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Length: 23552 (0x5c00) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Sorted_List_Generic, seg_0046ad
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦this⟧
package body Sorted_List_Generic is First_Position : constant Natural := Natural (Positions'First); Done_Position : constant Natural := Natural'Pred (First_Position); --| @SUMMARY Task that manages the internal free-list. --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Use of a task ensures concurrency safety. --| task Free_List_Manager is entry Get_Node (The_Node : out Pointer; Contents : in Element); entry Free_Node (This_Node : in out Pointer); end Free_List_Manager; task body Free_List_Manager is --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Package/task state: the internal free list. --| Free_List : Pointer := null; begin loop select accept Get_Node (The_Node : out Pointer; Contents : in Element) do declare New_Node : Pointer := null; begin if Free_Lis = null then New_Node := new Node'(Contents => Contents, Next => null, Previous => null); else New_Node := Free_List; Free_List := Free_List.Next; New_Node.Next := null; New_Node.Previous := null; New_Node.Contents := Contents; end if; The_Node := New_Node; end; end Get_Node; or accept Free_Node (This_Node : in out Pointer) do This_Node.Previous := null; This_Node.Next := Free_List; Free_List := This_Node; end Free_Node; or terminate; end select; end loop; end Free_List_Manager; --| @DESCRIPTION Walks a pointer to an arbitrary position in the --| list. --| --| @SPECIAL_NOTES Blows up if position is out of range. Unsafe --| for export. --| procedure Set (This_Pointer : in out Pointer; To_This_Position : in Positions; In_This_List : in out List; Permanently : Boolean := False) is begin This_Pointer := In_This_List.First; for Counter in First_Position .. Natural (To_This_Position) - 1 loop This_Pointer := This_Pointer.Next; end loop; if Permanently then In_This_List.Current := This_Pointer; In_This_List.Position := Natural (To_This_Position); end if; end Set; function Create return List is The_List : List; begin return The_List; end Create; function Is_Empty (This_List : in List) return Boolean is begin return Elements_In (This_List) = 0; end Is_Empty; function Elements_In (This_List : in List) return Natural is begin return This_List.Count; end Elements_In; function Copy (Of_List : in List) return List is Current : Pointer := Of_List.First; New_List : List := Create; begin while Current /= null loop Add (New_List, Copy (Current.Contents), Insert); Current := Current.Next; end loop; if not Done (Of_List) then Set (New_List, Position (Of_List)); end if; return New_List; end Copy; procedure Reset_To_First (This_List : in out List) is begin This_List.Current := This_List.First; if This_List.First = null then This_List.Position := Done_Position; else This_List.Position := First_Position; end if; end Reset_To_First; procedure Reset_To_Last (This_List : in out List) is begin This_List.Current := This_List.Last; if This_List.Last = null then This_List.Position := Done_Position; else This_List.Position := This_List.Count; end if; end Reset_To_Last; function Done (This_List : in List) return Boolean is begin return This_List.Current = null; end Done; function At_First (This_List : in List) return Boolean is begin return not Done (This_List) and then This_List.Current = This_List.First; end At_First; function At_Last (This_List : in List) return Boolean is begin return not Done (This_List) and then This_List.Current = This_List.Last; end At_Last; procedure Previous (This_List : in out List) is begin This_List.Current : This_List.Current.Previous; This_List.Position := This_List.Position - 1; exception when Constraint_Error => raise No_Previous_Element; end Previous; procedure Next (This_List : in out List) is begin This_List.Current := This_List.Current.Next; This_List.Position := This_List.Position + 1; exception when Constraint_Error => raise No_Next_Element; end Next; function Current (This_List : in List) return Element is begin return This_List.Current.Contents; exception when Constraint_Error => raise No_Current_Element; end Current; function Position (In_List : in List) return Positions is begin return Positions (In_List.Position); exception when Constraint_Error => raise No_Current_Element; end Position; procedure Set (This_List : in ut List; To_Position : in Positions) is begin Set (This_List.Current, To_Position, This_List, Permanently => True); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Out_Of_Range; end Set; --| @ALGORITHM Walks a "probe" pointer along list, leaving internal --| list pointers undisturbed. --| function Element_At (This_Position : in Positions; In_List : in List) return Element is The_List : List := In_List; Probe : Pointer := null; begin Set (Probe, This_Position, The_List); return Probe.Contents; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Out_Of_Range; end Element_At; procedure Add (To_List : in out List; This_Element : in Element; Duplicate_Reaction : in Duplicate_Reactions) is procedure Add_Initial_Element is New_Node : Pointer := null; begin Free_List_Manager.Get_Node (New_Node, Contents => This_Element); To_List.Position := First_Position; To_List.Current := New_Node; To_List.First := New_Node; To_List.Last := New_Node; To_List.Count := 1; end Add_Initial_Element; procedure Add_Subsequent_Element is Add_Point : Pointer := To_List.First; Add_Position : Positions := Positions (First_Position); procedure Add_Before is New_Node : Pointer := null; begin Free_List_Manager.Get_Node (New_Node, Contents => This_Element); New_Node.Previous := Add_Point.Previous; Add_Point.Previous := New_Node; New_Node.Next := Add_Point; if New_Node.Previous /= null then New_Node.Previous.Next := New_Node; end if; if To_List.First = Add_Point then To_List.First := New_Node; end if; To_List.Count := To_List.Count + 1; if Position (To_List) >= Add_Position then -- -- Insertion was before the original position, so the -- position needs to be shifted over by one. -- To_List.Position := To_List.Position + 1; end if; end Add_Before; procedure Add_After is New_Node : Pointer := null; begin Free_List_Manager.Get_Node (New_Node, Contents => This_Element); New_Node.Next := Add_Point.Next; Add_Point.Next := New_Node; New_Node.Previous := Add_Point; if New_Node.Next /= null then New_Node.Next.Previous := New_Node; end if; if To_List.Last = Add_Point then To_List.Last := New_Node; end if; To_List.Count := To_List.Count + 1; if Position (To_List) > Add_Position then -- -- Insertion was before the original position, so the -- position needs to be shifted over by one. -- To_List.Position := To_List.Position + 1; end if; end Add_After; begin loop if Add_Point = null then -- -- Element is greater than all others in list, so append to -- end of list. -- Add_Position := Add_Position - 1; Add_Point := To_List.Last; Add_After; exit; elsif This_Element < Add_Point.Contents then -- -- Element is less than current element in list, so add -- before current element. -- Add_Before; exit; elsif not (Add_Point.Contents < This_Element) then -- -- Element is not < and not >, so must be equal -- to current element in list. -- case Duplicate_Reaction is when Disallow => raise Duplicate_Element; when Overwrite => Add_Point.Contents := This_Element; exit; when Insert => -- -- Keep walking down list until pass all duplicates -- of current element. Will either encounter an -- element larger than the element being added, or -- will encounter end of list. Both cases are -- already covered. -- null; end case; end if; Add_Point := Add_Point.Next; Add_Position := Add_Position + 1; end loop; end Add_Subsequent_Element; begin if Is_Empty (To_List) then Add_Initial_Element; else Add_Subsequent_Element; end if; end Add; procedure Delete (From_List : in out List) is begin Delete (From_List, Position (From_List)); exception when others => raise No_Current_Element; end Delete; procedure Delete (From_List : in out List; At_Position : in Positions) is Delete_Point : Pointer := null; begin Set (Delete_Point, At_Position, From_List); if From_List.Current = Delete_Point then From_List.Current := Delete_Point.Next; end if; if From_List.First = Delete_Point then From_List.First := Delete_Point.Next; end if; if From_List.Last = Delete_Point then From_List.Last := Delete_Point.Previous; end if; if Delete_Point.Previous /= null then Delete_Point.Previous.Next := Delete_Point.Next; end if; if Delete_Point.Next /= null then Delete_Point.Next.Previous := Delete_Point.Previous; end if; Free_List_Manager.Free_Node (Delete_Point); From_List.Count := From_List.Count - 1; if Position (From_List) > At_Position then -- -- Deletion was before the original position, so the -- position needs to be shifted over by one. -- From_List.Position := From_List.Position - 1; end if; exception when others => raise Out_Of_Range; end Delete; procedure Dispose (Of_This_List : in out List) is begin Reset_To_First (Of_This_List); while not Done (Of_This_List) loop Delete (Of_This_List); end loop; end Dispose; end Sorted_List_Generic;
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