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Length: 30720 (0x7800) Types: Ada Source Notes: 03_class, FILE, R1k_Segment, e3_tag, package body Xlbp_Error, seg_004f59
└─⟦8527c1e9b⟧ Bits:30000544 8mm tape, Rational 1000, Arrival backup of disks in PAM's R1000 └─ ⟦cfc2e13cd⟧ »Space Info Vol 2« └─⟦this⟧
with Xlbt_Arithmetic; use Xlbt_Arithmetic; with Xlbt_Display3; use Xlbt_Display3; with Xlbt_Error; use Xlbt_Error; with Xlbt_Extension; use Xlbt_Extension; with Xlbt_Proc_Var; use Xlbt_Proc_Var; with Xlbt_Rm3; use Xlbt_Rm3; with Xlbt_String; use Xlbt_String; with Xlbp_Proc_Var; use Xlbp_Proc_Var; with Xlbp_Rm; use Xlbp_Rm; with Xlbp_Rm_Name; use Xlbp_Rm_Name; with Xlbit_Library2; use Xlbit_Library2; with Xlbit_Library3; use Xlbit_Library3; with Xlbit_Library4; use Xlbit_Library4; with Xlbmt_Network_Types; use Xlbmt_Network_Types; with Xlbmt_Parameters; use Xlbmt_Parameters; with Xlbmp_Error_Log; use Xlbmp_Error_Log; package body Xlbp_Error is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X Library Error Control -- -- Xlbp_Error - Provides control over error responses within the X Library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 1989 - 1991 by Rational, Santa Clara, California. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. -- Copyright 1987 - 1989 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, -- Cambridge, Massachusetts. -- -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, -- provided that the above copyright notice(s) appear in all copies and that -- both that copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in -- supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital, MIT, or Rational -- not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of -- the software without specific, written prior permission. -- -- Digital, MIT, and Rational disclaim all warranties with regard to this -- software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, -- in no event shall Digital, MIT, or Rational be liable for any special, -- indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from -- loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence -- or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or -- performance of this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- **************************************************************************** -- * Date - /Name/ Comment -- * -- * 7-NOV-90 - /GEB/ Implement the new multitasking protection scheme for -- * - library state. -- **************************************************************************** --\x0c procedure Initialize_Error_Message_Db is begin ----If the database already exists then we're getting more than one call to -- ourselves. More than one task may have looked, all at the same time, -- to see if the database existed. Lock_Mutex (Mutex); -- Lock out all other initializers. if X_Lib_Error_Message_Db /= None_X_Rm_Database then Unlock_Mutex (Mutex); -- Someone else got there first. return; -- Return and use his database. end if; ----No database, read it from the file. If we don't get a database back then -- that's because of an error. Fake an empty database so we won't try again -- and again recursively. declare Status : X_Rm_Status; Fake : X_Rm_Database; Real : X_Rm_Database; begin ----Create an empty database so that X_Rm_Get_File_Database has a way to -- report errors that doesn't recurse infinitely with us. begin Fake := new X_Rm_Database_Rec; exception when others => Unlock_Mutex (Mutex); raise; end; X_Lib_Error_Message_Db := Fake; -- Prevent infinite recursion. X_Rm_Get_File_Database (X_Error_Database, Real, Status); if Real /= None_X_Rm_Database then X_Lib_Error_Message_Db := Real; Free_X_Rm_Database (Fake); end if; if Status /= Rm_Successful then Unlock_Mutex (Mutex); X_Report_Error ("XlibError", "ReadErrorDb", "Error reading error database file: %1", To_X_String (X_Error_Database)); return; end if; ----If we get any exceptions then we must perform damage control. If we have -- no present database then fake an empty one before we report the error. exception when others => if Real /= None_X_Rm_Database then X_Lib_Error_Message_Db := Real; Free_X_Rm_Database (Fake); end if; Unlock_Mutex (Mutex); raise; end; end Initialize_Error_Message_Db; --\x0c function X_Error_List (Error_Code : X_Error_Code) return X_String is begin case Error_Code is when Success => -- No error return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "0", "Not An Error (0)"); when Bad_Request => -- Bad_Request return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "1", "Bad_Request (1, invalid request code or " & "no such operation)"); when Bad_Value => -- Bad_Value return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "2", "Bad_Value (2, integer parameter out " & "of range for operation)"); when Bad_Window => -- Bad_Window return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "3", "Bad_Window (3, invalid Window parameter)"); when Bad_Pixmap => -- Bad_Pixmap return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "4", "Bad_Pixmap (4, invalid Pixmap parameter)"); when Bad_Atom => -- Bad_Atom return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "5", "Bad_Atom (5, invalid Atom parameter)"); when Bad_Cursor => -- Bad_Cursor return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "6", "Bad_Cursor (6, invalid Cursor parameter)"); when Bad_Font => -- Bad_Font return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "7", "Bad_Font (7, invalid Font parameter)"); when Bad_Match => -- Bad_Match return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "8", "Bad_Match (8, invalid parameter attributes)"); when Bad_Drawable => -- Bad_Drawable return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "9", "Bad_Drawable (9, invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)"); when Bad_Access => -- Bad_Access return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "10", "Bad_Access (10, attempt to access " & "private resource denied)"); when Bad_Alloc => -- Bad_Alloc return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "11", "Bad_Alloc (11, insufficient resources for operation)"); when Bad_Color => -- Bad_Color return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "12", "Bad_Color (12, invalid Colormap parameter)"); when Bad_Gc => -- Bad_GC return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "13", "Bad_Gc (13, invalid GC parameter)"); when Bad_Id_Choice => -- Bad_ID_Choice return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "14", "Bad_Id_Choice (14, invalid resource ID " & "chosen for this connection)"); when Bad_Name => -- Bad_Name return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "15", "Bad_Name (15, named color or Font does not exist)"); when Bad_Length => -- Bad_Length return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "16", "Bad_Length (16, poly request too large or" & " internal Xlib length error)"); when Bad_Implementation => -- Bad_Implementation return X_Get_Error_String ("XProtoError", "17", "Bad_Implementation " & "(17, server does not implement operation)"); when others => return "**Unknown Error Code" & To_X_String (Natural'Image (X_Error_Code'Pos (Error_Code))) & "** "; end case; end X_Error_List; --\x0c function X_Get_Error_Database_Text (Display : X_Display; Name : X_String; Message : X_String; Default : X_String) return X_String is Rep : X_Rm_Representation; Result : X_Rm_Value; Db : X_Rm_Database; begin if X_Lib_Error_Message_Db = None_X_Rm_Database then Initialize_Error_Message_Db; end if; X_Rm_Get_Resource (Db, Name & '.' & Message, "ErrorType.ErrorNumber", Rep, Result); if Result /= None_X_Rm_Value then declare Str : constant X_String := Result.V_X_String_Pointer.all; begin return Str; exception when Constraint_Error => null; end; end if; return Default; end X_Get_Error_Database_Text; --\x0c function X_Get_Error_Text (Display : X_Display; Kind : X_Error_Code) return X_String is Ext : X_Extension; Buff1 : constant X_String := To_X_String (X_Error_Code'Image (Kind)); begin declare Buff2 : constant X_String := Buff1 & " : " & X_Get_Error_Database_Text (Display, "XProtoError", Buff1, X_Error_List (Kind)); Buff3 : X_String (1 .. 2000); Buffi : S_Natural := 0; begin Ext := Display.Ext_Procs; while Ext /= null loop-- call out to any extensions if Ext.Error_String /= None_X_Procedure_Variable then declare Buff4 : constant X_String := Proc_Var_X_Error_String_Extension.Call (Proc_Var_X_Error_String_Extension.To_Pv (Ext.Error_String), Display, Kind, Ext.Codes); Buff4_Length : S_Natural := Buff4'Length; begin if Buff4_Length + 2 > Buff3'Last - Buffi then Buff4_Length := Buff3'Last - Buffi - 2; end if; Buff3 (Buffi + 1) := '['; Buff3 (Buffi + 1 + 1 .. Buffi + 1 + Buff4_Length) := Buff4; Buff3 (Buffi + 1 + Buff4_Length + 1) := ']'; Buffi := Buffi + 2 + Buff4_Length; end; end if; Ext := Ext.Next; end loop; if Buffi = 0 then return Buff2; else return Buff2 & Buff3 (1 .. Buffi); end if; end; end X_Get_Error_Text; --\x0c function X_Get_Error_String (Name1 : X_String; Name2 : X_String; Default : X_String) return X_String is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Name1 - Specifies the first part of the error name -- Name2 - Specifies the second part of the error name -- Default - Specifies a default error message string -- -- Called to obtain Name1.Name2 or else Name1.Name2.1 & Name1.Name2.2 & ... -- from the error message database. If we can't find either type of entry -- then we return the Default value. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Error : X_Error_String; Names : X_Rm_Name_Array (1 .. 4); Classes : X_Rm_Class_Array (1 .. 4); Rep : X_Rm_Representation; Value : X_Rm_Value; Db : X_Rm_Database; function Further_Error_Lines (Level : S_Natural) return X_String is ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called to obtain Name1.Name2.2, Name1.Name2.3, etc. from -- the error message database. Our caller has already obtained -- Name1.Name2.1 from there. We return either "" or else -- Lf & Name1.Name2.Level. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level_String : constant X_String := To_X_String (S_Natural'Image (Level)); Rep : X_Rm_Representation; Value : X_Rm_Value; begin Names (3) := X_Rm_String_To_Name (Level_String (Level_String'First + 1 .. Level_String'Last)); X_Rm_Get_Resource (Db, Names, Classes, Rep, Value); if Value = None_X_Rm_Value then return ""; else return Lf & Value.V_X_String_Pointer.all & Further_Error_Lines (Level + 1); end if; end Further_Error_Lines; begin ----Convert our arguments into the proper Quark values so we can query the -- database. Names (1) := X_Rm_String_To_Name (Name1); Names (2) := X_Rm_String_To_Name (Name2); Names (3) := None_X_Rm_Name; Names (4) := None_X_Rm_Name; Classes (1) := X_Rm_String_To_Class ("ErrorType"); Classes (2) := X_Rm_String_To_Class ("ErrorNumber"); Classes (3) := None_X_Rm_Class; Classes (4) := None_X_Rm_Class; ----Lock the X_Lib database. if X_Lib_Error_Message_Db = None_X_Rm_Database then Initialize_Error_Message_Db; end if; ----See if the database has an error message with these simple names. X_Rm_Get_Resource (Db, Names, Classes, Rep, Value); ----If the entry is there then return the string value. if Value /= None_X_Rm_Value then declare Str : constant X_String := Value.V_X_String_Pointer.all; begin return Str; end; ----If the entry is not there then see if Name.Message.1 is there. else Names (3) := X_Rm_String_To_Name ("1"); X_Rm_Get_Resource (Db, Names, Classes, Rep, Value); ----If Name.Message.1 is not there then return the Default. if Value = None_X_Rm_Value then return Default; end if; ----If Name.Message.1 is there then see if Name.Message.2 is there also. declare Str : constant X_String := Value.V_X_String_Pointer.all & Further_Error_Lines (2); begin return Str; end; end if; end X_Get_Error_String; --\x0c function X_Set_Error_Handler (Handler : Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Error_Handler - This function sets the X non-fatal error handler -- (X_Error_Function_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is passed in -- the original error handler is restored. The old routine is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Error_Function; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Error (Display => None_X_Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => True); return Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Error_Handler; --\x0c function X_Set_Error_Handler (Display : X_Display; Handler : Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Error_Handler - This function sets the X non-fatal error handler -- (X_Error_Function_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is passed in -- the original error handler is restored. The old routine is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Error_Function; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Error (Display => Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => False); return Proc_Var_X_Error_Function.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Error_Handler; --\x0c function X_Set_Io_Error_Handler (Handler : Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Set_IO_Error_Handler - This function sets the X fatal I/O error handler -- (X_IO_Error_Function_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is passed in -- the original error handler is restored. The previous routine is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Io_Error (Display => None_X_Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => True); return Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Io_Error_Handler; --\x0c function X_Set_Io_Error_Handler (Display : X_Display; Handler : Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Set_IO_Error_Handler - This function sets the X fatal I/O error handler -- (X_IO_Error_Function_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is passed in -- the original error handler is restored. The previous routine is returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Io_Error (Display => Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => False); return Proc_Var_X_Io_Error_Function.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Io_Error_Handler; --\x0c function X_Set_Report_Handler (Handler : Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Report_Error_Handler - This function sets the handler that prints all -- error messages (X_Error_Report_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is -- passed in the original error handler is restored. The old routine is -- returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Report_Error; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Io_Error (Display => None_X_Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => True); return Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Report_Handler; --\x0c function X_Set_Report_Handler (Display : X_Display; Handler : Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.Pv) return Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.Pv is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- X_Report_Error_Handler - This function sets the handler that prints all -- error messages (X_Error_Report_Pv) to be the specified routine. If NULL is -- passed in the original error handler is restored. The old routine is -- returned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ use Proc_Var_X_Report_Error; Old : X_Procedure_Variable; begin X_Lib.Set_Io_Error (Display => Display, Proc => Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.From_Pv (Handler), Old_Proc => Old, All_Displays => False); return Proc_Var_X_Report_Error.To_Pv (Old); end X_Set_Report_Handler; --\x0c end Xlbp_Error;
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