Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

Rational R1000/400

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about Rational R1000/400

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

top - download


    Length: 8192 (0x2000)
    Notes: 01_class, 97_tag, ADA, R1k_Segment, Sparse_R1k_Segment, VAR1, seg_0219c7


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

Dot plot

Dot(1) source file

Segmented Heap

{HeapHead 0x00000/0x80}:SegHeapHead first_free_bit = 0x0000eaaa max_bits = 0x03ffffff zero = 0x00000000 alloced_bits = 0x0000ffff
{HeadVar1 0x00080/0x2be}:HeadVar1
    0x000080 [0x00] +0x0000: head_z_000 = 0x80000001 [10000000000000000000000000000001]
    0x0000a0 [0x01] +0x0020: head_segment = 0x000219c7 [0000000000000100001100111000111]
    0x0000bf [0x02] +0x003f: head_c_03f = 0x00000001 [00000000000000000000000000000001]
    0x0000df [0x03] +0x005f: head_chains_p → {Thing1 0x0231a/0x10c} [00000000000000000010001100011010]
    0x0000ff [0x04] +0x007f:
    0x000100 [0x05] +0x0080:
    0x00011f [0x06] +0x009f: head_stuff1_p → {Diana_112a8 0x0ad12/0xc4} [00000000000000001010110100010010]
    0x00013f [0x07] +0x00bf: head_c_bf = 0x000000012 [000000000000000000000000000010010]
    0x000160 [0x08] +0x00e0: head_object = 0x00006797 [000000000000000110011110010111]
    0x00017e [0x09] +0x00fe: head_c_fe = 0x00000001 [00000000000000000000000000000001]
    0x00019e [0x0a] +0x011e:
    0x0001be [0x0b] +0x013e:
    0x0001de [0x0c] +0x015e:
    0x0001fe [0x0d] +0x017e:
    0x00021e [0x0e] +0x019e:
    0x00023e [0x0f] +0x01be:
    0x00025e [0x10] +0x01de:
    0x000265 [0x11] +0x01e5: head_variant = 0x1 [01]
    0x000267 [0x12] +0x01e7: hv1_1e7_n = 0x0 [000]
    0x00026a [0x13] +0x01ea:
    0x00028a [0x14] +0x020a: hv1_20a_p → {D100 0x0dbd1/0x40} [00000000000000001101101111010001]
    0x0002aa [0x15] +0x022a: hv1_22a_d = 0x683134cd113a6 [0110100000110001001101001100110100010001001110100110]
    0x0002de [0x16] +0x025e:
    0x00030e [0x17] +0x028e: hv1_28e_n = 0x0100001c9d40 [000000010000000000000000000111001001110101000000]

{R1kSegChunk 0x0033e/0x1fdc}: ===================
    0x00033e +0x0000:      0x7818f42801083400000000000000000 [0x80] 0000011110000001 1000111101000010 1000000000010000 1000001101000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    0x0003be +0x0080:                                    0x0 [0x1f00] 0…
    0x0022be +0x1f80:                           0x1000000000 [0x5c] 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000100000000 0000000000000000 000000000000
{Thing1 0x0231a/0x10c}:Thing1
    0x00231a [0x00] +0x0000: t1_00_n = 0xffffff8102fc02040088e000750 [111111111111111111111111100000010000001011111100000000100000010000000000100010001110000000000000011101010000]
    0x002386 [0x01] +0x006c: t1_c1_head_p → {StringIndex 0x02426/0x38f4} [00000000000000000010010000100110]
    0x0023a6 [0x02] +0x008c: t1_c2_last_p → {StringStore 0x05d1a/0x4ff8} [00000000000000000101110100011010]
    0x0023c6 [0x03] +0x00ac: t1_array1_p → {StringIndex 0x02426/0x38f4} [00000000000000000010010000100110]
    0x0023e6 [0x04] +0x00cc: [00000000000000000000000000000000]
    0x002406 [0x05] +0x00ec: [00000000000000000000000000000000]

{StringIndex 0x02426/0x38f4}:StringIndex x = 0x00000001 y = 0x0000017e
  [$0x0028]  0x039a0 080 »HELLO«
  [$0x0032]  0x039e0 000 »PUT_LINE«
  [$0x0043]  0x03950 000 »TEXT_IO«
  [$0x0078]  0x03a78 000 »«
  [$0x0080]  0x03a38 000 »Hello«
{StringStore 0x05d1a/0x4ff8}:StringStore x = 0x00000001 y = 0x000009f7
    @0x05d5e [0x00] =  $0x0043 »TEXT_IO«
    @0x05dae [0x01] =  $0x0028 »HELLO«
    @0x05dee [0x02] =  $0x0032 »PUT_LINE«
    @0x05e46 [0x03] =  $0x0080 »Hello«
    @0x05e86 [0x04] =  $0x0078 »«
{Diana_112a8 0x0ad12/0xc4}:Diana_112a8
    0x00ad12 [0x00] +0x0000: Diana_112a8_type = 0x112a8 [10001001010101000]
    0x00ad23 [0x01] +0x0011: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00ad3d [0x02] +0x002b: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00ad57 [0x03] +0x0045: Diana_112a8_3_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cf8d/0x70} [00000000001100111110001101]
    0x00ad71 [0x04] +0x005f: Diana_112a8_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cffd/0xa4} [00000000001100111111111101]
    0x00ad8b [0x05] +0x0079: Diana_112a8_5_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d8bb/0x70} [00000000001101100010111011]
    0x00ada5 [0x06] +0x0093: Diana_112a8_6_x = 0x00 [000000]
    0x00adab [0x07] +0x0099: Diana_112a8_6_p → {Diana_112a8dst 0x0add6/0x40} [00000000001010110111010110]
    0x00adc5 [0x08] +0x00b3: Diana_112a8_7 = 0x00005 [00000000000000101]

{Diana_112a8dst 0x0add6/0x40}:Diana_112a8dst
    0x00add6 [0x00] +0x0000: f1_n = 0x00000000 [00000000000000000000000000000000]
    0x00adf6 [0x01] +0x0020: f2_p → {PointerArray 0x0ae16/0x2040} [00000000000000001010111000010110]

{PointerArray 0x0ae16/0x2040}:PointerArray
    0x00ae36 [0x01] +0x0020: y = 0x00000100 [00000000000000000000000100000000]

    0x00ae56 +0x0040:                                    0x0 [0x2000] 0…
{R1kSegChunk 0x0ce56/0xac}: ===================
    0x00ce56 +0x0000:     0x9d8b8019e3a000000004300801a19500 [0x80] 1001110110001011 1000000000011001 1110001110100000 0000000000000000 0000000000000100 0011000000001000 0000000110100001 1001010100000000
    0x00ced6 +0x0080:                                 0xce56 [0x2c] 0000000000000000 0000000000001100 111001010110
{DianaChain 0x0cf02/0x1b}:DianaChain chain_type = 0x0
{DianaSkeleton 0x0cf1d/0x4d}:diana_10985 d_10985_type = 0x10985 d_10985_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cf8d/0x70} d_10985_3_n = 0x00
{R1kSegChunk 0x0cf6a/0x23}: ===================
    0x00cf6a +0x0000:                            0x19d9a0001 [0x23] 0011001110110011 0100000000000000 001
{DianaSkeleton 0x0cf8d/0x70}:diana_10984 d_10984_type = 0x10984 d_10984_1_p → {Diana_112a8 0x0ad12/0xc4} d_10984_3_p → {DianaChain 0x0cf02/0x1b} d_10984_4_n = 0x00001
{DianaSkeleton 0x0cffd/0xa4}:diana_10648 d_10648_type = 0x10648 d_10648_1_p → {Diana_112a8 0x0ad12/0xc4} d_10648_2_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d865/0x56} d_10648_3_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d0a1/0xef} d_10648_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d1e3/0x5f} d_10648_5_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4} d_10648_6_n = 0x00004
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d0a1/0xef}:diana_1182c d_1182c_type = 0x1182c d_1182c_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cffd/0xa4} d_1182c_2_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d190/0x53} d_1182c_3_n = 0x002801001a1fe00 d_1182c_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4} d_1182c_5_n = 0x000 d_1182c_6_n = 0x0000000 d_1182c_7_n = 0x002 d_1182c_8_n = 0x000cf6a d_1182c_9_n = 0x0000
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d190/0x53}:diana_10630 d_10630_type = 0x10630 d_10630_1_n = 0x62 d_10630_3_n = 0x00000002
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d1e3/0x5f}:diana_1017b d_1017b_type = 0x1017b d_1017b_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cffd/0xa4} d_1017b_3_p → {Diana_10c94 0x0d242/0x90}
{Diana_10c94 0x0d242/0x90}:Diana_10c94
    0x00d242 [0x00] +0x0000: Diana_10c94_type = 0x10c94 [10000110010010100]
    0x00d253 [0x01] +0x0011: Diana_10c94_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d1e3/0x5f} [00000000001101000111100011]
    0x00d26d [0x02] +0x002b: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d287 [0x03] +0x0045: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d2a1 [0x04] +0x005f: Diana_10c94_4_n = 0x00 [000000]
    0x00d2a7 [0x05] +0x0065: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d2c1 [0x06] +0x007f: Diana_10c94_6_n = 0x00000 [00000000000000000]

{DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4}:diana_1064e d_1064e_type = 0x1064e d_1064e_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0cffd/0xa4} d_1064e_3_p → {Diana_10c91 0x0d376/0x90} d_1064e_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d785/0x70} d_1064e_5_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d7f5/0x70} d_1064e_6_n = 0x00003
{Diana_10c91 0x0d376/0x90}:Diana_10c91
    0x00d376 [0x00] +0x0000: Diana_10c91_type = 0x10c91 [10000110010010001]
    0x00d387 [0x01] +0x0011: Diana_10c91_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4} [00000000001101001011010010]
    0x00d3a1 [0x02] +0x002b: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d3bb [0x03] +0x0045: [00000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d3d5 [0x04] +0x005f: [00000000000000000000000000000000]
    0x00d3f5 [0x05] +0x007f: Diana_10c91_5_n = 0x00000 [00000000000000000]

{DianaChain 0x0d406/0x1b}:DianaChain chain_type = 0x0
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d421/0xa4}:diana_1065b d_1065b_type = 0x1065b d_1065b_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d785/0x70} d_1065b_3_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d4c5/0xa4} d_1065b_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d726/0x5f} d_1065b_5_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d968/0x79} d_1065b_6_n = 0x00001
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d4c5/0xa4}:diana_13312 d_13312_type = 0x13312 d_13312_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d421/0xa4} d_13312_3_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d569/0x77} d_13312_4_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d5e0/0x77} d_13312_5_n = 0x00000000000
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d569/0x77}:diana_13b17 d_13b17_type = 0x13b17 d_13b17_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d4c5/0xa4} d_13b17_2_n = 0x00000000 d_13b17_3_n = 0x0 d_13b17_txt $0x0043 »TEXT_IO« d_13b17_5_n = 0x00400d0ca
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d5e0/0x77}:diana_13b17 d_13b17_type = 0x13b17 d_13b17_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d4c5/0xa4} d_13b17_2_n = 0x00000000 d_13b17_3_n = 0x0 d_13b17_txt $0x0032 »PUT_LINE« d_13b17_5_n = 0x00402d39c
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d657/0x45}:diana_1350b d_1350b_type = 0x1350b d_1350b_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d726/0x5f}
{R1kSegChunk 0x0d69c/0x55}: ===================
    0x00d69c +0x0000:                 0x20006017c9880000d9e1 [0x55] 0000000100000000 0000001100000000 1011111001001100 0100000000000000 0000011011001111 00001
{DianaChain 0x0d6f1/0x35}:DianaChain chain_type = 0x1 chain_2_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d657/0x45}
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d726/0x5f}:diana_10893 d_10893_type = 0x10893 d_10893_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d421/0xa4} d_10893_3_p → {DianaChain 0x0d6f1/0x35}
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d785/0x70}:diana_10997 d_10997_type = 0x10997 d_10997_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4} d_10997_3_p → {DianaChain 0x0d406/0x1b} d_10997_4_n = 0x00002
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d7f5/0x70}:diana_10989 d_10989_type = 0x10989 d_10989_1_p → {DianaSkeleton 0x0d2d2/0xa4} d_10989_4_n = 0x00000
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d865/0x56}:diana_10100 d_10100_type = 0x10100 d_10100_1_n = 0x0e800000002 d_10100_2_n = 0x000cec6
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d8bb/0x70}:diana_10995 d_10995_type = 0x10995 d_10995_1_p → {Diana_112a8 0x0ad12/0xc4} d_10995_4_n = 0x00000
{R1kSegChunk 0x0d92b/0x3d}: ===================
    0x00d92b +0x0000:                          0x3595c000000 [0x3d] 0000000000000000 0001101011001010 1110000000000000 0000000000000
{DianaSkeleton 0x0d968/0x79}:diana_11d8d d_11d8d_type = 0x11d8d d_11d8d_4_p → {R1kSegChunk 0x0d92b/0x3d}
{R1kSegChunk 0x0d9e1/0x1f0}: ===================
    0x00d9e1 +0x0000:     0x98b08000000006dbd801b4fa006d7e00 [0x80] 1001100010110000 1000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000011011011011 1101100000000001 1011010011111010 0000000001101101 0111111000000000
    0x00da61 +0x0080:     0xc00c21f9704001b3c200000000780180 [0x80] 1100000000001100 0010000111111001 0111000001000000 0000000110110011 1100001000000000 0000000000000000 0000000001111000 0000000110000000
    0x00dae1 +0x0100:     0x1843ff72e08003678400000000f00300 [0x80] 0001100001000011 1111111101110010 1110000010000000 0000001101100111 1000010000000000 0000000000000000 0000000011110000 0000001100000000
    0x00db61 +0x0180:         0x3087c1602008200000000000d657 [0x70] 0011000010000111 1100000101100000 0010000000001000 0010000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 1101011001010111
{D100 0x0dbd1/0x40}:D100
    0x00dbd1 [0x00] +0x0000: d100_0 = 0x00000000 [00000000000000000000000000000000]
    0x00dbf1 [0x01] +0x0020: d100_a101 = 0x0000dc11 [00000000000000001101110000010001]

{D101 0x0dc11/0xce0}:D101
    0x00dcf1 [0x07] +0x00e0: ptr_0x7_p → {D102 0x0e8f1/0x47} [00000000000000001110100011110001]
    0x00e011 [0x20] +0x0400: ptr_0x20_p → {D102 0x0e938/0x47} [00000000000000001110100100111000]
    0x00e0b1 [0x25] +0x04a0: ptr_0x25_p → {D102 0x0e97f/0x47} [00000000000000001110100101111111]
    0x00e111 [0x28] +0x0500: ptr_0x28_p → {D102 0x0e9c6/0x47} [00000000000000001110100111000110]
    0x00e251 [0x32] +0x0640: ptr_0x32_p → {D102 0x0ea0d/0x47} [00000000000000001110101000001101]
    0x00e2b1 [0x35] +0x06a0: ptr_0x35_p → {D102 0x0ea54/0x47} [00000000000000001110101001010100]
    0x00e371 [0x3b] +0x0760: ptr_0x3b_p → {D102 0x0ea9b/0x47} [00000000000000001110101010011011]
    0x00e811 [0x60] +0x0c00: ptr_0x60_p → {D102 0x0eae2/0x47} [00000000000000001110101011100010]

    0x00e831 +0x0c20:                                    0x0 [0xc0] 0…
{D102 0x0e8f1/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x003 d102_1 = 0x001cdeb d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0e938/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x001 d102_1 = 0x002c97b d102_2 = 0x1 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0e97f/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x003 d102_1 = 0x001d073 d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0e9c6/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x003 d102_1 = 0x001c803 d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0ea0d/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x001 d102_1 = 0x002d39c d102_2 = 0x1 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0ea54/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x002 d102_1 = 0x000cf6a d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0ea9b/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x003 d102_1 = 0x001af8b d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000
{D102 0x0eae2/0x47}:D102 d102_0 = 0x001 d102_1 = 0x000d0ca d102_2 = 0x4 d102_d102 = 0x00000000