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Rational R1000/400

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⟦bc4a6b767⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 75776 (0x12800)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, Long Ada Source, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Type_Display, seg_004429


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« 

E3 Source Code

with Io;
with Lrm_Utilities;
with Editor;
with Object_Editor;
with Common;
with Table_Formatter;
with Sizing_Parameters;
use Sizing_Parameters;
with String_Utilities;
with Errors;
with Abstract_Document;
with Representation_Clauses;
with Names_And_Expressions;
with Bounds_Utilities;
with Declarations;
with Ada_Program;
with Type_Information;
with List_Generic;
with Unbounded_String;
package body Type_Display is

    package Ad         renames Abstract_Document;
    package Ad_Specify renames Abstract_Document.Specify;

    package Unbounded is new Unbounded_String (60);

    Current_Level : Natural;

    type Special_Kind is (Array_Index,  

    type Node_Data is
            Level           : Positive;
            Elem            : Ada_Program.Element;
            Kind            : Special_Kind := Not_Special;
            Size            : Long_Natural := 0;
            Static          : Boolean      := False;
            Size_Expression : Unbounded.Variable_String;
        end record;

    package List is new List_Generic (Node_Data);

    The_List : List.List := List.Nil;

    package Rep_Specs renames Representation_Clauses;
    package Decls     renames Declarations;
    package Ada       renames Ada_Program;
    package Types     renames Type_Information;

    function "=" (Left, Right : Types.Type_Definition_Kinds) return Boolean
        renames Types."=";

    function "=" (Left, Right : Ada.Element) return Boolean renames Ada."=";

    procedure Size (Ref_Id             : Ada_Program.Identifier_Reference :=
                    Original           : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                    Constraint         : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                    Result             : in out Long_Natural;
                    Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                    Static             : in out Boolean);

    procedure Size (For_Type           : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                    Result             : in out Long_Natural;
                    Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                    Static             : in out Boolean);

    procedure Number_Of_Ids (Object :     Declarations.Object_Declaration;
                             Count  : out Long_Natural) is
        Ids   : Ada_Program.Element_List := Declarations.Identifiers (Object);
        Total : Long_Natural             := 0;
        while not Ada_Program.Done (Ids) loop
            Total := Total + 1;
            Ada_Program.Next (Ids);
        end loop;
        Count := Total;
    end Number_Of_Ids;

    function Round_Up_To_Alignment
                (Exact_Size : Long_Natural; Alignment : Long_Natural)
                return Long_Natural is
        if Exact_Size mod Alignment = 0 then
            return Exact_Size;
            return ((Exact_Size / Alignment) + 1) * Alignment;
        end if;
    end Round_Up_To_Alignment;

    procedure Expression_Value (Of_Expression :     Ada.Element;
                                Result        : out Long_Natural;
                                Static        : out Boolean) is
        if Names_And_Expressions.Is_Static (Of_Expression) then
            Result := Names_And_Expressions.Static_Value (Of_Expression);
            Static := True;
            Result := 0;
            Static := False;
        end if;
    end Expression_Value;

    procedure Access_Size (Of_Access :        Types.Type_Definition;
                           Result    : out    Long_Natural;
                           Static    : in out Boolean) is

--        Storage_Size := Rep_Specs.Associated_Storage_Size (Of_Access);
-- could be used to compute the collection size

        Result := Access_Type_Size;
        Static := True;
    end Access_Size;

    function Size_Of_Dimension
                (Lower_Bound, Upper_Bound : Long_Integer) return Long_Natural is
        Size : Long_Natural;
        Size := Upper_Bound - Lower_Bound + 1;
        return Size;
        when Constraint_Error =>
            return 0;
        when Numeric_Error =>
            return 0;
    end Size_Of_Dimension;

    -- procedure Record_Rep_Spec_Size (Rep_Spec : Ada.Element;
    --                                 Result : out Long_Natural;
    --                                 Static : in out Boolean) is
    --     Components : Ada.Element_Iterator;
    --     Component : Ada.Element;
    --     Current_Offset : Long_Natural := 0;
    --     Current_Size, Max_Size : Long_Natural := 0;
    --     Ubound, Lbound : Long_Integer := 0;
    --     Non_Static_Lbound, Non_Static_Ubound : Ada.Element;
    -- begin
    --     Components := Rep_Specs.Clause_Components (Rep_Spec);
    --     while not Ada.Done (Components) loop       -- iterate through component
    --                                                -- rep specs
    --         Component := Ada.Value (Components);
    --         if Rep_Specs.Valid_Component (Component) then
    --             Expression_Value (Rep_Specs.Component_Offset (Component),
    --                               Current_Offset, Static);
    --             Bounds_Utilities.Find_Range
    --                (Rep_Specs.Component_Range (Component), Lbound, Ubound,
    --                 Static, Non_Static_Lbound, Non_Static_Ubound);
    --             Current_Size := Current_Offset * Bytes + Ubound + 1;
    --             if Current_Size > Max_Size then  -- multiple offsets with
    --                                              -- different ranges
    --                 Max_Size := Current_Size;
    --             end if;
    --         end if;
    --         Ada.Next (Components);
    --     end loop;
    --     Result := Max_Size;
    -- end Record_Rep_Spec_Size;
    function Get_Referenced_Enum_Literal
                (Constraint : Ada.Element) return Ada.Element is
        Assocs : Ada.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Discriminant_Associations (Constraint);
        Elem   : Ada.Element;
        while not Ada.Done (Assocs) loop
            Elem := Ada.Value (Assocs);
            case Names_And_Expressions.Kind (Elem) is
                when Names_And_Expressions.An_Enumeration_Literal =>
                    return Ada.Definition (Elem);
                when others =>
                    return Ada.Nil_Element;
            end case;
        end loop;
    end Get_Referenced_Enum_Literal;

    function Choice_Matches_Constraint
                (Choices : Ada.Element_Iterator; Constraint : Ada.Element)
                return Boolean is

        Local_Choices : Ada.Element_Iterator := Choices;
        Choice        : Ada.Element;

        Constraint_Literal : Ada.Element;
        if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then
            return False;
            Constraint_Literal := Get_Referenced_Enum_Literal (Constraint);
        end if;

        while not Ada.Done (Local_Choices) loop
            Choice := Ada.Value (Local_Choices);
            case Type_Information.Choice_Kind (Choice) is
                when Type_Information.A_Simple_Expression =>
                    return False;
                when Type_Information.A_Discrete_Range =>
                        Upper, Lower            : Ada.Expression;
                        Lit_Pos, Ubound, Lbound : Long_Natural;
                        Types.Bounds (Types.Choice_Range (Choice),
                                      Lower, Upper);  
                        Lbound  := Lrm_Utilities.Static_Value (Lower);
                        Ubound  := Lrm_Utilities.Static_Value (Upper);
                        Lit_Pos := Lrm_Utilities.Static_Value

                        return Lit_Pos <= Ubound and Lit_Pos >= Lbound;
                        when Lrm_Utilities.Not_Static =>
                            return False;
                when Type_Information.Others_Choice =>
                    return False;
                    -- return True;  -- could be if
                    -- simple expressions are implemented
                when Type_Information.An_Identifier_Reference =>
                    return Ada.Definition
                              (Type_Information.Choice_Identifier (Choice)) =
                when Type_Information.Not_A_Choice =>
                    return False;
            end case;
            Ada.Next (Local_Choices);
        end loop;

        return False;
    end Choice_Matches_Constraint;

    procedure Component_List_Size
                 (Components : in out Ada.Element_Iterator;
                  With_Constraints : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                  Record_Discriminants_Have_Defaults : Boolean;
                  Result : out Long_Natural;
                  Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                  Final_Static : in out Boolean) is

        -- compute the total size of all components

        Component_List : Ada_Program.Element_List;

        Component, Component_Type            : Ada.Element;
        Current_Size, Temp_Size, Accume_Size : Long_Natural := 0;

        Inner_Components : Ada.Element_Iterator;
        Variant_Items    : Ada.Element_List;

        Component_Requires_Alignment : Boolean;
        Variant_Component_Requires_Alignment : Boolean;
        Variant : Ada.Element;
        Variant_Choices : Ada.Element_Iterator;

        Number_Of_Id_Decls : Long_Natural := 1;
        Static             : Boolean;
        Node               : Node_Data;

        Found_Match : Boolean := False;
        Ada_Program.Copy (Components, Component_List);
        Ada_Program.Invert (Component_List);

        Result             := 0;
        Final_Static       := True;
        Requires_Alignment := False;
        while not Ada.Done (Component_List) loop
            Component := Ada.Value (Component_List);

            Current_Size := 0;
            case Types.Component_Kind (Component) is
                when Types.A_Variable_Component =>
                    Number_Of_Ids (Component, Number_Of_Id_Decls);

                    Component_Type := Declarations.Object_Type (Component);

                    Size (Component_Type, Current_Size,
                          Component_Requires_Alignment, Static);

                when Types.A_Variant_Part_Component =>
                    -- compute the size of the largest variant
                    -- unless constraint selects a variant

                       (Types.Variant_Item_List (Component), Variant_Items);

                    Ada_Program.Invert (Variant_Items);

                    while not Ada.Done (Variant_Items) loop
                        Variant         := Ada.Value (Variant_Items);
                        Variant_Choices :=
                           Type_Information.Variant_Choices (Variant);

                        Inner_Components :=
                           Types.Inner_Record_Components (Variant);

                           (Inner_Components, With_Constraints,
                            Record_Discriminants_Have_Defaults, Temp_Size,
                            Variant_Component_Requires_Alignment, Static);

                        Node.Level := Current_Level + 1;
                        Node.Elem  := Variant;  
                        Node.Size  := Long_Natural'Last;
                        Node.Kind  := Choice;

                        The_List := List.Make (Node, The_List);

                        if Static then
                            if not Record_Discriminants_Have_Defaults and then
                               not Found_Match and then
                                  (Variant_Choices, With_Constraints) then

                                Found_Match  := True;
                                Current_Size := Temp_Size;

                                Component_Requires_Alignment :=

                                exit;  -- this variant is selected by the
                                       -- constraint
                            elsif Temp_Size > Current_Size then
                                Current_Size := Temp_Size;

                                Component_Requires_Alignment :=

                            end if;
                            Result := 0;
                        end if;
                        Ada.Next (Variant_Items);
                    end loop;

                when Types.A_Null_Component =>
                    Current_Size := 0;
                    Static       := True;

                when Types.Not_A_Component =>
                    Result := 0;
                    Static := False;
            end case;

            if Static then
                if Component_Requires_Alignment then
                    Requires_Alignment := True;
                    Accume_Size        :=
                       Current_Size +
                          Number_Of_Id_Decls *
                                (Accume_Size, Record_Component_Alignment);
                    Accume_Size := Accume_Size +
                                      (Number_Of_Id_Decls * Current_Size);
                end if;
                Final_Static := Final_Static and Static;
            end if;

            Ada.Next (Component_List);
        end loop;

        if Final_Static then
            Result := Accume_Size;
            Result := 0;
        end if;
    end Component_List_Size;

    function Has_Default_Values
                (Discriminants : Ada.Element_Iterator) return Boolean is
        Local        : Ada.Element_Iterator := Discriminants;
        Discriminant : Ada.Element;
        while not Ada.Done (Local) loop
            Discriminant := Ada.Value (Local);
            if Lrm_Utilities.Is_Initialized (Discriminant) then
                return True;
            end if;

            Ada.Next (Local);
        end loop;
        return False;
    end Has_Default_Values;

    procedure Record_Size (Of_Record : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                           With_Constraints : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                           Result : out Long_Natural;
                           Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                           Static : in out Boolean) is
        Record_Components : Ada.Element_Iterator;

        Record_Components := Types.Record_Components (Of_Record);

        if Type_Information.Is_Discriminated (Of_Record) and then
           Has_Default_Values (Type_Information.Discriminants (Of_Record)) then

            Component_List_Size (Components => Record_Components,
                                 With_Constraints => Ada.Nil_Element,
                                 Record_Discriminants_Have_Defaults => True,
                                 Result => Result,
                                 Requires_Alignment => Requires_Alignment,
                                 Final_Static => Static);

            Component_List_Size (Components => Record_Components,
                                 With_Constraints => With_Constraints,
                                 Record_Discriminants_Have_Defaults => False,
                                 Result => Result,
                                 Requires_Alignment => Requires_Alignment,
                                 Final_Static => Static);
        end if;

    end Record_Size;

    procedure Number_Of_Elements
                 (Index_Constraints :        Ada_Program.Element_Iterator;
                  Count             : out    Long_Natural;
                  Static            : in out Boolean) is
        Indices          : Ada.Element_Iterator := Index_Constraints;
        Index_Constraint : Types.Subtype_Indication;

        Lower_Expression, Upper_Expression : Types.Expression;
        Lower, Upper : Long_Integer;
        Total_Elements : Long_Natural := 1;

        Static := True;

        while not Ada.Done (Indices) loop

            Index_Constraint := Ada.Value (Indices);

            Bounds_Utilities.Find_Range (Index_Constraint, Lower, Upper, Static,
                                         Lower_Expression, Upper_Expression);
            exit when not Static;

            Total_Elements := Total_Elements * Size_Of_Dimension (Lower, Upper);
            Ada.Next (Indices);
        end loop;

        Count := Total_Elements;
    end Number_Of_Elements;

    function Is_Character (Type_Def : Types.Type_Definition) return Boolean is
        Last : Ada.Element := Types.Last_Constraint (Type_Def);
        return String_Utilities.Equal (Ada.Image (Last), "CHARACTER") or else
                     (Declarations.Name (Ada.Parent (Last)), "CHARACTER");
    end Is_Character;

    function Is_Boolean (Type_Def : Types.Type_Definition) return Boolean is
        Last : Ada.Element := Types.Last_Constraint (Type_Def);
        return String_Utilities.Equal (Ada.Image (Last), "BOOLEAN") or else
                     (Declarations.Name (Ada.Parent (Last)), "BOOLEAN");

    end Is_Boolean;

    procedure Array_Size (Of_Array          : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                          Index_Constraints : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator;
                          Result            : out Long_Natural;
                          Static            : in out Boolean) is
        Array_Elements       : Long_Natural;
        Array_Component_Type : Types.Type_Definition;
        Component_Size       : Long_Natural;
        Requires_Alignment   : Boolean := False;

        Result               := 0;       Array_Component_Type := Types.Component_Type (Of_Array);

        if Is_Character (Array_Component_Type) then  -- string type
            Component_Size := Character_Size;
        elsif Is_Boolean (Array_Component_Type) then -- bit string
            Component_Size := Boolean_Size;
            Size (For_Type           => Declarations.Type_Specification
                  Result             => Component_Size,
                  Requires_Alignment => Requires_Alignment,
                  Static             => Static);

            Component_Size := Round_Up_To_Alignment
                                 (Component_Size, Array_Component_Alignment);
        end if;

        if Static then
            Number_Of_Elements (Index_Constraints, Array_Elements, Static);

            if Static then
                if Requires_Alignment then
                    Result := Array_Elements * Round_Up_To_Alignment
                    Result := Array_Elements * Component_Size;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

    end Array_Size;

    procedure Find_Fixed_Constraints
                 (Ref_Id : Ada.Identifier_Reference := Ada.Nil_Element;
                  Root : Types.Type_Definition;
                  First : Types.Type_Constraint;
                  Range_Constraint : out Types.Type_Constraint;
                  Delta_Constraint : out Types.Type_Constraint) is
        Got_Range, Got_Delta : Boolean := False;
        Element              : Ada.Element;

        procedure Process_Constraint (Current : Types.Type_Constraint) is
            case Types.Constraint_Kind (Current) is
                when Types.A_Simple_Range | Types.A_Range_Attribute =>
                    if not Got_Range then
                        Range_Constraint := Current;
                        Got_Range        := True;
                    end if;

                when Types.A_Fixed_Point_Constraint =>
                    if not Got_Delta then
                        Delta_Constraint := Current;
                        Got_Delta        := True;
                    end if;

                    if not Got_Range and then
                       not Ada.Is_Nil (Types.Fixed_Point_Constraint
                                          (Current)) then
                        Range_Constraint :=
                           Types.Fixed_Point_Constraint (Current);
                        Got_Range        := True;
                    end if;

                when others =>
            end case;
        end Process_Constraint;
        Range_Constraint := Ada.Nil_Element;
        Delta_Constraint := Ada.Nil_Element;
        Element          := Ref_Id;

        Process_Constraint (First);

        while not Got_Range or else not Got_Delta loop
            if Ada.Is_Nil (Element) then
                Process_Constraint (Types.Ground_Type (Root));
            end if;

            Element := Ada.Definition (Element);  
            exit when Ada.Is_Nil (Element); -- For Generic Formal types.

            Element := Types.Last_Constraint
                          (Decls.Type_Specification (Element));

            case Types.Kind (Element) is
                when Types.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                    Process_Constraint (Types.Constraint (Element));
                when Types.A_Fixed_Type_Definition =>
                    Process_Constraint (Element);
                when others =>
                    exit;      -- shouldn't happen
            end case;

        end loop;
    end Find_Fixed_Constraints;

    procedure Size (For_Type           : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                    Result             : in out Long_Natural;
                    Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                    Static             : in out Boolean) is

        Element : Ada.Element := Types.Last_Constraint (For_Type);

        Ubound, Lbound : Long_Integer;
        U_Bound, L_Bound : Float;  
        Digits_Accuracy : Long_Natural;
        Constraint, Range_Constraint, Delta_Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint;

        Is_Packed : Boolean;

        Node : Node_Data;
        Current_Level := Current_Level + 1;

        Node.Level := Current_Level;
        Node.Elem  := For_Type;

        Result             := 0;
        Requires_Alignment := False;

            if Ada.Is_Nil (Element) then
                Static := False;
            end if;

            case Types.Kind (Element) is
                when Types.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                    Constraint := Types.Constraint (Element);

                    if Ada.Is_Nil (Constraint) then
                        -- Can't happen, LAST_CONSTRAINT returns
                        -- a constrained subtype or a base type ...
                        Static := False;
                    end if;

                    Size (Ref_Id             => Types.Type_Mark (Element),
                          Original           => Element,
                          Constraint         => Constraint,
                          Result             => Result,
                          Requires_Alignment => Requires_Alignment,
                          Static             => Static);

                when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                    if Is_Character (Element) then
                        Result := Character_Size;
                        Static := True;
                    elsif Is_Boolean (Element) then
                        Result := Boolean_Size;
                        Static := True;
                           (Element, Lbound, Ubound);
                        Result := Enumeration_Type_Size
                                     (Lbound, Ubound, Is_Packed);
                        Static := Ubound >= Lbound;
                    end if;
                when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>

                       (Types.Integer_Constraint (Element),
                        Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                    if Static then
                        Result := Integer_Type_Size (Lbound, Ubound);
                    end if;
                when Types.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                       (Types.Floating_Point_Constraint (Element),
                        L_Bound, U_Bound, Static);
                       (Types.Digits_Accuracy_Definition (Element),
                        Digits_Accuracy, Static);
                    if Static then
                        Result := Float_Type_Size
                                     (L_Bound, U_Bound, Digits_Accuracy);
                    end if;
                when Types.A_Task_Type_Definition =>
                    Result             := Task_Type_Size;
                    Static             := True;
                    Requires_Alignment := True;

                when Types.A_Fixed_Type_Definition =>
                       (Root             => Element,
                        First            => Element,
                        Range_Constraint => Range_Constraint,
                        Delta_Constraint => Delta_Constraint);
                       (Delta_Constraint, Range_Constraint,
                        Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                    if Static then
                        Result := Integer_Type_Size (Lbound, Ubound, Is_Packed);

                    end if;
                when Types.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
                    if Type_Information.Is_Constrained_Array (Element) then
                        Array_Size (Element, Types.Index_Constraints (Element),
                                    Result, Static);
                            Node : Node_Data;
                            Node.Level := Current_Level;
                            Node.Elem  := Element;
                            Node.Size  := Long_Natural'Last;
                            Node.Kind  := Array_Index;
                            The_List   := List.Make (Node, The_List);
                        Static := False;
                    end if;

                when Types.An_Access_Type_Definition =>
                    Access_Size (Element, Result, Static);
                    Requires_Alignment := True;
                when Types.A_Record_Type_Definition =>
                    Record_Size (Element, Ada_Program.Nil_Element,
                                 Result, Requires_Alignment, Static);
                    Node.Elem := Element;

                    if Type_Information.Is_Discriminated (Element) then
                            Node : Node_Data;
                            Node.Level := Current_Level;
                            Node.Elem  := Element;
                            Node.Size  := Long_Natural'Last;
                            Node.Kind  := Discriminant;
                            The_List   := List.Make (Node, The_List);
                    end if;


                when Types.A_Derived_Type_Definition =>
                    Element := Types.Last_Constraint
                                  (Types.Derived_From (Element));
                    -- loop on type that was derived

                when Types.A_Private_Type_Definition ..
                        Types.A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition =>
                    Element := Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Element);
                    Element := Ada_Program.Definition (Element);

                when Types.Not_A_Type_Definition =>
                    Result := 0;
                    Static := False;
            end case;
        end loop;

        Node.Size   := Result;
        Node.Static := Static;

        The_List := List.Make (Node, The_List);

        Current_Level := Current_Level - 1;
    end Size;

    procedure Size (Ref_Id             : Ada_Program.Identifier_Reference :=
                    Original           : Type_Information.Type_Definition;
                    Constraint         : Type_Information.Type_Constraint;
                    Result             : in out Long_Natural;
                    Requires_Alignment : in out Boolean;
                    Static             : in out Boolean) is
        Ground : Types.Type_Definition := Types.Ground_Type (Original);
        Range_Constraint, Delta_Constraint : Types.Type_Constraint;
        Lbound, Ubound : Long_Integer;
        L_Bound, U_Bound : Float;
        Digits_Accuracy : Long_Natural;

        Is_Packed : Boolean;

        Node : Node_Data;
        Result             := 0;
        Requires_Alignment := False;
        case Types.Kind (Ground) is
            when Types.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                   (Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                if Static then
                    Result := Enumeration_Type_Size (Lbound, Ubound, Is_Packed);
                    Result := 0;
                end if;

            when Types.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
                   (Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                if Static then
                    Result := Integer_Type_Size (Lbound, Ubound, Is_Packed);
                    Result := 0;
                end if;

            when Types.A_Fixed_Type_Definition =>
                Find_Fixed_Constraints (Ref_Id           => Ref_Id,
                                        Root             => Constraint,
                                        First            => Constraint,
                                        Range_Constraint => Range_Constraint,
                                        Delta_Constraint => Delta_Constraint);
                   (Delta_Constraint, Range_Constraint, Lbound, Ubound, Static);
                if Static then
                    Result := Integer_Type_Size (Lbound, Ubound, Is_Packed);
                    Result := 0;
                end if;

            when Types.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                   (Constraint, L_Bound, U_Bound, Static);
                Expression_Value (Types.Digits_Accuracy_Definition (Ground),
                                  Digits_Accuracy, Static);
                if Static then
                    Result := Float_Type_Size
                                 (L_Bound, U_Bound, Digits_Accuracy);
                end if;

            when Types.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
                Array_Size (Ground, Types.Discrete_Ranges (Constraint),
                            Result, Static);

                Node.Level := Current_Level;
                Node.Elem  := Constraint;
                Node.Size  := Long_Natural'Last;
                Node.Kind  := Index_Constraint;
                The_List   := List.Make (Node, The_List);
            when Types.A_Record_Type_Definition =>
                Record_Size (Ground, Constraint, Result,
                             Requires_Alignment, Static);

                Node.Level := Current_Level;
                Node.Elem  := Constraint;
                Node.Size  := Long_Natural'Last;
                Node.Kind  := Discriminant_Constraint;
                The_List   := List.Make (Node, The_List);
            when others =>
                -- Can't happen ...
                Result := 0;
                Static := False;
        end case;

    end Size;

    function Indent (Level : Natural; Image : String; Char : Character := ' ')
                    return String is
        Dots : constant String (1 .. Level) := (others => Char);
        return Dots & String_Utilities.Strip (Image);
    end Indent;

    function Choices_Image (Variant : Ada_Program.Element) return String is
        Im      : Unbounded.Variable_String;
        Choices : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Variant_Choices (Variant);
        Unbounded.Copy (Im, "when ");
        while not Ada_Program.Done (Choices) loop
            Unbounded.Append (Im, Ada_Program.Image
                                     (Ada_Program.Value (Choices)));
            Ada_Program.Next (Choices);
            if not Ada_Program.Done (Choices) then
                Unbounded.Append (Im, " | ");
            end if;
        end loop;
        return Unbounded.Image (Im);
    end Choices_Image;

    function Discrim_Image (Type_Def : Ada_Program.Element) return String is
        Im       : Unbounded.Variable_String;
        Discrims : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Discriminants (Type_Def);
        while not Ada_Program.Done (Discrims) loop
            Unbounded.Append (Im, Ada_Program.Image
                                     (Ada_Program.Value (Discrims)));
            Ada_Program.Next (Discrims);
            if not Ada_Program.Done (Discrims) then
                Unbounded.Append (Im, "; ");
            end if;
        end loop;
        return Unbounded.Image (Im);
    end Discrim_Image;

    function Index_Image (Type_Def : Ada_Program.Element) return String is
        Im      : Unbounded.Variable_String;
        Indexes : Ada_Program.Element_Iterator :=
           Type_Information.Index_Constraints (Type_Def);
        while not Ada_Program.Done (Indexes) loop
            Unbounded.Append (Im, Ada_Program.Image
                                     (Ada_Program.Value (Indexes)));
            Ada_Program.Next (Indexes);
            if not Ada_Program.Done (Indexes) then
                Unbounded.Append (Im, ", ");
            end if;
        end loop;
        return Unbounded.Image (Im);
    end Index_Image;

    function Kind (Type_Def  : Ada_Program.Element;
                   Ground    : Ada_Program.Element;
                   Spec_Kind : Special_Kind) return String;

    function Kind (Type_Def  : Ada_Program.Element;
                   Ground    : Ada_Program.Element;
                   Spec_Kind : Special_Kind) return String is

        Decl : Ada_Program.Element := Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration
                                         (Ada_Program.Definition (Type_Def));
        case Spec_Kind is
            when Choice =>
                return Choices_Image (Type_Def);
            when Array_Index =>
                return Index_Image (Type_Def);
            when Index_Constraint =>
                return Ada.Image (Type_Def);
            when Discriminant =>
                return Discrim_Image (Type_Def);
            when Discriminant_Constraint =>
                return Ada.Image (Type_Def);
            when Not_Special =>

                if Ada_Program.Is_Nil (Decl) then
                    Decl := Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Type_Def);
                end if;

                if Declarations.Is_Generic_Formal
                      (Declarations.Enclosing_Declaration (Type_Def)) then
                    return "GEN FORMAL";
                elsif Declarations.Is_Private (Decl) then
                    return "P(" & Kind (Ground, Ground, Spec_Kind) & ")";
                elsif Declarations.Is_Limited (Decl) then
                    return "LP(" & Kind (Ground, Ground, Spec_Kind) & ")";
                end if;

                case Type_Information.Kind (Ground) is
                    when Type_Information.A_Subtype_Indication =>
                        return "SUBTYPE";
                    when Type_Information.An_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
                        if Type_Information.Is_Predefined (Ground) then
                            if Is_Boolean (Ground) then
                                return "BOOLEAN";
                                return "CHARACTER";
                            end if;
                            return "ENUM";
                        end if;
                    when Type_Information.An_Integer_Type_Definition =>
                        return "INTEGER";
                    when Type_Information.A_Float_Type_Definition =>
                        return "FLOAT";
                    when Type_Information.A_Fixed_Type_Definition =>
                        return "FIXED";
                    when Type_Information.An_Array_Type_Definition =>
                        if Is_Character (Types.Component_Type (Ground)) then
                            return "STRING";
                            return "ARRAY";
                        end if;
                    when Type_Information.A_Record_Type_Definition =>
                        return "RECORD";
                    when Type_Information.An_Access_Type_Definition =>
                        return "ACCESS";
                    when Type_Information.A_Derived_Type_Definition =>
                        return "DERIVED";
                    when Type_Information.A_Task_Type_Definition =>
                        return "TASK";
                    when Type_Information.A_Private_Type_Definition =>
                        return "";
                    when Type_Information.A_Limited_Private_Type_Definition =>
                        return "";
                    when Type_Information.Not_A_Type_Definition =>
                        return "UNKNOWN";
                end case;
        end case;
        when others =>
            return Ada_Program.Image (Type_Def);
    end Kind;

    function Image (Kind : Special_Kind) return String is
        case Kind is
            when Array_Index =>
                return "^INDEX";  
            when Index_Constraint =>
                return "^CONSTRAINT";  
            when Discriminant =>
                return "^DISCRIMS";  
            when Discriminant_Constraint =>
                return "^CONSTRAINT";  
            when Choice =>
                return ">>CHOICE";  
            when Not_Special =>
                return "";
        end case;
    end Image;

    procedure Display (Type_Decl             : Ada_Program.Declaration;
                       Type_Sizing_File_Name : String :=
                          "!toolkit.analysis.ada_analysis'view" &
                       To_Preview_Object     : String := "type_display") is
        Requires_Alignment : Boolean;
        Type_Def           : Ada_Program.Element :=
           Declarations.Type_Specification (Type_Decl);

        Status   : Errors.Condition;
        Document : Abstract_Document.Handle;
        Node     : Node_Data;

        Iter       : List.Iterator;
        Local_Size : Long_Natural;
        Static     : Boolean;

        package Table is new Table_Formatter (2);

        procedure Add_Node_To_Display (Node : Node_Data) is
            Expression : constant String :=
               Unbounded.Image (Node.Size_Expression);
            if Node.Size = Long_Natural'Last then
                Table.Item ("");  
            elsif Node.Size = 0 then
                if Expression = "" then
                       (Indent (Node.Level, "NS", '.'),
                        Explanation =>
                           "Size cannot be statically computed, expression unknown");
                       (Indent (Node.Level, "NS", '.'),
                        Explanation =>
                           "Size cannot be statically computed, expression: " &
                end if;
                Table.Item (Indent (Node.Level,
                                    Long_Natural'Image (Node.Size / 8), '.'),
                            Explanation => "Size in bytes");
            end if;

            if Node.Kind = Not_Special then
                Table.Item (Indent (4 * (Node.Level - 1),
                                           (Node.Elem)) &
                                    " : " & Kind (Node.Elem,
                            Explanation => "Name and kind of the component",
                            Linkage     => Node.Elem);

                Table.Item (Indent (4 * (Node.Level - 1), Image (Node.Kind)) &
                            " - " & Kind (Node.Elem, Node.Elem, Node.Kind),
                            Explanation => "Name and kind of the component",
                            Linkage     => Node.Elem);

            end if;

        end Add_Node_To_Display;
        Current_Level := 0;

        Size (Type_Def, Local_Size, Requires_Alignment, Static);

        Table.Header ("Size");
        Table.Header ("Items");
        List.Init (Iter, The_List);

        while not List.Done (Iter) loop
            Add_Node_To_Display (List.Value (Iter));
            List.Next (Iter);
        end loop;

        Ad.Create (Document, To_Preview_Object, Status);
        Ad_Specify.Cover (Document, "INFORMATION");
        Ad_Specify.Cover_Item (Document, "");
        Ad_Specify.Paragraph (Document, 1, "");

        Table.Display (Document, "EXPLODED TYPE DISPLAY");
        Ad.Close (Document);
        Common.Definition (To_Preview_Object);
    end Display;

    procedure Display_Selected_Type
                 (Type_Sizing_File_Name : String :=
                     "!toolkit.analysis.ada_analysis'view" &
                  To_Preview_Object     : String := "type_display") is

        Decl : Ada_Program.Element :=
              (Ada_Program.Conversion.Resolve (Object_Editor.Get_Name));
        Sizing_Parameters.Initialize ("_" & Type_Sizing_File_Name);
        case Declarations.Kind (Decl) is
            when Declarations.A_Type_Declaration |
                 Declarations.A_Task_Type_Declaration |
                 Declarations.A_Subtype_Declaration =>
                Display (Decl, To_Preview_Object);
            when others =>
                Io.Echo_Line ("Image is not a type declaration");
        end case;
    end Display_Selected_Type;
end Type_Display;

E3 Meta Data

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    tail 0x21700171a815c63f74ef5 0x42a00088462061e03
Free Block Chain:
  0x2: 0000  00 00 00 33 80 30 61 69 6e 74 20 20 20 20 20 20  ┆   3 0aint      ┆