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Length: 22528 (0x5800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Turtle_Class, seg_0370bf, seg_0370cd
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Integer_Class; with String_Class; with Elementary_Functions; use Elementary_Functions; with Bounded_String; with Symbol; with Counter; with Bug; with Text_Io; package body Turtle_Class is type Turtle_Unary_Message is (Petit, Moyen, Large, Entexte, Tonx, Tony, Tonangle, Levetaplume, Baissetaplume, Rentrecheztoi, Clone); type Turtle_Keyword_Message is (Adroite, Agauche, Avance, Recule, Vaenx, Y, Tonx, Tony, Tonangle); Max_Table : constant := 10; Void_Turtle : constant Object_Turtle := (State => False, X => 0, Y => 0, Head_State => False, Angle => 0, Size => 1); subtype Index_Table is Positive range 1 .. Max_Table; Turtle_Table : array (Index_Table) of Object_Turtle; package Bs renames Bounded_String; function Id (From : Object.Reference) return Integer is use Object; begin return Object.Get_Value (From_Object => From); end Id; function Convert (I : Direction) return Float is The_Value : Float; Pi : constant Float := 3.14159; begin The_Value := Float (I); return ((Pi * The_Value) / 180.0); end Convert; function Free_Index return Index_Table is Index : Index_Table := 1; begin loop exit when (Turtle_Table (Index) = Void_Turtle); if Index = Max_Table then raise Bug.Too_Many_Turtles; end if; Index := Index + 1; end loop; return (Index); end Free_Index; function Get_Turtle (From : Object.Reference) return Object_Turtle is begin return Turtle_Table (Id (From => From)); end Get_Turtle; procedure Refresh (The_Object : Object.Reference) is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); begin Easy_X.Move_To (X => The_Turtle.X, Y => The_Turtle.Y); end Refresh; function Move (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle; begin The_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Easy_X.Set_Pen (Size => The_Turtle.Size); if The_Turtle.Head_State then Easy_X.Line_To (X => The_Turtle.X, Y => The_Turtle.Y); else Easy_X.Move_To (X => The_Turtle.X, Y => The_Turtle.Y); end if; return The_Object; end Move; procedure Init is begin for I in Turtle_Table'Range loop Turtle_Table (I) := Void_Turtle; end loop; end Init; procedure Reset is begin Init; Create_Default; end Reset; function Create (The_Name : Message.Tiny_String) return Object.Reference is New_Object : Object.Reference; New_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Index : Index_Table; begin Index := Free_Index; New_Turtle.State := True; Turtle_Table (Index) := New_Turtle; New_Object := Object.Create (Ident_Class => Object.Turtle_Class, Ident_Object => Index); Symbol.Insert (Name => The_Name, New_Reference => New_Object); return New_Object; end Create; procedure Create_Default is The_Name : Message.Tiny_String; The_Turtle : Object.Reference; begin Bs.Free (V => The_Name); Bs.Append (The_Name, "Tortue"); The_Turtle := Create (The_Name); end Create_Default; function Clone (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_New_Turtle : Object_Turtle; New_Index : Index_Table; New_Object : Object.Reference; begin The_New_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); New_Index := Free_Index; Turtle_Table (New_Index) := The_New_Turtle; New_Object := Object.Create (Ident_Class => Object.Turtle_Class, Ident_Object => New_Index); return New_Object; end Clone; function Get_X (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Get_X_Value : Integer; begin The_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Get_X_Value := Integer (The_Turtle.X); return Integer_Class.Create (Value => Get_X_Value); end Get_X; function Get_Y (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Get_Y_Value : Integer; begin The_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Get_Y_Value := Integer (The_Turtle.Y); return Integer_Class.Create (Value => Get_Y_Value); end Get_Y; function Get_Direction (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Get_Direction_Value : Integer; begin The_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Get_Direction_Value := Integer (The_Turtle.Angle); return Integer_Class.Create (Value => Get_Direction_Value); end Get_Direction; function Head_Up (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); begin Turtle_Table (Index).Head_State := False; return The_Object; end Head_Up; function Head_Down (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); begin Turtle_Table (Index).Head_State := True; return The_Object; end Head_Down; procedure In_Text (The_Object : Object.Reference) is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Get_Turtle (The_Object); The_String, Pas, N : Message.Tiny_String; begin if not The_Turtle.State then Bs.Copy (Pas, " pas "); Bs.Copy (N, " n' "); end if; Object.In_Text (The_Object); Bs.Copy (The_String, " Voici mon X: " & Easy_X.Coordinate'Image (The_Turtle.X)); Bs.Append (The_String, " ,mon Y: " & Easy_X.Coordinate'Image (The_Turtle.Y)); Bs.Append (The_String, " ,mon Angle: " & Direction'Image (The_Turtle.Angle)); Bs.Append (The_String, "; Ma Tete "); Bs.Append (The_String, N); Bs.Append (The_String, "est"); Bs.Append (The_String, Pas); Bs.Append (The_String, " levee ."); Text_Io.Put_Line (Bs.Image (The_String)); end In_Text; function Go_Home (The_Object : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); begin The_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); The_Turtle := Void_Turtle; Turtle_Table (Index) := The_Turtle; return Move (The_Object); end Go_Home; function Set_X (The_Object, X : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is X_Position : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (X) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; X_Position := Object.Get_Value (X); Turtle_Table (Index).X := Easy_X.Coordinate (X_Position); return The_Object; end Set_X; function Set_Y (The_Object, Y : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Y_Position : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if Object.Get_Class (Y) /= Object.Integer_Class then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Y_Position := Object.Get_Value (Y); Turtle_Table (Index).Y := Easy_X.Coordinate (Y_Position); return The_Object; end Set_Y; function Goto_Xy (The_Object, X, Y : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Y_Position : Integer; X_Position : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (X) /= Object.Integer_Class) or (Object.Get_Class (Y) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Y_Position := Object.Get_Value (Y); X_Position := Object.Get_Value (X); Turtle_Table (Index).X := Easy_X.Coordinate (X_Position); Turtle_Table (Index).Y := Easy_X.Coordinate (Y_Position); return Move (The_Object => The_Object); end Goto_Xy; function Set_Direction (The_Object, Get_Direction : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is Get_Direction_Value : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (Get_Direction) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Get_Direction_Value := Object.Get_Value (Get_Direction); if Get_Direction_Value < 0 then Get_Direction_Value := (Get_Direction_Value + 360) mod 360; end if; Turtle_Table (Index).Angle := Direction (Get_Direction_Value mod 360); return The_Object; end Set_Direction; function Set_Size (The_Object : Object.Reference; The_Size : Turtle_Unary_Message) return Object.Reference is Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); begin case The_Size is when Petit => Turtle_Table (Index).Size := 1; when Moyen => Turtle_Table (Index).Size := 2; when Large => Turtle_Table (Index).Size := 3; when others => null; end case; return The_Object; end Set_Size; function Go (The_Object, The_Movement : Object.Reference; Go_Back : Boolean) return Object.Reference is use Easy_X.Arithmetic; The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Movement : Integer; Current_X : Easy_X.Coordinate := The_Turtle.X; Current_Y : Easy_X.Coordinate := The_Turtle.Y; Current_Angle : Direction := The_Turtle.Angle; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); Result_X : Float; Result_Y : Float; X, Y : Integer; use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (The_Movement) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Movement := Object.Get_Value (The_Movement); Refresh (The_Object); if Go_Back then Current_Angle := (Current_Angle + 180) mod 360; end if; Result_X := Cos (Convert (I => Current_Angle)) * Float (Movement); Result_Y := Sin (Convert (I => Current_Angle)) * Float (Movement); X := Integer (Current_X) + Integer (Result_X); Y := Integer (Current_Y) + Integer (Result_Y); The_Turtle.X := Easy_X.Coordinate (X); The_Turtle.Y := Easy_X.Coordinate (Y); Turtle_Table (Index) := The_Turtle; return Move (The_Object => The_Object); end Go; function To_Left (The_Object, The_Angle : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Get_Direction : Integer; Next_Angle : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (The_Angle) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Get_Direction := Object.Get_Value (The_Angle); Next_Angle := (Integer (The_Turtle.Angle) - Get_Direction) mod 360; if Next_Angle < 0 then Next_Angle := Next_Angle + 360; end if; The_Turtle.Angle := Direction (Next_Angle); Turtle_Table (Index) := The_Turtle; return The_Object; end To_Left; function To_Right (The_Object, The_Angle : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is The_Turtle : Object_Turtle := Get_Turtle (From => The_Object); Get_Direction : Integer; Next_Angle : Integer; Index : Integer := Id (From => The_Object); use Object; begin if (Object.Get_Class (The_Angle) /= Object.Integer_Class) then raise Bug.Mismatch_Type; end if; Get_Direction := Object.Get_Value (The_Angle); Next_Angle := (Integer (The_Turtle.Angle) + Get_Direction) mod 360; The_Turtle.Angle := Direction (Next_Angle); Turtle_Table (Index) := The_Turtle; return The_Object; end To_Right; function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference; The_Messages : Message.List; With_Arguments : Argument.List) return Object.Reference is Result, Arg1, Arg2 : Object.Reference := Object.Void_Reference; Args : Argument.List; Message_List : Message.List; Message_Receive : Message.Tiny_String; Nb_Message : Natural; Message_To_Turtle : Turtle_Keyword_Message; First_Coordinate : Boolean := False; begin Args := With_Arguments; Message_List := The_Messages; Nb_Message := Message.How_Many (L => Message_List); for I in 1 .. Nb_Message loop Counter.Increase (Object.Turtle_Class); Arg1 := Argument.Get (L => Args); Message_Receive := Message.Get (L => Message_List); Message_To_Turtle := Turtle_Keyword_Message'Value (Bs.Image (Message_Receive)); case Message_To_Turtle is when Tonx => Result := Set_X (The_Object => To_Object, X => Arg1); when Tony => Result := Set_Y (The_Object => To_Object, Y => Arg1); when Avance => Result := Go (The_Object => To_Object, The_Movement => Arg1, Go_Back => False); when Recule => Result := Go (The_Object => To_Object, The_Movement => Arg1, Go_Back => True); when Agauche => Result := To_Left (The_Object => To_Object, The_Angle => Arg1); when Adroite => Result := To_Right (The_Object => To_Object, The_Angle => Arg1); when Tonangle => Result := Set_Direction (The_Object => To_Object, Get_Direction => Arg1); when Y => Arg2 := Arg1; First_Coordinate := True; Result := Object.Void_Reference; when Vaenx => if First_Coordinate then Result := Goto_Xy (The_Object => To_Object, X => Arg1, Y => Arg2); First_Coordinate := False; else raise Bug.Unknown_Turtle_Message; end if; end case; Message.Next (L => Message_List, Mess => Message_Receive); Argument.Next (L => Args, Obj => Arg1); Counter.Stop_Time (Object.Turtle_Class); end loop; return Result; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug.Unknown_Turtle_Message; end Send; function Send (To_Object : Object.Reference; The_Message : Message.Tiny_String) return Object.Reference is Result : Object.Reference := Object.Void_Reference; Message_To_Turtle : Turtle_Unary_Message; begin Message_To_Turtle := Turtle_Unary_Message'Value (Bs.Image (The_Message)); Counter.Increase (Object.Turtle_Class); case Message_To_Turtle is when Levetaplume => Result := Head_Up (The_Object => To_Object); when Baissetaplume => Result := Head_Down (The_Object => To_Object); when Rentrecheztoi => Result := Go_Home (The_Object => To_Object); when Tonx => Result := Get_X (The_Object => To_Object); when Tony => Result := Get_Y (The_Object => To_Object); when Tonangle => Result := Get_Direction (The_Object => To_Object); when Clone => Result := Clone (The_Object => To_Object); when Entexte => In_Text (The_Object => To_Object); Result := To_Object; when Petit | Moyen | Large => Result := Set_Size (The_Object => To_Object, The_Size => Message_To_Turtle); end case; Counter.Stop_Time (Class => Object.Turtle_Class); return Result; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug.Unknown_Turtle_Message; end Send; begin Init; end Turtle_Class;
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