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Length: 13132 (0x334c) Types: TextFile Notes: R1k Text-file segment
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦631120a6a⟧ └─⟦this⟧ └─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦5a81ac88f⟧ »Space Info Vol 1« └─⟦901a29334⟧ └─⟦this⟧
with Text_Io, Bounded_String; package Lex_Player is type Token is (Id, Command, Unk, Toolong, Lexend); procedure Get_Player (Invite : in String := ""); procedure Init; function At_End return Boolean; procedure Next; function Get_Token return Token; function Get_Value return String; Max_Player_String : constant Positive := 80; end Lex_Player; with Text_Io, Bounded_String; package body Lex_Player is type State is (St_Normal, St_Id, St_2point, St_Command, St_Found); subtype Minuscule is Character range 'a' .. 'z'; subtype Majuscule is Character range 'A' .. 'Z'; subtype Digit is Character range '0' .. '9'; The_Case_Offset : constant := Character'Pos ( 'a' ) - Character'Pos ( 'A' ) ; The_String : String (1 .. Max_Player_String); The_Length : Natural; The_Index : Natural; Current_Value : Bounded_String.Variable_String (Max_Player_String); Current_Token : Token; Lookahead : Boolean; procedure Make_Uppercase ( The_Character : in out Character ) is begin -- Make_Uppercase The_Character := Character'Val ( Character'Pos ( The_Character ) - The_Case_Offset ) ; end Make_Uppercase ; procedure Get_Player (Invite : in String := "") is Longueur : Natural; begin Text_Io.Put_Line (Invite); Text_Io.Get_Line (The_String, The_Length); end Get_Player; procedure Init is begin The_Index := The_String'First - 1; Lookahead := False; end Init; function At_End return Boolean is begin return (The_Index >= The_Length); end At_End; function Get_Value return String is begin return (Bounded_String.Image (Current_Value)); end Get_Value; function Get_Token return Token is begin return (Current_Token); end Get_Token; procedure Get_State_After_2point (Astate : in out State; Achar : in Character) is UpChar:Character; begin if (Achar in Minuscule or Achar in Majuscule) then UpChar:=Achar; if UpChar in Minuscule then Make_UpperCase(UpChar); end if; Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, UpChar); Astate := St_Command; else Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, Achar); Current_Token := Unk; Astate := St_Found; end if; end Get_State_After_2point; procedure Get_Command (Astate : in out State; Achar : in Character) is UpChar:Character; begin if (Achar in Minuscule or Achar in Majuscule) then UpChar:=Achar; if UpChar in Minuscule then Make_UpperCase(UpChar); end if; Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, UpChar); else Lookahead := True; Astate := St_Found; Current_Token := Command; end if; end Get_Command; procedure Get_Id (Astate : in out State; Achar : in Character) is UpChar:Character; begin if (Achar in Minuscule or Achar in Majuscule or Achar in Digit or Achar = '_') then UpChar:=Achar; if UpChar in Minuscule then Make_UpperCase(UpChar); end if; Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, UpChar); else Lookahead := True; Astate := St_Found; Current_Token := Id; end if; end Get_Id; procedure Get_State_After_Normal (Astate : in out State; Achar : in Character) is UpChar:Character; begin UpChar:=aChar; case Achar is when Ascii.Cr | Ascii.Ht | ' ' => Astate := St_Normal; when Majuscule | Minuscule => if UpChar in Minuscule then Make_UpperCase(UpChar); end if; Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, UpChar); Astate := St_Id; when ':' => Astate := St_2point; when others => Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, Achar); Current_Token := Unk; Astate := St_Found; end case; end Get_State_After_Normal; procedure Next is Current_State : State; Current_Char : Character; begin if not (At_End) then Bounded_String.Free (Current_Value); Current_State := St_Normal; Search_Token: loop if not (Lookahead) then The_Index := The_Index + 1; if (The_Index > Max_Player_String) then Current_Token := Toolong; exit Search_Token; end if; else Lookahead := False; end if; Current_Char := The_String (The_Index); case Current_State is when St_Normal => Get_State_After_Normal (Current_State, Current_Char); when St_2point => Get_State_After_2point (Current_State, Current_Char); when St_Command => Get_Command (Current_State, Current_Char); when St_Id => Get_Id (Current_State, Current_Char); when others => Current_Token := Unk; Bounded_String.Append (Current_Value, Current_Char); Current_State := St_Found; end case; exit when Current_State = St_Found; end loop Search_Token; else Current_Token := Lexend; end if; end Next; end Lex_Player; with Bounded_String, Lex_Player; package Interprete is Error_Range_Interprete : exception; type Token is (Id, Command, End_Entry, Fin,Aide, -- User command End_Com, Start_Prep,Start_Com, -- prepositions De, Avec, Par, Vers, Sur, Pour, Ou, Sous, Dans, Du, A, La, Le, Les, Des, Un, Une, Se, End_Prep); subtype Player_Token is Token range Id..Aide; procedure Print_Player_Entry; procedure Get_Player_Entry; procedure Open_Index; procedure Next_Index; function Get_Indexed_Token return Token; function Get_Indexed_Entry return String; function Index_At_End return Boolean; end Interprete; with Text_Io, Bounded_String, Lex_Player; package body Interprete is Max_Player_Entry : constant Positive := 3; subtype Iterator is integer range 1..Max_Player_Entry+1; type Error_List is (No_Error, Caractere_Invalide, Trop_De_Parametres, Commande_Erronee, Commande_Inconnue, Saisie_Trop_Longue); subtype Preposition is Token range Start_Prep .. End_Prep; subtype Commande is Token range Start_Com .. End_Com; type Entry_Element is record A_Token : Token; A_String : Bounded_String.Variable_String (Lex_Player.Max_Player_String); end record; Entry_Table : array (1 .. Max_Player_Entry) of Entry_Element; The_Index :Iterator; function Is_Keyword (The_String : in String) return Boolean is T : Token; begin T := Token'Value (The_String); return True; exception when Constraint_Error => return False; end Is_Keyword; function Keyword_To_Token (Word : in String) return Token is begin if Is_Keyword (Word) then return Token'Value (Word); else return Id; end if; end Keyword_To_Token; procedure Init_Entry_Table is begin for I in Entry_Table'Range loop Entry_Table (I).A_Token := End_Entry; Bounded_String.Free (Entry_Table (I).A_String); end loop; end Init_Entry_Table; procedure Put_Entry_Status (Error_Id : in Error_List) is begin if (Error_Id /= No_Error) then Text_Io.Put_Line (Ascii.bel&"Erreur : " & Error_List'Image (Error_Id) & " !!!"); end if; end Put_Entry_Status; procedure Print_Player_Entry is begin Print_Loop: for I in Entry_Table'Range loop if not (Entry_Table (I).A_Token = End_Entry) then Text_Io.Put_Line (Token'Image (Entry_Table (I).A_Token) & " -> " & Bounded_String.Image (Entry_Table (I).A_String)); else Text_Io.Put_Line (Token'Image (Entry_Table (I).A_Token)); exit Print_Loop; end if; end loop Print_Loop; end Print_Player_Entry; procedure Insert_Player_Token (Table_Index : in Positive; Token_Found : in Token) is begin Entry_Table (Table_Index).A_Token := Token_Found; end Insert_Player_Token; procedure Insert_Player_Entry (Table_Index : in Positive; Str_Found : in String) is begin Bounded_String.Copy (Entry_Table (Table_Index).A_String, Str_Found); end Insert_Player_Entry; function Analyse_Player_Entry return Error_List is The_Index : Positive := Entry_Table'First; T1 : Lex_Player.Token; T2 : Token; begin Lex_Player.Get_Player ("Commande >>"); Lex_Player.Init; Analyse: while not (Lex_Player.At_End) loop Lex_Player.Next; T1 := Lex_Player.Get_Token; case T1 is when Lex_Player.Lexend => exit Analyse; when Lex_Player.Unk => Insert_Player_Token (Entry_Table'First, End_Entry); return (Caractere_Invalide); when Lex_Player.Toolong => Insert_Player_Token (Entry_Table'First, End_Entry); return (Saisie_Trop_Longue); when Lex_Player.Id => T2 := Keyword_To_Token (Lex_Player.Get_Value); if (The_Index > Max_Player_Entry) then Insert_Player_Token (Entry_Table'First, End_Entry); return (Trop_De_Parametres); elsif (T2 not in Preposition) then Insert_Player_Token (The_Index, Id); Insert_Player_Entry (The_Index, Lex_Player.Get_Value); The_Index := The_Index + 1; end if; when Lex_Player.Command => T2 := Keyword_To_Token (Lex_Player.Get_Value); if (The_Index /= Entry_Table'First) then Insert_Player_Token (Entry_Table'First, End_Entry); return (Commande_Erronee); elsif (T2 not in Commande) then Insert_Player_Token (Entry_Table'First, End_Entry); return (Commande_Inconnue); else Insert_Player_Token (The_Index, T2); Insert_Player_Entry (The_Index, Lex_Player.Get_Value); The_Index := The_Index + 1; end if; end case; end loop Analyse; return No_Error; end Analyse_Player_Entry; procedure Get_Player_Entry is begin Init_Entry_Table; Put_Entry_Status (Interprete.Analyse_Player_Entry); end Get_Player_Entry; procedure Open_Index is begin The_Index:=Iterator'First; end; procedure Next_Index is begin If The_Index < Iterator'Last then The_index:=The_Index +1; else raise Error_Range_Interprete; end if; end; function Get_Indexed_Token return Token is begin return (Entry_Table (The_Index).A_Token); end; function Get_Indexed_Entry return String is begin return Bounded_String.Image(Entry_Table(The_Index).A_String); end; function Index_At_End return Boolean is begin return(The_Index > Max_Player_Entry); end; end Interprete; with Text_Io, Bounded_String, Interprete; procedure Main is begin Interprete.Get_Player_Entry; Interprete.Print_Player_Entry; text_io.new_line; text_io.put_line("look entry with iterartor"); Interprete.Open_Index; While not Interprete.Index_At_End loop text_io.put_line(interprete.Token'image(Interprete.Get_Indexed_Token) &"->"&Interprete.Get_Indexed_Entry); Interprete.Next_Index; end loop; end Main