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Length: 13312 (0x3400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, procedure Build_Rpc_Servers, seg_020c1f
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Ada_Program; with Links; with Log; with Profile; with System_Utilities; with Io; with Compilation; with Rpc_Io; with Interface_Analysis; with Time_Utilities; with Directory_Tools; with Library; procedure Build_Rpc_Servers (For_Package : String := "<SELECTION>"; Promote : Boolean := True; In_Library : String := "<REGION>"; Response : String := "<PROFILE>") is package Object renames Directory_Tools.Object; package Ada_Object renames Directory_Tools.Ada_Object; package Naming renames Directory_Tools.Naming; package Analysis renames Interface_Analysis; Ref_Iter : Analysis.Reference_Iterator; function Time_Stamp (Date : Time_Utilities.Time := Time_Utilities.Get_Time; Date_Style : Time_Utilities.Date_Format := Time_Utilities.Ada; Time_Style : Time_Utilities.Time_Format := Time_Utilities.Ada; Contents : Time_Utilities.Image_Contents := Time_Utilities.Both) return String renames Time_Utilities.Image; The_Package : Object.Handle := Naming.Resolution (For_Package); Destination_Library : Object.Handle := Naming.Resolution (In_Library); Package_Name : constant String := Naming.Unique_Full_Name (For_Package); Root_Name : constant String := Naming.Simple_Name (The_Package); Remote : constant String := Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Destination_Library) & ".Remote_Host_Units"; Local : constant String := Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Destination_Library) & ".R1000_Units"; Output : Io.File_Type; Db : Interface_Analysis.Database; -- File_Name : constant String := -- "!machine.temporary.rpc_" & -- System_Utilities.User_Name & "_" & Time_Stamp; -- function Filename return String is begin return "!MACHINE.TEMPORARY.RPC_" & System_Utilities.User_Name & "_" & Time_Stamp; end Filename; function Is_Library_Level_Package (The_Package : Object.Handle) return Boolean is Comp_Kind : Ada_Object.Compilation_Kind := Ada_Object.Kind (The_Package); Kind : Ada_Object.Unit_Kind := Ada_Object.Kind (The_Package); begin case Comp_Kind is when Ada_Object.Library_Unit => null; when others => return False; end case; case Kind is when Ada_Object.Package_Spec => return True; when others => return False; end case; end Is_Library_Level_Package; begin if Object.Is_Bad (The_Package) then Log.Put_Line (For_Package & " is not a valid pathname", Profile.Error_Msg); elsif not Ada_Object.Is_Installed (The_Package) then Log.Put_Line (For_Package & " is not installed", Profile.Error_Msg); elsif not Is_Library_Level_Package (The_Package) then Log.Put_Line (For_Package & " is not a library level package", Profile.Error_Msg); elsif Object.Is_Bad (Destination_Library) then Log.Put_Line (In_Library & " is not a valid pathname", Profile.Error_Msg); else Library.Create_World (Name => Local, Kind => Library.World, Vol => Library.Nil, Model => "!Model.R1000_IMPLEMENTATION", Response => Response); Library.Create_World (Name => Remote, Kind => Library.World, Vol => Library.Nil, Model => "!Model.R1000_IMPLEMENTATION", Response => Response); Library.Copy (From => Package_Name, To => Local, Response => Response); Library.Copy (From => Package_Name, To => Remote, Response => Response); Interface_Analysis.Analyze (Package_Name, Db); Analysis.Init (Db, Ref_Iter); while not Analysis.Done (Ref_Iter) loop declare Obj : Object.Handle := Ada_Program.Conversion.To_Directory_Object (Analysis.Referenced_Unit (Ref_Iter)); Unit_Name : constant String := Naming.Unique_Full_Name (Obj); begin if not Object.Equal (Obj, The_Package) then Links.Replace (Source => Unit_Name, Link => "#", World => Local, Response => Response); Links.Replace (Source => Unit_Name, Link => "#", World => Remote, Response => Response); end if; end; Analysis.Next (Ref_Iter); end loop; declare File_Name : constant String := Filename; begin Io.Create (Output, Io.Out_File, File_Name); Rpc_Io.Build_Interchange_Package_Spec (Db, Root_Name, Output); Rpc_Io.Build_Interchange_Package_Body (Db, Root_Name, Output); Io.Close (Output); Compilation.Parse (File_Name => File_Name, Directory => Local, Response => Response); Compilation.Parse (File_Name => File_Name, Directory => Remote, Response => Response); end; declare File_Name : constant String := Filename; begin Io.Create (Output, Io.Out_File, File_Name); Rpc_Io.Build_Local_Package_Body (Db, Root_Name, Output); Io.Close (Output); Compilation.Parse (File_Name => File_Name, Directory => Local, Response => Response); end; declare File_Name : constant String := Filename; begin Io.Create (Output, Io.Out_File, File_Name); Rpc_Io.Build_Defs_Package (Db, Root_Name, Output); Io.Close (Output); Compilation.Parse (File_Name => File_Name, Directory => Local, Response => Response); if Promote then Compilation.Make (Unit => Local, Goal => Compilation.Installed, Response => Response); end if; Io.Append (Output, File_Name); Rpc_Io.Build_Server_Package_Spec (Db, Root_Name, Output); Rpc_Io.Build_Server_Package_Body (Db, Root_Name, Output); Io.Close (Output); Compilation.Parse (File_Name => File_Name, Directory => Remote, Response => Response); if Promote then Compilation.Make (Unit => Remote, Goal => Compilation.Installed, Response => Response); end if; end; end if; end Build_Rpc_Servers;
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