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⟦a1e4d0e35⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 8192 (0x2000)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Local_Time, seg_050958, separate Calendar


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with System;
use System;
with Errno;
with V_I_Time;

separate (Calendar)
package body Local_Time is

    One_100_Usec : constant Duration := 0.000100;

    type Unix_Time is
            Sec : Integer; -- seconds since Jan. 1, 1970
            Usec : Integer; -- and microseconds
        end record;

    subtype Time_Ptr is Address; --access unix_time;

    type Timezone is
            Minuteswest : Integer; -- of Greenwich
            Dsttime : Integer; -- type of dst correction to apply
        end record;
    subtype Timezone_Ptr is Address; --access timezone;

    type Tm is
            Sec : Integer;
            Min : Integer;
            Hour : Integer;
            Mday : Integer;
            Mon : Integer;
            Year : Integer;
            Wday : Integer;
            Yday : Integer;
            Isdst : Integer;
        end record;

    type Tm_Ptr is access Tm;
    pragma Local_Access (Tm_Ptr);

    function Gettimeofday (Tp : Time_Ptr; Tzp : Timezone_Ptr) return Integer;
    pragma Interface (C, Gettimeofday);

    function Localtime (T : Time_Ptr) return Tm_Ptr;
    pragma Interface (C, Localtime);

    -- Table of common Daylight Savings varieties

    type Months is (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec);

    type Hemispheres is (Northern, Southern);
    This_Hemisphere : Hemispheres;

    type Dst_Rec is
            Yr_In_Effect : Year_Number;
            Change_Month1 : Months;
            Change_Sunday_After1 : Day_Number;
            Change_Month2 : Months;
            Change_Sunday_After2 : Day_Number;
            Seconds : Time_Float;
        end record;

    --| ATTENTION:
    --| The following tables and constants need to be adjusted when the VADS
    --| is installed at a site not in the PACIFIC time zone.  For the U.S., the
    --| dst table is correct everywhere that daylight savings applies.  The
    --| only changes, then, are to the zone names and to the hours_west_of_GMT.
    --| For example, in the Eastern time zone, "EDT", "EST", and 5 should do
    --| the trick.  In Indiana, where no daylight savings applies, then these
    --| tables can be ignored, and the daylight_savings funtion can return 0.0
    --| in all cases.
    --| If these tables are not adjusted, no disaster will occur.  Dates are
    --| normalized to GMT (Grenwich Meridian Time) to provide uniformity on
    --| geographically interconnected machines.  If these tables are not
    --| changed, then dates cannot be directly transfered (correctly) among
    --| these machines.

    -- dst (daylight savings time) for the PACIFIC time zone of the U.S.
    Dst_Zone_Name : constant String := "PDT";
    Non_Dst_Zone_Name : constant String := "PST";
    Hours_West_Of_Gmt : constant := 8;
    Dst_Entries : constant := 3;
    -- valid for most of the U.S.; Indiana has no DST, for example
    Dst_Table : constant array (1 .. Dst_Entries) of Dst_Rec :=
       ((1974, Jan, 6, Nov, 24, 3600.0), (1975, Mar, 1, Oct, 25, 3600.0),
        (1976, Apr, 24, Oct, 25, 3600.0));

    --| End of material to change, if the above daylight savings model applies.

    function Clock return Time is
        Day : Day_T;
        Sec : Duration;
        V_I_Time.Current_Time (Day, Sec);
        return (Integer (Day), Sec);
    end Clock;

    procedure Initialize_Clock is
        use Errno;
        Tp : Unix_Time;
        Tzp : Timezone;
        Tm : Tm_Ptr;
        Seconds : Integer;
        Date : Time;
            exit when Gettimeofday (Tp'Address, Tzp'Address) /= -1;
            case Errno.Errno is
                when Eintr =>
                    null; -- try try again
                when Efault =>
                    raise Storage_Error;
                when others =>
                    exit; -- shouldn't happen
            end case;
        end loop;

        Tm := Localtime (Tp'Address);
        Seconds := Tm.Sec + Tm.Min * 60 + Tm.Hour * 3600;
        Date := Time_Of (Tm.Year + 1900, Tm.Mon + 1, Tm.Mday,
                         (Seconds * 10000 + Tp.Usec / 100) * One_100_Usec);
        V_I_Time.Set_Time (Day_T (Date.Julian_Day), Date.Sec, Tp'Address);
        when Numeric_Error =>
            raise Time_Error;
    end Initialize_Clock;

    function Sunday_After
                (Y : Year_Number; M : Months; D : Day_Number) return Integer is
        Jday : Integer := Julian_Day_Of (Y, Months'Pos (M) + 1, D);
        -- the 0th julian day was a monday.
        return ((Jday / 7) * 7) + 6;
    end Sunday_After;

    function Daylight_Savings (Year, Julian_Day : Integer) return Time_Float is
        Change1, Change2 : Integer;
        for I in reverse 1 .. Dst_Entries loop
            if Year >= Dst_Table (I).Yr_In_Effect then
                Change1 := Sunday_After (Year, Dst_Table (I).Change_Month1,
                                         Dst_Table (I).Change_Sunday_After1);
                Change2 := Sunday_After (Year, Dst_Table (I).Change_Month2,
                                         Dst_Table (I).Change_Sunday_After2);
                if Julian_Day >= Change1 and then Julian_Day < Change2 then
                    if This_Hemisphere = Northern then
                        return Dst_Table (I).Seconds;
                        return 0.0;
                    end if;
                    if This_Hemisphere = Northern then
                        return 0.0;
                        return Dst_Table (I).Seconds;
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;
        return 0.0; -- date was before dst went into effect
    end Daylight_Savings;

    This_Hemisphere := Northern;
    Seconds_From_Gmt := Time_Float (Hours_West_Of_Gmt) * 3600.0;
end Local_Time;

E3 Meta Data

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