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Length: 31744 (0x7c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbp_Font_Names, seg_004f61
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Basic; use Xlbt_Basic; with Xlbt_Font; use Xlbt_Font; with Xlbt_Font2; use Xlbt_Font2; with Xlbt_Misc; use Xlbt_Misc; with Xlbt_Reply; use Xlbt_Reply; with Xlbt_Request; use Xlbt_Request; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbip_Get_Reply; use Xlbip_Get_Reply; with Xlbip_Internal; use Xlbip_Internal; with Xlbip_Put_Request; use Xlbip_Put_Request; with Xlbmt_Network_Types; use Xlbmt_Network_Types; package body Xlbp_Font_Names is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Font Names -- -- Xlbp_Font_Names - What fonts are there and where do they live? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1985 - 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT or Rational not be -- used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software -- without specific, written prior permission. -- -- MIT and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, -- including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no -- event shall MIT or Rational be liable for any special, indirect or -- consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, -- data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other -- tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance -- of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --\x0c function X_Get_Font_Path (Display : X_Display) return X_String_Pointer_List is Rep : X_Reply_Contents; Length : S_Natural; Succ : X_Status; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Send the request. Put_X_Get_Font_Path_Request (Display, (Kind => Get_Font_Path, Length => X_Get_Font_Path_Request'Size / 32, Pad => 0)); ----Get the reply. Get_Reply (Display => Display, Code => Get_Font_Path, Reply => Rep, Extra => 0, Discard => False, Status => Succ); ----Watch for failure. if Succ = Failed then Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return None_X_String_Pointer_List; end if; ----Return the results. if Rep.Get_Font_Path.N_Paths /= 0 then declare Amount : S_Natural; Flist : X_String_Pointer_List; Ch : X_String (1 .. S_Natural (Rep.Get_Font_Path.Length) * 4); begin Get_X_String (Display, Ch); Flist := new X_String_Pointer_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Rep.Get_Font_Path.N_Paths)); Length := 1; for I in Flist'Range loop for J in Length .. Ch'Last loop if Ch (J) = Nul then Amount := J - Length; ----Ada may not be able to take the full -- amount. Chop the string if necessary. --/ if not Positive_Is_Large then --// if Amount > S_Natural (Positive'Last) then --// Amount := S_Natural (Positive'Last); --// end if; --/ end if; Flist (I) := new X_String (1 .. Amount); Flist (I).all := Ch (Length .. Length + Amount - 1); Length := J + 1; end if; end loop; end loop; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return Flist; exception when others => Free_X_String_Pointer_List (Flist); raise; end; else Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return None_X_String_Pointer_List; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; end X_Get_Font_Path; --\x0c procedure X_Set_Font_Path (Display : X_Display; Directories : X_String_Pointer_Array) is N : S_Natural := 0; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Send the request. for I in Directories'Range loop N := N + Directories (I)'Length + 1; end loop; Put_X_Set_Font_Path_Request (Display, (Kind => Set_Font_Path, Length => X_Set_Font_Path_Request'Size / 32 + U_Short ((N + 3) / 4), Pad => 0, Pad1 => 0, Pad2 => 0, N_Fonts => Directories'Length), N); ----Send the directory strings. declare P : X_String (1 .. N); Pi : S_Natural := P'First; begin -- -- pack into counted strings. -- for I in Directories'Range loop declare Sp : X_String_Pointer := Directories (I); begin for J in Sp'Range loop P (Pi) := Sp (J); Pi := Pi + 1; end loop; end; P (Pi) := Nul; Pi := Pi + 1; end loop; Put_X_String (Display, P); end; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; ----Unlock; sync; return. Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); end X_Set_Font_Path; --\x0c procedure X_Free_Font_Info (Info : in out X_Fonts_With_Info) is begin for I in Info.Info'Range loop declare Fs : X_Font_Struct := Info.Info (I); begin Free_X_Char_Struct_List_2d (Fs.Per_Char); Free_X_Font_Prop_List (Fs.Properties); Free_X_Font_Struct (Fs); Info.Info (I) := None_X_Font_Struct; end; Free_X_String_Pointer (Info.Name (I)); end loop; end X_Free_Font_Info; --\x0c function X_List_Fonts_With_Info (Display : X_Display; Pattern : X_String; -- null-terminated Maximum_Names : U_Short) return X_Fonts_With_Info is N_Bytes : U_Short; Fs : S_Natural := 0; Fsi : X_Font_Struct; Info : X_Fonts_With_Info; Reply : X_Reply_Contents; Succ : X_Status; procedure Free_It_All is begin for J in 1 .. Fs loop Free_X_String_Pointer (Info.Name (Fs)); Fsi := Info.Info (Fs); if Fsi.Properties /= null then Free_X_Font_Prop_List (Fsi.Properties); end if; end loop; end Free_It_All; begin ----Lock the display; Lock_Display (Display); begin Info.Info := new X_Font_Struct_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Maximum_Names)); Info.Name := new X_String_Pointer_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Maximum_Names)); ----Send the request. N_Bytes := Pattern'Length; Put_X_List_Fonts_With_Info_Request (Display, (Kind => List_Fonts_With_Info, Length => X_List_Fonts_With_Info_Request'Size / 32 + (N_Bytes + 3) / 4, Pad => 0, Max_Names => Maximum_Names, N_Bytes => N_Bytes), S_Natural (N_Bytes)); ----Send the pattern. Put_X_String (Display, Pattern); ----Read replies until we get one with 0 length. for I in U_Short'First .. U_Short'Last loop Get_Reply (Display => Display, Code => List_Fonts_With_Info, Reply => Reply, Extra => 0, Discard => False, Status => Succ); ----Any failure means abort the whole thing. if Succ = Failed then Free_It_All; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return (Info => None_X_Font_Struct_List, Name => None_X_String_Pointer_List); end if; ----Zero length reply; end-of-list. if Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Name_Length = 0 then exit; end if; ----Convert this reply into a font struct. (no per_char info) Fs := S_Natural (I); begin Fsi := new X_Font_Struct_Rec' ((Ext_Data => null, Font_Id => None_X_Font, Direction => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Draw_Direction, Default_Char => (Char1 => U_Char (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. Default_Char / 256), Char2 => U_Char (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. Default_Char rem 256)), Min_Char_Or_Byte2 => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Min_Char_Or_Byte2, Max_Char_Or_Byte2 => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Max_Char_Or_Byte2, Min_Byte1 => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Min_Byte1, Max_Byte1 => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Max_Byte1, All_Chars_Exist => To_Boolean (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. All_Chars_Exist), Ascent => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Font_Ascent, Descent => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Font_Descent, Min_Bounds => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Min_Bounds, Max_Bounds => Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Max_Bounds, Per_Char => null, Properties => null)); exception when others => Eat_Raw_Data (Display, S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.N_Font_Props) * X_Font_Prop'Size / 8 + S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Name_Length)); Free_It_All; raise; end; Info.Info (Fs) := Fsi; ----Read the properties. if Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.N_Font_Props > 0 then begin Fsi.Properties := new X_Font_Prop_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. N_Font_Props)); exception when others => Eat_Raw_Data (Display, S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. N_Font_Props) * X_Font_Prop'Size / 8 + S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. Name_Length)); Free_It_All; raise; end; Get_X_Font_Prop_Array (Display, Fsi.Properties.all); end if; ----Read the name. declare Buff : X_String (1 .. S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info. Name_Length)); begin Get_X_String (Display, Buff); Info.Name (Fs) := new X_String'(Buff); exception when others => Free_It_All; raise; end; end loop; ----Return our lists. declare Inf : X_Fonts_With_Info; begin Inf.Info := new X_Font_Struct_Array'(Info.Info (1 .. Fs)); Inf.Name := new X_String_Pointer_Array'(Info.Name (1 .. Fs)); Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return Inf; exception when others => Inf.Info.all := (Inf.Info'Range => None_X_Font_Struct); Inf.Name.all := (Inf.Name'Range => None_X_String_Pointer); Free_X_Font_Struct_List (Inf.Info); Free_X_String_Pointer_List (Inf.Name); raise; end; ----Catch exceptions. exception when Storage_Error => ----Free up heap storage. Free_It_All; ----Read the rest of the replies. We know that we are at a reply-boundary -- because all of the code up above does it's best to get us there. for I in U_Short'First .. U_Short'Last loop Get_Reply (Display => Display, Code => List_Fonts_With_Info, Reply => Reply, Extra => 0, Discard => False, Status => Succ); ----Any failure means abort the whole thing. Zero length reply; end-of-list. if Succ = Failed or else Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Name_Length = 0 then exit; end if; ----Read the properties and the name. Eat_Raw_Data (Display, S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.N_Font_Props) * X_Font_Prop'Size / 8 + S_Natural (Reply.List_Fonts_With_Info.Name_Length)); end loop; Unlock_Display (Display); raise; ----Other types of exceptions are unexpected and may constitute bugs. In any -- case we don't know how to recover from them. when others => Free_It_All; Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; end X_List_Fonts_With_Info; --\x0c function X_List_Fonts (Display : X_Display; Pattern : X_String; Maximum_Names : U_Short) return X_String_Pointer_List is N_Bytes : U_Short; Rep : X_Reply_Contents; Succ : X_Status; begin ----Lock the display. Lock_Display (Display); begin ----Send the request. N_Bytes := Pattern'Length; Put_X_List_Fonts_Request (Display, (Kind => List_Fonts, Length => X_List_Fonts_Request'Size / 32 + (N_Bytes + 3) / 4, Pad => 0, Max_Names => Maximum_Names, N_Bytes => N_Bytes), S_Natural (N_Bytes)); Put_X_String (Display, Pattern); ----Get the reply. Get_Reply (Display => Display, Code => List_Fonts, Reply => Rep, Extra => 0, Discard => False, Status => Succ); if Succ = Failed then Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return None_X_String_Pointer_List; end if; ----Get the info we requested. if Rep.List_Fonts.N_Fonts /= 0 then declare Amount : S_Natural; Flist : X_String_Pointer_List; Ch : X_String (1 .. S_Natural (Rep.List_Fonts.Length) * 4); Chs : S_Natural; Chf : S_Natural; begin Get_X_String (Display, Ch); Flist := new X_String_Pointer_Array (1 .. S_Natural (Rep.List_Fonts.N_Fonts)); Chs := 1; Chf := 1; for I in Flist'Range loop while Chf <= Ch'Last and then Ch (Chf) /= Nul loop Chf := Chf + 1; end loop; Amount := Chf - Chs; --/ if not Positive_Is_Large then --// if Amount > S_Natural (Positive'Last) then --// Amount := S_Natural (Positive'Last); --// end if; --/ end if; Flist (I) := new X_String (1 .. Amount); Flist (I).all := Ch (Chs .. Chf - 1); Chs := Chf + 1; Chf := Chs; end loop; Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return Flist; exception when others => Free_X_String_Pointer_List (Flist); raise; end; else Unlock_Display (Display); Sync_Handle (Display); return None_X_String_Pointer_List; end if; ----Catch exceptions. exception when others => Unlock_Display (Display); raise; end; end X_List_Fonts; --\x0c end Xlbp_Font_Names;
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