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Rational R1000/400

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⟦9c5542605⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 39936 (0x9c00)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Batch_Extensions, seg_0211bc


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Batch_Interface;
with Calendar;
with Compilation_Interface;
with Debug_Tools;
with Extensions_Support;
with Library_Interface;
with Log;
with Object_Class;
with Profile;
with Remote_Command_Interface;
with String_Utilities;
with Target_Dependent_Interface;
with Unit_Interface;
with Utilities;

package body Batch_Extensions is

    package Bi     renames Batch_Interface;
    package Ci     renames Compilation_Interface;
    package Dt     renames Directory_Tools;
    package Du     renames Utilities.Directory_Utilities;
    package Es     renames Extensions_Support;
    package Li     renames Library_Interface;
    package Naming renames Directory.Naming;
    package Rsu    renames Utilities.Rci_Switch_Utilities;
    package Ss     renames Simple_Status;
    package Su     renames String_Utilities;
    package Tdi    renames Target_Dependent_Interface;
    package Ui     renames Unit_Interface;

    This_Target : constant String := "I386_Unix_Als_Xt";

    Debugging                       : Boolean := False;
    Generate_Batch_Compile_Commands : Boolean := False;

    procedure Io_Put_Line (File : Io.File_Type;  
                           Item : String) is
        if Debugging then
            Log.Put_Line ("Batch file <= """ & Item & """", Profile.At_Msg);
        end if;

        Io.Put_Line (File, Item);
    end Io_Put_Line;

    procedure Set_Status (Status     : in out Ss.Condition;
                          Error_Type : String := "RCI Batch_Extensions error";
                          Message    : String;
                          Severity   : Ss.Condition_Class := Ss.Problem) is
        Ss.Create_Condition (Status     => Status,
                             Error_Type => Error_Type,
                             Message    => Message,
                             Severity   => Severity);
    end Set_Status;

    procedure Unhandled_Exception (Status  : in out Ss.Condition;  
                                   Routine :        String) is
        Set_Status (Status     => Status,  
                    Error_Type => "Unhandled exception ",
                    Message    => Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name &
                                     " caught in " & Routine);
    end Unhandled_Exception;

    -- Generate a command to set the context on the target for the given
    -- Current_Object.
    procedure Generate_Context_Change_Command
                 (Host_File_Id   :        Io.File_Type;
                  Current_Object :        Directory.Object;
                  Target_Key     :        String;
                  Status         : in out Ss.Condition) is

        Remote_Directory : constant Li.String_Result :=
              (Naming.Get_Full_Name (Du.Get_View (Current_Object, Profile.Get)),
        if Ss.Error (Remote_Directory.Condition) then
               ("Error in getting the remote directory name for unit " &
                Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object), Profile.Error_Msg);
            Status := Remote_Directory.Condition;
        end if;

            -- Generate the ("cd") command to set the remote context.
            Context_Command : constant String :=
               Tdi.Build_Context_Command (Target_Key,
                                          Remote_Directory.Result, "");
            if Context_Command /= "" then
                -- Put the context command into the script.
                --** cd **
                Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, Context_Command);
            end if;
    end Generate_Context_Change_Command;

    -- Returns True if the given Unit is a main program.
    function Is_Main_Program (Unit : Directory.Object) return Boolean is

        Name : constant String := Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Unit);
       Iter : Naming.Iterator;
        Iter := Du.Get_Objects (Name & "'C(Main_Body)", Profile.Get);

        if Naming."=" (Iter, Naming.Nil) then
            return False;
            return True;
        end if;

        when others =>
            return False;
    end Is_Main_Program;

    -- Generate the batch command to compile a unit.
    function Build_Batch_Compile_Command
                (Target_Key       : String;
                 Current_Object   : Directory.Object;
                 Remote_Unit_Name : String;
                 Response         : Profile.Response_Profile) return String is

        Pre_Options  : constant String :=
           Tdi.Compiler_Pre_Options (Target_Key, Current_Object, Response);
        Post_Options : constant String :=
           Tdi.Compiler_Post_Options (Target_Key, Current_Object, Response);

        Interactive_Command : constant String :=
           Tdi.Build_Compiltion_Command (Target_Key   => Target_Key,
                                          Unit_Name    => Remote_Unit_Name,
                                          Pre_Options  => Pre_Options,
                                          Post_Options => Post_Options);

        Loc          : Natural;
        Local_Status : Ss.Condition;
        -- Interactive_Command will be of the form:
        --   ada compile library=adalib user_switch_options
        --       source= remote_unit_name user_post_options
        -- We will strip off the command prefix, including the 'library'
        -- option, and then we will put back the command "compile" (or its
        -- abbreviation).
        -- Note that this code may need to be changed if Get_Operational_Info
        -- is changed.

        Loc := Su.Locate ("=adalib", Interactive_Command);

        if Loc = 0 then
            Log.Put_Line ("Error in parsing the compile command for unit " &
                          Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),
            return "";
        end if;

        -- or   return "c" & Interactive_Command
        return "compile" & Interactive_Command
                              (Loc + 7 .. Interactive_Command'Last);

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Local_Status, "Build_Batch_Compile_Command");
            return "";
    end Build_Batch_Compile_Command;

    procedure Generate_Acquire_Commands
                 (Host_File_Id     :        Io.File_Type;
                  Host_Unit        :        Directory.Object;
                  Remote_Directory :        String;
                  -- Target_Key       :        String;
                  Status           : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is

        Prereqs : constant Ci.Unit_List :=
           Ci.Promotion_Prerequisites (The_Unit => Host_Unit,  
                                       Response => Profile.Nil);

        With_List : constant Ci.Unit_List :=
           Es.Discard_Units_From_Same_View (Prereqs, Host_Unit);
        -- This is a list of all units in other views that the current host
        -- unit depends upon.

        Unit_Obj         : Directory.Object;
        Current_View_Obj : Directory.Object :=
           Du.Get_View (Host_Unit, Profile.Get);

        Trace_On : constant Boolean := Rsu.Trace_On (Current_View_Obj);

        if not Directory."=" (Directory.Get_Class (Host_Unit),
                              Object_Class.Ada) then
            -- Skip any non-Ada objects (like secondarys).  Actually we won't
            -- have been able to get their Promotion_Prerequisites above.
        end if;

        if Rsu.Is_Host_Only (Current_View_Obj) then
            -- No action if view is Host_Only.
            Ss.Create_Condition (Status, "", "", Ss.Normal);

        end if;

        -- For each unit U that is in the compilation closure of the unit that
        -- is being compiled, generate the commands to enter a link to the
        -- corresponding remote unit into the current remote library.

        if Ss.Error (Prereqs.Condition) then
            Status := Prereqs.Condition;
        end if;

        if Debugging then
            -- Print the names of the prerequisite units.
            for Index in Prereqs.Data'First .. Prereqs.Data'Last loop  
                Unit_Obj := Prereqs.Data (Index);

                Log.Put_Line ("#~~ Prereqs" & Integer'Image (Index) &
                              ": " & Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Unit_Obj),
            end loop;
        end if;

        if Ss.Error (With_List.Condition) then
            Status := With_List.Condition;
        end if;

        -- Set the unit's download time to be the current time.
        Es.Set_Download_Time (Host_Unit, Calendar.Clock);

        if With_List.Size /= 0 then
            -- Generate the commands to import each of the prerequisite units
            -- into Host_Unit's remote directory.
            Es.Batch_Import_Units (Host_File_Id     => Host_File_Id,
                                   Imported_Units   => With_List,
                                   Into_View        => Current_View_Obj,
                                   Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory,
                                   Status           => Status,
                                   Trace_Command    => Trace_On);
        end if;

        when others =>  
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Generate_Acquire_Commands");
    end Generate_Acquire_Commands;

    -- Generate the compile commands for a set of Host_Units.
    procedure Generate_Compile_Commands (Host_File_Id : Io.File_Type;
                                         Host_Units   : Dt.Object.Iterator;
                                         Target_Key   : String;
                                         Status       : in out Ss.Condition) is

        Host_Units_Iter : Dt.Object.Iterator := Host_Units;
        Current_Object  : Directory.Object;
        Current_View    : Directory.Object;
        Previous_View   : Directory.Object   := Directory.Nil;

        Has_Secondary : Boolean := False;
        First_Unit    : Boolean := True;
        Error_Status  : Directory.Error_Status;

        Compile_Pre_Command : constant String :=
           Tdi.Compiler_Pre_Command (Target_Key);

        Resp : Profile.Response_Profile := Profile.Get;
        Dt.Object.Reset (Host_Units_Iter);
        -- Reset the object iterator.

        while not Dt.Object.Done (Host_Units_Iter) loop

            Dt.Object.Low_Level.Get_Object (Dt.Object.Value (Host_Units_Iter),
                                            Current_Object, Error_Status);
            -- Convert the current handle to a directory object.

            if Directory."/=" (Error_Status, Directory.Successful) then
                Log.Put_Line ("Error in getting an object from its handle",
            end if;

            Current_View := Du.Get_View (Current_Object, Resp);

            -- First generate all secondary commands for this host unit.

            Ui.Has_Secondary (Current_Object, Has_Secondary, Status, Resp);
            -- Check if the current object has any secondary referencers.

            if Has_Secondary and then not Ui.Process_Primary
                                             (Current_Object, Resp) then
                -- Do not generate commands for an ADA primary that has one or
                -- more secondarys unless it has Process_Primary set to True.

                Log.Put_Line ("Not generating compile commands " &
                              "for Primary " &
                              Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),

                Log.Put_Line ("Generating compile commands for " &
                              Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),

                if Directory."/=" (Current_View, Previous_View) then
                    if not First_Unit then
                        -- We must change the remote context.  End the
                        -- redirect-input list so we can start another list.
                        --** quit **
                        Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "quit");
                        --    or   Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "q");
                        --** ! **
                        Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "!");
                    end if;

                    --** cd **
                       (Host_File_Id, Current_Object, Target_Key, Status);
                    -- Generate the command to set the remote context to the
                    -- unit's remote directory.

                    if Compile_Pre_Command /= "" then
                        -- Put in the pre-command.
                        --** Pre_Command **
                        Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, Compile_Pre_Command);
                    end if;

                    --** ada <<! **
                    Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "ada <<!");
                    --** default **
                    Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id,
                                 "default.compile library=adalib");
                    -- or Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "d.c li=adalib");
                    --    or we could just have
                    --** invoke **
                    -- Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "invoke inv.tmp");
                    First_Unit    := False;  
                    Previous_View := Current_View;
                end if;

                -- Generate the rest of the compile command for each unit.
                    View_Name : constant String :=
                       Naming.Get_Full_Name (Current_View);

                    Remote_Unit_Name : constant Ui.String_Result :=
                       Ui.Remote_Unit_Name (View     => View_Name,
                                            The_Unit => Current_Object,
                                            Response => Resp);

                    Remote_Directory : constant Li.String_Result :=
                       Li.Remote_Directory (View_Name);
                    if Ss.Error (Remote_Directory.Condition) then
                        Log.Put_Line ("Error in getting the remote " &
                                      "directory name for view " & View_Name,
                        Status := Remote_Directory.Condition;

                    elsif Ss.Error (Remote_Unit_Name.Condition) then
                        Log.Put_Line ("Error in getting the remote name for " &
                                      Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),
                        Status := Remote_Unit_Name.Condition;

                        -- elsif Remote_Unit_Name = "" then
                        --     Log.Put_Line
                        --        ("Error while getting the remote unit name for " &
                        --         Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object) &
                        --         " while generating batch compile commands",
                        --         Profile.Error_Msg);

                        -- We need to include any "acquire" commands that this
                        -- compilation command requires.  Note that we already
                        -- called "ada" on the remote machine.

                        --** Note that we are generating 'acquire' commands for
                        -- only one compile command at a time.  It would be
                        -- more efficient if we could do all the 'acquire's at
                        -- once and then do all of the 'compile's.  That way we
                        -- would only need to go into the unit_manager once,
                        -- though we would need to generate 'other' commands to
                        -- change remote destination libraries.

                        --** acquire **
                           (Host_File_Id     => Host_File_Id,
                            Host_Unit        => Current_Object,
                            Remote_Directory => Remote_Directory.Result,
                            -- Target_Key       => Target_Key,
                            Status           => Status);

                        -- Put in the compile command for this unit.
                        --** compile **
                        Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id,
                                        (This_Target, Current_Object,
                                         Remote_Unit_Name.Result, Resp));
                        -- The batch compile command will be the interactive
                        -- compile command (including the user's options)
                        -- without the initial "ada" and without the constant
                        -- options that we 'default'ed above.
                    end if;
            end if;

            Dt.Object.Next (Host_Units_Iter);
        end loop;

        if not First_Unit then
            -- At least one unit has been processed, so we must specify the end
            -- of the redirected input.
            --** quit **
            Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "quit");
            --    or   Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "q");
            --** ! **
            Io_Put_Line (Host_File_Id, "!");
        end if;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Generate_Compile_Commands");
    end Generate_Compile_Commands;

    -- Generate the commands to process the secondarys for a set of Host_Units.
    procedure Generate_Secondary_Commands (Host_File_Id : Io.File_Type;
                                           Host_Units : Dt.Object.Iterator;
                                           Target_Key : String;
                                           Status : in out Ss.Condition) is

        Host_Units_Iter : Dt.Object.Iterator := Host_Units;
        Current_Object  : Directory.Object;

        Has_Secondary : Boolean := False;  
        Error_Status  : Directory.Error_Status;
        Dt.Object.Reset (Host_Units_Iter);

        while not Dt.Object.Done (Host_Units_Iter) loop

            Dt.Object.Low_Level.Get_Object (Dt.Object.Value (Host_Units_Iter),
                                            Current_Object, Error_Status);
            -- Convert the current handle into a directory object.

            if Directory."/=" (Error_Status, Directory.Successful) then
                Log.Put_Line ("Error in getting an object from its handle",
            end if;

            Ui.Has_Secondary (Current_Object, Has_Secondary,
                              Status, Profile.Get);
            -- Check if the current object has any secondary referencers.

            if Has_Secondary then  
                Log.Put_Line ("Generating the secondary commands for " &
                              Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),

                -- Set the remote context to the unit's remote directory.
                --** cd **
                   (Host_File_Id, Current_Object, Target_Key, Status);

                if Ss.Error (Status) then
                end if;

                -- Generate the commands to process the Current_Object's
                -- secondarys.
                   (Host_File_Id, Current_Object,
                    Target_Key, Status, Profile.Get);

                if Ss.Error (Status) then
                    Log.Put_Line ("Error while generating the " &
                                  "secondary commands for Primary unit " &
                                  Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),
                end if;
            end if;

            Dt.Object.Next (Host_Units_Iter);
        end loop;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Generate_Secondary_Commands");
    end Generate_Secondary_Commands;

    -- Generate the link commands for the main programs in a set of Host_Units.
    procedure Generate_Link_Commands (Compilation_Script_File : Io.File_Type;
                                      Host_Units : Dt.Object.Iterator;
                                      Target_Key : String;
                                      Status : in out Ss.Condition) is

        Host_Units_Iter : Dt.Object.Iterator := Host_Units;
        Current_Object  : Directory.Object;

        Error_Status : Directory.Error_Status;
        Dt.Object.Reset (Host_Units_Iter);
        -- Reset the iterator.

        while not Dt.Object.Done (Host_Units_Iter) loop

            Dt.Object.Low_Level.Get_Object (Dt.Object.Value (Hos_Units_Iter),
                                            Current_Object, Error_Status);
            -- Convert the current handle into a directory object.

            if Directory."/=" (Error_Status, Directory.Successful) then
                Log.Put_Line ("Error in getting an object from its handle",
            end if;

            if Is_Main_Program (Current_Object) then
                -- Generate link commands only for the main units.

                Log.Put_Line ("Generating link commands for " &
                              Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),

                -- Set the remote context to the unit's remote directory.
                --** cd **
                    Current_Object, Target_Key, Status);

                if Ss.Error (Status) then
                end if;

                -- Generate the link commands for the unit.
                --** bind **
                   (Compilation_Script_File, Current_Object,
                    Target_Key, Status, Profile.Get);

                if Ss.Error (Status) then
                    Log.Put_Line ("Error while generating the " &
                                  "link commands for " &
                                  Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Current_Object),
                end if;  
            end if;

            Dt.Object.Next (Host_Units_Iter);
        end loop;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Generate_Link_Commands");
    end Generate_Link_Commands;

    procedure Build_Script_Preprocess
                 (Compilation_Script_File : Io.File_Type;
                  Move_Script_File        : Io.File_Type;
                  Build_Via_Tape          : Boolean;
                  Host_Units              : Directory_Tools.Object.Iterator;
                  Link_Main_Units         : Boolean;
                  Remote_Machine          : String;  
                  Remote_Connection       : Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status                  : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is

        Log.Put_Line ("#~~Build_Script_Preprocess (Build_Via_Tape => " &
                      Boolean'Image (Build_Via_Tape) & ", Link_Main_Units => " &
                      Boolean'Image (Link_Main_Units) &
                      ", Remote_Machine => """ & Remote_Machine & """)",

        if Generate_Batch_Compile_Commands then
        end if;

        Ss.Initialize (Status);

        -- We will not intermix ADA and secondary commands (unlike the
        -- interactive mode).  This is because we want to compile all ADA units
        -- with a single elaboration of the target ADA compiler.

        -- Generate all secondary commands first.
        Generate_Secondary_Commands (Compilation_Script_File,
                                     Host_Units, This_Target, Status);

        if Ss.Error (Status) then
        end if;

        -- Now we can generate all of the compile commands.
        Generate_Compile_Commands (Compilation_Script_File,
                                   Host_Units, This_Target, Status);

        if Ss.Error (Status) then
        end if;

        if Link_Main_Units then
            -- Generate link commands for all main units in the list.
            Generate_Link_Commands (Compilation_Script_File,
                                    Host_Units, This_Target, Status);
        end if;

        when others =>
            Unhandled_Exception (Status, "Build_Script_Preprocess");
    end Build_Script_Preprocess;

    procedure Build_Script_Postprocess
                 (Compilation_Script_File : Io.File_Type;
                  Move_Script_File        : Io.File_Type;
                  Build_Via_Tape          : Boolean;
                  Host_Units              : Directory_Tools.Object.Iterator;
                  Link_Main_Units         : Boolean;
                  Remote_Machine          : String;  
                  Remote_Connection       : Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status                  : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is
        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Executing Build_Script_Postprocess",
                      Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

        Ss.Initialize (Status);
    end Build_Script_Postprocess;

    procedure Execute_Script_Preprocess
                 (Host_Script_Unit   :        Directory.Object;
                  Remote_Script_File :        String;
                  Remote_Connection  :        Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status             : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is
        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Executing Execute_Script_Preprocess",
                      Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

        Ss.Initialize (Status);
    end Execute_Script_Preprocess;

    procedure Execute_Script_Postprocess
                 (Host_Script_Unit   :        Directory.Object;
                  Remote_Script_File :        String;
                  Remote_Connection  :        Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status             : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is
        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Executing Execute_Script_Postprocess",
                      Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

        Ss.Initialize (Status);
    end Execute_Script_Postprocess;

    procedure Upload_Associated_Files_Preprocess
                 (Units             :        Directory_Tools.Object.Iterator;
                  Remote_Machine    :        String;
                  Remote_Connection :        Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status            : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is
        Log.Put_Line (Message => "Executing Upload_Associated_Files_Preprocess",
                      Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

        Ss.Initialize (Status);
    end Upload_Associated_Files_Preprocess;

    procedure Upload_Associated_Files_Postprocess
                 (Units             :        Directory_Tools.Object.Iterator;
                  Remote_Machine    :        String;
                  Remote_Connection :        Remote_Command_Interface.Context;
                  Status            : in out Simple_Status.Condition) is
        Log.Put_Line (Message =>
                         "Executing Upload_Associated_Files_Postprocess",
                      Kind    => Profile.Note_Msg);

        Ss.Initialize (Status);
    end Upload_Associated_Files_Postprocess;

end Batch_Extensions;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=052
        [0x01] rec0=02 rec1=00 rec2=26 rec3=056
        [0x02] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=044
        [0x03] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=01a
        [0x04] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=002
        [0x05] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=036
        [0x06] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=25 rec3=002
        [0x07] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=016
        [0x08] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=24 rec3=012
        [0x09] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=054
        [0x0a] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=01a
        [0x0b] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=23 rec3=000
        [0x0c] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=052
        [0x0d] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=08a
        [0x0e] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=028
        [0x0f] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=22 rec3=018
        [0x10] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=052
        [0x11] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=03a
        [0x12] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=000
        [0x13] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=010
        [0x14] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=006
        [0x15] rec0=12 rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=01e
        [0x16] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=03e
        [0x17] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=076
        [0x18] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=03c
        [0x19] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=004
        [0x1a] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=014
        [0x1b] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=024
        [0x1c] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=080
        [0x1d] rec0=00 rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=002
        [0x1e] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=018
        [0x1f] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=022
        [0x20] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=02e
        [0x21] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=00a
        [0x22] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=054
        [0x23] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=01c
        [0x24] rec0=14 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=07a
        [0x25] rec0=07 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=001
    tail 0x2151caee2838d6ad448e6 0x42a00088462065003