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Rational R1000/400

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⟦bf5ce984a⟧ Ada Source

    Length: 9216 (0x2400)
    Types: Ada Source
    Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Com_Ihm, seg_04f86e


└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000
    └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« 

E3 Source Code

with Lecteur_68;
with Site_68;
with Parametre_68;
with Plage_68;
with Ss_Zone_68;  
with Horaire_68;
with Semaine_68;
with Acces_68;
with Carte_68;
with Lecteur_Zone_68;
with Carte_Groupe_68;  
with Text_Io;

package body Com_Ihm is

    package G_D renames General_Defs;

    Max_Trame : constant Natural := 11;
    Trame_Indice : Natural;

    type T_Tab_Trame is array (1 .. Max_Trame) of Trame_Ihm_68.Object;

    Tab_Trame : T_Tab_Trame;

    Lecteur, Lecteur2 : Lecteur_68.Object;
    Site : Site_68.Object;
    Parametre : Parametre_68.Object;
    Semaine : Semaine_68.Object;
    Ss_Zone : Ss_Zone_68.Object;
    Ss_Zone2 : Ss_Zone_68.Object;
    Plage : Plage_68.Object;  
    Acces : Acces_68.Object;
    Carte, Carte2 : Carte_68.Object;
    Lecteur_Zone : Lecteur_Zone_68.Object;
    Carte_Groupe : Carte_Groupe_68.Object;

    procedure Ecriture (S : String) is
    end Ecriture;

    task Tache_Com_Ihm is
        entry Reveil;
    end Tache_Com_Ihm;

    task body Tache_Com_Ihm is
        accept Reveil;
            Lecture (Trame_Ihm_68.Image (Tab_Trame (Trame_Indice)));
            Trame_Indice := Trame_Indice + 1;

            if Trame_Indice > Tab_Trame'Last then
            end if;
        end loop;
    end Tache_Com_Ihm;

    Site_68.Create (O => Site, N => 60);
    Parametre_68.Create (O => Parametre,
                         Tempo => 10,
                         Apb => Parametre_68.Inactif,
                         Veille => Parametre_68.En_Service,
                         Entree_Tor => Parametre_68.Boucle,
                         Evenement => Parametre_68.Tous);  
       (O => Lecteur, Numero => 3, Site => Site, Parametre => Parametre);
       (O => Lecteur2, Numero => 4, Site => Site, Parametre => Parametre);

    Semaine_68.Create_Semaine_Vide (Semaine);
    Semaine_68.Ajout_Jour (Semaine, Semaine_68.Lundi);
    Semaine_68.Ajout_Jour (Semaine, Semaine_68.Mercredi);
    Ss_Zone_68.Create (O => Ss_Zone,
                       Deb_1_Hh => 10,
                       Deb_1_Mm => 30,
                       Fin_1_Hh => 11,
                       Fin_1_Mm => 05,
                       Deb_2_Hh => 00,
                       Deb_2_Mm => 00,
                       Fin_2_Hh => 00,
                       Fin_2_Mm => 00,
                       Jour_Sem => Semaine);
    Ss_Zone_68.Initialise (Ss_Zone2);
    Plage_68.Create (O => Plage,
                     Numero => 1,
                     Zone => 2,
                     Per_1 => Ss_Zone,
                     Per_2 => Ss_Zone2,
                     Per_3 => Ss_Zone2);  
    Carte_68.Create (O => Carte, Numero => 200);
    Carte_68.Create (O => Carte2, Numero => 199);

    Lecteur_Zone_68.Create (O => Lecteur_Zone, Lecteur => 3, Zone => 2);
    Carte_Groupe_68.Create (O => Carte_Groupe, Carte => 200, Groupe => 5);
    Acces_68.Create (O => Acces, Zone => 2, Plage => 1, Groupe => 5);

    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (1), Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Config);
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (2),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Lecteur,
                         S => Lecteur_68.Image (Lecteur));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (3),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Plage,
                         S => Plage_68.Image (Plage));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (4),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Acces,
                         S => Acces_68.Image (Acces));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (5),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Carte,
                         S => Carte_68.Image (Carte));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (6),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Lecteur_Zone,
                         S => Lecteur_Zone_68.Image (Lecteur_Zone));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (7),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Carte_Groupe,
                         S => Carte_Groupe_68.Image (Carte_Groupe));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (8),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Carte,
                         S => Carte_68.Image (Carte2));  
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (9),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Creation,
                         Type_Objet => Trame_Ihm_68.Lecteur,
                         S => Lecteur_68.Image (Lecteur2));
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (10),
                         Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Fin_Config);  
    Trame_Ihm_68.Create (O => Tab_Trame (11), Action => Trame_Ihm_68.Rapport);
    Trame_Indice := Tab_Trame'First;


end Com_Ihm;

E3 Meta Data

        [0x00] rec0=2b rec1=00 rec2=01 rec3=01e
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        [0x05] rec0=11 rec1=00 rec2=02 rec3=018
        [0x06] rec0=06 rec1=00 rec2=05 rec3=001
        [0x07] rec0=e8 rec1=77 rec2=64 rec3=1eb
    tail 0x2154a9a0287785f64aecf 0x42a00088462060003
Free Block Chain:
  0x3: 0000  00 00 00 b7 80 1d 72 65 61 74 65 5f 53 65 6d 61  ┆      reate_Sema┆