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Length: 29696 (0x7400) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Class_Turtle, seg_03870d
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Class_Integer; with Class_Printer; with Class_Window; with Block; with Bounded_String; with Easy_Y; with Elementary_Functions; with Message; with String_Utilities; with Bug_Report; package body Class_Turtle is function Send (This_Message : Message.Unary; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is type E_Message is (Tafenetre, Rentrecheztoi, Levetaplume, Baissetaplume, Tonx, Tony, Tonangle, Tonepaisseur, Dupliquetoi, Detruistoi, Entexte); Token : E_Message; package Bs renames Bounded_String; begin Token := E_Message'Value (Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => This_Message))); case Token is when Tafenetre => return Object.Create (Object.Window_Class, Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Fenetre); when Rentrecheztoi => Table (Object.Get (To)).X := 0; Table (Object.Get (To)).Y := 0; Table (Object.Get (To)).Angle := 0; Table (Object.Get (To)).Epaisseur := 1; Table (Object.Get (To)).Plume := Etat'(Baissee); return To; when Levetaplume => Table (Object.Get (To)).Plume := Etat'(Levee); return To; when Baissetaplume => Table (Object.Get (To)).Plume := Etat'(Baissee); return To; when Tonx => return Class_Integer.Create (Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (To)).X)); when Tony => return Class_Integer.Create (Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (To)).Y)); when Tonangle => return Class_Integer.Create (Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (To)).Angle)); when Tonepaisseur => return Class_Integer.Create (Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (To)).Epaisseur)); when Dupliquetoi => return Create (To); when Detruistoi => return Object.Void_Reference; when Entexte => Put (To); return To; end case; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Unary_Message; end Send; function Send (This_Message : Message.Binary; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is begin raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Binary_Message; return Object.Void_Reference; end Send; function Send (This_Message : Message.Keyword; To : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is type E_Message is (Tonx, Tony, Tafenetre, Avance, Recule, Tonepaisseur, Tonangle, Agauche, Adroite, Vaenx, Y); Token : E_Message; package Bs renames Bounded_String; use Elementary_Functions; use Object; Pi : Float := 3.141592654; Mess : Message.Keyword := This_Message; Dx, Dy : Object.Index; begin Message.Init (This => Mess); while not Message.Is_Done_Name (Mess) loop Token := E_Message'Value (Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => Mess))); case Token is when Tafenetre => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Window_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Fenetre := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Tonx => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Tony => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Avance => Easy_Y.Set_Display (Class_Window.Get (Index => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Fenetre)); Dx := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X); Dy := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y); if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X + Object.Index (Float (Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))) * Elementary_Functions.Cos (Float (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Angle) / 180.0 * Pi)); Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y + Object.Index (Float (Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))) * Elementary_Functions.Sin (Float (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Angle) / 180.0 * Pi)); if Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Plume = Etat'(Baissee) then Easy_Y.Put_Size (Size => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Epaisseur); Easy_Y.Line (Dx, Dy, Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X), Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y)); end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Recule => Easy_Y.Set_Display (Class_Window.Get (Index => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Fenetre)); Dx := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X); Dy := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y); if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X - Object.Index (Float (Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))) * Elementary_Functions.Cos (Float (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Angle) / 180.0 * Pi)); Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y - Object.Index (Float (Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess))) * Elementary_Functions.Sin (Float (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Angle) / 180.0 * Pi)); if Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Plume = Etat'(Baissee) then Easy_Y.Put_Size (Size => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Epaisseur); Easy_Y.Line (Dx, Dy, Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X), Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y)); end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Tonepaisseur => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class and then Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) > 0 then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Epaisseur := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Tonangle => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Angle := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Adroite => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Angle := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Angle + Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Agauche => if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Angle := Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Angle - Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; when Vaenx => Easy_Y.Set_Display (Class_Window.Get (Index => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Fenetre)); Dx := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X); Dy := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y); if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); Message.Next (Mess); if not Message.Is_Done (Mess) then if Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => Mess)) = "Y" then if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); if Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Plume = Etat'(Baissee) then Easy_Y.Line (Dx, Dy, Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). X), Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Y)); end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; end if; when Y => Easy_Y.Set_Display (Class_Window.Get (Index => Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Fenetre)); Dx := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X); Dy := Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y); if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).Y := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); Message.Next (Mess); if not Message.Is_Done (Mess) then if Bs.Image (Message.Get (Name_From => Mess)) = "VaEnX" then if Object.Get (Class_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)) = Object.Integer_Class then Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)).X := Object.Get (Index_From => Message.Get (Argument_From => Mess)); if Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Plume = Etat'(Baissee) then Easy_Y.Line (Dx, Dy, Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). X), Object.Index (Table (Object.Get (Index_From => To)). Y)); end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; end if; else raise Bug_Report.Turtle_Bad_Type; end if; end if; end case; Message.Next (Mess); end loop; return To; exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Unknown_Keyword_Message; end Send; function Create (From : Object.Reference) return Object.Reference is use Object; begin Last := Last + 1; Table (Last) := Table (Object.Get (From)); return Object.Create (Class => Object.Turtle_Class, Object => Last); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Full_Turtle_Table; end Create; procedure Create is use Object; Node : Block.Node := Block.Get_Current_Node; begin Last := Last + 1; Block.Put_Into_Table (This_Object => Object.Create (Class => Object.Turtle_Class, Object => Last), Named => Bounded_String.Value ("tortue", 80), Into_Block => Node); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Bug_Report.Full_Turtle_Table; end Create; procedure Put (An_Object : Object.Reference) is begin Class_Printer.Put ("Objet Tortue {"); Class_Printer.Forward (4); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Numero => " & Object.Index'Image (Object.Get (An_Object))); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("X => " & Object.Index'Image (Table (Object.Get (An_Object)).X)); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Y => " & Object.Index'Image (Table (Object.Get (An_Object)).Y)); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Angle => " & Object.Index'Image (Table (Object.Get (An_Object)).Angle)); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Plume => " & Class_Turtle.Etat'Image (Table (Object.Get (An_Object)).Plume)); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Put ("Fenetre => "); Class_Printer.New_Line; Class_Printer.Forward (4); Class_Window.Put (Object.Create (Object.Window_Class, Table (Object.Get (An_Object)).Fenetre)); Class_Printer.Backward (8); Class_Printer.Put ("}"); Class_Printer.New_Line (2); end Put; function How_Many return Object.Index is begin return Last; end How_Many; end Class_Turtle;
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