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Length: 6144 (0x1800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Transport, seg_04cdce
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Transport_Defs; use Transport_Defs; with System; with Daemon_Talk; with Transport_Byte_Order; -- This package body is for talk_io (breakpointed Ada I/O). It's shared -- between the host (daemons) and target (in the talk_io library). -- package body Transport is use Transport_Byte_Order; Packet_Length : constant := 24; type Byte_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Character; subtype Packet_Data is Byte_Array (1 .. Packet_Length); type Packet is record Channel : Transport_Integer; Length : Transport_Integer; More : Transport_Integer; Sum : Transport_Integer; Data : Packet_Data; end record; Pkt_Size : constant Integer := Packet'Size / 8; Scanned : Boolean; Pkt : Packet; procedure Send_Packet is begin Pkt.Sum := 0; Daemon_Talk.Do_Io (Pkt'Address, Pkt_Size, 1); end Send_Packet; function Receive_Packet return Boolean is begin Daemon_Talk.Do_Io (Pkt'Address, Pkt_Size, 2); return True; end Receive_Packet; -------------------------------------- -- Breaks the message up into fixed -- -- size packets and sends them out. -- -------------------------------------- procedure Send (Chan : in Transport_Defs.Channel_T; Count : in Natural; Buf_Addr : in System.Address) is L : Integer; More : Boolean; Current : Integer := 0; Data : Byte_Array (1 .. Count); for Data use at Buf_Addr; begin Pkt.Channel := To_Transport_Integer (Integer (Chan)); loop L := Count - Current; if L > Packet_Length then L := Packet_Length; end if; Pkt.Data (1 .. L) := Data (Current + 1 .. Current + L); Pkt.Length := To_Transport_Integer (L); Current := Current + L; More := Current < Count; Pkt.More := To_Transport_Integer (Boolean'Pos (More)); Send_Packet; exit when not More; end loop; end Send; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reads the channel number and saves it. This call must be -- -- followed by a receive call before any send calls are made. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- function Scan (Timeout : Boolean := False) return Channel_T is begin if not Scanned then loop exit when Receive_Packet; if Timeout then raise Transport_Timeout; end if; end loop; Scanned := True; end if; return Channel_T (To_Local_Integer (Pkt.Channel)); end Scan; ------------------------------------ -- Receive no more than count bytes -- ------------------------------------ procedure Receive (Chan : in Transport_Defs.Channel_T; Count : in out Natural; Buf_Addr : in System.Address; Rcvd_Msg : out Boolean) is L : Integer; More : Boolean; Current : Integer := 0; Data : Byte_Array (1 .. Count); for Data use at Buf_Addr; begin if Count < 0 then raise Transport_Error; end if; if Scan /= Chan then Scanned := False; raise Transport_Error; end if; Scanned := False; loop L := To_Local_Integer (Pkt.Length); if L > Count then raise Transport_Error; end if; Data (Current + 1 .. Current + L) := Pkt.Data (1 .. L); Current := Current + L; More := Boolean'Val (To_Local_Integer (Pkt.More)); exit when not More; if not Receive_Packet then raise Transport_Error; end if; end loop; Count := Current; -- bytes Rcvd_Msg := True; end Receive; procedure Put_Signal (Sig : Transport_Defs.Tdm_Sig_T) is begin null; end Put_Signal; procedure Reset is begin Scanned := False; end Reset; procedure Initialize (Verbose : Boolean := False; Preempt : Boolean := False) is begin Reset; end Initialize; procedure Shutdown is begin null; end Shutdown; begin Reset; end Transport;
nblk1=5 nid=0 hdr6=a [0x00] rec0=28 rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=000 [0x01] rec0=1c rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=004 [0x02] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=03 rec3=018 [0x03] rec0=1b rec1=00 rec2=04 rec3=06c [0x04] rec0=23 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=000 tail 0x217541d6c874f7b6e131b 0x42a00088462060003