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Rational R1000/400

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⟦a574545fa⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 13312 (0x3400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package Release, seg_00429e


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Rxi_Install;
use Rxi_Install;
with Rxi_String;
use Rxi_String;

package Release is
-- Rev10_0       - 09/20/88 Alpha release (internal)
-- Rev10_1       - 10/05/88 Beta release (external)
-- Rev10_2       - 11/02/88 Product release (X11R2,XSun)
-- Rev10_3       - 02/14/89 Product release (X11R2,X11R3,XSun3)
-- Rev10_4_0     - 04/27/89 Beta release (IBM2.1,XRTUS)
-- Rev10_4_1     - 05/09/89 Beta release (X11R2,X11R3,IBM2.1,XSun3/4,XRTUS)
-- Rev10_4_2     - 05/20/89 Product release (XSun3/4,XRTUS)
-- Rev10_4_3     - 07/12/89 Maintenance release
-- Rev10_5_0     - 09/15/89 Window resizing, XDecUS, XNCD (internal alpha)
-- Rev10_5_1     - 09/27/89 XNews support (internal alpha)
-- Release10_5_2 - 10/29/89 First encapsuled executables (internal alpha)
-- Release10_5_2 - 12/10/89 First encapsuled executables
-- Release10_5_2a- 04/04/90 Bug fix; Vms Show Display output changed
-- Release10_6_0 - 01/15/90 XHP46021A
-- Release10_6_1 - 03/19/90 XHP & XNCD on HPUX 7.0 (beta)
-- Release10_6_2 - 03/21/90 IBM R/6000 (RIOS) AIX 3.1
-- Release10_6_2a- 05/15/90 XNeWS 2.0 support
-- Release10_6_3 - 06/14/90 XHP46021A *only*; production release.
-- Release10_6_4 - 08/07/90 Full release; X11R4 support for all platforms.
-- Release10_6_4a- 08/27/90 Full release; Aix server bug workaround and
-- Release10_7_0 - 07/26/90 XApollo3 (model 7121) keyboard.
--                          XNeWS font bug workaround
-- Release10_7_1 - 09/12/90 FullProduct Release;
--                      XSun3/4     - SUN
--                      Xr6us       - RS/6000
--                      Xdecus      - VMS, Multinet, Wollongong
--                      Xhp46021a   - HP
--                      Xapollo3    - Apollo
--                  Does *not* contain XNeWS3/4
-- Release10_7_2 - 10/29/90 Apollo - XApolloM
    package Info is

        function Number return String;
-- This is the current release number/name for this version of RXI.
-- eg. "Release10_5_0"

        function R1000_Working return String;
-- This is the current development source directory.  Rational internal only.
-- eg. "!Environment.Rxi.Rev10_Working.Unit."

        function R1000_Release return String;
-- This is the current customer release directory.
-- eg. "!Machine.Release.X_Interface.Release10_5_0."

        function R1000_Archive return String;
-- This is the current customer release archive.
-- eg. "!Machine.Release.Archive.X_Interface.Release10_5_0.Release."

        function Workstation_Source_Dir (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the directory on a remote workstation where the "master" source
-- for some terminal type is kept.  eg. "/src/X/rxi/rev10-5/src/x11r3".
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Source_Machine to ftp the source.

        function Workstation_Source_Machine (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the machine where the "master" source for some terminal type is kept.
-- eg. "amber".
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Source_Dir to ftp the source.

        function Workstation_Exe_Dir (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the directory on a remote workstation where we create the
-- Rational-Supplied-Executable version of RXI for some terminal type is kept.
-- eg. "/src/X/rxi/rev10-5/exe/xsun3_x11r3".
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Exe_Machine to ftp the canned RXI.

        function Workstation_Exe_Machine (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the machine where we create the Rational-Supplied-Executable version
-- of RXI for some terminal type is kept.  eg. "worthog"
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Exe_Dir to ftp the canned RXI.

        function Workstation_Test_Dir (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the directory on a remote workstation where we test the
-- Rational-Supplied-Executable version of RXI for some terminal type.
-- eg. "/src/X/rxi/rev10-5/test/xsun3_x11r3".
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Test_Machine to ftp the canned RXI.

        function Workstation_Test_Machine (Kbd : Terminal_Type) return String;
-- This is the machine where we test the Rational-Supplied-Executable version
-- of RXI for some terminal type.  eg. "worthog"
-- Use this in conjunction with Workstation_Test_Dir to ftp the canned RXI.

    end Info;

-- Keyboard_Id_Value - each keyboard has a unique Id value associated with it.
--  We can only expect to be able to make numbers in this range work.  Numbers
--  larger than this may prevent some computers from recognizing RXI as a
--  Vt100 because the 2nd parameter in the what-are-you response will be > 3
--  digits; <esc>.'['.'1'.';'.ddd.'c'; numbers larger than this will work as
--  far as the R1000/Core_Editor is concerned but we would like to continue
--  to be able to masquerade as a Vt100 emulator as well.  The value 0 (zero)
--  is reserved for use when recognition is turned off in RXI completely;
--  either through "rxi -rcg 0" or by use of the Vt100 Recognition menu item;
--  in that case rxi is indistinguishable from an instance of xterm (a pure
--  Vt100 emulation).

    subtype Keyboard_Id_Value is Natural range 1 .. 63;

-- Keyboard_Info - In order to automate the process of maintenance and release
--  as much as possible we need various pieces of information on each
--  Terminal_Type.

    type Keyboard_Info is
            Name       : Heap_String;
            Id         : Keyboard_Id_Value;
            Comment1   : Heap_String;
            Comment2   : Heap_String;
            R1000_Dir  : Heap_String;
            Source_Dir : Heap_String;
            Lines      : Positive;
            Columns    : Positive;
            Tt_Extra   : Heap_String;
            Has_Source : Boolean;
        end record;

--  Name            - Name of the keyboard as defined by Rational.  This name
--                    will be used to name files, eg. XSun3_Commands.
--  Id              - Unique-to-this-keyboard numeric value used for
--                    auto-recognition.
--  Comment1        - Comment to appear in the recognition.h file.
--  Comment2        - Comment to appear in the recognition.h file.
--  R1000_Dir       - Directory on the R1000 to use when installing workstation
--                    files.
--  Source_Dir      - Directory on the R1000 to use when saving master source.
--  Lines           - Number of lines in maximum-window for this keybaord type.
--  Columns         - Number of dolumns in maximum window for this keyboard
--                    type.
--  Tt_Extra        - Extra lines to insert into the system Terminal_Types file.
--  Has_Source      - Some keyboards are just X terminals.  Since they are not
--                    workstations they do not have associated workstation
--                    files.  This field is TRUE if this keyboard is attached
--                    to a "real" workstation and FALSE if it is "just" an
--                    X terminal.

    function Supported_Keyboards (Terminal : Terminal_Type)  
                                 return Keyboard_Info;

-- File_Info - For each RXI source or executable file and terminal type
-- combination we have an R1000 file name and a workstation file name.

    type File_Kind is (Text,            -- Ascii text; shipped
                       Binary);         -- Binary file; shipped

    type File_Info is
            File_Type    : File_Kind;     -- What kind of file is it
            Master_File  : Heap_String;   -- Name on master-source machine
            Install_File : Heap_String;   -- Name on target workstation machine
        end record;

----Names for recognition.h on various targets.  Have some sort of single
--  leading character that can be chopped or else used to separate from a
--  prepended prefix.

    function Recognition_File (Terminal : Terminal_Type) return File_Info;

----Names for all other files; there are 1..Source_Length sources and there are
--  1..Install_Length installation files for a given Terminal_Type.

    function Install_Length (Terminal : Terminal_Type) return Natural;

    function Install (Terminal : Terminal_Type;  
                      File_No  : Positive) return File_Info;

    function Source_Length (Terminal : Terminal_Type) return Natural;

    function Source (Terminal : Terminal_Type;  
                     File_No  : Positive) return File_Info;

end Release;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=16 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=00e
        [0x01] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=000
        [0x02] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=03a
        [0x03] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=090
        [0x04] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=00a
        [0x05] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=06c
        [0x06] rec0=10 rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=02a
        [0x07] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=086
        [0x08] rec0=01 rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=01e
        [0x09] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=008
        [0x0a] rec0=13 rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=07c
        [0x0b] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=000
    tail 0x21700092a815772d27f46 0x42a00088462063203