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Length: 24576 (0x6000) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Asa, seg_01075f
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Action; with Asa_Definitions; with Calendar; with Debug_Tools; with Directory; with Gateways; with Gateway_Object; with Hierarchy; with Logger; with Object_Class; with Object_Subclass; with Profile; with Simple_Status; with Unix_Definitions; package body Asa is Package_Name : constant String := "Asa."; package Asap renames Asa_Definitions.Properties; package Dir renames Directory; package Dcp renames Directory.Control_Point; package Dna renames Directory.Naming; package Gwo renames Gateway_Object; package Hchy renames Hierarchy; package Ss renames Simple_Status; package Unix renames Unix_Definitions; function Must_Raise_Error return Boolean is use Profile; begin return Profile.Reaction = Profile.Propagate or else Profile.Reaction = Profile.Raise_Error; end Must_Raise_Error; procedure Check_Requirement_Name (Requirement_Name : in String; Action_Id : in Action.Id; Is_A_Requirement : out Boolean; Requirement_Object : out Dir.Object; Requirement_Handle : out Gwo.Handle) is E : Dir.Error_Status; Handle : Gwo.Handle; N : Dna.Name_Status; Object : Dir.Object; S : Ss.Condition; use Asa_Definitions; use Dna; begin Dna.Resolve (Name => Requirement_Name, The_Object => Object, Status => N); if N /= Dna.Successful then Is_A_Requirement := False; Requirement_Object := Dir.Nil; Requirement_Handle := Gwo.Null_Handle; elsif Dir.Is_Gateway (Object) then Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => Object, H => Handle, Update => False, Action_Id => Action_Id, Errors => S); if Ss.Error (S) or else Asap.Class (Handle) /= Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement then Is_A_Requirement := False; Requirement_Object := Object; Requirement_Handle := Gwo.Null_Handle; else Is_A_Requirement := True; Requirement_Object := Object; Requirement_Handle := Handle; end if; end if; end Check_Requirement_Name; procedure Check_View_Name (View_Name : in String; Action_Id : in Action.Id; Is_A_Combined_View : out Boolean; View_Object : out Dir.Object) is E : Dir.Error_Status; N : Dna.Name_Status; Object : Dir.Object; View : Dir.Object; View_Subclass : Dir.Subclass; use Dir; use Dna; begin Dna.Resolve (Name => View_Name, The_Object => Object, Status => N, Action_Id => Action_Id); if N /= Dna.Successful then Is_A_Combined_View := False; View_Object := Dir.Nil; else if Dcp.Is_World (Object) then View := Object; else Dcp.Parent_World (The_Object => Object, The_World => View, Status => E); if E /= Successful then Is_A_Combined_View := False; View_Object := Dir.Nil; end if; end if; View_Subclass := Dir.Get_Subclass (View); Is_A_Combined_View := View_Subclass = Object_Subclass.Combined_View_Subclass; View_Object := View; end if; end Check_View_Name; function Root_Of (Gateway : in Dir.Object; Action_Id : in Action.Id) return Dir.Object is E : Dir.Error_Status; Gateway_Data : Dir.Statistics.Object_Data; Result : Dir.Object; use Dir; begin Result := Gateway; loop Dir.Statistics.Get_Object_Data (The_Object => Result, The_Data => Gateway_Data, Status => E, Action_Id => Action_Id); exit when Dir.Get_Class (Dir.Statistics.Object_Parent (Gateway_Data)) = Object_Class.Library; Result := Dir.Statistics.Object_Parent (Gateway_Data); end loop; return Result; end Root_Of; procedure Create_Requirement (For_Object : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Name : in String := ">>Requirement Name<<"; Kind : in Requirements.Non_Functional := Requirements.Performance; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Create_Requirement"; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id; The_State : Gateways.State; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); The_Action := Action.Start; Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); Gateways.Create (In_Gateway => For_Object, Requirement_Name => Name, Requirement_Kind => Kind, Requirement_Text => "", Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Create_Requirement; procedure Copy_Requirement (Requirement : in String := "<REGION>"; To_Object : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Copy_Requirement"; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; Is_A_Requirement : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action.Start; The_State : Gateways.State; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); Check_Requirement_Name (Requirement_Name => Requirement, Action_Id => The_Action, Is_A_Requirement => Is_A_Requirement, Requirement_Object => Gateway_Object, Requirement_Handle => Gateway); if not Is_A_Requirement then if Dir.Is_Nil (Gateway_Object) then Logger.Negative (Requirement & " is not a gateway of class " & Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement)); else Logger.Negative (Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object) & " is not a gateway of class " & Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement)); end if; end if; Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); Gateways.Create (In_Gateway => To_Object, Requirement_Name => Dna.Get_Simple_Name (Gateway_Object), Requirement_Kind => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Kind (Gateway), Requirement_Text => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Text (Gateway), Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Copy_Requirement; procedure Move_Requirement (Requirement : in String := "<REGION>"; To_Object : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Move_Requirement"; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; Is_A_Requirement : Boolean; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action.Start; The_State : Gateways.State; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); Check_Requirement_Name (Requirement_Name => Requirement, Action_Id => The_Action, Is_A_Requirement => Is_A_Requirement, Requirement_Object => Gateway_Object, Requirement_Handle => Gateway); if not Is_A_Requirement then if Dir.Is_Nil (Gateway_Object) then Logger.Negative (Requirement & " is not a gateway of class " & Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement)); else Logger.Negative (Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object) & " is not a gateway of class " & Asa_Definitions.Gateway_Class'Image (Asa_Definitions.Asa_Requirement)); end if; end if; Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); Gateways.Create (In_Gateway => To_Object, Requirement_Name => Dna.Get_Simple_Name (Gateway_Object), Requirement_Kind => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Kind (Gateway), Requirement_Text => Asap.Asa_Requirement_Text (Gateway), Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Destroy (Gateway_Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object), Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Move_Requirement; procedure Accept_Changes (In_Object : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Accept_Changes"; Build_Time : Calendar.Time; E : Dir.Error_Status; Enclosing_Library : Dir.Object; Gateway : Gwo.Handle; Gateway_Object : Dir.Object; Root_Iterator : Hchy.Module_Iterator; Root_Module : Hchy.Module; S : Ss.Condition; The_Action : Action.Id := Action.Start; The_State : Gateways.State; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); -- -- Open the specified gateway. -- Gwo.Open_Main_Object (Object => In_Object, H => Gateway, Update => False, Action_Id => The_Action, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); Gateway_Object := Gwo.Directory_Object (Gateway); Dcp.Parent_Library (The_Object => Gateway_Object, The_Library => Enclosing_Library, Status => E); Logger.Status (E); declare Host : constant String := Asap.Data_Host (Gateway); Model : constant String := Asap.Data_Context (Gateway) & Unix.Context_Separator & Asap.Data_Name (Gateway); begin -- -- Compute module hierarchy for the associated model. -- Logger.Note ("Building module hierarchy for model " & Model); Hchy.Build (Model => Model, Host => Host, Root => Root_Module, Build_Time => Build_Time); Root_Iterator := Hchy.Make (Root_Module); Gwo.Close (Gateway, Errors => S); Logger.Status (S); -- -- Find the root of the gateway tree. -- Gateway_Object := Root_Of (Gateway => Gateway_Object, Action_Id => The_Action); Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); -- -- Delete those gateways that no longer have corresponding -- modules. -- Gateways.Reduce (Gateway_Name => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Gateway_Object), Candidate_Modules => Root_Iterator, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); -- -- Create gateways for the new modules. -- Gateways.Augment (For_Module => Root_Module, In_Library => Dna.Get_Full_Name (Enclosing_Library), Host => Host, Model => Model, Update_Time => Build_Time, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); end; exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Accept_Changes; procedure Create_Model (Model : in String := ">>ASA Model Name<<"; Host : in String := ">>Machine Name<<"; Into_View : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Create_Model"; S : Ss.Condition; Build_Time : Calendar.Time; Is_A_Combined_View : Boolean; Root_Module : Hchy.Module; The_Action : Action.Id := Action.Start; The_State : Gateways.State; View : Dir.Object; use Dir; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); Check_View_Name (View_Name => Into_View, Action_Id => The_Action, Is_A_Combined_View => Is_A_Combined_View, View_Object => View); if not Is_A_Combined_View then if Dir.Is_Nil (View) then Logger.Negative (Into_View & " is not a combined view"); else Logger.Negative (Dna.Get_Full_Name (View) & " is not a combined view"); end if; end if; Root_Module := Hchy.Make (Identifier => Unix.Simple_Name (Model)); Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); Gateways.Create (For_Module => Root_Module, In_Library => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View) & ".Units", Host => Host, Model => Model, Update_Time => Build_Time, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Create_Model; procedure Import_Model (Model : in String := ">>ASA Model Name<<"; Host : in String := ">>Machine Name<<"; Into_View : in String := "<CURSOR>"; Comments : in String := ""; Work_Order : in String := "<DEFAULT>"; Response : in String := "<PROFILE>") is Subprogram_Name : constant String := "Import_Model"; S : Ss.Condition; Build_Time : Calendar.Time; Is_A_Combined_View : Boolean; Root_Module : Hchy.Module; The_Action : Action.Id := Action.Start; The_State : Gateways.State; View : Dir.Object; use Dir; begin Profile.Set (Response, S); Check_View_Name (View_Name => Into_View, Action_Id => The_Action, Is_A_Combined_View => Is_A_Combined_View, View_Object => View); if not Is_A_Combined_View then if Dir.Is_Nil (View) then Logger.Negative (Into_View & " is not a combined view"); else Logger.Negative (Dna.Get_Full_Name (View) & " is not a combined view"); end if; end if; Logger.Note ("Building module hierarchy for model " & Model); Hchy.Build (Model => Model, Host => Host, Root => Root_Module, Build_Time => Build_Time); Gateways.Initialize (The_State => The_State, Action_Id => The_Action, Work_Order => Work_Order); Gateways.Create (For_Module => Root_Module, In_Library => Dna.Get_Full_Name (View) & ".Units", Host => Host, Model => Model, Update_Time => Build_Time, Comments => Comments, The_State => The_State); Gateways.Finalize (The_State); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => True); exception when Profile.Error => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " is quitting after errors", Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); when others => Logger.Error (Package_Name & Subprogram_Name & " aborted by exception " & Debug_Tools.Get_Exception_Name, Raise_Error => Must_Raise_Error); Action.Finish (The_Action, Do_Commit => False); end Import_Model; end Asa;
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