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Length: 35840 (0x8c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Dbgraph, package body Dbtext, package body Debugger, seg_00deb3, separate Expertsystem
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io; separate (Expertsystem) package body Debugger is Textmode : Boolean := True; -- T if 100 % text mode, F if 100 % graphic Graffortext : Boolean := False; -- T if we are passing for N step in graphic mode Firstmenu : Boolean := False; -- T when 1st context entered has try to start menu Wascalled : Boolean := False; -- T when someone has explicitly call the debugger type Statearray is array (Itemdebugged) of Boolean; State : Statearray; Counter : Natural := 0; Lastcontext : Natural := 1; Lastnumber : Natural := 1; Currentcontext : Natural := 1; Lastcontextentered : Natural := 0; Laststrategy : Strategyname; Bell : constant Character := Character'Val (7); Aaah : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('A'); Space : constant Natural := Character'Pos (' '); Zero : constant Natural := Character'Pos ('0'); package Entier_Io is new Text_Io.Integer_Io (Integer); Firstitem : constant Itemdebugged := Contextentered; Lastitem : constant Itemdebugged := Actionfact; Grafnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 1; Contnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 2; Runnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 3; Brkpnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 4; Exitnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 5; Listnr : Natural := Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) + 6; subtype Commandname is String (1 .. 22); Cmdname : array (Itemdebugged) of Commandname := ("ENTREE EN CONTEXTE ", "STRATEGIE UTILISEE ", "DEBUT ENS. DE CONFLIT ", "FIN ENS. DE CONFLIT ", "CONDITIONS EVALUEES ", "REGLES CHOISIES ", "ACTIONS CHOISIES ", "INSTANCES DES REGLES ", "INSTANCE DES ACTIONS ", others => " "); Steptojump : Natural := 1; Stepcounter : Natural := 0; type Bpinfo is record Bprulenumber : Ruleid := 0; Bpcontextnumber : Contextid := 0; Bptimesnumber : Natural := 0; Bpcounter : Natural := 0; Bpused : Boolean := False; end record; Bplist : array (Contextid) of Bpinfo; Bpcount : Natural := 0; Bpstate : Statearray; Bpsaved : Boolean := False; Contlist : array (Contextid) of Contextname; Rulelist : array (Contextid, Ruleid) of Rulename; package Dbtext is procedure Sendcontextentered (Name : Contextname; Number : Contextid); procedure Sendstrategyused (Name : Strategyname); procedure Sendconflictsetstarted; procedure Sendconflictsetfinished; procedure Sendconditionevalued (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuplecollection.Object); procedure Sendchoosedrule (Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Sendchoosedaction (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Sendnewstep; procedure Sendfailed; procedure Resetdebug; procedure Refreshdebug; end Dbtext; package Dbgraph is procedure Sendcontextentered (Name : Contextname; Number : Contextid); procedure Sendstrategyused (Name : Strategyname); procedure Sendconflictsetstarted; procedure Sendconflictsetfinished; procedure Sendconditionevalued (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuplecollection.Object); procedure Sendchoosedrule (Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Sendchoosedaction (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object); procedure Sendnewstep; procedure Sendfailed; procedure Resetdebug; procedure Refreshdebug; end Dbgraph; procedure Menulist is Choice : Character; Cont : Contextid; Touche : Character; begin Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" LISTE DES REGLES ET ETAT DE CHACUNES "); Put_Line (""); Put ("Donnez le numero du contexte desire 1..8 > "); Get (Choice); if Choice > '0' and Choice <= '8' then Cont := Contextid'Val (Character'Pos (Choice) - Zero); else Cont := 1; end if; Put ("Le nom de ce contexte est "); Put_Line (Contlist (Cont)); for I in 1 .. Ruleid'Last loop Put (I); Put (" : "); Put (Rulelist (Cont, I)); if Rulemanager.Ismasked (Cont, I) then Put (" M "); else Put (" - "); end if; if (I mod 2) = 0 then Put_Line (""); end if; end loop; Put_Line (""); Put ("Pressez S et RETURN pour revenir au MENU du DEBUGGER > "); Get (Touche); end Menulist; procedure Menubreak is Letter : Natural; Choice : Character; begin loop Put_Line (""); Put_Line ("MENU DES POINTS D'ARRET. Repondre 0,0,xxx pour desarmer un point d'arret"); Put_Line (""); Put_Line (" Numero Numero Numero Compteur Maxi Etat"); Put_Line (" point regle contexte passage passage point"); Put_Line ("==========================================================="); for I in 1 .. Contextid'Last loop Put (I); Put (" "); Put (Bplist (I).Bprulenumber); Put (" "); Put (Bplist (I).Bpcontextnumber); Put (" "); Put (Bplist (I).Bpcounter); Put (" "); Put (Bplist (I).Bptimesnumber); Put (" "); if Bplist (I).Bpused then Put_Line (" ON"); else Put_Line (" OFF"); end if; end loop; Put (" Tapez un chiffre (1..8 ou 0 pour sortir) >"); Get (Choice); if Choice >= '0' and Choice <= '8' then Letter := Character'Pos (Choice) - Zero; else Letter := 500; end if; if Letter >= 1 and Letter <= 8 then Put ("Indiquer les caracteristiques du POINT d'ARRET No "); Put (Letter); Put_Line (""); Put (" Numero de la regle a attendre (0 ou 1-30) ==>"); Entier_Io.Get (Bplist (Letter).Bprulenumber); Put (" Numero du contexte concerne (0 ou 1-8) ==>"); Entier_Io.Get (Bplist (Letter).Bpcontextnumber); Put (" Nombre de passage avant arret (0 ou +) ==>"); Entier_Io.Get (Bplist (Letter).Bptimesnumber); Put_Line (""); Bplist (Letter).Bpcounter := 0; if Bplist (Letter).Bprulenumber = 0 and Bplist (Letter).Bpcontextnumber = 0 then Bplist (Letter).Bpused := False; Bpcount := Bpcount - 1; else Bplist (Letter).Bpused := True; Bpcount := Bpcount + 1; end if; else if Letter = 0 then exit; end if; end if; end loop; end Menubreak; procedure Menu is Letter : Natural; Choice : Character; procedure Turntograf is begin Put (" Combien de pas (1..32000) >"); Entier_Io.Get (Steptojump); Dbgraph.Refreshdebug; Textmode := False; Graffortext := True; if Bpsaved = False then Bpstate := State; State := (others => True); end if; end Turntograf; procedure Jumpnstep is begin Put (" Combien de pas (1..32000) >"); if Bpsaved = False then Bpstate := State; Bpsaved := True; State := (others => False); State (Choosedrule) := True; end if; Entier_Io.Get (Steptojump); end Jumpnstep; begin loop Put_Line (""); Put (" MENU DEBUGGER COMPTE-TOUR MOTEUR : "); Put (Counter); Put_Line (""); Put_Line (""); for I in Firstitem .. Lastitem loop Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Itemdebugged'Pos (I))); Put (" : "); Put (Cmdname (I)); if State (I) then Put (" oui "); else Put (" non "); end if; if (Itemdebugged'Pos (I) mod 2) = 1 then Put_Line (""); end if; Letter := Itemdebugged'Pos (I); end loop; Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Grafnr)); Put (" : "); Put ("pour CONTINUER de X pas en GRAPHIQUE"); Put_Line (""); Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Contnr)); Put (" : "); Put ("pour CONTINUER de 1 pas "); Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Runnr)); Put (" : "); Put_Line ("pour CONTINUER de X pas"); Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Brkpnr)); Put (" : "); Put ("pour le menu des POINTS D'ARRET "); Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Exitnr)); Put (" : "); Put_Line ("pour TOUT ARRETER D'URGENCE"); Put (Character'Val (Aaah + Listnr)); Put (" : "); Put ("pour la liste d'ETAT des REGLES "); Put_Line (""); Put (" Tapez une lettre SVP >"); Get (Choice); if Choice >= 'a' and Choice <= 'z' then Letter := Character'Pos (Choice) - Aaah - Space; elsif Choice >= 'A' and Choice <= 'Z' then Letter := Character'Pos (Choice) - Aaah; else Letter := 500; end if; if Letter >= Itemdebugged'Pos (Firstitem) and Letter <= Itemdebugged'Pos (Lastitem) then State (Itemdebugged'Val (Letter)) := not State (Itemdebugged'Val (Letter)); else if Letter = Exitnr then raise Program_Error; elsif Letter = Grafnr then Turntograf; exit; elsif Letter = Contnr then Steptojump := 1; exit; elsif Letter = Runnr then Jumpnstep; exit; elsif Letter = Brkpnr then Menubreak; elsif Letter = Listnr then Menulist; else Put (Bell); end if; end if; end loop; Put_Line (""); end Menu; procedure Breakptsupdate (Number : Natural) is begin if Bpcount /= 0 then for I in 1 .. Contextid'Last loop if Bplist (I).Bpcontextnumber = Lastcontextentered and Bplist (I).Bprulenumber = Number then Bplist (I).Bpcounter := Bplist (I).Bpcounter + 1; end if; end loop; end if; end Breakptsupdate; function Breakptsarrived return Boolean is begin if Bpcount = 0 then return False; else for I in 1 .. Contextid'Last loop if Bplist (I).Bpcounter >= Bplist (I).Bptimesnumber and Bplist (I).Bpcounter /= 0 and Bplist (I).Bpused then Bplist (I).Bpcounter := 0; Put (Bell); Put_Line ("D# *******************************"); Put_Line ("D# *** POINT D'ARRET RENCONTRE ***"); Put_Line ("D# *******************************"); return True; end if; end loop; return False; end if; end Breakptsarrived; package body Dbtext is procedure Displayref (Aref : Expertsystem.Reference) is begin Put (Classidentity.Unknownclassname (Aref)); Put ("."); Put (Classidentity.Unknownobjectname (Aref)); Put (" "); end Displayref; procedure Displaytuple0 is new Tuple.Forall (Displayref); procedure Displaytuple (Atuple : Tuple.Object) is begin Put ("D# Instance : "); Displaytuple0 (Atuple); Put_Line (" "); end Displaytuple; procedure Displaytuplecollection0 is new Tuplecollection.Forall (Displaytuple); procedure Displaytuplecollection (Tc : Tuplecollection.Object) is begin Displaytuplecollection0 (Tc); end Displaytuplecollection; procedure Sendcontextentered (Name : Contextname; Number : Contextid) is begin if Number /= Lastcontextentered then Lastcontextentered := Number; if State (Contextentered) then Put_Line (" "); Put ("D# Nouveau contexte No "); Put (Number); Put (" : "); Put_Line (Name); end if; end if; if not Firstmenu then if Wascalled then Menu; end if; Firstmenu := True; end if; end Sendcontextentered; procedure Sendstrategyused (Name : Strategyname) is begin if State (Strategyused) and Laststrategy /= Name then Put ("D# Strategie utilisee : "); Put_Line (Name); Laststrategy := Name; end if; end Sendstrategyused; procedure Sendconflictsetstarted is begin if State (Conflictsetstarted) then Put_Line (" "); Put_Line ("D# Construction de l'ensemble de conflit ... "); end if; end Sendconflictsetstarted; procedure Sendconflictsetfinished is begin if State (Conflictsetfinished) then Put_Line ("D# Ensemble de conflit termine."); Put_Line (" "); end if; end Sendconflictsetfinished; procedure Sendconditionevalued (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuplecollection.Object) is begin if State (Conditionevalued) then Put ("D# Evaluation regle No "); Put (Number); if Result then Put (" => VRAI : "); else Put (" => FAUX : "); end if; Put_Line (Name); end if; if State (Rulefacts) and Tuplecollection.Isnotnull (Facts) then Put_Line ("D# Faits impliques :"); Displaytuplecollection (Facts); end if; end Sendconditionevalued; procedure Sendchoosedrule (Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin Breakptsupdate (Number); if State (Choosedrule) and Steptojump = 1 then Put ("D# Regle choisie : No "); Put (Number); Put_Line (" "); end if; if State (Rulefacts) and Tuple.Isnotnull (Fact) then Put_Line ("D# Faits impliques :"); Displaytuple (Fact); end if; if Breakptsarrived then if Bpsaved then State := Bpstate; Bpsaved := False; end if; Menu; Stepcounter := 0; end if; end Sendchoosedrule; procedure Sendchoosedaction (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin if State (Choosedaction) then Put_Line (" "); Put ("D# Action executee : No "); Put (Number); Put (" = "); Put_Line (Name); end if; if State (Actionfact) and Tuple.Isnotnull (Fact) then Put_Line ("D# Fait concerne :"); Displaytuple (Fact); end if; end Sendchoosedaction; procedure Sendnewstep is begin if Counter >= Natural'Last then Counter := 0; end if; Counter := Counter + 1; if State (Newstep) and Steptojump = 1 then Put ("D# Compte-tour moteur : "); Put (Counter); Put_Line (" "); end if; Stepcounter := Stepcounter + 1; if Stepcounter = Steptojump then if Bpsaved then State := Bpstate; Bpsaved := False; end if; Menu; Stepcounter := 0; end if; end Sendnewstep; procedure Sendfailed is begin if State (Failed) or Steptojump /= 1 then Put ("D# Plus de regle valide. "); Put_Line (" "); end if; end Sendfailed; procedure Resetdebug is begin Setdebugoff (Completly); Counter := 0; Steptojump := 1; Stepcounter := 0; Lastcontextentered := 0; Laststrategy := " "; for I in Contextid loop Bplist (I).Bpused := False; end loop; Bpcount := 0; Bpsaved := False; end Resetdebug; procedure Refreshdebug is begin null; end Refreshdebug; end Dbtext; package body Dbgraph is procedure Sendcontextentered (Name : Contextname; Number : Contextid) is begin Currentcontext := Number; if Number /= Lastcontextentered then Lastcontextentered := Number; if State (Contextentered) then Terminal.Atxy (1, 11); Put ("Contexte courant : "); Put_Line (Name); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; end if; end Sendcontextentered; procedure Sendstrategyused (Name : Strategyname) is begin if State (Strategyused) and Name /= Laststrategy then Terminal.Atxy (50, 11); Put ("Strategie courante : "); Put_Line (Name); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); Laststrategy := Name; end if; end Sendstrategyused; procedure Sendconflictsetstarted is begin if State (Conflictsetstarted) then Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put (" "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put ("Construction de l'ensemble de conflit ... "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; end Sendconflictsetstarted; procedure Sendconflictsetfinished is begin if State (Conflictsetfinished) then Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put (" "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put ("Ensemble de conflit termine. "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; end Sendconflictsetfinished; procedure Sendconditionevalued (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuplecollection.Object) is Nb : Natural; begin Terminal.Atxy (Number + 1, Currentcontext + 1); Nb := Tuplecollection.Cardinality (Facts); if Nb = 0 then Put ('.'); else if Nb > 9 then Put ('+'); else Put (Character'Val (Nb + Zero)); end if; end if; Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end Sendconditionevalued; procedure Sendchoosedrule (Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is Nb : Natural; Touche : Character; begin Breakptsupdate (Number); if State (Choosedrule) and Number /= 0 then Terminal.Atxy (Lastnumber + 41, Lastcontext + 1); Put ('.'); Terminal.Atxy (Number + 41, Currentcontext + 1); Put ('*'); Lastnumber := Number; Lastcontext := Currentcontext; Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); Put (" "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; if Breakptsarrived then if Bpsaved then State := Bpstate; Bpsaved := False; end if; Graffortext := False; Textmode := True; Put ("Pressez S et RETURN pour revenir au DEBUGGER en mode TEXT > "); Get (Touche); Menu; Stepcounter := 0; end if; end Sendchoosedrule; procedure Sendchoosedaction (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin null; end Sendchoosedaction; procedure Sendnewstep is Touche : Character; begin if Counter >= Natural'Last then Counter := 0; end if; Counter := Counter + 1; if State (Newstep) then Terminal.Atxy (53, 12); Put ("Compte-tour moteur : "); Put (Counter); delay 1.0; Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; if Graffortext then Stepcounter := Stepcounter + 1; if Stepcounter = Steptojump then if Bpsaved then State := Bpstate; Bpsaved := False; end if; Graffortext := False; Textmode := True; Put ("Pressez S et RETURN pour revenir au DEBUGGER en mode TEXT > "); Get (Touche); Menu; Stepcounter := 0; end if; end if; end Sendnewstep; procedure Sendfailed is begin Counter := 0; if State (Failed) then Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put (" "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 12); Put ("Plus de regle valide. "); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); end if; end Sendfailed; procedure Resetdebug is begin Counter := 0; Setdebugoff (Completly); end Resetdebug; procedure Refreshdebug is begin Terminal.Clear; Terminal.Atxy (1, 1); Put (' '); for I in 1 .. Ruleid'Last loop Put (Character'Val (Zero + (I mod 10))); end loop; Terminal.Atxy (41, 1); Put (' '); for I in 1 .. Ruleid'Last loop Put (Character'Val (Zero + (I mod 10))); end loop; for I in 1 .. Contextid'Last loop Terminal.Atxy (1, I + 1); Put (Character'Val (Zero + (I mod 10))); Terminal.Atxy (41, I + 1); Put (Character'Val (Zero + (I mod 10))); end loop; Terminal.Atxy (1, 10); Put (" REGLES EVALUEES REGLES CHOISIES"); Terminal.Atxy (1, 15); Laststrategy := " "; Lastcontextentered := 0; end Refreshdebug; end Dbgraph; procedure Sendcontextentered (Name : Contextname; Number : Contextid) is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendcontextentered (Name, Number); else Dbgraph.Sendcontextentered (Name, Number); end if; end Sendcontextentered; procedure Sendstrategyused (Name : Strategyname) is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendstrategyused (Name); else Dbgraph.Sendstrategyused (Name); end if; end Sendstrategyused; procedure Sendconflictsetstarted is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendconflictsetstarted; else Dbgraph.Sendconflictsetstarted; end if; end Sendconflictsetstarted; procedure Sendconflictsetfinished is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendconflictsetfinished; else Dbgraph.Sendconflictsetfinished; end if; end Sendconflictsetfinished; procedure Sendconditionevalued (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Result : Boolean; Facts : Tuplecollection.Object) is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendconditionevalued (Name, Number, Result, Facts); else Dbgraph.Sendconditionevalued (Name, Number, Result, Facts); end if; end Sendconditionevalued; procedure Sendchoosedrule (Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendchoosedrule (Number, Fact); else Dbgraph.Sendchoosedrule (Number, Fact); end if; end Sendchoosedrule; procedure Sendchoosedaction (Name : Rulename; Number : Natural; Fact : Tuple.Object) is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendchoosedaction (Name, Number, Fact); else Dbgraph.Sendchoosedaction (Name, Number, Fact); end if; end Sendchoosedaction; procedure Sendnewstep is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendnewstep; else Dbgraph.Sendnewstep; end if; end Sendnewstep; procedure Sendfailed is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Sendfailed; else Dbgraph.Sendfailed; end if; end Sendfailed; procedure Refreshdebug is begin if Textmode then Dbtext.Refreshdebug; else Dbgraph.Refreshdebug; end if; end Refreshdebug; function Isdebugged (What : Itemdebugged) return Boolean is begin return State (What); end Isdebugged; procedure Setdebugon (Item : Itemdebugged) is begin if Item = Completly then for I in Itemdebugged loop State (I) := True; end loop; else State (Item) := True; end if; end Setdebugon; procedure Setdebugon (Item : Itemset) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Setdebugon (Item (I)); end loop; end Setdebugon; procedure Setdebugoff (Item : Itemdebugged) is begin if Item = Completly then for I in Itemdebugged loop State (I) := False; end loop; else State (Item) := False; end if; end Setdebugoff; procedure Setdebugoff (Item : Itemset) is begin for I in Item'Range loop Setdebugoff (Item (I)); end loop; end Setdebugoff; procedure Resetdebug (Mode : Debuggingmode) is begin Graffortext := False; Wascalled := True; if Mode = Text then Textmode := True; Firstmenu := False; Dbtext.Resetdebug; else Textmode := False; Firstmenu := True; Dbgraph.Resetdebug; end if; end Resetdebug; procedure Sendrulesnames (Contextnumber : Contextid; Ctxname : Contextname; Name_1, Name_2, Name_3, Name_4, Name_5, Name_6, Name_7, Name_8, Name_9, Name_10, Name_11, Name_12, Name_13, Name_14, Name_15, Name_16, Name_17, Name_18, Name_19, Name_20, Name_21, Name_22, Name_23, Name_24, Name_25, Name_26, Name_27, Name_28, Name_29, Name_30 : Rulename) is begin Contlist (Contextnumber) := Ctxname; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 1) := Name_1; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 2) := Name_2; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 3) := Name_3; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 4) := Name_4; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 5) := Name_5; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 6) := Name_6; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 7) := Name_7; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 8) := Name_8; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 9) := Name_9; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 10) := Name_10; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 11) := Name_11; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 12) := Name_12; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 13) := Name_13; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 14) := Name_14; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 15) := Name_15; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 16) := Name_16; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 17) := Name_17; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 18) := Name_18; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 19) := Name_19; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 20) := Name_20; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 21) := Name_21; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 22) := Name_22; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 23) := Name_23; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 24) := Name_24; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 25) := Name_25; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 26) := Name_26; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 27) := Name_27; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 28) := Name_28; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 29) := Name_29; Rulelist (Contextnumber, 30) := Name_30; end Sendrulesnames; begin Resetdebug (Text); Wascalled := False; end Debugger;
nblk1=22 nid=22 hdr6=42 [0x00] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=04e [0x01] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=010 [0x02] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=07c [0x03] rec0=18 rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=02e [0x04] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=020 [0x05] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=06 rec3=030 [0x06] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=07 rec3=016 [0x07] rec0=17 rec1=00 rec2=08 rec3=004 [0x08] rec0=25 rec1=00 rec2=09 rec3=028 [0x09] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=0a rec3=03a [0x0a] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=0b rec3=01a [0x0b] rec0=1d rec1=00 rec2=0c rec3=050 [0x0c] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=0d rec3=042 [0x0d] rec0=21 rec1=00 rec2=0e rec3=026 [0x0e] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=0f rec3=03c [0x0f] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=10 rec3=046 [0x10] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=11 rec3=00e [0x11] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=12 rec3=00a [0x12] rec0=1f rec1=00 rec2=13 rec3=034 [0x13] rec0=22 rec1=00 rec2=14 rec3=036 [0x14] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=15 rec3=04c [0x15] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=16 rec3=016 [0x16] rec0=19 rec1=00 rec2=17 rec3=01c [0x17] rec0=20 rec1=00 rec2=18 rec3=038 [0x18] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=19 rec3=01c [0x19] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1a rec3=074 [0x1a] rec0=26 rec1=00 rec2=1b rec3=020 [0x1b] rec0=1e rec1=00 rec2=1c rec3=012 [0x1c] rec0=29 rec1=00 rec2=1d rec3=010 [0x1d] rec0=27 rec1=00 rec2=1e rec3=028 [0x1e] rec0=1a rec1=00 rec2=1f rec3=058 [0x1f] rec0=15 rec1=00 rec2=20 rec3=010 [0x20] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=000 [0x21] rec0=0f rec1=00 rec2=21 rec3=000 tail 0x2170aace0821b4bafed55 0x42a00088462060003 Free Block Chain: 0x22: 0000 00 00 00 06 80 03 61 6d 65 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 ┆ ame ┆