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Rational R1000/400

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⟦9c308fbe6⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 21504 (0x5400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Binary_Trees, seg_045787, seg_045799, seg_0457fd, seg_046946


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Text_Io;
with Text_Io;
with Unchecked_Deallocation;

package body Binary_Trees is

    -- Local Operations --

    procedure Free_Node is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Node, Node_Ptr);

    procedure Free_Tree is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Tree_Header, Tree);

    procedure Free_Iterator is new Unchecked_Deallocation
                                      (Iterator_Record, Iterator);

    -- Visible Operations --

    function Create return Tree is

        return new Tree_Header'(0, null, null);

    end Create;


    procedure Insert_Node (V : Value_Type;
                           N : in out Node_Ptr;
                           Found : out Boolean;
                           Duplicate : out Value_Type) is
        D : Integer;

        Found := False;
        if N = null then
            N := new Node'(V, null, null);
            D := Difference (V, N.Value);
            if D < 0 then
                Insert_Node (V, N.Less, Found, Duplicate);
            elsif D > 0 then
                Insert_Node (V, N.More, Found, Duplicate);
                Found := True;
                Duplicate := N.Value;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Insert_Node;

    procedure Replace_Node (V : Value_Type;
                            N : in out Node_Ptr;
                            Found : out Boolean;
                            Duplicate : out Value_Type) is
        D : Integer;

        Found := False;
        if N = null then
            --            N := new Node'(V, null, null);
               ("*** WARNING***    " &
                "You want to replace an element which does not exist!");
            D := Difference (V, N.Value);
            if D < 0 then
                Replace_Node (V, N.Less, Found, Duplicate);
            elsif D > 0 then
                Replace_Node (V, N.More, Found, Duplicate);
                Found := True;
                Duplicate := N.Value;
                N.Value := V;
            end if;
        end if;
    end Replace_Node;

    procedure Insert (V : Value_Type; T : Tree) is
        Found : Boolean;
        Duplicate : Value_Type;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Insert_Node (V, T.Root, Found, Duplicate);
        if Found then
            raise Duplicate_Value;
        end if;
        T.Count := T.Count + 1;
    end Insert;

    procedure Insert_If_Not_Found (V : Value_Type;
                                   T : Tree;
                                   Found : out Boolean;
                                   Duplicate : out Value_Type) is
        Was_Found : Boolean;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Insert_Node (V, T.Root, Was_Found, Duplicate);
        Found := Was_Found;
        if not Was_Found then
            T.Count := T.Count + 1;
        end if;

    end Insert_If_Not_Found;

    procedure Replace_If_Found (V : Value_Type;
                                T : Tree;
                                Found : out Boolean;
                                Old_Value : out Value_Type)

        Was_Found : Boolean;
        Duplicate : Value_Type;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Replace_Node (V, T.Root, Was_Found, Duplicate);
        Found := Was_Found;
        if Was_Found then
            Old_Value := Duplicate;
            T.Count := T.Count + 1;
        end if;
    end Replace_If_Found;


    procedure Destroy_Nodes (N : in out Node_Ptr) is
        if N /= null then
            Destroy_Nodes (N.Less);
            Destroy_Nodes (N.More);
            Free_Node (N);
        end if;
    end Destroy_Nodes;

    procedure Destroy (T : in out Tree) is

        if T /= null then
            Destroy_Nodes (T.Root);
            Free_Tree (T);
        end if;

    end Destroy;


    procedure Destroy_Deep (T : in out Tree) is
        procedure Destroy_Nodes (N : in out Node_Ptr) is
            if N /= null then
                Free_Value (N.Value);
                Destroy_Nodes (N.Less);
                Destroy_Nodes (N.More);
                Free_Node (N);
            end if;
        end Destroy_Nodes;

        if T /= null then
            Destroy_Nodes (T.Root);
            Free_Tree (T);
        end if;

    end Destroy_Deep;


    function Balanced_Tree (Count : Natural) return Tree

        New_Tree : Tree := Create;

        procedure Subtree (Count : Natural; N : in out Node_Ptr) is
            New_Node : Node_Ptr;

            if Count = 1 then
                New_Node := new Node'(Next_Value, null, null);
            elsif Count > 1 then
                New_Node := new Node;
                Subtree (Count / 2, New_Node.Less);
                New_Node.Value := Next_Value;
                Subtree (Count - Count / 2 - 1, New_Node.More);
            end if;
            N := New_Node;
        end Subtree;

        New_Tree.Count := Count;
        Subtree (Count, New_Tree.Root);
        return New_Tree;

    end Balanced_Tree;


    function Copy_Tree (T : Tree) return Tree is
        I : Iterator;

        function Next_Val return Value_Type is
            V : Value_Type;

            Next (I, V);
            return Copy_Value (V);
        end Next_Val;

        function Copy_Balanced is new Balanced_Tree (Next_Val);

        I := Make_Iter (T);
        return Copy_Balanced (Size (T));

    end Copy_Tree;


    function Is_Empty (T : Tree) return Boolean is
        return T = null or else T.Root = null;

    end Is_Empty;


    procedure Find_Node (V : Value_Type;
                         N : Node_Ptr;
                         Match : out Value_Type;
                         Found : out Boolean) is
        D : Integer;

        if N = null then
            Found := False;
        end if;
        D := Difference (V, N.Value);
        if D < 0 then
            Find_Node (V, N.Less, Match, Found);
        elsif D > 0 then
            Find_Node (V, N.More, Match, Found);
            Match := N.Value;
            Found := True;
        end if;
    end Find_Node;

    function Find (V : Value_Type; T : Tree) return Value_Type is
        Found : Boolean;
        Match : Value_Type;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Find_Node (V, T.Root, Match, Found);
        if Found then
            return Match;
            raise Not_Found;
        end if;
    end Find;

    procedure Find (V : Value_Type;
                    T : Tree;
                    Found : out Boolean;
                    Match : out Value_Type) is
        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Find_Node (V, T.Root, Match, Found);
    end Find;


    function Is_Found (V : Value_Type; T : Tree) return Boolean is
        Found : Boolean;
        Match : Value_Type;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        Find_Node (V, T.Root, Match, Found);
        return Found;

    end Is_Found;


    function Size (T : Tree) return Natural is

        if T = null then
            return 0;
            return T.Count;
        end if;

    end Size;


    procedure Visit (T : Tree; Order : Scan_Kind := Inorder) is

        procedure Visit_Inorder (N : Node_Ptr) is
            if N.Less /= null then
                Visit_Inorder (N.Less);
            end if;
            Process (N.Value);
            if N.More /= null then
                Visit_Inorder (N.More);
            end if;
        end Visit_Inorder;

        procedure Visit_Preorder (N : Node_Ptr) is
            Process (N.Value);
            if N.Less /= null then
                Visit_Preorder (N.Less);
            end if;
            if N.More /= null then
                Visit_Preorder (N.More);
            end if;
        end Visit_Preorder;

        procedure Visit_Postorder (N : Node_Ptr) is
            if N.Less /= null then
                Visit_Postorder (N.Less);
            end if;
            if N.More /= null then
                Visit_Postorder (N.More);
            end if;
            Process (N.Value);
        end Visit_Postorder;

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
            case Order is
                when Inorder =>
                    Visit_Inorder (T.Root);
                when Preorder =>
                    Visit_Preorder (T.Root);
                when Postorder =>
                    Visit_Postorder (T.Root);
            end case;
        end if;
    end Visit;


    function Subtree_Iter (N : Node_Ptr; P : Iterator) return Iterator is

        if N = null then
            return new Iterator_Record'
                          (State => Done, Parent => P, Subtree => N);
        elsif N.Less = null then
            return new Iterator_Record'
                          (State => Middle, Parent => P, Subtree => N);
            return new Iterator_Record'
                          (State => Left, Parent => P, Subtree => N);
        end if;

    end Subtree_Iter;

    function Make_Iter (T : Tree) return Iterator is

        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        return Subtree_Iter (T.Root, null);

    end Make_Iter;

    procedure Make_Iterator (T : Tree;
                             An_Iterator : in out Iterator;
                             A_Value : out Value_Type) is
        if T = null then
            raise Invalid_Tree;
        end if;
        An_Iterator := Subtree_Iter (T.Root, null);
        A_Value := An_Iterator.Subtree.Value;
    end Make_Iterator;


    function More (I : Iterator) return Boolean is

        if I = null then
            return False;
        elsif I.Parent = null then
            return I.State /= Done and I.Subtree /= null;
        elsif I.State = Done then
            return More (I.Parent);
            return True;
        end if;

    end More;


    procedure Pop_Iterator (I : in out Iterator) is
        Ni : Iterator;
            Ni := I;
            I := I.Parent;
            Free_Iterator (Ni);
            exit when I = null;
            exit when I.State /= Done;
        end loop;
    end Pop_Iterator;

    procedure First (I : in out Iterator; V : out Value_Type) is
        if I = null or I.State = Done then
            raise No_More;
        end if;
        V := I.Subtree.Value;
    end First;

    procedure Next (I : in out Iterator; V : out Value_Type) is
        Ni : Iterator;

        if I = null or I.State = Done then
            raise No_More;
        end if;
        case I.State is
            when Left =>
                while I.Subtree.Less /= null loop
                    I.State := Middle;
                    I := Subtree_Iter (I.Subtree.Less, I);
                end loop;
                V := I.Subtree.Value;
                if I.Subtree.More /= null then
                    I.State := Right;
                    Pop_Iterator (I);
                end if;
            when Middle =>
                V := I.Subtree.Value;
                if I.Subtree.More /= null then
                    I.State := Right;
                    Pop_Iterator (I);
                end if;
            when Right =>
                I.State := Done;
                I := Subtree_Iter (I.Subtree.More, I);
                Next (I, V);
            when Done =>
                Pop_Iterator (I);
                Next (I, V);
        end case;

    end Next;


    procedure Search_And_Delete (T : in out Tree; Element : out Value_Type) is

        Node_Tmp : Node_Ptr;

        procedure Search (N : in out Node_Ptr) is
            if N /= null then
                while ((N.Less /= null) or (N.More /= null)) loop
                    if N.Less /= null then
                        N := N.Less;
                    elsif N.More /= null then
                        N := N.More;
                    end if;
                end loop;
            end if;
        end Search;

        procedure Delete (N : in out Node_Ptr) is
            Node_Tmp : Node_Ptr;
            if N /= null then
                while ((N.Less /= null) or (N.More /= null)) loop
                    if N.Less /= null then
                        Node_Tmp := N;
                        N := N.Less;
                    elsif N.More /= null then
                        Node_Tmp := N;
                        N := N.More;
                    end if;
                end loop;
                if Node_Tmp.Less /= null and Node_Tmp.More /= null then
                    N := Node_Tmp;
                    N.Less := null;
                elsif Node_Tmp.More /= null and Node_Tmp.Less = null then
                    N := Node_Tmp;
                    N.More := null;
                elsif Node_Tmp.More = null and Node_Tmp.Less /= null then
                    N := Node_Tmp;
                    N.Less := null;
                    N := Node_Tmp;
                    N := null;
                end if;
                Node_Tmp := null;
            end if;
        end Delete;

        if T.Count = 1 then
            Element := T.Root.Value;
            T.Count := 0;
            Destroy (T);
            Node_Tmp := T.Root;
            Search (Node_Tmp);
            Element := Node_Tmp.Value;
            Node_Tmp := null;
            T.Courant := T.Root;
            Delete (T.Courant);
            T.Count := T.Count - 1;
        end if;
    end Search_And_Delete;


end Binary_Trees;

E3 Meta Data

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        [0x12] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=000
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