Sort (Scalar_Sort_Table);
            when Subtype_Sort =>
                Table.Sort (4);
        end case;

        Table.Display (To_Document, "TYPE ANALYSIS");
    end Display;

    function Hash (Id : Decl_Id) return Integer is
        return Integer (Id mod Long_Integer (Integer'Last));
    end Hash;
end Type_Analysis;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x02] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=024
        [0x03] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=02c
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        [0x08] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=24 rec3=004
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        [0x12] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=03e
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        [0x16] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=04e
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        [0x1a] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=060
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        [0x1f] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=04a
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        [0x22] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=016
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    tail 0x217001712815c63e3d118 0x42a00088462061e03